
MHA Code: Unknown

Sakamaki Izayoi is bored with his regular life. Quirk Restriction Law doesn't allow normal citizens to use their powers publically. So, on advice he decides to enroll in U.A. High, the most prestigious hero academy to get a license to use his powers freely. Note: Both MHA and Izayoi Sakamaki are creation of their respective owner. I wanted to try writing something with Izayoi for long time, he is a overpowered character and not much fanfics about him. The anime didn't do well for god knows what reason. TAGS: Strong MC, School life, Superpowers, pranks, Villains, Heroes, My Hero Academia

Hemant01 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 25: Sports Festival(10)

"What's your take on this fight Eraserhead?"

"Both are strong candidates"

'Izayoi has overall balanced quirk if one were to read the description only. His max outputs are comparable to All mights punches.'

"Both have similar fighting spirit, they rely on their instincts, and know the best use of their quirks. The only thing where they differ is…their reason to fight."

"And what might that be?"

"Bakugo though is hot tempered from what I can see fights to become hero but I don't see such drive from Izayoi…maybe I am wrong about that"



Both ran towards each other, their feet only touched the ground only once when they were standing before the match begin.


"Look at that, the match has only began and we are witnessing such spectacle!!"

'Gotta end this fast' Bakugo


Bakugo backed off when he sensed izayoi's presence coming from behind.

The thought to attack came to his mind but a mild attack wouldn't be a hassle to his opponent.

And he would be in a disadvantageous position.

"Try dodging this!"

Izayoi tore huge chunks of concrete from arena and began showering it down at Bakugo at high speed.

"Audience see this, its the same attack Izayoi performed against Tokoyami in round 1"


Bakugo was using his explosion to break all the concrete rocks.

'Dammit! Bastard'

He cursed under his breath, 'it's too fast'

The concrete rocks weren't merely tossed at him, Izayoi was kicking them at 100 m/s

Izayoi could go faster than this but he was doing at a pace, his opponent would be able to handle it.

Even then the rocks would crush the entire human body if Bakugo misses any of them.


"He is using that move again?" Izuku took out his notebook to note down

"I think it's a lot faster than when he threw them at me"

"Do you think bakugo will come out fine after this?"

"Don't know, moves than can cause serious injuries are not allowed but I don't think any one can survive such fierce attack"


"Huff! Huff!!"

"You look out of breath? Want some rest?"

Izayoi's taunts seemed to work like a charm, Bakugo was reinvigorated.

The decision to put some gap between him and izayoi proved to be a bad one.

"Come, you bastard"

The arena was in shambles, few fights were witnessed without causing some kind of destruction to the arena.

But the matches in which these two fought.

The destruction was on another level.

Bakugo's fight with Uraraka and Todoroki

Izayoi's fight with Takoyami

And now their current match.

"Now want to go close quarters?"

Bakugo launched himself through the air.

'Will he change his direction?'

'That kind of trick won't work on me though'

Bakugo also realized a half assed attack after changing his direction is meaningless.

A dragged out fight is just asking for a loss, I would be a fool to not acknowledge that.

He begin to use his explosion to rotate himself in rotation increasing his speed and the built up attack.



"Midnight!" Cementos 

His spin increased with each explosion the tornado was sucking the air from surrounding to act as fuel for his final explosion. 

The attacks was magnitudes stronger than his previous show, he was pushing his limits.

Straining his muscles, bones, quirk all at once.

"That's what I was talking about. If you survive I will give you 50 marks. Now take this…."

'I should also name my attack'


"Stop them" Midnight signaled Cementos and also tore his sleeve spreading sleep inducing aroma.

15 layers of 3 feet thick concrete walls were conjured between them.



"What's Happening?!" Hagakure

"Is this even allowed?!" Uraraka


"Shouldn't they stop the match" Mina

"How much off the charts are these two?" asked Kirishima

"Is this real?" 



"Even the air became heated. What a BLAST, CAn't even see a thing."

"HAs the match decided?"

"Tch!" midnight felt the shockwave too, she fell off her platform.

The 15 layered 3 feet thick cement walls conjured by Cementos were in rubbles.

And this was caused by first year students not professional heroes or 3rd years who have much more experience with their quirks.

There was nothing left of arena.

The center stadium looked like it has withstood bombardment for prolonged period.

When the dust began to thin out.

Bakugo was unconscious with multiple visible injuries.

Izayoi on the other hand was standing his ground.

"Bakugo is unconscious and can no longer fight"

"Izayoi is the winner!!" Midnight declared the results.

'Unconscious, then 25 points. Better luck next time' 

