
MHA: Apathetic

Overview of the story: A child by the name of Shizuka Ikari was born into the world of My Hero Academia, unknowingly he would change the future to come. With the power to use the emotions of himself and others and convert it into power what will he be able to accomplish in his life? This is my first Fanfic so I wish you can give some constructive advice and feedback for the improvement of this fanfic. I'm already planning to make the chapters longer so dont worry about that. I'll usually upload every other day if possible I moved the FF from novels to here fanfics, as I unknowingly put it there before.

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter.9 I may have deceived you but at what cost? Quirk Apprehension Exam Finished!

SEE! I'M HERE! Long chapter incoming.


--Ikari POV-- 

'So it seems there are 8 more trials, including the workout portion. The first one is the 50 meter dash. The second one is the grip test. The third is the jump. The fourth is the repeated side step. The fifth is the flexibility test. Sixth is the endurance test. The seventh is the sit up test. And the eighth test is the push up test. I've already done the ball throw so I don't have to worry about that'

Aizawa: "Shizuka Ikari! Stop daydreaming, your up next against Katsuki Bakugo."

I look towards Aizawa with a hurtful expression 'Wouldn't you rather be asleep right now…'

Moving towards the starting line, I look over my opponent.

'So that's the thugs name… But why does he think he's gonna win this? Looking at his body I can tell he never trained it. His quirk might have given him a stronger body for whatever the hell is his quirk but why hasn't he trained his body? You know what no more overthinking'

Taking my wooden sword off my back and casually holding it, I get confused looks from everyone trying to guess what I'm going to do with this. I smirk as the timer counts down, further angering the thug.

Robot: "5...4...3...2...1...GO!"

Launching off I look beside me to see Bakugo using explosions on his hands to propel himself. I decided to use shunpo to quickly make my way towards the finishing line, getting astonished and an angered look from people. Aizawa, seemingly not caring, calls out my score. 

Aizawa: " Shizuka Ikari, 2.1 seconds"

Everyone except Bakugo shows their awe at my speed when I don't even have a speed based quirk. God they might give me an aneurism with that thinking.

Bakugo: "Bastard! Don't start thinking you're better than me!"

'So he has a superiority complex. Guess I'll tease him a bit'

Ikari: "Whattt? Reallyyy? But j got a better score than youuu!" I say with a shit eating grin. Oh, it seems he popped a blood vessel.

Bakugo: "Wait till the next test! I'll blast you out of the water seaweed head!"

Ikari: "Whatever you say, sparky." I say with a massive grin on my face. But isn't this the best nickname for him? He has the attitude of a chiwawa, he looks like a pomeranian and he makes explosions. It's just great!

He gets even madder but before anything can happen Aizawa starts the next test.

Bakugo: "Tch, you got lucky seaweed head..."

Ikari: "Alright sparky!"

Continuing I get called up for the grip test. As a practitioner of the moonlight sword style, I need a good grip of the sword. Or Mira would just plainly slap it out of my hands.  And then probably beat me black and blue...dark times…

Anyway, grabbing the device I start to put my strength into the device without using my quirk getting 250 kg. I get some gazes but all attention turns to the 8 armed man seeing his score, 540 kg.

As I see this I hear Aizawa's voice yell at me.

Aizawa: "Shizuka Ikari, use your quirk, you should be trying your absolute best in this exam!"

Ikari: "Jeez alright, but why are you so focused on me anyway?"

Activating my quirk, my hand glows red as I converge angry emotions towards it. The grip machine snaps as my hand crushes it. Everyone, looking towards the sound, starts to look at me as if I'm some sort of monster. After all, this machine can measure up to a ton of pressure. And I just snapped it in half with (which they think) no effort.

Red boy: "Hey man you seem really strong! What's your workout routin-"

Ikari: "You don't want to know…"

Red boy: "It can't be that bad right? Come on, tell us!

Ikari: "45 minute warm up, 2 hour cardio, 3 hour muscle training, 30 minute rest, and 2 hours of sword training."

Red boy: "How in the- you know what never mind."

Sighing as I warned him beforehand I walk towards the sandbox where the next test I'd starting, the long jump. I sit down waiting for everyone to finish the second part of the exam. Waiting for everyone I go into deep thought again.

'What should my new move be… how about a long range one? So far my only 2 moves with my quirk use my fist or hand as a medium to make an effect. But the real question is what will it be.'

Tsuyu: "Helooo, earth to Ikari. You there? Why do you keep spacing out. Its getting pretty weird you know."

Ikari: "Sorry Tsuyu, I was just thinking about something haha"

Tsuyu: "Alright but the next exam is starting. Hurry up and get up."

Ikari: "Jeez, are you my wife or something?" I say jokingly

She looks back at me before getting in line, ignoring me entirely. Unknown to me she had a small blush on her face. Getting up, I dust my pants off walking towards the line when sparky- I mean Bakugo walks behind me with an irritated look on his face.

Ikari: "Jeez, cant even beat me to the line. What can you even do?"

Bakugo: "Shut it seaweed head!"

Ikari: "Awww, sparky is having a temper tantrum!"

Bakugo: "Bastard! Get over here so I can kick your ass!"

Dodging all the explosions from Bakugo I feel the stares of everyone as they look at me with a confused smile. I grin as I guess what they're thinking.

'They probably think I'm carefree, just as planned'

Palming Bakugo in the face to dodge yet another explosion, jeez he won't give up… When will Aizawa get back? 

Just as I thought that I felt the presence of a being full of irritation and tiredness come closer to everyone settling everything down.

Aizawa: "That's enough, next parts of the exam will be the long jump. Everyone get in line, and don't waste time"

He then turns to me with a stern look in his eyes.

Aizawa: "Especially you Shizuka. Get in line now everyone, the next part is starting now."

And so the exam started. I'd have to say, I'm surprised Sparky got a higher score than Tsuyu. He propelled himself all the way across. And the other student that surprised me was the bi-colored haired boy. He made 1 huge glacier and jumped across the sand box with no issues. Quite the quirk he has. But it has the side effect of freezing his body.

Now I was disappointed with the green haired boy. He isn't using his quirk at all. But I still feel those 7 presences from him which has to be his quirk. So that's frustrating. Can he not handle his quirks' side effects?

Now up to my jump… I'll just enhance my legs and just jump. Bringing all the angry emotions I absorbed from the angry Bakugo I focus into my legs and prepare to jump. My legs get a red glow which everyone pays attention to. Jumping a decent sized dust cloud erupts, clouding everyone's vision.  Landing on the other side I look over to Aizawa who keeps his usual tired expression after all of this. He looks down to the small device in his hand before writing on the clipboard.

Aizawa: "Shizuka Ikari, cleared."

Grinning towards Sparky who looks pissed that I tied with him I laugh and walk towards the next exam spot, where the repeated sidestep will be done. This one i'm pretty confident i'll pass

(Authors note: This  is getting pretty long so i'll speed it up a bit :/)

Aizawa: "The next part is the repeated sidestep. You have 60 seconds to do as many side steps as you can between 5 yard distance. Mina Ashido, your first."

'So that's the pink one's name. She seems physically fit so she should do decently well. Guess i'll sit down and wait till its my turn again'

Laying down, relaxing as many names and scores are called until my name is called.

Aizawa: "Shizuka Ikari, your up"

Walking towards the circle with 2 lines I look towards Sparky before smirking, making him surprisingly just scowling. Guess he's taking me seriously. Anyway as the timer counts down from 5 I get into the stance I use to do shunpo. Everyone gets confused with the stance I'm using and calls out to me trying to get the answer why. All I do is put my finger up to my lips as I smirk before the timer ends. Immediately I appear and disappear repeatedly, shocking a lot of my classmates from my speed. Even Aizawa looks concerned about my speed.

The 60 seconds end with me getting a total of 1,568 total side steps. But what happened after shocked even me. A purple haired boy with balls on his head(Pause) got a higher score than me! He got 1,800! He has to be strong or just physically strong. Too bad I didn't see what he did.

With the rest of the test everyone scored well as it's the flexibility test and endurance test. Hell that green haired boy even scored well. But now we're at the ball throw test. As I already took this test I don't have to do it again. Bakugo is up next from what I just heard and I'm interested in what he will do this time.

Bakugo walks up to the circle and taunts me with the EXACT same thing ive been doing to him. I decide to smirk back causing his little taunt to backfire on him. He enters the circle taking the ball and pauses for a minute. He then cocks back his hand and throws the ball. A large explosion erupts causing ringing in the ears of those that were closer to Bakugo. I'd say, quite the quirk for a future hero. He got 701 meters on his throw so he did well compared to everyone...except me which inferiores him.

Bakugo turns toward me with an infuriated expression once again.

Bakugo: "You might have bested me this time but wait till the combat exam! I'll kick your ass then!"

Ikari: "Alright Sparky, I'll give you a treat if you win~" I say with a shit eating grin.

Bakugo: "Bastard-!" And I turned him out and layed back down. Until The green haired boy went.

When he first threw the ball his quirk started moving, or well the 7 presences got weaker a bit even though by a small amount. But that was quickly restrained. Hell I couldn't even sense the 7 presences anymore. Aizawa and that green boy talked more until he tried again. And the result certainly satisfied me. And All Might?

He got 709.9 on his throw. Bakugo seemed enraged from this an ran towards him, explosions going off in his hands.

Bakugo: "DEKUUUU! How dare you lie to me about your quirk! Do you- mMmhHm!"

He was about to continue on his monologue until a scarf wrapped around him.

Aizawa: "Stop making me activate my quirk, it makes my eyes dry"

Bakugo: "What kind of shit is this! Let me go!"

Ikari: "Bakugo relaxxx~ it's not a big deal~..."

Bakugo: "Shut it you know it all! Your not in this!"

Ikari: "Jeez, sparky, overprotective much? You must know him then. Maybe a childhood friend?" I say causing Bakugo to flinch giving out the answer I needed.

I walk over to the "Deku" and inspect him, noticing the well trained muscles he's developing. 

Ikari: "So you need to be physically fit for your quirk… interesting. But why haven't you worked out more? It's as if you didn't have enough time with this thin frame"

Deku: "Oh- h u-uh y-you s-s-see about t-that…"

Ikari: "I'm not interested in hearing it. But you got to say, the sight of sparky over there struggling with a scarf is amusing."

Deku: "Sparky? Oh! You mean kacchan!"

Ikari: "PFFT-" I try to hold in my laughter as I hear the ridiculous name that is kacchan. I think I'll tease Bakugo with tat before the day is over.

Anyways. The day ends with me in first, Momo Yayorozu in second, Shoto Todoroki in 3rd and Katsuki Bakugo in 4th. But here's where my disappointment peaks. Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, is in last place. And he looks dead inside. Fortunately it seems his luck hasn't run out just yet.

Aizawa: "Nobody is getting expelled." 

That simple sentence sent everyone into shock. You made everyone do all that just to say you're not going to expel anyone. Izuku on the other hand looks as if he dodged the biggest bullet in his life. And with that the day comes to an end.

Other than Midoriya going to the nurses office we had a normal day after these events.

---End of chapter--

Jesus that was a lot to type out. But here.

So as to why I wasn't here since Friday.

1, I got paid so I had a mini celebration (first job)

2, I was catching up with gaming

3, I was studying for my PSAT and I'm not going to lie, I don't think I did well. My back was hurting the entire time.

So, I'll try to upload bi-daily now to keep stress to a minimum.

So every other day I'll post except on weekends. Big boy hours then. 

OH! And they are messing around with my hours too! I went from 9pm to 8pm to 9pm which confused me. Anyways adios Thursday you get a chap( Don't work that day also so might be lengthy)

Hope you enjoyed it! Stay safe!