
MHA:Broken God

----------------------- They betrayed him, they hurt him, they broke him...but they went too far ----------------------- Contains Cursing, torture, child abuse, rape, domestic violence, gore, self harm, drug use, alcohol consumption, etc. so if you are uncomfortable with any of them then don't read this No harem or yaoi Don't expect daily or weekly updates I would try to update as much as I can but it will most probably be 2 episodes per month I own nothing other than my OCs Cover is not mine but the artist is damn good. This is a fanfiction but webnovel decided to be a dick and out it into the novel category so i'm not even reaching my target audience ;-; hence if someone asks for an mha fanfic with op mc, then reccomend this shit to them. -----------------------

Good_Boi_5726 · Action
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 21 USA

Somewhere in a dimly lit bar:

A man with faded blue hair and Stony hands all over his body along with a purple shadowy figure were sitting in front of a television which showed nothing other than static.

Soon a sound was heard.


"Yes, teacher." the man with the Stony hands answered.

"Bring that boy to me." The voice commanded.

"As you wish." The man replied and television static vanished and was replaced by a news channel displaying a video, it showed a boy with purple eyes and ashy grey hair floating in the sky.


3rd Person POV

*about 8000 kilometers away from Japan's coast*

An airplane could be seen cruising 11000 meters above the sea level.

If one were to look closely they would spot a figure seated near the base of the vertical wing of the airplane.

The figure is Shigeo who is riding one the airplane's roof by diverting the strong winds coming at him.

"Finally." he muttered as he felt the American coast come into the range of his domain.

*30 minutes later*

The American shore could be seen at a distance getting closer by the second.

Shigeo was also standing just behind the pilot's cabin when he felt 7 objects approach the aircraft at an extremely fast speed.

Soon their figure could be made out from the distance.

They were 7 F-117 Nighthawks flying towards them in an arrow like formation and above the jet in the lead standing proudly with her arms crossed was a blonde woman adorned in a multicoloured suit that had the same colour scheme as that of the American flag.

A moment later the Nighthawks surrounded the plane and were maintaining the same speed as it.

The plane that the blonde woman was mounted on maintained its speed so that it could be right above Shigeo.

The next moment, the woman on the jet jumped down onto the plane and stood in front of Shigeo not being affected by the howling winds as well.

"Shigeo Susumu, You are under arrest for illegally trespassing on American soil, don't resist arrest." the woman, stars and stripes said in a cold and emotionless voice.

"Since when did you become a coast guard star?" Shigeo said in a mocking tone.

Stars and stripes clenched her teeth and lunged at him.

She arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye and threw a punch towards his face, the punch was so powerful that the air around her first seemed to be shaking.

But before the fist could even reach him, star felt a sharp pain in her stomach and she flew back hitting the vertical fin of the plane leaving a huge dent in it causing the plane to become unbalanced.

Star and stripes looked at one of the Nighthawks and made some gestures with her hand and the pilot nodded.

Soon all the Nighthawks shot out hooks and attached to the plane stabilising it in the air.

Shigeo decided that he has had enough fun and created hundreds of tiny needles and shot them at star and stripes, she created an order to have the needles stop in mid air but Shigeo kept shooting an endless stream of needles soon enough, one of the needles slipped through and lodged itself in her thigh.

Star and stripes grabbed the needle and pulled it out but a moment later her legs became weak and she suddenly fell down on to her knees.

"H-How..." was all she could mutter before she fell down motionless with the look of shock etched onto her face.

The needles Shigeo used were made from C11H26NO2PS also known as VX, a highly poisonous synthetic compound which acts as a nerve agent and forces the body to shut down within seconds.

Even a few milligrams is enough to disable the body and have the person die of asphyxiation.

The pilots all looked at star and stripe's corpse, stunned before the pilot of the Nighthawk in the lead looked at Shigeo and open fired at him not caring about the plane below them.

Shigeo looked at them blankly and simply waves his hand shutting down the engine of the jets as all of them fell towards the sea like flies.

The pilots ejected out of their jets but they found out that the parachutes on their seats had been cut off and they could now only fall to their deaths.

The pilots fell into the sea one after the others splattering as soon as they hit the sea's surface and formed puddles of blood with chunks of organs in it.

As he looked down at the puddles of blood in the water a bone-chilling grin subconsciously made its way on to Shigeo's face but he quickly suppressed it and flew off the American coast creating sonic booms behind him as he left.


<<1 hour later somewhere in the suburbs of America>>

Shigeo was standing in front of a door to a luxurious villa.

He rung the bell and soon it was opened by a middle ages woman with black hair and purple eyes.

"Did you miss me? Mother."


Author: Tbh even I didn't plan him to be this op....