
MHA: Average Latino guy sent to a world of heroes and villains.

I die to Later on to meet an angel who Gave me only 2 wishes. To later on to be free falling from the sky to a city were heroes and villains fight like kids of who is Better. so yeah... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... this the part were i explain stuff dont i Uh well And now I am reincarnated into a world of my own choosing and that is Hero academia. Why? you may ask because i want to mess around, have fun, and to make my simple dreams come true. and to fuck around with the characters of the new world am reincarnated in I Am only there for the rush, and joder a ambos lados of the coin (to fuck the two sides of the coin) life is short sooo why not have so fun out of it -Reckless and full of wrecks, Let's Go!-

c_fanficsCSM · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7


I let out a scream as I brought down the ace on top of the wood

The cut had destroyed the wood only leaving splinters on top.

"He He He He" I heard someone on right side laughed.

It was a group of Japanese wood cutters laughing and pointing at my direction. One was imitating my movements as a to be the comedic relief off what I had done to the piece of wood.

So in retaliation I turn my head tours them and pull the corner of my eyes with my fingers as I show my two front teeth to them.

After I have done that and check my results of my mocking. I think I saw a couple of slanted eye bastards being offended.

Their faces were that of anger, and disappointment. As they try to go back to work, trying not to much to look at my general direction.

Did I over do it?

Hmm who knows.

I didn't start it, they did. So all I had to do was just to respond so there is nothing wrong with that.

"Tch, bastards shouldn't have started it." I whispered

"Hey kiddo." I felt a hand lay on my right shoulder. I turn to see who it was and was amazed to see who it was.

"Hey Mr Katahide!" I said cheerfully I bow down as a sign of respect. He was the old man who gave the job as a wood cutter when I was looking for a job to sustain myself, when I arrived in this world.

Yes I do still have my manners. Who do you think I am?

Some sort of prideful bastard.

No bitch

I Am humble.

My relationship with him was that similar of a mentor. Him always on my back guiding me on the job and even in how can I save some money.

"Nice seeing you work as always, young Cansio." He extended his hand tours me. I of course took it. It was none other than a friendly handshake.

"Come here let's get some rest" the old man said as he patted me on the shoulder.

What's up with all the friendliness? The hell do I do now?

"So I heard you are in a special campus we're kids your age want to be heroes? Huh?"

Oh fuck! Was i that much of dumbass on hiding things from others.

Or was I that too readable.

"Wait. How do you know about that?." I ask as we both stop in front of closed cooler.

"Kid" he said as he open the lid of the cooler and took two cans of juice. He handed me one can, which I of course grabbed it. "Am not that dumb, whenever you finish your morning shift, you always take off running tours the train station."

He open his can and took a long sip.

"And let's not forget that your backpack it's always full. Almost as if you got another set off clothes ready to change like a . ." He clap his hands and shake them " Hero."

"Ugh!" I let out a groan of frustration as I turn my head to the side "please don't ever do that in front of me old man. Jeez!"

He let out a chuckle as he saw me look away.

"And besides why do you care?" I said " I thought, that you didn't care who does with their life."

"He he that is true, I really don't give a shit of who does with their life." He said it with a cheerful face "But you kid. You just took a massive opportunity in your whole damn live." He pointed at me as he took another sip of his can.

"And . . It's that really an important choice that I made?." I open the can as I too took a sip of the can. Mhm! the juice is not that bad at all!.

"It is an important choice!. Especially for you kiddo. Come here kiddo" he began to walk as guiding me to clearing.

It was a clearing that shown the entire city. Can't say it was a beautiful sight. But nevertheless i didn't took my eyes of the old man.

"You see all of that kid" he pointed at the city "There people out there going with their daily pacific life. Not so different from ours huh!."

"Yeah but the only difference is that they suck off each other." I said "Especially social media and hero propaganda."


"Yeah" he said as kept on looking at the city " You know kid. I know your not that much of heroes and villains."

I shot a glance at the old man.

"Whenever someone mentions it you either move your head to the side or you don't pay attention to it as you change the subject." Mr katahide look at me with a relax tone. "And I ask myself. Why is it that you hate it or even avoid it?."

'Touche' I took a sip of the can finishing it in a couple of sips and let out a heavy sight.

"Is not that I hate it or avoid it at all" I said sincerely "It's just that is . . . How could you say this . . I guess you could call it dumb."

"Dumb? how so?." He ask

"We'll technically speaking, is that heroes tend to make a whole thing out of it. Basically turn themselves into a profitable merchandise that all folks can buy. Basically becoming a public celebrity for everyone to watch in TV or even on R rated porno films."

Mr Katahide let out a small chuckle at the last part I said.

Dirty old man

"While for the Villains. All of them are just assholes who enjoy none other than to bring pain to those who they find wandering outside of their homes. Basically they just benefit themselves from others to satisfied their own needs or to forget that they were beaten by someone who was stronger than them."

"Not so different from what the heroes are. Both sides of the coin tend to benefit from someone, which would be us the public." I raise my head and saw the city "Not so different from where I come from. They all tend to use anyone as a stepping stool."

Mr Katahide was silent for a second as he held his can. Well Not so silent as he spoke.

"And is that all" he said "Is that all you think of them? Being selfish assholes who use people like pawns"

I turn my head and saw that Mr katahide expression was that of a serious tone.

So I just stood there silent as i already know what that look is for.

"Kid I may not now what or we're you had come from. But you still have much to learn." He said "Not all heroes and villains are like that. You know?"

I just looked at him with an eyebrow raise.

Mr katahide let out a small sight as he still had his serious tone.

"I was a . . . vigilante before all of this."

Cough! Cough! Excuse! What the fuck!

I look at him with booth of my eyebrows raise. But nevertheless he kept on going.

"When I was at your age kid, I always wanted to become a hero. But that never happened." He slowly move his can in circles.

"Why?" I ask

"My quirk wasn't appropriate for battle." He grabbed a nearby wooden branch and in a couple of seconds the branch was turn into a escrima stick. " I could turn any wood into a weapon that I want, but what's that going to do to someone who can shoot lighting through his eyes. He He He."

"But that didn't stop me for doing what was right and to learn what was wrong."

"Wait whatcha mean by wrong or right?" I ask

"It means that I was able to see the good side and the bad side of the different coin." He simply replied "It help me understand that not everyone out there tend to be selfish."

As he said that I just turn my attention back to the city, watching the sun slowly rise.

"There are a few out there, who become heroes to do the right thing. While there are others who turn villains, as to forcefully change the rules that the heroes had put over them. It even apply to the civilians. Making them dependent on the heroes that society put over us, Making us blind little by little to what is really going out there."

"How so, Mr katahide?." I question him as I wanted to know more.

"In reality this whole Hero and villain type of thing has been going through out years. All thanks to someone who decided to cause a revolt, making them go wild, to the point of following the orders of their so call leader, who guided them with false promises that sounded like sweet as honey."

' AFO' There no such a great idiot as other than him to cause a revolt in this hero world.

With a immense power, it comes a great corruption.

Power corrupts. Only if it falls on the incorrect hands.

"And even after, he had lead the revolt. His followers or his people, they follow it like mindless sheep's. Making them to be close to those who want to help them or even guide them. While some are fixated on becoming something just like their leader. If you know what I mean that is?."

I simply nodded, as already figured what he was trying to say.

"What all these folks need is a guiding hand.Hell!. or even someone who they can truly look up too." Mr Katahide turn his head to me "That is why. It's an important choice you made, when you join the UA Academy."

I just look at him the same way as we started the conversation. But my gaze was a bit soft rather than a hard one.

But I wanted to know more of what he meant.

"But again? Why is it important?"

He lifted his left hand and patted me on the shoulder. As he let out a small smile.

"Because it is up to you if you want to be the bigger man." The next thing he was about to say "It all depends on you young vigilante."


I choke with my own saliva not to long as I regain my breath.

"Wait a second?!" I whispered "How do you-"

"What? The fact that you change into that carapace armor of yours as you cover yourself with a plastic bag?" He pointed at a nearby brown plastic bag near the trash bins. "Come on kid!! Am not that dumb. I been a vigilante before Alright! It's not like I wouldn't notice it."

"Oh god" I whispered as I look down in the ground with shame "Was I too reckless and obvious?"

"Reckless yes." Mr katahide said " But obvious? Nah!.". He finished his can of juice and throw it to the nearby recycling bin. "If you were obvious kid. The police as well as the Hero association would have come down upon you at any moment."

"Huh" I said nervously.

"Well don't worry kid" he said as he rested his right hand on my left shoulder " I'll keep yer secret with me."

I turn my head as fast I can looking at him directly at him, with a surprise expression.

"Hey! I already told you haven't I kid?" Mr katahide said as he shrugged " I was a vigilante before. So it's not a big problem keeping your secret. I already kept mine hidden for like twenty years and nobody has know everything about me." He said as he look at me "Until now."

I relax my features a bit now. "Thank you Mr Katahide."

"Nah! Don't mention it kid!." He said as he throw his hand to the side "Am just an old man who wants to guide a kid to the right steps of becoming something else. Alright?."

He checked his left wrist.

"Well it looks like it's your time to go to class kid." He said as he slap my back.

I of course flinched by that sudden slap on my back.

I guess he was right. It was my time to leave as I check my phone.

But I still had one more question for him, before I go off to my student routine.

"Hey! Mr Katahide."

He turn around now facing me with a relax tone.

"Yes what is it?"

"Have you always use violent measures against those who were unable to listen or even have a chance to redeem themselves? In other words. Have you kill them?"

Mr katahide frown became pronounced now by the question I have ask.

"Kid . . ." He spoke "I can't say I haven't been a saint myself but . ." He look to the side tours were the city is "Yes. Yes I have kill"

I was going to say something but was quickly interrupted by him as he kept on talking.

"I only kill those who had no chance of redemption." He said "Psychos, crazy's, Killer's, rapist and some villains."

At first when I wanted them to stop and listen. But it was impossible as they fell down to their urges. Making them unreasonable, leaving me with no choice rather than to do what I was needed to do." He said as he slowly turn around and was about to return back to work.

I stood there in silent. Well not so long as Katahide spoke.

"A piece of advice kid." he said as he made eye contact with me " Only if they don't listen or they don't reason at all. You need to do what is done right on the spot. Feel no mercy for those who hurt others for pleasure." He said with a cold gaze "Make them fear you so that message gets pass through them like a cold bucket of water."

"Now go kid." He said as he move his hand "It's time for you to go to class. See ya tomorrow. If not . Than the other next day Alright."

I just nodded in response.

"Alright take care Cansio." He went back grabbing an nearby axe and rested it on his shoulder taking it with him.

For such an old man he sure has a lot of wisdom in him.

Hell he's even wiser than me.he even leave me speechless.

The only reason I chosen this world was for my own personal gain. Basically to have fun and be reckless.


I never expected or either thought off what I really wanted to truly do in this world.

'Am kinda lost.'

But as for now let's not talk about as I need to attend to UA and sit there and listen to some teacher talk about unnecessary stuff.

And to formulate a plan on how can scare the living shot out of the yakuza boss who's favorite I had killed. To gain information of where the Black leather beak fucker might be.

I quickly run tours the changing room and took all my stuff with me, especially my backpack.

And as I leave the changing room. In a blink of an eye the black tendrils cover my body parts and we're quickly cover by the armor.

I bend my knees readying my self.



I jumped off the ground, leaving a small crack behind.

I flight over a couple of trees but slowly started to descend down.

I Landed on a branch. But to my bad luck. the damn thing snapped off.

Making me almost fall of but not before I dug my claw armor fingers on the tree and luckily my other hand was still gripping my backpack were my uniform is.

"SHIT!" I yell as I climb back up the tree reaching to another tree branch that was stable. I stood up the tree branch balancing my self. "Was I to fast or to damn heavy."

I look down to abdomen and poke it.

It was hard and some what how soft. Not until I tense my abdomen and proceeded to poke it again.

But this time it was harder. I tried to push in the claw, but it didn't even budge. I even dragged the sharp age of my claw on top the abdomen expecting ot to at least cut through or even leave a slice.

But it didn't. It only leave small nicks on the surface.

"It looks like progress" I said with a proud voice.

"Now let's go, before I get a god damn detention slip from one of the teachers at UA"

[—— Two hours later——]

A multitude of reporters were standing in front of a gate. As always trying to get interview from three students.

One female and two male.

"Hey! What kind of lessons does all might teach?" Ask a female reporter to a nervous izuku midoriya.

"A-Am sorry, but I had to go to to the nurse's office." Izuku responded nervously, as he walk through.

"What you think of all might's return as as a teacher?." Ask a reporter to a blue hair student

Tenya fixed his glasses with one of his fingers before speaking.

"Well I think that [a bunch of unnecessary text. In Short words. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.]"

"Would you lend us some thoughts on what is like having "The symbol of peace" standing before you at the podium of education."

"My thoughts" spoke uraraka with a soft tone "uh . . . Was really muscly. Yeah!"

"What do you think of-" the reporter couldn't finish as a blonde spike hair kid pushed by.

"DROP IT." Bakugo snapped at the reporter, who was now a bit intimidated by the kid's behavior.

{1ST POV cansio}

"Raaghr" I let out a groan as I landed on top of rooftop.

"Hey! there is UA . . . . Oh no. . . . No! Really!" I yell "go damn news reporters. Shit! . They're like flies attracted to a fresh steaming pile of shit."

I just scratch the back of my hand as I peak over the edge.

"Damn! they got the whole circus down there?. DIOS! . Please how am I going pass through them?."

If I go like this. In my armor form.


There will be a lot of questions and demands on me. Since I did leave a small scratch on the giant lady nose and the fact that I attacked her.

Even do it was on self defense.

By the way. Why doesn't she wash her hands off.

It's smell like fish.

Ugh! Disgusting!

Remember kids always be decent when you finish with something.

Always wash your hands.

As I look over the edge I caught a few cars of the reporters.

Maybe if I throw something at it. It could call their attention and even make them move away from the entrance.

I look around and saw a couple of AC's attached in the top.


Well it looks like today there isn't going to be fresh air for some folks around this area.



All the reporters around the main gate quickly turn their head in a instant.

"HEY!! MY VAN." yell a man holding a camera.

"Suck to be you bud-" a man holding a camera couldn't finish as loud crash could be heard.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL!!" Yell the same man as he quickly approached a van, who had a AC stuck at the front of the window.


another one was hit.


Then another.


And another.

All the reports when wild as they went running tours their vans. Making sure their precious equipment on the inside wasn't damaged.

And as all that happened. A dark armor figure quickly climb down the building and was now on the ground.

[1 POV Cansio]

"He He. It looks like that will keep them busy for a while."

The armor quickly turn into tendrils an went back into my spine.

Still the feeling is that of a tingle, nothing much.

Am lucky that I made a stop in one of the rooftops and change my normal clothes to that of the Academy

It would have been a pain in the ass having to fumble around with it if I decided to change at the last time.

I quickly poke my head.

"Well let's use one of the most favorite techniques the human has had to avoid any conflicts and that is . . . . ."

In a burst of speed i run out of the corner at full speed.


Everyone around turn around, looking at my direction.

"SOME HULKING BALCK BEAST JUST ALMOST THROWS A AC ON ME." I scream, trying to sound as much as agitated as I can.

And it looks like some reporters buy it. As some pointed their cameras up, while some approached me with a microphone at hand.


I pick up my speed as I heard a reporter yell.

"Would you mind explaining what did you saw?!" Ask a reporter

"Any description of what it was young man?!"

I of course am not stopping to answer those questions. I increase my speed and reach the main open gate were an Aizawa had his cool floating bandages ready to make a move of any danger comes.

"Hey Mr Aizawa how's it going?" I said as I pass the main gate.

"Just get to class already, kid." He replied with a sleepy tone. "It looks like things are getting rowdy outside."

'Yeah pretty much'

I just walk to the inside of the academy leaving Aizawa behind to deal with the reporters outside.

aaaaaaaaagahhh It going to be a long day.

'Ok now let just forget or focus on other stuff.'

'Shall we?'

Let's see?

who in this world would have the best compatibility in fucking? Basically sex?

Let see. . . .

{A couple of Hours later}

~ Mirko

Downfall is that she's a bunny. Meaning that once she stars she won't stop. Which it will kill you by dehydration or high blood pleasure.

And a fractured skull.


Nice decent body but her teeth must be Hella sharp and I don't want to imagine what is going to happen when you stick something inside of it.

And let's not talk about her dragon form. I mean she's not scary. She looks pretty much that you can still bang. But the weight is going to be a problem if you try and bang her in that form


. . . . . . .

. . .


"Hmm is this class going to end yes or not?" I mumble as I look to the front. Seeing the entirety of the class close to the desk demanding for who gets to be the class president.

I just blink a couple of times as I put my earbuds and play some music to distract my self.

"Just throw some dirt on each other as to see who becomes president. JEEZ!. Is not that big of a deal."

{3rd POV}

Everyone at the class had settle down as they all really choose their class president.

Names were written on the board. From the highest to the lowest.

Well except for a certain some who had his earbuds on.

He didn't much care at all. He just do what he does best when a situation such as this comes.


"Hey kirishima! Psst!" Whispered Mina to a kirishima who's forehead was wrapped in a bandage.

Thanks to the beating that Cansio put over him.

"Yeah what is it" he whispered back.

"Are YOU! going to talk HIM! Or should I go Talk to HIM." She said highlighting her words.

He was confused at first of to what she meant but, in a second he got what she meant.

"I already told you! There is nothing to worry about! Besides it's just a scratch." He said as he pointed the bandage wrapped around his forehead.

"YEAH! Like hell is a scratch." She said sarcastically

"Besides am going to ask him to have a duel once again as to prove who is strong!"

This got a surprised expression out of Mina. But it quickly turn into a frown and even more so as what kirishima was about to say.

"Besides is a man thing." He sai it with a toothy smile.

This had cause Mina to explode on the inside.

"So your not going to talk to him aren't cha?" She said a one of her eyebrow was twitching.

"No! Like I told you is just a ma-" he couldn't finish, as Mina was now walking tours cansio, who had his leg rested upon his desk. On the left seat row, near the window.

{1st POV Cansio}

All I know about that yakuza boss is that he seems to be almost in between in a good and bad relationship with overhaul's group.

I thinks it's because of something with money laundering or some type of shit. I only over heard it yesterday when I had to leave with a warning form all might himself of me using violence.

In short words

"Violence is not the answer nor the solution"

Yeah tell that to AFO. The one and only cabron who butchered your master right in front you.

. . .

But nevertheless.

It was a small Information I got off by eavesdropping on one of the thugs, that work for the yakuza boss.


It was the sound of a show stomping next to me. I turn my head to see a pink girl standing on the right side of me.

She does not look happy for any reason.

Her hands were on her hips as she had a almost jet mad expression on her, but she somehow hide it away with her smile.

"Cansio right?" she said still keeping a smile.

"Uhm yeah?." I responded "why? is there something going on?"

"Yeah" she said " How about starting by apologizing to what you did to kirishima yesterday? Huh?"

Oh dios santo!.

Is she talking about what really happened yesterday between me and kirishima.

I look to were kirishima was and the only thing I recibe from him was a pleading as well as nervous smile.

I think it was a smile of shame or it was just him trying to play it cool as if nothing happened.

Well back to the conversation.

"Well uhm sorry to say this but . . . . There is no apologizing to be made between me and him." I said as I maintain my eye contact with her's.

"Oh! there is some apologizing to be made" she insisted. " The way you acted was unreasonable and it almost put a classmate at risk."

She pointed to kirishima.

"And?!" I said as I stand up from my seat, this cause everyone to turn their attention tour me and Mina

"Is not like your friend over there." I pointed to where Momo was standing.

"What?! Don't blame on h-"

"She almost blew up my partner's eardrum!" I said with a hint of anger. Her expression change form that of a mad one to a surprise.

"Yes you heard it rosita! (pinky)" I yell, as am about to make my damn fucking point "your friend there who's standing there in front everyone. Almost blow Toru's ear drums."

Everyone on the room turn to see Momo, who had wide open eyes and surprised expression.

"Your just making things up aren't you?!" Mina said as she got close.

In response I didn't back away as I step up.

She took a few steps backs leaving a small space between us.

"If it wasn't for me toru wouldn't be able go here anymore." I said " I ESPECIALLY took the hit from those flash bangs."

I put a finger in my ear and simulated a pistol.

"Boom! it goes off! And my ears bleed like a prepubescent teenage girl."

Some of the female class mates seem to have get it offended by the statement I just made, as I heard a bunch of sounds of discomfort.

"Your lying!" she said as she pointed a finger at my face "your just trying to push your guilt onto others to feel better about yourself aren't you!"

'This is getting mildly annoying'

"He he" I let out a laugh "is that what you think?" I look to all of the students

"Is that what you all think?!" I yell at them with anger.

They were all seem to be wide eye as to see me looking at all of them with a crazed expression.

All of them except kirishima and midoriya .

Kirishima doesn't deserve any of it.

Yeah we both have might made a mistake on starting with the wrong foot. But that doesn't mean he deserves a backlash.

Not like the rest.

"Yeah." I said in a normal tone "I've heard what you pendejos(fuckers) talk behind me." I turn my attention tours Kaminari and mineta.

"Especially you two." I pointed to the two of them. Both look to each other acting as if they were disoriented.

"Heheh and here I thought the only one who was gutless was the purple hair cabron(idiot or fucker) always hiding behind someone's skirt when a threat comes."

"Hey! what the the fu-" Kaminari was about to speak but was cut short.

"AND YOU!" I pointed at him

"Your not so special from the little rascal who's next to you. You act all though and mighty when you face someone who's less stronger than you. But when some who's stronger comes after you . . Oh brother! Don't you just run to the other direction with your tail between you leg? huh?!"

He look to be quiet angry and even piss. He got his hand into an attack. But he quickly drop it.

"Hey both of you knock it off!" Said tenya who now step in "This not the place nor the time!. We need to act prof-"

"Professional?" I finish the words, as I let out a smile "What? You think everyone around here in this class is professional? Even you?!"

"Well um no I-"

"Well sorry! for not to be the top tier student, who went to a rich private school and excel into a "comfortable" position!. Were I boss the fuck around my fellow companions! And to get the fucking approval of a family member who wasn't in my life and I only get to seee him on a damn flyer or even a tv screen!."

By this alone tenya's expression was that of surprise, same as the rest. Especially someone with red and white hair.

"All of you!" I throw my hand at the rest "Are nothing more than gutless idiots. You all don't want to become heroes because of some type of justice bullshit!."

The room was in absolute silent

"Yall just here in this academy for your own personal gain right?"

Again silent.

"Right." I muttered

I packed my phone and my earbuds back into my pocket.

"We're are you going?" Ask Mina who was still in my right side.


"We're not finish yet talking." She said, still being defiant as to keep her ground.

"Well it looks like we are." I brought my left hand up showing it to the rest of the class.

"You guys want to know what kind of quirk I have? So you can have a clue or Idea of who am really am."

"What are you Talking abo—"

I brought my left hand down



Everyone in the room quickly look away while some cover their eyes and some had a wide open mouth.

Even Mina was surprised to what she saw in front of her.

My left hand was snapped at a different angle. Even to the point were the bone was almost poking off the skin.

But it was quickly fixed in a couple of seconds. As black tendrils poke out of my skin and quickly rearranged the bone and put back into its place.

"Well then." I said as I look around them "know you fucking know."

I walk forward at the same time Mina look at me with a shock expression.

Leaving the room silently.

I was out of the class in a couple of steps. Leaving the rest behind.


I was know directing myself to the growing lunch line, kids were Slowly making. As soon as it was my turn, I quickly grab one of the full trays and walk around the place searching for any open spots so I can eat by myself.

But none seem to be comfortable spots. As they were fill with boys and girls.


I just went up the stairs to the second floor, in search for a secluded and peaceful place as to calm down and think clear

As to how am I going to execute my plan.

I sat down on the stairs and settled my Tray next to me.

"Aaaaaaargh." I let out a frustrated groan "why didn't I become a vigilante instead of damn UA student."

I grabb the bowl of rice and started to eat it with my bare right hand.

"I would *munch* made a lot of progress *munch* and even acquire some booty on the way *Munch*"

"But it seems that i am stuck in this situation all by myself and I have to deal with school stuff. Munch*"

I place the bowl back into the tray and grab a small square plate with my left hand. The plate itself had Beef, egg rolls and beans.

"For a Academy, it does sure does have healthy food."

I raise my right hand up to my face. The tip of my fingers becomes sharp and hard.

And with no further do I dig in. It was a peaceful moment but not to long as a red lights began to shine. That was later follow by the screams of the alarm.

Sigh* and here I thought I could find my inner peace.

So I stand up and left the tray there. Leaving it for someone to pick it up.


Is not like this school can't afford cleaning. Besides they are filthy rich all thanks to the Japanese hero society who funds them.

I poke my head over the edge and saw a line of students, trying to reach the nearby by exit.

They're Nothing more than cattle to the slaughter, rather than being heroes if they act that way.

I on the other hand am not so worry. It was going to happen no matter what.

Skinny light blue twink disintegrates the main gate. Everyone panics yada yada it's just like the canon. But there is only a difference.

Which is me.

I haven't even change shit. . . Well am about to as to save ERI but then what's next?.

What's next?

I guessing, becoming stronger is what's next.

Coming down the stairs I saw each student now be more at peace, all thanks to motor legs who stood in the exit sign.

"Hmp! At least he did something rather than criticize and watch."


Pulling out my phone from my pocket I noticed it was time to leave. So with out any further do I did exactly that.

-{3 MINS Later}-

I was about to leave the academy but . . .

"Hay Cansio!"

Sigh* please let it not be motor legs or the explosive wannabe Arabian. Hell! Dont let it be the depress emo guy with parental problems .

Am already stress as it is.

I turn around to see who it was. Long and behold. it was none other than kirishima himself.

But my biggest question is. . .

why is he coming tours me?

"What is it?" I ask him with a normal tone.

"Hey! I know that . . .things don't go well with you and the rest of others. You know since we had our "BATTLE". " he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Uhm . . yeah I can see that." I simply replied as I look to the side, feeling like an idiot of what I've done to him out of anger in the moment.

I have to apologize to him man. It doesn't feel right just letting slide like that.

"Look kirishima. . . Am sorry for what . . . I done to your head." I pointed a finger to his forehead. "I didn't mean to do that or to react that way in the heat of the moment." I look at the ground with shame.

Kirishima's expression was a soft as well as a surprised one from what I just said.

"You know things just . . Go wildly alright." I turn around once again "So let's just reset things between us ok? "

I stretch my hands out tours him. He look tours my hand and grab it.

The grip was a tight one.

"Yeah! why not!." He cheerfully said as a sharp Toothy grin appeared on his face. "Besides didn't you say something about 'beating each other up'."

"Shit heheh." I said as I let out a laugh "I guess your right hehe."

"So how about tomorrow?" Kirishima ask.

Wait . . . . Isn't it tomorrow. . .

Oh NO!

The league of villains attack tomorrow.


Let's make something up! Any lie would do to get kirishima to think of another time.

"Uhm uh how about . . We have it on the next day of tomorrow. Don't you think? Kirishima?."

He look at me with a bit of a confuse look but still had his characteristic smile.

"What's the matter? Don't tell you are chickening out? Are you?"

"No no it's not that" I move my hands "it's just that I heard that our class is going to do something especial for tomorrow."

A red eyebrow was raise.

"Wait are you sure? They never told us what was about to come tomorrow?" He ask with a surprise expression jet a serious one.

"Well I did hear one of the staff members talk about our class going to some sort of place for hero training."

"Oh ok." He said as his toothy smile came back "Then see ya the next tomorrow then." He put his fist right in front.

"Yeah see ya." I bumped my fist with his.

He began to trout to the main gate as he wave back at me.

I of course waved back at him.

Sigh weeeell at least it got a bit better, instead of going south.

The script am I right!

-I wanna kill myself -

Uhm or should I torment the yakuza boss and get some juicy information from the bastard it self.

I began to walk to the main gate.

Alright tormenting the yakuza boss it is then.



"Hey come on i toils you there is someone behind here." Spoke a man with a tattoo on his right eye.

"Uh hu! As if." Mock another man with dense musculature " Your just a chicken after all He He."

"Am not! Am being serious you dumb fuck!! I heard someone lurking behind here!"

"Yeah whatever." Said the muscular man "Your just a big Pus—"


he couldn't finish his sentence as a bright red orange blade came down on the top of his skull, going through his organs and exiting down its anus.

A dark armor figure was standing on top of the dead man's shoulder holding a long blade that went right through his companion.

"AAHH!!" The tattoo man let out a yell, as he fell down to his rear. Seeing the dark armor figure pull the blade down.

Slicing the muscular man like a pig, as steaming burn innards spelt down to the floor.

"DAMN!" Came the raspy voice of the armor figure "I didn't know that chayanme gave this BEUTY!". Said the armor figure referring to the bright burning blade.


The tattoo man quickly try to Stand up. But was quickly hit on the side of the head, with something long and black

"Careful if I were you!" Talk the armor figure "Be lucky it was the sheath of the Nagamaki,

And not the Nagamaki it self."


He pointed the bright burning blade to the split body of his companion.

"You would have ende just like your friend." The figure threaten. "That is if you want to cooperate?"

The tattoo man look up in horror to the dark figure. It had no face, only sharp dark teeth that resembled that of a smile.

"Y-You *Glup* want me T-To co—"

He recibe a hit to the noose, making the man flinch back as he held his nose.

"YES!" Said the figure with an annoyed voice "COOPERATE! Did you not listen."

"Y-yes I H-heard!" He said as he clutch his bleeding nose.

"Ok" said the figure as he pointed the bright red blade at his face. "Where the fuck is your boss? And I want straight up answer's."

He brought the burning tip of the blade closer to his face.

"So spill it out."

The tattoo man with no other option pointed a building that was across them.

The building had look to be made out of glass that shine brightly all thanks to the Neón colors it displayed on the top.

"Not bad!" Responded the figure.

The tattoo man secretly started to activate his quirk ready to strike the figure right in front of him.

"C-Can I G-go now" spoke the man.

"Yeh" said the dark figure, as it walk to the building he had pointed.

The hands of the tattoo man became that of a shotgun, as he slowly raise it, pointing it to the head of the figure.

"T-thank you!" Said the man, trying to sound grateful "thank you very mu-"


It was the sound of a blade cutting through the air.

But this time the blade was pointing up, with his sharp bright edge pointing at the sky.

The figure shove it's Nagamaki back into its sheath and resume its walking.


The man look down to his feet and saw his melted innards spill to the ground.


He felt down face first. Squashing and preading his innards even further.


{4th FLOOR}

Moaning of pleasures could be heard. All around the room, as well as the slapping of meat.

A mature man lay on top of of a young female with her legs spread open.

He was giving it to her and she was enjoying each and every trust the man gave her. Even to the point of her wrapping her legs around him.

CRUNCH!* CRUNCH!* it was the sound of something digging it's claws on the building as it climb up.

"S-Stop" said the young woman with a short breath

"What's wrong?" Replied the man "Are you not enjoying it." He said as he kiss her neck, sending shivers down her neck that run through her body.

"It's not that." She said playfully. "It's jut that . . . You didn't hear something?."


"Nah I don't hear shit." Said the man he tried to move. But was recibe with a light slap on his face.

"What?" Said the man already annoyed.

"Fufufu." She let out a playful giggle "come here big guy." She pull him, causing waves of pleasure to run from her vagina up to her spine.



The window of the 4th floor that look out tours the opening was smashed in. Causing the two of them to separate from each other, as shatter glass fly tours them.


A dark figure, cover in a bulky skeletal armor was now stand in front of the shatter window. Blood was staining it's armor, all thanks to the neon lights that highlighted it.

"I cum here to speak." Said the figure with a raspy voice "And to maybe get answers."

His fingers started to become large. Taking the shape off knives.

Scarring the female who was Now huddling to the corner of the room.

"Soooo care to talk?." Said the figure as it slowly approach them.

The Boss reach for his phone that was laying on top of a small desk.

"Nobody will answer that phone" said the figure "Every on the first floor is done for."

"So it's just YOU and ME." Said the figure mockingly "BIG BOY"