
Mha: Animal Hero

sorry has been dropped tho I have started a new fan fic called MCU: The Viking

OMrLloydO · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

UA Entrance Exam part 2

thank you for all the support. I will continue writing, but I might post fewer chapters as I have just started my GCSE exams. I will try to post regularly, tho😁 now on to the chapter


Tsu POV: outside the practical exam gates

'I hope we both get in.' Tsu thinks to herself before remembering something Mujina once told her

'Never doubt yourself. Doubt leads to failure'

Tsu sighs to herself and says, "You can do this." Just as she finished preparing herself, the present mic voice comes over the speakers "right let's start, get moving."

remembering another lesson, Mujina taught tsu while all the other participants were frozen in confusion she burst through to crowd with high speed

' First rule of being a hero, there are no count downs.' Tsu thinks to herself, remembering what Mujina taught her

then the same thing happens in her practical exam zone that happened in mujinas Zone

later on, we see Tsu running around knocking out robots left and right while also keeping an eye out for anyone in need of help

(In a dark room just after the people talked about mujina)

voice 1 says, "Another promising candidate I see," to which voice 2 replies "indeed is she using taekwondo too?

voice 3 cuts in "name: Asui Tsuyu, age: 16, quirk: frog, description: the quirk frog gives the physiology and allows her to do enything a frog can such as enhanced swimming capability, hopping long distances, extend her toung and many more she has also be trained in taekwondo to help enhance her battle ability and take advantage of her strong legs, guess another one that's going to aizawa again"

to which once again all the people in the room agree for the second time in a row

(back to tsu later on)

As Tsu just finishes, destroying another robot, what seems like a massive earthquake happens when the shaking stops tsu thinks to herself,'What was that?'

and to answer her question, she begins to hear screaming and sees people running with all their might past her

Turning around, I'm confused about all the commotion. Tsu sees a robot about the size of a ten story building

when she saw the robot, all her instincts were telling her to run, but as she was just about to, she spots a person trapped in a building that was about to get demolished by said robot

with all her might, she runs towards the robot and starts to use her frog like abilities to climb up the side of the robot

when she reaches the top, she spots the same door on the side of the head that mujina did but without the strength of mujina had she wouldn't be able to tear it open like him so she starts looking around for something that might help her

sporting some ruble next to her she uses said rubble to bash against the lock of the door using all her might. it works after knocking the lock of she goes inside and instead of just destroying everything like mujina Di she makes sure she only breaks the wire

After she did so, the robot started short circuiting and stopped in it tracks

with a sigh, Tsu leaves the head of the robot and climbs back down the side of the robot. Once at the bottom, tsu runs up to the building, and the person is stuck in and kicks the door down, freeing the person inside

after getting thanked by the person, Tsu was about to head back to get more points when once again the present mic came over the speakers " and finish, please get changed back into normal cloths ready for your interview with one of the teachers here at UA"

and that's what tsu did she got changed and went to the interview where she got asked questions by the hero present mic himself

she gets asked the same questions that mujina did. After the interview, she heads off to find mujina before heading home excited for what's to come of the future

(Mujina POV)

halfway to Tsu house, mujina asked, "So who do you think won the bet? I mean, when both definitely passed all the exams, "

to which tsu replies "ohh definitely me, I tried so hard to get as many points as possible, scared of what you might ask for me to do," making a fake scared face towards mujina

After a few seconds of silence and staring both burst into laughter, they continue on their way with this bubbly atomspher surrounding them, making people passing by assuming they were a couple, not that they noticed.


sorry for another short chapter. I promise to make the next one longer fell asleep quite late last night and have been struggling to stay awake all day once again. Sorry, and Cya later

pink author out🎤