
MHA: Copy & Clone

MHA Copy & Clone unfolds as the riveting tale of David, reborn into the enigmatic world of My Hero Academia, inhabiting the body of Neito Monoma. Tasked with exploring the intricate nuances of justice in a realm of heroes and villains, David grapples with the complexities of morality, power, and societal constructs.

Airstingray · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: New World

Awareness slowly seeped into my consciousness, and I found myself confined in what felt like a tight and dark cocoon. Disoriented yet strangely curious, I observed a glimmering light at the end of the mysterious tunnel before me. An introspective thought crossed my mind – was this the threshold to the afterlife, the infamous light at the end of the tunnel? With nothing left to tether me to my past life, I instinctively moved towards the beckoning glow.

In an explosion of colors and cacophony, I emerged from the confines of darkness and into a world ablaze with stimuli. The transition was abrupt, overwhelming my senses. A giant hand enveloped me, and I involuntarily succumbed to the sudden surge of emotions, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. The vibrant hues and myriad noises assaulted my senses, leaving me momentarily disoriented. Amidst the symphony of sights and sounds, I discerned a muffled voice, the words eluding me as my eyes and ears grappled to adjust to this burst of newfound stimulus.

I found myself cradled in the arms of a nurse with gentle hands and a comforting presence. Her crisp white uniform mirrored the clinical environment, a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos that had welcomed me into this new existence. Blinking against the harsh light, I attempted to focus on the nurse's face, my eyes adjusting to the surroundings.

Her words flowed in a melodic cadence, a language rooted in Asian origins. At first, the linguistic nuances eluded me – was it Chinese, Korean, or something else entirely? Ah, no, the familiarity dawned on me like a revelation; it was Japanese. My ears, still acclimating to the newfound reality, had momentarily struggled to decipher the linguistic melody. The realization hit, and a hint of self-amusement danced in my thoughts. You see, I had immersed myself in the realm of anime, nurturing a peculiar fascination that transcended mere fandom. In my quest to absorb the intricacies of the culture, I had delved into learning Japanese as a second language, fueled by the whimsical dream of someday venturing to the land where cherry blossoms bloomed and anime stories came to life.

My attention returned to the nurse, and a peculiar observation unfolded before me: she possessed distinct cat-like features, complete with slitted eyes and pristine white cat ears adorning the crown of her head. A subtle pondering settled in my thoughts – were cat girls a common occurrence in this fantastical new world where I found myself reborn? My gaze then shifted towards another nurse, who extended a healing hand over the woman I could only presume to be my new mother. A soft, green glow emanated from her palms, casting a soothing aura that seemed to alleviate the pain etched on my mother's face.

Redirecting my focus to the woman who would play a pivotal role in my life, I observed my mother. She possessed stick-straight blond hair framing a round face, and her eyes, the color of a clear sky, glistened with a warmth that suggested a deep well of care. My attention then shifted to my father, a tall and sharply featured man with striking blue eyes and short, straight brown hair. His nervous demeanor, evident in the way he glanced between his wife and me, painted a portrait of a man caught in the delicate balance of anticipation and concern.

These became my newfound caretakers in this uncharted chapter of my existence. My focus once again shifted to the nurses, unraveling the intricacies of their unique features and powers. Strangely absent were any discernible abilities from my parents; perhaps powers were not universal, or they manifested in subtler ways. As my mind swirled with contemplation, the nurse interjected with an announcement, "Well, Mrs. and Mr. Monama, the baby is healthy."

Monama, the name echoed in my consciousness, triggering a sense of familiarity. It struck me – Neito Monama. A wave of recognition crashed over me like a flood, and the realization dawned – I was in My Hero Academia! Memories of watching the show with my brother flooded back, bringing a mix of nostalgia and excitement. Reflecting on the peculiarities of the fandom, I acknowledged its eccentricities but embraced the joy it brought. Amidst these musings, my mother spoke, "Such a beautiful baby. I think I'll name you Nieto."

A jolt surged through me. Wait, Nieto Monama? It couldn't be... WAIT, I am Neito Monoma from MHA! The revelation hit with the force of a quirk-powered punch. A surge of exhilaration coursed through me – the chance to inhabit a character I admired. I pondered the implications. Was this the canon universe, or had I veered into an alternate reality? What ripple effects would my transmigration bring to this fictional universe I had so fervently enjoyed? The opportunity to reshape Monoma's underutilized quirk fueled my excitement, a chance to rectify what I perceived as a narrative oversight. As I grappled with the implications of my unexpected journey, the vast possibilities of this MHA adventure stretched out before me like an unexplored frontier.

Suddenly, my consciousness begins to wane, drifting into the embrace of unconsciousness, the weight of ceaseless thoughts proving too much for my newborn body to bear. In one final glance, I lock eyes with my new parents, and as the tendrils of slumber envelop me, excitement pulses through my tiny heart. Amidst the anticipation of this new life, the shadow of my brother's tragic past takes residence in the recesses of my burgeoning subconscious.