
MHA: Clairvoyance

A not so typical story of a man reincarnated into the MHA world with a sentient AI in his soul. ... This story is a unique take on MHA fanfic, with an AU MHA world which is a mix of MHA and Supernatural worlds. When I say supernatural, it is mostly Original, which is a blend of various fiction across the platforms. ... I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm doing my best to make my fiction as readable as possible and will continue to do. It would be a slow burn as you might've guessed. But not as slow as a snails pace. So, buckle up. ... Do remember to leave a review if you find my content satisfactory.

random_Scribbler · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6- Sense?

The complexity of human biology has always been a subject of fascination for scientists. On a cosmic scale, humans may seem insignificant, but from a human perspective, their existence is undeniably captivating.

Despite being one of the most fragile sentient races in the cosmos, humans have managed to persevere through numerous extinction-level threats. Their resilience, tenacity, and adaptability have astounded both gods and mortals.

Unlike many other races, humans are primarily biological creatures. This biological nature initially left them vulnerable to the hands of supernaturals who exploited their limitations, treating them like cattle. However, during this dark period, numerous champions emerged from different corners of the world. These champions refused to bow down to oppression and fought back.

Remarkably, every one of these champions, without exception, ascended to the pinnacle of human potential and transcended it, entering the realm of the supernatural. They became far more powerful than your typical supernatural beings.

With the intervention of these champions and some benevolent deities, the world was eventually restored to peace. However, as time passed, these champions faded into the annals of history, becoming mere legends and myths.

Although their remnants still exist in the modern world, they remain hidden from the world. But as the world was once again plunged into chaos, they started to emerge one by one. But the most remarkable of them all remained hidden from the prying eyes of humanity.


These extraordinary humans drew their power from various sources. Some were bestowed with knowledge and abilities by the gods themselves, while others achieved their strength through extensive research and unwavering dedication, without any supernatural assistance.

One of these sources was known as "Qi," a unique form of energy created by the fusion of life force and the mana of the world. Mastering Qi was an exceptionally challenging endeavor, numerous lives were lost in the perfection of this art. But it granted humans unimaginable strength, enabling them to stand on equal footing with the mightiest of supernaturals.

Although the secrets of Qi were unearthed and annexed by supernaturals. They still remained as one of the cores of humanity's strength in the supernatural community as a whole.

What Ciel did was pretty straightforward. She stored the excess life force she simulated from Aito's body, mixed it with the bioelectricity she could control, and then released it into the atmosphere in a straightforward manner.

Like an EMP. there was nothing modern that could detect or hinder this. 

It was a crude imitation of what Yuuki showed Aito when she took him across the sky for the first time.

Despite being crude, it achieved the purpose she thought of. She obtained enough data to improve the process, and she mapped all of this big mansion.

However, there were some unexpected variables... like everyone in the mansion noticing what they were doing! Although she expected someone to notice, like Yuuki and Tao whom she was aware dealt with this type of energy. She didn't expect everyone in the mansion to notice, even the guest raccoon and his bodyguards…

Although Mizuki didn't seem to have noticed... Ciel took note of that to discuss it with Aito at a later date. They had far more pressing concerns at the moment.

It's as they say, science is an advanced version of 'fuck around and find out'. The more you fuck around, the more you find out. You should always be ready to face the consequences. Although calling this science would be a stretch…

So, like the diligent assistant Ciel was, she went incognito mode as soon Tao opened the door, knowing fully well what was coming next.

Ciel couldn't help but find it amusing how Aito's usual nonchalant expression changed when he was scolded. However, she couldn't pinpoint why, as she didn't like the feeling of being an accomplice when Aito alone got scolded.

Was it guilt perhaps? As for whom she felt entitled to… she didn't know.

"…I'm sorry," Aito mumbled in a low voice as Tao chastised him.

[…] It was definitely Aito she felt entitled to.

"…" Tao looked at Aito's dejected figure, it was indeed pitiful seeing Aito's always cheerful figure this dejected, but she couldn't back out of scolding him. She can't let her son be this reckless.

No, she needed to put a stop to his antics now. He was putting his own life in danger.

"I know you're smarter and more mature than your peers, but I didn't know that meant you'll be entering your rebellious phase sooner too."

"…" Aito just stayed silent. He was looking down at the ground, not daring to look at Tao's glacier eyes.

"…" Tao had already checked Aito's body for any abnormalities the moment she entered the bedroom, and to her relief, he was safe and sound.

"Sigh," Tao let out a sigh and sat on the edge of Aito's bed, next to the dejected Aito.

She stroked his hair gently as she continued.

"I don't know how you are doing it, but you shouldn't mess with your body like that. It's dangerous." Tao's voice grew gentler by the second, concern oozing from her voice.

"We've already talked about this last time, didn't we?"

Aito nodded, but the defiance still lingered in his body posture.

Last time, when Aito got a little bruise from slipping on the floor, Yuuki had used her Qi to quickly heal them, but the ever-curious balls that were Ciel and Aito tried to mess with the energy, which resulted in an astonished expression from Yuuki and a subsequent scolding, an earful of how dangerous the stunt was.

Aito was very sensitive towards every energy he came in contact with. Tao and Yuuki learned it the hard way. But this otherwise joyous piece of news wasn't nearly as pleasant in Aito's situation.

"Don't do that again, you hear me?"

"But… it wasn't dangerous," Aito mumbled, his voice lowering as he spoke.

[It was 100% safe.] Ciel chimed in, seemingly coming out of her cave to give Aito some assurance. Although her voice was unusually low.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." Tao said, her eyes narrowing. It seems like her son had more knowledge in this subject… the Audacity.

"I Know it wasn't dangerous, I made sure of that," Aito said with confidence, his chin raising as he looked at Tao's slitted eyes. Only to lower it down because of the intensity of Tao's gaze.

"I'm not that reckless," Aito mumbled this part, But Tao heard him quite clearly.

[Neither Am I.]  Ciel's words were but a mumble at this point.


Aito wasn't one to justify his mistakes. He never tried to justify his actions if he knew he was wrong.

Tao knew that, everyone in this mansion knew that. He was particularly loved by the servants because of that trait of his.

He can be quite calculative at times too, a full-time professor working in this mansion as a maid proved that point. In that aspect, he really did resemble his father…

Tao shook off the unpleasant feelings that were bubbling up inside her. Regardless, for Aito to insist on something like this would only mean that he was very confident in his claims, or he was just that ignorant.

Tao decided to extend an olive branch.

"Show it to me!" Tao said and Aito looked at her with sparkling eyes. The brimming confidence was the last thing Tao had to worry about right now.

"I'll be the judge of whether it's safe or not," Tao said as her pupils formed a vertical line at it's center and slit open.

"Yes." But to Aito, he didn't see any change of Tao's appearance. Although Ciel felt a change in the atmosphere, but she decided to stash the data for later.

There was no need for useless debate when results could show for themselves.

Tao decided to walk towards her study after she instructed two servants to keep a watch on Aito. Although she just confirmed that there was nothing to be concerned about, having one or more contingency plans was always better.

she didn't mind the wincing expression on the servants' faces as the wave of qi brushed past them.

Saying Tao was stunned would be an understatement of the century. The immaculate control and eye for precision Aito just displayed over such a crude and unstable Qi was enough for her to sit in silence for a second.

This truly was two birds with one stone situation, possibly three.

She, even with her experience and knowledge, Tao couldn't pinpoint just how exactly Aito did that. Although she had a vague understanding. She didn't try prying further because of Aito's complication, and Aito's explanation was anything but coherent.

Aito's usage of Qi sense was still crude, but he was improving a lot faster than the most talented genius she had ever witnessed. If the first time, Aito's Qi sense felt like a war drum to her senses, now it had regressed to that of a concert drum. And it was getting less and less intense as the time went on.

The less elite people in the mansion already couldn't sense Aito's qi wave, he was getting magnitudes better with each passing second. 

And it only furthered Tao's astonishment. Aito wasn't a dragon who commanded mana with every breath, he wasn't a divine spawn who wielded the world's laws from their mother's womb… he was a simple human. Okay, maybe his ancestry is a bit complicated, but his mother's bloodline could hardly come close to the vibrant Qi Aito was wielding right now.

Tao opened the door to her study as she looked at Yuuki who was calmly sipping a tea. It was amusing to see the usually playful mature women wincing at the wave of Qi coated with some sort of charge washed past them every so often.

Tao had given Aito the green flag to go forward with his 'experiments' but, she couldn't help but wonder if he was abusing it a little.

"Oh, you're back."

Yuuki Greeted Tao with a warm smile as she sipped on her warm tea.

"I am." Tao took a seat behind her table as she took out a cigar from the drawer.

"I suppose the talk went well?"

"It did, and what do you know? Our son is a once-in-a-lifetime genius when it comes to Qi sensitivity and manipulation. Possibly every energy type from what I could gather."

"…" Yuuki once again winced as a wave of Qi washed over them. But she wasn't that much surprised.

"I'm Glad I didn't make him come in contact with my Mana as often, otherwise 'that rat' would be standing on our doorstep right now."

"Hahaha, I'm glad. Our son is a once-in-a-lifetime genius. What a joyous occasion, we should put together a Twilight banquet." Yuuki proposed as her expression resembled that of a medieval noble lady who was showing off a façade of calmness.

"hahaha" And what do you know, Tao wasn't one to back down.


"Why the Fuck is he still doing that?" Yuuki practically screamed as she once again winced at the wave of Qi that washed them.

it was far less in intensity than before, it felt less vibrant and far more controlled. But to veterans like Yuuki and Tao, it felt like a glaring lighthouse still.

"HAHAHA." Tao burst out into genuine burst laughter as opposed to the elegant and fake bought of laughter, she was partaking in a moment prior. She even dropped the lighter she was lighting her cigar with.

Tao could only imagine how Yuuki, who was blessed by Yggdrasil herself would be feeling right now, as she was particularly sensitive towards Qi as her blessing entailed.

"Relax, he's fine. In fact, his stunt is doing him far more good than harm at this point."

"…Explain," Tao said as she once again sat on the couch. Despite her previous outburst, her tea was relatively unharmed.

"Aito has some sort of control over his own body,"

"Like his mother?"

"Unlike his mother, it's far more precise. To an unimaginable degree. I'm pretty sure Uzume would love to get her hands on him." [1] Tao's eyes glinted for a second, but it quickly faded away.

"…" Yuuki raised her eyebrow, but Tao continued.

"He's, unknowingly or knowingly, simulating his life essence to make some excess lifeforce -which wouldn't affect his daily life in any way- and store it separately. He's storing them away like it isn't connected to him at all."

"Like a Dantian?" Yuuki was an expert in this subject,

"Unlike a Dantian, he isn't storing them in his metaphysical organ. He's using something as an expendable battery, something related to his upper Dantian and mind eye perhaps? I don't know precisely; I didn't want to risk a deep search. And no, it isn't his quirk, he's unlikely to develop a quirk at this point."

Putting aside the mind-numbing possibilities Tao just mentioned, Yuuki focused on the more important part.

"So, you're saying he's eventually run out of juice."

"…Yes, But I don't know for how long though…, and it's replenishable… Geez, it looks like you're far more sensitive than I thought you'd be."

"Oh, you wouldn't know."

"I wouldn't know… anyway. The best part is, every time he's stimulating his life essence, it feels like he's pushing his mother's lineage down by a notch."

Yuuki's eyes twitched at Tao's nonchalance. But at the same time, she had a pleasant smile on her face, at what Tao just said. That was one of their worries after all. 

"Either way, it's a win-win for us. I didn't teach him any efficient way for him to use the Qi, not that I would be of any help when an expert like you is here. So, he'll be doing experiments on his own for some time being till he perfects the technique. You know him, he'll be preoccupied with that for the moment."

But Yuuki's pleasant smile didn't linger much longer, as she had far more pressing matters to point out.

"So, you're telling me to put up with the feeling of being tazed till he perfects his technique."

Yuuki was particularly sensitive towards anything lifeforce-related due to her blessing. Since Qi is something derived from life force, she was very sensitive toward anything related to them. Which was also the foundation upon which her strength was built.

Since Aito's Qi contained traces of his bioelectric current, she felt like she was being tazed every time a wave hit her. The first wave, the most intense one of all the waves had sobered her up faster than the best spell Merlin could cast.

She could always actively hinder Aito's Qi wave, but that would hinder his progress. She didn't want that for her sweet little Aito.

Everything was always contradictory.




Needless to say, Tao and Yuuki bickered for some more time.

"But why do you seem fine?" Yuuki asked, stashing away her irritation.

Tao simply pointed up to the sealing of her study, where an ashen-colored rune with golden highlights shimmered as it existed on a fabric of reality itself.

Yuuki looked stunned upon witnessing that. She looked at Tao and asked;

"Isn't this a violation of the terms?"

"It's for my own convenience. That rat won't possibly ditch me for that." [2]

Yuuki nodded in understanding.

"So." Yuuki started fidgeting on the spot as she asked Tao what was on her mind. "Can't you do this for me too?"

"No, since you're practically still an earthling, that could count as a violation of the terms."

"Humph, fine." Yuuki stomped her way out of Tao's room.

Tao shook her head as she mumbled while taking a puff from her cigar.

"Geez, who knew an old woman on her period cramps could be this annoying-"

Tao barely dodged the teacup that was flying her way. It tore through the fabric of space as it landed directly back on Yuuki's hands. Being a master of one's craft can get you the privilege of using your years of mastery on seemingly useless things, novices can only shed tears at witnessing such fine crafts used on the most random things.

Aito, who was doing all sorts of gymnastics in his room with his newfound powers, stopped his endeavor as he sensed a disturbance in the force. The foreboding feeling was very real.

That day at night,

"Aito You better stop testing my patience or I'll shove your arse down the window."

Ciel, who was testing the effectiveness of nighttime passive Mana sense, -Tao didn't elaborate to Aito about the names and such, they still call Qi sense as Mana sense- winced at Yuuki's outburst as she metaphorically covered herself in her blanket.

Needless to say, it was the first time Aito felt a shiver down his spine during his sleep.

A silky white-haired kid with deep oceanic blue eyes was walking down a seemingly unending hallway. He was dragging a cat behind him. he seemingly winced at every eerie echo of his footsteps that resounded through the dark corridor.


The cat let out a lazy meow, which resounded throughout the hallway in an eerie fashion.

"Shh, shut up Tommy. It's so freaking scary when the sound echoes in the corridor like that."

The white-haired kid spoke in a quiet voice, chastising the cat. But even that echoed through the walls, reaching the kid's ears as it twitched.

It was time to uncover a mystery that had been plaguing Aito and Ciel alike for the past couple of weeks.

Yoo, I'm pretty tiered. so good night... but before that,

I'm still playing around with the update shedule, so I won't promise anything solid, So you can expect an update every other day.

I know the details can feel all messed up, but belive me, it will all start making sense after chapter 20, At least that's my plan.



[1] The Uzume tao mentioned is the shinto Goddes of joy, happiness, and good health. Ame-no-Uzume. her lore in this fiction is a bit different, I'll mention that in the future.

[2] the rat they are talking about is Ratatoskr. A squiral In Norse mythology, who runs up and down the world tree Yggdrasil to carry messages between the eagles perched atop Yggdrasil, and the serpent Níðhöggr. and the lore in this fiction is different too.

most people would've figured out by the mention of Yggdrassil, or so I figured.


Don't forget to them stones




Thanks for reading the chapter.

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~


Now i'm wide awake


random_Scribblercreators' thoughts