
MHA: Denki's true potential

always felt like denki's quirk was wasted, elctrokenesis has so much potential. so I thought it would be cool to explore a more mature and focused, as well as obviously smarter, Denki learning how to use his quirk properly to become the badass he deserves to be. never written any fanfiction before so any constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated please

Jshn · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Practical Exam 1

Pulling up outside the imposing walls of Battle Center A, all the passengers were finally able to get a scale for what they would be working with. An entire small city lay ahead of them, with street after street lined with tall,stark buildings lacking any differences from one to the next.

The sheer scale was impressive, leaving the prospecting students in awe. Denki, like the rest, was impressed with the scope of U.A. but he had no time to stare open mouthed like the others as his attention lay fully on the test at hand.

Soon creaking could be heard as the large doors blocking their entrance into the city opened. A mad scramble began as all the participants raced to get into the city first. Denki stood still, taking a deep breath he let his senses roam outwards, feeling the electrical field all around him.

Snapping his eyes open, he sped off at inhuman speeds quickly passing everyone else as they were left stunned in his wake. Turning round a corner Denki came face to face with his first oponent, a single pointer robot. Moving fast he ran straight up to it, faster than it could process and reached out with his hand.

A build up of electrical currents swarmed his palm as he pushed it into the cold steel of the one pointer. With loud fizz and visible black smoke rising into the air, the fight was over in a second.

'Hmmm well that was easy, but it was only a one pointer.. maybe the others are much harder to fight.' Denki thought to himself as he was already in the process of finding his next target through the current.

Like that Denki managed to quickly take out multiple one pointers as well as any two pointers, having yet to run into any three pointers, Denki was get a lttle upset at how boring it had been for him so far. "They're barely even worth fighting for." With this in mind he came up with a new strategy.

Finding the tallest building Denki ran at it as fast as he can before building up a current on the souls of his feet and the building surface, making a magnetic like affect. With this he ran up the side of the building before settling at the top, overlooking the whole city.

"Ahhh, much better. Now lets see what we got here." The view from the building was great, allowing Denki to see for 100s of meters in every direction. The large concrete jungle was open to him now and with his hightened senses he could see and feel almost 20 bots from here.

Pushing his senses further he was able to figure out that fourteen of them were one pointers, five two pointers and only a single three pointer. Acting fast before others started to engage the bots Denki started building up electrical charge before discharging it around his hands again.

This time though, instead of simply leaving it here, he closed his eyes and focused on the image of a needle. Small, thin and deadly sharp, the perfect weapon against any oponent. Most wouldn't even see it, before it was too late.

Slowly the arcing electricity started to gather in larger and larger arcs, before slowly seperating from Denki's hands. Denki's face scrunched under the pressure of his concentration, one slip and it would all be gone. Small, crude needle of vibrant yellow lightning formed around him.

Fourteen small strips, 5 thin needles and a single giant and incredibly sharp needle formed around him, covering the area around his body in a deadly display of might. They were crude and imperfect but still identifiable as needles all the same. Flashing his eyes open, Denki released his projectiles in a great volley. As fast as lightning they shot off in all directions, carefully controlled to reach their targets.

Taking short harsh breaths, Denki kept control with the raging electric needles as much as he could, the difficulty immense. Nine hit dead center of the single pointer bots incapacitating them immediately before imploding in a violent explosion.

Eight hit higher around the head but still the results were the same. The last two pointers went down easily enough too, now it was down to the three pointer, the golden needle racing directly at it, Denki putting most of his attention in getting this one to hit meant it hit dead center yet again.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,


A cacophony of noise as all the single pointer exploded, then the two pointers went before finally a ground shaking eruption.


The three pointer was down. The view from where Denki stood was magnificent, as blast after blast set off like miniature fireworks lighting up the city streets and bursting eardrums of any too close to the blast zone.

Denki just smiled. Sweat poured down his back as he struggled, gulping in large breaths of air like a fish out of water. This technique was new to Denki, he had never practiced with such range before. Taking a second to admire his handy work, Denki took a moment to catch his breath some more.

"With.. my... current sta..mina I maybe... have one more of.. those in me." He struggled to get out as he felt his body tire at the sheer effort of creating and then controlling lightning, something known for its uncontrollabilty.

"Figuring out that if I can create an ion channel, creating a path of least resistence for my lightning needles was a stroke of luck." Denki thought openly as he swelled with pride for his new technique, one that boosted his versatility no end. Before now he had mainly had to be a brawler, as his lightning lost its power and accuracy at any range, he used his electricity as cloak that he could roughly form around him shocking anyone who came to close and making his punches much more deadly.

Sighing in contentment, he took a step off the ledge. Catching himself, he raced down the building before moving on to the next area. Along the way Denki saw a few people straining hard against their bots, sending quick charges out he managed to stun the bots allowing each of them to take down their oponent, before anyone could thank him though he would have already sped of to the next location.

Again he climbed to the top before spreading his senses out before sending out small lightning needles to dispatch yet a load more bots, watching the show from above once again, Denki couldn't help but smile as he saw all the hard work of years past paying off in such a beautiful explosive way.


In the control panel for the practical exam. Multiple screens could be seen watching every angle of the many battle centers as they unfolded before them. However in the center of them all were several monitors focused on individual people.

The room was dark, illuminated only by the screens light. Chairs were filled by many assessors watching the fighting closely to work out who scored ehat points, while at the back there were some who simply seemed to be here to watch out of interest.

One such person sat on a large seat in the middle of the control room, demanding attention and respect. Yet, while the chair was large, the man in it was anything but. His small fram covered in white wiry fur, dressed in a suit without the jacket. His face that of a mouses but with too much intelligence glinting behind the eyes, a large scar racing down from one of them.

This was the Principle and founder of U.A. highschool, Nezu. As he sat there, a single screen took up his entire focus. The monitor showed a young boy with striking blonde hair, a black lightning strike working its way through. The display he had put on was beyond impressive, it was terrifying.

"Interesting, so is this why he refused the special recomendation. To test himself against our exam. Hmmm, interesting." Nezu mumbled to himself. "What was that Nezu!" The booming voice of All Might sounding out behind him. "Oh nothing, nothing. Just an interesting group we have here is all, Toshinori." Nezu responded absently as he remained glued to the monitor.

"HA HA HA, YES, with young midorya there what more could you expect, HA HA HA!" All Might boisterously replied, completely ignorant of Nezu's focus. Although after saying that Toshi took a second to see how Midorya was doing. A cold sweat washed over him as his face became ashen. "Oh no, come on young Midorya, you can do it." He thought aloud more to himself than anyone else.

"Hmmm well I think it is about time, release the 0 pointers." Nezu's voice rang out in the silence as the adjudicators responded to his command.

"Time to see what person you really are... Denki."