
MHA: Café Perry

[MATURE CONTENT] Midoriya Izuku is a waiter working at Cafe Perry. While Todoroki Shouto is a successful teenage writer who frequents the cafe where Midoriya works. What Midoriya doesn't know, he was the inspiration for Todoroki's main character in his popular detective series, "The Midnight Detective". While Todoroki doesn't know either, Midoriya is more than just a caricature of a waiter in Cafe Perry but a person with a troubled past who was hurt and HAS hurt so many people and is now trying to be a changed man. But what if Midoriya's past suddenly came barging at the door? Will Midoriya go back to his past lover to fix his mistakes or will he choose Todoroki and accept that some things are better left in the past?

ThreyaMidnight · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 17: Can I do Something Else?

The car comes to a halt in front of an apartment complex.

The driver needn't say anything. Todoroki Shouto automatically wakes up as soon as the humming of the engine dies down. His forehead wrinkles as a terrible pain shoots through his temples, and sleep-laden eyes barely adjust to their newfound surroundings.

Long thick lashes flutter a couple of times as he changes his position, much to his muscle's relief.

But the thing is, he couldn't.

Todoroki looks down only to see a fluffy mass of green hair and fragile yet muscular arms tightly wrapped around his body.

On regular occasions, he would've started frothing in the mouth by now.

Yet, flashbacks of the previous events (Was it just a few hours ago? He completely lost track of time) make him feel a weird tingling sensation in his chest.

Not 'tingling' as if he was twitterpated or any of that sort, more like small imaginary miners digging their way into his heart before stabbing it with their shovels until it's just a flat, mushy organ, incapable of producing blood.

That kind of tingling sensation.

"Midoriya," He wines at his voice; why does he sound like he was screaming all night when he barely even completed a paragraph during their dinner? "Midoriya," He tries again, clearing his throat. "Wake up. We're here."

Midoriya moans, snuggling Todoroki even more as if there is any more space he hasn't taken yet.

A cat, a blush creeps upon his cheeks.

Midoriya is a cat.

Realizing there's no point in waking up a drunk and steadfast in sleeping Midoriya, Todoroki carries him bridal style out of the car.

"Okay, you're heavy," He sets an uncooperative curly top on his feet as soon as they reach the entrance.

Sadly, even if it wounds his pride, this is an alternate universe where he's a scrawny 18-year-old writer, not an unrealistically well-built 15-year-old boy with 'half-cold, half-hot' powers.

"Toooodoooorooooookiiii-kyuuuuuun!" Midoriya whines, wrapping his arms around his neck like he wants the boy to carry him again.

'Kyun?' He repeats incredulously, "Midoriya, tell me your apartment number so I can accompany you there. The chauffeur is waiting for me in the parking--"

"Stay the night,"

Todoroki takes a step back. "What?"

Lashes flutters in his direction, and a slight curve slithers on his lips.

It appears like his former wildness has resumed. It's probably Midoriya's intoxicated attempt to seduce him, but in the end, it looks like he's just trying to forcefully remove debris stuck in his eyes with a matching, goofy, lopsided grin.

Todoroki wants to swoop his face then and there and give him the most resounding kiss his inexperienced capabilities could muster.

But what's stopping him?

Consent. Or should he say, lack thereof?

"It's late," Midoriya whispers to his ear, fingers running dangerously on Todoroki's thighs. "Stay the night."

Todoroki swallows the imaginary lump forming in his throat.

God, Jesus Christ, and all of the saints in the heavens above that his agnostic ass doesn't believe him fuck him and his non-existent resolve.

Before he knows it, he sends the driver away.

Todoroki enters the elevator with a Midoriya who can't keep his hands to himself. Thankfully, he manages to keep his chastity intact by the time the elevator opens to the 6th floor.

Midoriya drags Todoroki to his apartment.

It is a big blur of how they find Midoriya's apartment in the myriad of rooms and how they open the door (and how Midoriya even bothered to lock it) in Todoroki's mind. He finds himself pushed on the floor, tripping on the elevated floor of Midoriya's semi-Japanese-styled room. Not like Todoroki could confirm it since all the lights are closed, and Midoriya is too horny to open them.

Speaking of Midoriya...

"Midoriya," Todoroki tries to push him off, but Midoriya keeps planting wet kisses all over his neck and his hands touching inappropriate places. He managed to remove Todoroki's suit jacket along the way, god knows how. "You're drunk. We can't--"

"We can," Midoriya rubs his crotch on Todoroki's thighs, a prominent bulge making itself known. "I want this. I have wanted this since the moment I met you. Do you want it?"

"I..." Todoroki turns away, avoiding eye contact.

"We can stop if you don't want to," It's odd hearing Midoriya asking for consent in his slurred voice.

"I..." A hand starts massaging his thighs, dangerously close to his raging boner. "I do want it."

"Then I see nothing wrong in what we're doing."

Midoriya begins to suck his neck, leaving wet trails and marks that Todoroki would overlook until the next day. Pressing their hips, they ground their fully clothed cocks together. It feels so good, but Todoroki knows this is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Midoriya," Is he whining? He doesn't know. All he knows is that this is too much for him to handle.

"You sound so sexy," Even in the darkness, his green predatory eyes seem to glean. "I want to hear more of your voice tonight."

Before Midoriya could lean in for a kiss, Todoroki shoves his hand on his face. Déjà vu.

"I told you," Todoroki heaves; the sound of lust in his voice sounds too foreign even to his ears. "If you want to kiss me, kiss me when you're sober."

"Then, can I do something else?"

A warm, wet muscle starts to prob the spaces between his fingers. Todoroki gasps, pulling away. A hand firmly grabs his wrists, preventing his escape. Soon, that small, delectable lip swallows his index finger, his tongue dutifully licking every bit of it like he's imagining something else.

Both of them know Midoriya wants something else.

Midoriya lets go of his fingers with a loud plop, a thick trail of saliva following him as he moves away. Todoroki could only stare at him, too stunned, too turned on to do anything else.

"Let's go to my bed," Midoriya practically moaned.

Grounding each other on Midoriya's doorsteps also seems unsanitary to Todoroki.

Todoroki is now lying on the soft cushion of Midoriya's bed. The smell of him completely overpowers his senses, and he finds his cock getting harder than it already is inside his trousers.

His trousers, his trousers feel wet.

He looks down, only to see the greatest shock of his short 18 years of existence. Midoriya is sucking his fully clothed, protruding hard-on, leaving a large spot of drool and pre-cum on the fabric.

"I've been meaning to do this to you all night," He whispers, undoing Todoroki's belt. He pulls the fake leather in one go, grabbing Todoroki's wrist and painfully tying it up on the bedpost.

Wait, what?

"Midoriya," Todoroki squeaks, struggling against the too-sturdy binds. Has he done this before? He thought their relationship dynamics would be the other way around. "This is my first time."

Midoriya freezes, his confession taking him by surprise. Soon, his expression morphs into a more pronounced case of desire. Those eyes full of warmth and kindness are replaced by wanton attraction.

"We won't go all the way," He says slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

All the way? What the fuck is all the way?

And with that, he unbuttons Todoroki's expensive slacks and pulls them down. The poor boy gasps. The only thing separating Midoriya's mouth and his aching cock is the thin fabric of his boxers.

Midoriya practically drools at the sight of Todoroki bound on his bed. He palms Todoroki's hard-on, earning him a deep groan.

"Good?" He smirks, and using his other hand, he unbuttons Todoroki's dress shirt.

Todoroki could only nod, making a strangled noise.

He swoops down on the perky pink nipple, sucking and licking it dutifully as his other hand continues its ministrations. Todoroki squirms against him, gasping and moaning as he feels like his senses are failing him because this is all too much, too much, too much.

Midoriya finally removes Todoroki's boxers, cock springing free from its constraints. Todoroki sobs, bucking his hips for more direct contact. Once he realizes there's no use in doing so, He looks at the figure above him with pleading eyes, overpowering him.

He notices something.

"You haven't even removed your clothes yet,"

True, he has yet to shed a piece of clothing. "What do you want me to do?" Midoriya says darkly, an idea coming into mind.

"I--" Todoroki gulps heavily.

"Tell me," He says, rubbing his hard-on against his. "What should I do, Todoroki-kun?"

"I..." Todoroki hesitates, biting his lips. "Please,"

"Please, what?"

The bed frame shakes, the leather stinging against his skin.

"S-s-strip for me," He sobs.

Midoriya makes a Chesire smile, making a show as he removes the buttons of his shirt. Todoroki never thought that a button's soft 'pop' could sound so erotic in his ears. Soon, Midoriya's vest and shirt are devoid from his view, his pants opened for show and low on his waist.

"I've been dreaming of fucking you for so long, Todoroki-kun."

Do you not like waiting for an update each day? Would you like to support me on Kofi where I'll be posting ALL 7 chapters that will be released that week as early as Sunday? Well, if you do, please buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/threyamidnight24, where you will gain access to these chapters ASAP! But of course, you can also wait for the chapters here in WebNovel, the choice is yours to make!

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