
MHA/BNHA: Cat's Way

Little Catia hadn't decided on what she wanted out of life yet. She was only six years old afterall! But when her mother takes her on a trip to Japan, she sees the Symbol of Peace, All Might! After that she has a purpose. She has something she wants. She wants All Might dead. I obviously own nothing regarding the MHA universe nor its characters I do claim my MC. The cover is mine. (Emits proud feeling) Purely for supportive purposes, check out my patreon. patreon.com/Nartleb2

Nartleb · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Worst of the Worst (Final)

(Himiko Toga P.O.V)

I hold my arm to staunch the bleeding, a smile stretching across my face. I may not have gotten his heart, but he's still bleeding~.

I look around and see that the defense cat Catia gave me has finally caught up. I don't know why she bothered. If I get hurt, that just means that there's more blood to go around~.

Though he's totally not my type. But being doused in blood gives people a charm of their own~.

Meanwhile, Twice has jumped down from the balcony and is making another set of Catia. My grin widens at the thought that more of those adorable little kittens will be around soon. But when I look at where Catia is standing, my smile fades a bit. It looks like she's chewing on something…

When she smiles wider than me, I lose mine.

"Looks like she decided to eat the catnip." I sigh.

'I wonder what weird thing she's going to start doing next.'

But then my smile comes back bigger than ever! After all, a Catia on catnip is so much more interesting to watch~.

The guy who Catia wants to kill is swirling his teeth around himself again. That's so boring! How am I supposed to cut him up if he's blocking me like that!?

His blades shoot out and I take cover behind the defense cat. I watch as sparks fly from where the blades are deflected off of its shield. I peek around the corner and my eyes widen when I see Catia charging at him!

She's faster than she was before, and she manages to duck under the blades that were heading for her chest. But she doesn't stop. With her grin still present, she continues her charge on all fours, dashing towards him like a beast. Like a cat.

His blades curve, chasing her as they double in on themselves. I look around, surprised that he hasn't done that to me yet, only to duck a blade that was heading towards my head.

"Whoopsie~. I should pay more attention. Plus I can't let Catia have all the fun~."

I grab hold of the shoulder of the defense cat -'Kah! His fur is so soft!'- and use him as a springboard to launch myself forward. It stumbles, and some of the teeth make it past its shield. It gives me a reproachful glare as it flashes out of existence.

I don't see it though, my eyes focused in front of me. Catia is jumping out of the way of his teeth, but she hasn't backed off a single time! The most she'll do is go side-ways, but even that is rare. She's steadily going towards him, and it looks like his teeth are starting to grind together as they chase her.

He should really take better care of them. How's he supposed to eat if he ruins his teeth? Though it won't really matter after we're done with him~.

I watch as balls of light start raining down on him, causing him to redirect some of the teeth targeting Catia. Now there's about four trying to catch up with me, four going after her cats, and sev- six going after her.

It was seven, but she managed to use her claws to cut through one of them! But I guess it makes sense that she's stronger than her brawler cats. Geez. If she could cut through them so easily, she should have done that from the start!

But she does tend to overthink things too much. She was probably hoping that her cats could deal with everything. But I bet she was also planning on them losing so that she could eat the catnip! She's sneaky like that.

The guy reels and screeches in pain from the loss of more teeth as the barrage of little balls manage to break another two of his teeth that were heading towards them.

I can hear Twice yelling in a panic, but that's just how he is. I didn't tell Catia yet, but we've teamed up a few times to do… jobs Catia wouldn't approve of. But she cares too much about what people think of her.

She should be more like me! The people close to me are the ones whose opinions you should care about the most! Everyone else's opinions only matter if I like them! If not, then they get stabbed! And not the nice kind of stab meant for friends. The mean kind!

Oh, it looks like Catia's reached the guy. Oh, and now she's clawing his throat! I blush and shiver seeing Catia get covered in his blood. She's so much cuter like this~.

(Catia P.O.V)

I grin in savage joy at finally killing my prey. 'It was a good hunt', I think as I watch them stumble back, clutching at the ruined remains of their throat. But I sense movement behind me.

I snarl as I leap out of the way of my prey's death throes, snarling at them as they pierce the ground where I was standing.

"Accept your death with grace!" I dash forward, lowering myself to avoid its last futile attack.

My claws pierce its chest and it stops moving. My grin is back as I pull my hand out, gripping my prize. I grin at it as my prey drops to the ground, no longer having the power to cause me trouble.

I smile at it, ignoring the noise around me. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn, my fangs bared, only to see my clan-mate. She's saying something, but the thrill of the hunt is still pounding in my ears.

She waves something smoking in front of me, but it smells good so I don't mind. Behind her I see the person she brought with her the… prospective… clan…mate…

I shake my head to clear the last vestiges of the catnip's effects from my mind. I look at the heart in my hand and drop it with a frown before turning my gaze back to Himiko.

Before I can open my mouth though, she speaks first. "I know you like to come down from your drugs naturally, but I have a good reason!"

She points upwards, where I see a buff guy in a sleeveless leotard sitting on a hovering drone. He's looking down at us with a massive grin on his face.

"Looks like I have a couple of murderers here. Probably thought nobody would notice way out here, but too bad for you! Mister Blaster of the Buster Union was in the area hunting a dangerous criminal!"

Himiko and I exchange glances before looking at the dead cannibalistic child killer in a straight jacket. With his death, his teeth have all retracted, so there's no evidence of what his quirk was. Then we look back at the idiot hovering in the air. I feel at my face, remembering what happened earlier.

"I lost my mask…" I mutter to myself. Above us, Mister Baster is still talking.

"I get going a bit cocky with strong quirks, but that doesn't mean I can let you get away with murder!" He starts lowering himself while pointing his hands at us. "Now be good little girls and don't fight. Otherwise I might have to get you sent to Tar-whoa!"

He shouts in surprise as little balls of energy impact his drone, causing two of the fans to fail. It lists to the side, causing him to fall before crashing itself. Dazed, he stands, holding a hand to the scrape on his head.

He glares at us behind his goggles. "You'll regret that, you brats." He readies his hands, palms out, ready to fight. I can't help but snort.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Mister Blaster?" At his confused look, I grin. "We aren't the ones who knocked you from the sky, Nya~."

His eyes widen and he turns, but it's too late. My clones sweep his legs out from under him as they grab his arms, forcing him to the ground and immobilizing him.

They look at me with glares, and I tilt my head at them, confused at the animosity. It's cleared up a moment later. "You're the only one who got any catnip!"

I chuckle. "Well, the other two died before they could eat theirs, and at this point they've probably been trampled into dust. So too bad Nya~."

They give me weird looks that I ignore, instead moving so I'm standing over the hero. He curses at me, warning me of the consequences for fighting back against a hero. But it's too bad for him that he saw my face~.

Without a word, I swing my claws down, aiming to pierce the back of his neck. But a hand grabs my arm, stopping it before it reaches its destination. I glare at Himiko, who puffs out her cheeks at me.

"We can't kill him if he had nothing to do with the bad guy, remember? That was your rule!"

My jaw drops. ""... Are you still mad about the pizza guy?" She folds her arms and turns away, which is all the answer I need. I sigh. "He saw my face, so he can't go free. Do you have any other ideas for dealing with him Nya?"

I kick the suddenly still hero, who's just realized how close he is to dying. Himiko frowns at the two of us in turn. "No, but if you get to kill whoever you want while we're having fun then so should I!"

I rub my hand down my face in exasperation, only to pull it away in irritation when I realize that it's covered in blood. Then I realize that I am too and sigh. "... You know what? I'm not going to deal with this. It's been a long day. How about I let you hunt down that pizza guy, and you forgive me, Nya?"

She beams at me before a thought seems to strike her and she turns away, pouting again. "No way. You'll just get mad at me the next time it happens."

I groan. "Fine. From now on, if someone comes across us hunting, you have permission to kill one of them if they have unusual blood, Nya. But not any captives the criminals have. Nya it?"

She nods happily and glomps onto me, rubbing my blood soaked face with her cheek. "Yay! It's a deal, Nya~! But let me drain this guy? Pretty please, Nya~?"

I smile at her. I don't know why she's Nya-ing at me, but it resonates with something so I won't tell her to stop. At my nod, she crouches next to the pleading hero's neck and digs her fangs in with a, "Thanks for the meal~."

I look over to where Twice is doing a victory dance and smile, thinking of my last catnip infused thoughts.

'Clan-mates, Nya? That sounds like something that would be nice to have~.'

p atreon.com/Nartleb2 if you wanna support. Obviously take out the space.

Someone pointed out that she hasn't really ben 'villainous' and I realized she's been more 'vigilante anti-hero'. So Mister Blaster came along as a sacrifice to show her merciless side. As well as her more villainous nature.

Nartlebcreators' thoughts