
MHA: Dual Lives(dropped)

Having Dissociative Identity disorder since young, I was always going to live a hard life, but that didn't stop me from wanting to be a Hero, just like All Might! And today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, where I found out my quirk! And it was a strong one too with a bunch of potential, so how did it turn out, so, bad? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ehem, so hello people, I own nothing, obviously, but I'm going to be doing two stories at a time but I'm going to flip flop between the two and I should get a schedule planned out soon, but anyway I hope you enjoy and I take criticism but not bitching, so good luck to those dudes who are going to waste their time! Also I do not own the cover!

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


(1 Month Later, Owari POV)

It's been a month since I've met Palpatine and I haven't learned much except how to meditate properly and different ways to use my Telekinesis, but it makes sense from the fact I just started, and A.F.O has been training me physically. Right now I'm in control for the day since when I asked Izuku he agreed to hand the control. Walking between classes I see a girl who seemed a Year older with Pale Ash-Blonde hair in two buns, with slit cat type eyes with a cute face and big smile showing sharp canines, while she is cute, that's not what caught my attention, it was her smile, it was fake, and the hate I feel from her was close to my own.

'Interesting, she can be useful if I find out why she feels so much hate and use it to my advantage, along with if her quirk is useful.'I thought to myself, maybe she can be a useful ally to my plans.

(After School)

Arriving in front of A.F.O hideouts I walk in and see him working on something, realizing I'm here he greets me.

"Hello Owari."He said.

"Hello All For One."I replied.

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to meet me during the weekends."He asked.

"Yeah, well I wanted information on someone who could be an ally, but seeing as I know almost nothing about her I wanted to see if she's worth the effort."I explained and he nodded in response.

"Well it works out either way since I was planning to give you this on the weekend, it could be useful now."He said and pulled out a metallic grey laptop which seemed high-grade but I'm still confuse, seeing my face he explains.

"It's a laptop tailor made for you to use whatever you want it for, encrypted so no one will ever be able to hack into it and if someone does it'll release a virus destroying everything, but the most important part is it's connected to my network of information so use it to find out about the person you were speaking off."A.F.O explained and handed it to me.

"This will be useful."I said with a smirk before opening it and see it logged in already.

"Everything is set up already and here is the password."He said handed me a sticky note.

"Thanks All For One."I said and he nodded before going back to work. Getting back home with my laptop in my book bag, I take out the laptop and sit on the sofa.

"Toga Himiko, huh."I mumbled to myself seeing her profile. The only information on her quirk is that it gave her somewhat cat features explaining her eyes and canines, but there's not much after that, it's said she lives in a loving family, the oldest child.

"This isn't right, why would she have so much hate otherwise? There's more to this than showed."I said to myself seeing her profile.

"This needs more investigation."I mumbled, but I don't know how to since I have zero to no stealth skills. Going into my mind scape I focus on Palpatine and arrive at a place familiar to when I first met him.

"I know what you're going to ask and there is a skill for what you need, it's called Mind Trick and it allows you to manipulate whoever you choose to, to do your bidding."He explained and I nodded in response. He started teaching me how to influence a persons mind using Mind Trick, but I also practiced it on random people I happened on the street, I was forced to learn it in that day from the fact Izuku would take control tomorrow.

(Izuku POV)

It's been a month since I changed schools and away from Kaachan, we would still hang-out but only after school. At my new school though I'm a popular among the other kids form the fact of how strong my Quirk is, some people have tried bullying me but I easily stopped them with my Telekinesis given by the force.

I've also been learning how to meditate better and get peace of mind, uninfluenced by emotions, allowing my mind to be clearer and use Telekinesis better. Though if I'm being honest I don't completely agree with the Jedi way, seeing as it makes emotionless robots rather than being human, but I also see how it helps, seeing as the now named Anakin who was supposed to bring peace brought destruction from letting his emotions control him, but who can blame him for losing it really to.

Anyway, after I took control again I found a laptop in one of the drawers of my desk, curious I opened it up and saw an account named Izuku and the other blank, guessing my other personality got this I open my account and got the password from a sticky note under the laptop. Opening it I only saw the basic things, guess he wanted me to customize it myself. Looking at the time I realize I need to get going or else I'll be late so I throw on my uniform and grab my book bag before going to school.


Sorry for late chapter, I've been having... technical difficulty's at life and even if it is rather short I couldn't keep the chapter any longer so yeah, hope you enjoyed and see you next time, from the, Anime_Freac!

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