
MHA: DNA Effect

Well Back again, with an itch inside the head. Heyyy guys, here’s another fic that randomly came in my head in the shower-

ReaperDZero · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Shattered Heart

(His appearance is the cover and Hiii guys I am back again... Well another idea popped and as usual here we are.)

QUIRKLESS: is a term that describes someone who was born without any Quirks whatsoever.

That's the official definition, but to 4-year-old Izuku, it had a different interpretation. To him it was the word that shattered his dreams, his hope and most of all his innocence.

It was Ironic that in a world of people with powers, abilities, and random mutations, the person born completely normal would be called the freak. 80 years ago people with with natural pink hair would be exotic yet now people walk around with shark faces as if it's completely normal, Hell the police commissioner is a Dog.

Izuku Midoriya was a young and extremely innocent child, with green tinted black hair, forest green eyes and freckled complexion, basically the definition of a cinnamon bun.

He had fallen in love with All Might, and Hero's in general from the day he was old enough to understand the modern hero/villain society, vowing to one day use the Quirk he would develop to become a savior to all around him, or so that was the plan.

When his doctor had said that fateful word - Quirkless – Izuku's hopeful face shattered in his office, only breaking down that night while watching All Might's first appearance video. Tears streamed down his face while his mom cradled him in her arms, Inko Midoriya silently begging whatever gods or beings that would listen, to change this, have them discover it was a mistake, that the Doctor…. no, that everyone was wrong!

Time, it seemed, proved everyone right. Years passed, Izuku went from a young chubby cheeked 4-year-old, to a scrawny and tired 9-year-old, beaten down for something beyond his control. Oh, and how he had tried to change that, he spent day's worth of time over the years, trying to get his Quirk to show, whether that was through trying to pick up objects with his mind, or breathing fire from his mouth, Izuku practiced everything under the sun, becoming obsessed with different Quirks, all to see if he could make his appear. Notebook after notebook, filled to the brim with the Quirks of hero's, villains, and people in general, along with detailed notes worthy of a Highschool Scholar. Nothing ever changed.

And so, this takes us to Spring of Izuku's Fifth year in school, less than a month into class, and already Bakugou was glad to have his punching bag back.

Bakugou "Kacchan" Katsuki, Izuku's first friend. The two met through their parents and spent the better part of their early days playing games, exploring creeks and forests, all while dreaming of the day their Quirks would develop. Only, Izuku's never did, while Bakugou got one of the flashiest and most powerful Quirks one could obtain: Explosions. All around him people praised him, classmates, and teachers alike. His ego grew with every word, while his fondness for Izuku decreased just as rapidly.

"I am the best, I'm going to be the best."Bakugou thought. "So, since I'm the best, that must mean that Izuku, no…. Deku, is the worst!"

Kacchan, as Deku still so hopelessly called him, spent the next few years doing everything in his power to force that belief upon his worthless classmate. Verbal abuse was just the start, regardless of whether he could use his Quirk or not, Bakugou was physically stronger than Deku ever could be. It became child's play to turn the hopeful child, with bright wonder filled eye's, into a run ragged punching bag, with eye's that looked more appropriate on a war veteran, someone who had seen one too many fights in his life.

Over the break, Mrs. Midoriya always kept Izuku busy and away from his "friends," doing her best to give him some peace before school started up again. Now that class was back in though, and Deku was once again butting his nose in where it didn't belong - standing up for kids despite having no Quirk to his name - Bakugou could vent his frustrations out once more. He couldn't use his quirk, not really, otherwise the teachers would intervene. But Bakugou grabbing Izuku by the collar, beating him black and blue, while his "crew" stood back and watched, well…. that was just "boys being boys."

This time, the group of friends were "playing" behind the jungle gym, far out of sight of anyone else.

"You just never learn do you, stupid Deku!" Bakugou spat, his right-hand crackling with barely contained explosions, while his left held Izuku by his collar.

Izuku lifted his head meekly, "Y-you were stealing Ouchi-sans l... l… Ouchi-sans lunch money, Kacchan, you can't jus-" But his words died in his throat as Bakugou delivered a punch to Deku's gut. Izuku for his part, fell out of Bakugou's grip, doubling over on the ground.

Peering down Bakugou practically growled at the Quirkless loser beneath him. "I decide what I can and can't fucking do! Besides that, fat Idiot always brings food from home, he doesn't need money for more!"

That's not your choice to make Bakugou! The tired Izuku wanted to say, but he was too busy keeping down his lunch.

Bakugou's lips pulled back into his trademark cheshire smile, "C'mon Deku, Stand up! If you're not so worthless, stand up and face me!"

Midoriya kneeled there, but not because he couldn't summon the energy to stand, but simply because he couldn't decide if it was better to just let Kacchan win. To sit there in the dirt where he belonged, a worthless waste of space; Deku, as his "best friend" had put it.

But that's not who I am…

Rising to his feat, Midoriya raised his head once again, standing on shaky legs he gripped his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white. Piercing green orbs met fiery red eye's, and Izuku stared Bakugou down with ever ounce of determination he had.

"The essence of a Hero Kacchan: is meddling when you don't need to. For as long as there are people who need my help, I will help them, even if it means standing up to you!"

The words fell from Izuku's mouth, and by the end of his statement, a watery smile had spread across his face.

Not a second later, Bakugou slugged Izuku across the jaw, causing his head to jerk back, and his body to follow as he hit the ground with a solid thud.

"WORTHLESS DEKU!" Bakugou spat, as his eye's shot down to his still clenched fist. Fresh blood poured from the top of his hand, it seemed that he had cut himself across Deku's teeth during the punch.

"Got damn Deku! I drop you like a doormat with just my fists, and you still believe you can be a hero!" Bakugou stalked over to Izuku's limp form, ignoring the red liquid dripping from his knuckles. "Nerd , you are Worthless! Weak! A COMPLETE WASTE OF SPACE!" Ever insult was punctuated by a kick to Deku's side, no doubt leaving some nice new bruises.

Bakugou had expected a response, a groan of pain, something, but Izuku just lied there, a motionless mass. Leaning down, Bakugou began shaking Izuku, trying to get him to react.

Birds chirped nearby, sounds of kids playing in the background could still be heard, and the wind rustled the leaves, but Izuku was silent and motionless.

Worry began to enter the mind of the boy with supposedly unwavering confidence, he checked Izuku over. Turning his head to face upwards, instead of to the side, he noticed the blood smeared around Izuku's mouth.

Maybe it's just my own? Bakugou thought.

Next, he took in the darkened skin, taking shape on Deku's cheeks from where his punch had connected, the bruise already starting to form. Finally, he noticed Izuku's eye's….

For their part, Bakugou's crew had stood back and let their "ring leader" do his work. Deku was his punching bag, and while they agreed he was worthless, no one got between Bakugou and his "prey." But when said boy jumped back, eye's wide, and an expression of horror on his face, they knew something was wrong.

Stepping closer, the three kids joined Bakugou in looking at Izuku's face, and it was clear what had scared him so bad.

Izuku's normally bright green orbs were grey and vacant, like a second set of foggy translucent eye lids had settled over his eye's. No movement, no recognition, just a thousand-yard stare that chilled everyone present to the bone.

At best Izuku looked like he was in a trance, at worst, he looked....
