
MHA: Berseria

A young working woman in her twenties who started working full-time. Ends up in the world of MHA thanks to some kind of god? ... "Huh? Where am I? Why are there so many books here?" "Fufufu, welcome Akemo Yuki, to my library. I hope an interesting book chooses you." ... Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Outside in the park, Kaori was playing with Takeyama. It had been a year since they met. Kaori already knew what she wanted to be in the future: a hero. She knew it was a cliché, but she simply wanted to experience the feeling of helping someone. She just wanted to live it.

She was already four years old and was waiting to get her quirk. As she thought about it, she remembered how the Codex showed her the character it had drawn for her, the one with the weird arm.

She began looking at her hand.

"Kaori, Kaori!"

Kaori looked at Takeyama, who was shaking her.

"Huh? Sorry Take, I just got lost in my thoughts."

Takeyama just nodded.

"That's okay, come play."

Kaori just smiled, nodded, and started running with Takeyama to the sandbox. They built a castle, then destroyed it, and played until the sun began to set.

While the children played, their parents talked.

"They look very cute together."

"Mmh, I agree. Listen, Yumeko, how about we go to the beach this weekend? Both families together."

Yumeko looked at Sakura, who had suggested a wonderful idea.

"That's a good idea, we'll definitely go with you. Kaori will be thrilled."

So, the two families decided to go to the beach to enjoy a nice summer under the sun, eat some watermelon, build a sandcastle, and do many other things.


(On the weekend)

Kaori stood in front of the house, holding both of her parents' hands. Her right hand was held by her father and her left by her mother.

Even though Kaori was an adult inside and didn't enjoy it as much as a child would, she still enjoyed it. In her past life, she had no family. Her only family was her cat. So she rather enjoyed having loving parents.

"Heeeey, Kaori."

Kaori looked down the street and saw Takeyama running towards her, waving her hand energetically.

Kaori let go of her parents and they hugged each other.

"Kaori! Today we're going to have a great day. We'll build a castle, then we'll swim, and then we'll have watermelon, and then—"

Before she could continue her list, Takeyama's mom put her hand on her head with a smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, sunflowers. Today you'll have a lot of fun with Kaori."

And so the two families headed to the beach. Kaori and Takeyama started running on the beach and began playing.

Meanwhile, the moms were sunbathing and the dads went for a beer.

"Take, let's build a castle."

Takeyama looked at Kaori, who just started nodding energetically.

And so began the grand conquest to create a huge castle.

While the girls were building the castle, someone called out to them.

"Hey, can I join you?"

The girls looked at the boy who spoke. He looked about the same age as them.

Takeyama and Kaori looked at each other, smiled, and then looked back at the boy.


Both girls nodded, and the boy looked very happy.

And so, the three kids continued their quest to create the biggest castle. But...

"Fear me, I've come to steal your castle."

The three kids looked at the villain who spoke. It was Yami, Kaori's father.

The kids looked at each other and smiled devilishly. Seeing their smiles, Yami began to sweat.


On the beach stood a majestic mini castle. And next to it was a head. It was the head of Yami, who had his whole body buried in the sand, with only his head sticking out.

All he wanted was to play with the kids. But now he was trapped in the sand.

He looked at the three little devils who had imprisoned him. They were currently torturing him by eating ice cream in front of him.

Takeyama looked at the boy.

"What's your name, anyway?"

The boy looked at the girls he was having so much fun with.

"Shiba Hiroki."

Both girls introduced themselves.

"Fumikage Kaori."

"Yu Takeyama."

Suddenly, a strange woman appeared, smiling.

"Hiroki, it looks like you've made new friends."

Hiroki looked at the woman and smiled.

"Yes, mom, this is Kaori and this is Takeyama."

Hiroki pointed at us.

The woman, who seemed to be his mother, smiled. She knelt down to be at eye level with the kids.

"So, Takeyama, Kaori. May I ask where your moms are?"

The girls pointed to the place where three adults were lying under a sunshade.

"Thank you."

Hiroki's mom just smiled and walked towards their parents.

Takeyama looked at Hiroki and Kaori.

"Let's go swimming."

The kids put on their swim floaties and started heading into the water.

Takeyama kept touching the bottom with her feet, going deeper and deeper, but still touching the bottom.

Suddenly, she heard someone yelling at her.

She looked down and saw everything was tiny.

She started to shrink.

Her parents immediately ran to her; everyone was quite alert. Suddenly, sirens could be heard—it was an ambulance with a big letter Q on it.

They quickly took Takeyama with her family and drove off.

Kaori looked at her mom.

"Mom, does Take have a quirk now?"

Mom looked at her daughter and smiled.

"It looks like your friend got her quirk before you."

Kaori started watching the ambulance that was driving away.

'That enlarging reminds me of Mt. Lady, and this girl has the same hair color. She also looks like her chibi version. If Take is Mt. Lady, it means I'll be a few years older than the main cast.'

Kaori wondered if Take was Mt. Lady. She also wondered how long it would be before her own quirk awakened.

"Kaori, dig up your father. It's time to go home."

Kaori dug up her father, who was half-dead, and they started heading home.

(End of a chapter)


(Gotcha, you thought Kaori would get her quirk. But that was my plan. And what you're reading now is also part of my plan.)