
MHA: Average Latino guy sent to a world of heroes and villains.

I die to Later on to meet an angel who Gave me only 2 wishes. To later on to be free falling from the sky to a city were heroes and villains fight like kids of who is Better. so yeah... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... this the part were i explain stuff dont i Uh well And now I am reincarnated into a world of my own choosing and that is Hero academia. Why? you may ask because i want to mess around, have fun, and to make my simple dreams come true. and to fuck around with the characters of the new world am reincarnated in I Am only there for the rush, and joder a ambos lados of the coin (to fuck the two sides of the coin) life is short sooo why not have so fun out of it -Reckless and full of wrecks, Let's Go!-

c_fanficsCSM · Anime & Comics
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CHAPTER 4: UA Ingression test

Today was the great day were all teenagers with all type of quirks were to go to the prestigious Academy of heroes UA all the kids that were there either seem to be excited or either neveous. all but one person who was sitting in the stairs that leadinside the building.

That person was none other than C as he was holding a phone in his right hand as he listen to music to enjoy the free time before the Ingression test for UA could start.

he look at his phone as to check the hour and it seem that in a few minutes the UA ingression test was about to start so wasting no time he put away his phone as well as his earbuds in his gray jeans front pocket.

[1st POV]

"I am surprised that phonk Music even exist in this world." i said

I thought that that all the genres music were going to be different as there were going to be weird songs or music that i never heard of but it seems that there still the same as my world. It don't seem to be different though. But the the only major difference was that the population have quirks Aka "POWERS"

But it seem that they are even more arrogant

jeez i wonder why


It looks like the door have been open

I wasted no time as i got inside the enormous building front door i started to walk down the hallway as a door lay open that led to an enormeous room fill with chairs in a rows, it look more like it was half of a foot ball stadium it was bigger than what was shown in the manga.

I turn tours my left as there stairs leading up i of course walk up the stiars to take a seat in the middle row for a perfect view.

I lay back in my seat as i kick up my feet resting them on thop of what seem to be some kind of small desk that notes could be taken. but who the hell will take notes since the rules are going to be simple.

Destroy some robots And run away from the Zero points Robot wich is basically a small set up by the Heroes Who are going to be looking through the cameras to see who is brave enough to face the big robot.

Basically to see who has that thing called 'heroism' inside them

I pulled out the small phone as i connected the earbuds and put them in my ear as i press with my finger in the screen on a small playlist i have made saving Music that i enjoyed Or either liked. I lay my head back starring up into the ceeling.

I was the only one sitting early, what am is supposed to do? there was nothing interest going on right now. The Presentention was about to began in 10 minutes so i decided to lay back

but it i slowly started to drift back to sleep so i let it

Better than sitting down and doing nothing other than wait.

[3rd POV]

while C took a nap. the other Youths entered through the door and chose their seats just like in the original story. As a proffesional hero With blond laid back spike hair and wearing orange sunglasses was explaining everething of the test for the UA Ingression

But he was quickly interupted by a Boy with deep blue hair wearing glasses who complain that there was a misinformation on the format paper.

"The reason we are seated here todayis becaue we seek guidance on the path to becoming Model heroes!" yell the boy. at the same time this cuase C to be woken up because of the yelling.

[1st POV]

"W-What huh?"

i sat up straight as i move my head from side to side seing the chairs full of japanese teens who for some reason they were starring at the seat infront of me were a teen was standing

"The shit is going on here?"

"And you too!!" the kid with the glasses turn around as he pointed at me " Are you here to sleep or to become role model hero? And Would you restrain yourself from cussing it is not Appropiate if you want to become a hero."

I forgot about that this guy with motor calf's even exists.

Even do he's not in the story very much

But now I have to deal with him quickly before I end up looking like an idiot

Which I kinda am

"Take a seat dude" i said "you'r interrupting the session."

His serious face turn into a surprised one as he realized that he too was interrupting the speech.

" OH AM SORRY" he immediatly sat down "PlEASE CONTINUE!!"

That's right

Come on take a sit

'Idiota' (Means idiot)

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and plugged the earbuds listening to some phonk music.

It all went as the story were they took all of us into a different City simulator's i of course ended up With the same group that the explosive blond bitch, green hair vibrator and Mr perfect.

Everyone now was inside the simulated city, Some were stretching,, some talking and there even som taking a selfie.

Well what ever.

I sarted to stertch my arms and legs getting ready


For some reason It looks like all eyes are now focused on midoriya who was getting lectured by Mr perfect. I forgot his actual name but i think they call him tenya? I don't remember well but whatever.

I took of my red jacket and folded neatly as i lay on top of a bench nearby, as well as my phone and earbuds. Now wearing my black shirt and jeans.

I dont want my new jacket to get dirty i buy it this morning!

So i walk making my way through the crowd reaching to the front. As i did i look tours my right side and noticed explosive bitch was Five feet away from me, he too had noticed my precense.

He seem starteld, mad and Angry by the twitching on his left brow

I only raised a left middle finger, giving him a nice greeting. this of course enraged him as he walk tours me with his fist's clench as well as his teeth.

His left hand push my right shoulder shoving me behind and was follow by a right grab at my collar's shirt.

"I told you not to come here tomorrow didn't I?" said Bakugo as he tightened his grip " Or is it that you think you are Better Than me? Uh!". My face was neutral as i was not faced by his threats and his childish demeanor as well as his attitude

"Listen here amigo i came here because-" I try to calmly speak but I was interrupted.

"Because of what?!" yell bakugo gainning the attention of some of the folks around us.

And I've lost it with this spike hair human bomb "BECAUSE AM FUCKING BORED YOU STUPID FUCKING CABRON!!" i yell loudly " EITHER YOU GET YOUR MANOS OF ME OR SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR BALLS" i said as my back sprouted tiny tentacles that started to quickly envelop my body. As the tentacles started to shape into Armor arround my body

This took Bakugo by surprise as he let go of my shirt that was now cover in ribcage like armor covering my chest.

"H-How?" said bakugo "YOU WERE SUPOSSED TO BE QUIRKLESS" He yelled as he tried to cope what he had just seen just.

Some turned to see what was the commotion but were surprised to see me covered in black armor.

In their eyes it was more of a being.

While for others it was just a mutation quirk.

[3rd POV]

"AND START" spoke an energetic Voice That Was loud as a speaker and by that single command the robots were activated ready to engage with the teens. But it seem that this took by surprise all of the teens who were confused


Everyone started running fast but not as fast C who In dark blur had quickly disappeared. the robot that was a few meters ahead of them was brutally rammed by C at a speed that penetrated the buildings behind the robot and at the same time the buildings had suffer the collateral damage from the ram.

Everyone was surprised by C's speed as the only thing they saw was black blur moving fast passing them. C was now leaning forward with his right arm extended that penetrated the head of the unfortunate robot that had first appeared and now it was a mess of metal and wires. He pulled his arm out of the robot's head tearing pieces of metal turning around to find the other youths fighting with the test robots. but in that moment of distraction his face was struck by a robotic hand.

But in that moment of distraction his face was struck by a robotic hand. The floor C was standing on was further shattered as the blow did not affect it in the slightest nor move him a inch.

C grabbed the robot's fist with both hands and with a monstrous strenght he tear the robot's arm off and proceeded to hit the robot with his own arm causing the robot's body to be destroyed by the brutal beating that c was giving to the robot

C threw the robot's arm behind him and grabbed a piece of metal that protruded from the robot's mangled body and with his armor hand he crushed the base of the big metal shardcreating a handle.

He had created what look to be a sword out of the robot's destroy body.

The teens didn't seem to have any trouble destroying the robot except for one teen who had green hair and that was Midoriya he was having trouble finding himself a bot so he can destroy and get a point for himself, but when ever he look or search for one it seem that somebody had already destroy it. This put the poor kid into a nervous state as he desperetly search for at least one so he can pass the test ingression.


A robot that seem to have missile launchers at it's side had landed in front of midoriya scaring him as he almost fell to his back but regain his footing.

"I have to do this and if not then the power that all might gave me will be in vain" He thought as his legs trembled with fear and despair. But he didn't run and is determined to pass this registration test no matter what.

"I-I won't let All might Down!!" He raised his voice at the same time that he charged towards the robot with his right fist ready to strike.


*CRASH!!* *CLANG!!!*

The robot in front of him fell to the ground with a big gapping hole in its head causing the young man to fall backwards from the small wave of impact.

Midoriya stood up seeing the robot in front of him lying on the floor, he was very surprised to see that the robot in front of him was destroyed in a second compared to the others that the teens were fighting taking them a few seconds.

the robot began to shake violently, scaring the young Midoriya who backed away

a fist covered in black armor and oil came out of the hole on the top of the robot's head, then it was arm that came next and it was the upper body of A black humanoid creature that came after.

This had call the attention of Midoriya, he has seen that shape before somewhere but couldn't recall exactlly where.

[1st POV]

"That . . . . wasn't a good idea" i said as i got out of the robot's head " I think am About to throw up"

My dumbass thought it was a good idea to do a superhero landing on top of robot from a ten story similuted building, just for fun but now i prat the price of almost throwing up the contents of my stomach.

I never liked heights but just for this time i had to do it for fun.

I look around me noticing the other's seen to have trouble dealing with the bts except for one who was exploding them to bits

"Egotistic Fucker" i murmured as i jump down from the bot to the ground.

"Damn i got Oil and grease all over me i am gonna smell bad." as i shake my hands and feet getting the oil off me.

"Sooooo are you going to stand there or are you going to destroy some robot cheeks" I said as i clean my self.

I already have sense Midoriya when i came out off the robot. All thanks to the amplified senses of the black gauna, the armor gave me in short words I was basically a bloodhound or had something like a sixth sixth sense.

"Eeeh!" The broccoli hair Midoriya was surprised because i had detected him in a instant without turning around to look at him.

"Well what ever kid i got to bounce" i said as i leap to a near by building. Digging my claws into the concrete wall of the building climbing quickly before jumping into another building and another

then to another building.


I let out a yell out of excitement.

"Now this"

"This is fun!!"

[3rd POV]

In a dark room With bright monitor screens. large screens illuminated a dark room. the screens showed all the youngsters fighting against the robots. Adult shape Figure's were watching the screen's that play out all commotion that was going on.

" A battlefield with a time limit is to see their attributes and for them to discover their abilities." Spoke one of them "such as tenacity, agility, judgment and their will in battle"

" It looks like UA will have a new generation of heroes" Spoke another figure that was sitting on a chair

"And apparently I think we have one that stands out from the rest" spoke another figure as he pointed at one of the screens.

where it show a dark figure who's armor resembled that of bones tearing the leg off a robot as he quicly stab it in the eye of the robot and quickly jump backwards landing on top of the robot avoiding a punch. The figure quickly shove his two arms deep into the robots head and in a quick pull all the insides of the robot came out from the top of it's head.

All the figures were either amazed or concerned by the brutality of this young man who had finish off the robot in a gruesome way.

"Hey! a hero shouldn't act like that right?" ask a femenine figure to the rest.

"Facinating but still needs some dicipline." spake another femenine figure with red glasses.

"His attack's and the way he looks resemble him more like a villain rather than a hero" Spoke a muscular figure spoke a figure who's hair resemble that of fire. " Would he even be fit to be a hero? Or would he be just another villain? either way I doubt he can become a hero."

"We will see that, we will also see that if the others are capable of having what it takes to be future heroe's" said another small figure that resembled that of a hamster, as it push a button.

[1st POV]

As i finish ripping out the robots inside's out i jump down cracking the concrete underneath me.

I realized that the others had already finished with the rest of the machines.

suddenly the ground began to shake. I immediately realized that it was

"don't tell me the big guy woke up to join the party"

and if i was right the machine had just destroyed a building making its grand entrance, it was none other than the zero point robot.

"Everyone! fall back!!" yell Motor legs as he started to run. All the other's started to follow after him

why are they even running away for? don't they want to be heroes or something?

"come on is just a oversize robot and nothing more. Just go for it's joints or the expose wires that are under it's armor it's not that big of a deal!!" i yell, but it seem that nobody wanted to listen as they were more focused on running away rather than stay and fight

"Well why not have a little fun with this fella then."

In a blink of an eye i was now on top of a building, near were the big robot was. I ready my self to dash at the zero pointer's neck as too rip out it's wires from the inside. Can't say I was a little scared of the idea of doing that, what if I bounce of it, or worse end up like squashed bug on a windshield

Before I could make a move i heard a loud yelp coming down the bottom of thestreet. I quickly went to the edge of the building quickly looking down and scanned the street. Damn it I wish I have thermal vision it will help me with spotting people really fast and easy,. The vision that I have when using the armor itself, it's only an enhancement for my human eyes as I can see clearer in some dark places and am able to zoom in to 4x like a tactical scope.

But for me to get I needed. I am required to consume organic life Which includes animals. It doesn't matter if it's alive or dead or even cook. As long as I can consume it will help me on becoming efficient and stronger at a slow pace. Yeah it could be fix by eating large amounts of portions which it could speed up the process.

But if I want to be truly strong and efficient. I might have to commit a taboo and that is consuming a human. In short words cannibalize a person. In the manga the white gaunas do that as to become stronger, what makes the black gauna so different. I know! that the black gaunas are man made!!, but they derive from the same species!! And probably they too can do that!!. The thought itself alone send chills down my spine.

If choose more strength and enhancement than what I have to do is. . . . to do. . . .that. . . .


But I refuse to do so

I rather stick to eating animals rather than eating a fucking human being. I am not some fucking monster or psychopath to do that.

"KYAAA" I heard a feminine scream. I quickly spotted we're it came from, somebody had fell down face first trying to run away from the robot. But their foot was stuck. "Wait a second . . . That short brown hair round cheeks( I mean literally) Is that . . . Ochako uraraka?."

"Oh Shit, that has to be ochako." I murmured "Should i leave her there and let midoriya save her just in like the story? Or do I do it myself? would that even somehow change the trajectory of the story?"

the foot of the robot raise up ready to take it's next step not carring who it was going to step.

"KYAAAA" another scream

"SHIT!! i rather live with a clean conscience rather than a filthy one!"

[1st POV: Uraraka]

"Damn it!, damn it!, damn it!." . I desperately struggle to move as my foot was caught by the rubble that had fallen on right foot.

I tried to push it as well but didn't budge. "Come on! Move!, move!, mo-". *KREOOONK!!*. I immediately look up seeing the metallic foot of the zero pointer being brought down!.

"No no NO!" I closed my eyes as I cover myself with my arms. As it will protect me from the metallic foot from the robot.

"I fail you Mom, Dad. I promised that I'll become a hero to help both of you. But it seems that I have failed you and it looks like death is my only option now" a tears began to run down." please *hic* forgive *hic* m-me!! *hic*"

The foot of the robot was feet away from me and all I could do was cry with my eyes close. As I waited for death.


I quickly heard the sound of metal being being hit. I immediately look up. "EEEH!" I was surprised to see A figure cover in an black armor that resembled that of bones Was right in front of me. I thought it was death himself ready to take my soul. But was surprised as I saw the dark figure, what it was doing.

It was holding the zero point's metallic foot.

"AAAAAAAARGH!!" I heard it struggled as he slowly lifted the metallic foot. Who is he? What is he?. There were so many questions in my head to what was the apparition that was right in front of me.

"H-Hey! Are you gonna sit there and watch or are you gonna move?! *Ark!!*" came the distorted deep raspy voice that almost sounded like a whisper. "I-I can't move at all !!. " I replied trying to compose myself.

"Yes! you can!!" Said the figure " Just try to. Use your quirk! To *AARK* lift up that rock *AARK*". I desperately touch the rock that trap my foot. "Z-Zero Gravity!". The rock only move a couple inches. "Zero gravity!!". The rock didn't move at all not even in the slightest. "I c-can't! I can't! *Hic*" Fear had taken overcome me as I sit there trying to escape "*Hic*I can't! I can-"

"SHUT UP!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" the figure quickly snapped at me " You better else get your self moving, OR I'LL FEAST ON YOUR DAMN ENTRAILS!!" The figure open it's jaw as saliva was drooling down dropping were my foot was stuck

"GYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" I desperately again touch the rock. "Come on!! come on!!". I closed my eyes trying to focused but couldn't as dizziness started to take over. "Z-Zero G-Gravity" the rock started to shake a little. "Zero g-gravity ugh!" I can feel my head throbbing as I try to focused. 'No!. I Have to F-Focus'. I press my eyes harder as to focused more, the throbbing on my head got more unbearable as I try to focused.

"COME ON HURRY!!" The figure yell. I took a breath of air and. "ZERO GRAVITY". I yell as I open my eyes. The rock slowly float up. I sense of relive came over me for a second, but it was quickly shattered.

"GO! GO! GO! MOVE IT!!" Scream the figure. *CRACK* the floor underneath it began to crack down as his foot were slowly pushed under the concrete.

In a second I was up and running leaving behind the dark figure who had stop the metallic foot from coming down on me. "Please Forgive, please *hic* forgive me *hic*" I started to cry as y slowly got away leaving the figure behind to it's luck.

[1st POV Cansio]

"YEAH BUDDY. LIGHTWEIGHT!!" I yell as I slowly push up the the enormous metallic foot. *crack*. I turn my head to my left hand, small cracks were starting to form around it. "Oh shit. Not now!". Come on really at this point it's starting to crack down!. I have to get out of this position fast.


Wait isn't it supposed to be Midoriya to take care of this big guy?. As a response from destiny it self, I heard a yell ."SMAAASHUU". Well there he goes. Immediately the weight was lifted of my hands.

"A little to late broccoli head" I murmured. The helmet of the armor quickly turn into little tendrils that slither to my back only revealing my head. "Finally at least I can take a breather." I stretch out my arms up. *POP* *POP* it was the sound of my back. "Oh that's the stuff". having to hold off that damn robot foot was sure stressing but at the same time quite beneficial.

I raise my left hand and saw the cracks slowly heal as small dark tendrils fill In the cracks on the armor and quickly became hard ."Am guessing is adaptation or either healing" I said but nonetheless is fucking creepy seeing live tendrils move around your body. Which of course that's what the black gauna. It's living weapon.


I quickly look up to the sky and saw a certain someone falling down. 'Should I? Or should I not?. I already save la gordita de ochako' I crossed my arms as I saw midoriya free falling from the sky. He should be save by ochako. Like. . he is the protagonist of the story and after all he has the power of the script by his side.

He was now a few meters from hitting the ground and becoming a splat on the pavement. But am sure he is going to be fine alright. Slowly walk to the starting point basically the big metal door that all of us walk through. *SLAP* . Uuuuh that must hurt like a biiiitch. I don't need to turn around to see what happened.

"THE TEST IS OVEEEEER!!" I heard the mic guy yell as I walk between the other folks. Some were looking at me with wide eyes out of amazement, others not so much, there was the guy with motor legs looking at me with amazement just like the others, but it was a brief amount of time as he turn his gaze to were the slap came from. But there was one who look piss off and really, really! mad. I pass by him paying no attention to him for my objective is my jacket that I leave on the bench.

Quickly the armor turn into large tendrils and slowly retracted to my back. To be more precise, there are small holes going down all the way to the base of the spine. Does feel uncomfortable?. At first yes, since it feels like a worm slipping inside, but after many uses it just feels like a tingling sensation.

"Just leave it to me boys" spoke an female elderly voice. As I finish my to put my jacket on I saw a small old woman handing candy "Here enjoy some haribo candies, don't be shy"

And that has to be medic girl or medicine girl?

Well I really don't have an idea of who she is she's basically a side character on the story. She's not even relevant what so ever.


There is one side character that is relevant. play the drums!

And that has

To be


She is the only relevant one that comes into my mind. Well why?. Well




I have my morals alright! I have a fucking soft spot am not some heartless bastard who leaves a kid to suffer. The place we're I grew up (which is latinoamerica) isn't a well forgiving one to kids and elderly and all the times my parents turn on the TV. All I heard was a case of 50 corpses of little kids with no organs in them and a elder beaten up to death on a sidewalk by thieves.

It's nice going to latinoamerica as a tourist since they get treated nicely. But shit gets wild and I mean wild. When you live in latinoamerica, nobody gives a shit about you. Except for your parents and some family members.

I sat down on the bench as I waited for the buss to pick all of us up.

I need to come up with a plan so I can "RESCUE" Eri.

But for me to do that, I need to become stronger and that's is consuming something that is alive. Since i don't want to get destroyed by overhaul or even worse being capture alive and being experimented on.

And that brings up


The main self egotistical villain who can absorb quirks and use it for his own. I don't doubt that he can track me down and kill me, which am not that afraid of. But am more afraid as he can use my ability to create a bunch of NOMUS and that will be a major problem.

Even worst if he can somehow apply it to himself.

The black gaunas are no joke to mess around with they may be weak to the te white Gaunas. But the black gaunas had survived a fucking planet destroying bomb and they are able to breath without needing oxygen.

So I guess you can imagine what AFO can do if he gets a hold of my ability.

Yes he can steal the powers of other I know but that doesn't mean he can rip out my spine to get what he wants.


I looked up to see the buss had finally arrived and all the other teens were walking tours it.

I need to be strong if I want to protect myself from any threats. Becoming a hero is not my main problem. I can just become a vigilante if I don't become a hero. I know the risk of becoming a vigilante in this world. Since they are look down upon and even worse thanks to a dumbass name stain that keeps on killing heroes because they are not real heroes.

I could have done a better job than him. All you need to do is just break their spine and a few bones. Surely they will come back again and one again you can repeat it again Till they get the memo

I walk all the way to the end of the buss and sat on the corner.

But first I have to gather information of were is eri location and become stronger. For me to do that I might need to go to mosutafu we're all the animals and scum come out at night.

That is my starting point.

MISSION #1: Eat something alive to become strong and get information to were they might be keeping eri.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Sorry for not posting this fanfic. I was busy writing on the other ones so please keep in mind I have other stories to write. This isn’t the only one.

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