
Chapter 7: Park Incident and Meeting

Authors Note: I'm going to change how his seed of love works cause looking back at it now, it feels weird considering your partner only likes you cause of an object so I'm going to change the function to where the seed will make them realize what the feeling their feeling for the MC is sooner to avoid the drama and stuff. Hope that makes things better cause I'm not trying to write a shojo novel if you know what I'm talking about. Also 4 chapter tomorrow but it's gonna be pretty late so please be patient.


(Kodai POV)

I walked towards the group consisting of two moms and a child showing my most charming smile.

When they noticed me, my mom stood there smiling while Momo and her mother were stunned when they saw my handsome appearance (more like cute cause he is 5 years old). My mother beckoned me over and I came running over with an innocent expression on my face which added even more charm to my appearance.

"Ko-Chan, this is mom's best friend who I treat like a sister. Meet Aiko Yaoyorozu. The little girl who is next to her is her daughter Momo Yaoyorozu. She is the same age as you so I hope you can be good friends with her all right?" introduced my mother as both Yaoyorozu's were still looking at me.

I nodded and started to introduce myself.

"Hello Aunt Aiko and Momo-Chan, my name is Kodai Takeyama, but my friends and family call me Ko-kun."

Aiko and Momo kept looking at me before they broke out in a smile especially Momo.

"Hello Ko-kun, I'm Aiko Yaoyorozu while this here is my daughter Momo, as your mother said she is the same age as you so I do hope you can get a long" she introduced herself while Momo beside her was blushing in shyness and embarrassment.

"H-H-Hello, my name is Momo and I hope we can be friends!" she said said shyly as she reached out her hand for a handshake.

I smiled at that and took her hand while running and pulling her towards the front door.

"MOM, I'm going to take Momo-Chan to the park! We'll be back before dinner!" I yelled as I practically pulled her to the front door.

Momo didn't know what was going on but she just trusted me as he was her first friend besides the maids and butlers in her mansion.

The two mothers looked at their children with a knowing smile and let them do their thing while they decided to talk.

"My, Konami, it looks like we'll be in-laws soon with the rate your son is going!" teased Aiko as she was mentioning towards where we just left.

"I wouldn't mind that at all, then our two families will be related by law and get closer than ever before! Now I just hope Yu-Chan could also get a boyfriend or else she is going to be single all her life with the amount of time she spends on training!" said Konomi as she was thinking of her daughter with both a proud and worried expression.

"Oh? Do tell" questioned Aiko as she looked at Konomi with interest. She knew that her friend's daughter was a pretty young girl who was always seeking attention, so to hear she was constantly training was a surprise to say the least.

"Oh yeah! Ever since Ko-Chan awakened his quirk she has been constantly training to surpass her brother and even learned partial gigantification which her father or grandfather couldn't do! SO now, in addition to her trying to look her best always, she wants to be the strongest as well!" Konomi said with pride as both her children were exceptional in their quirk usage and could become top tier heroes when they were older.

(3rd Person POV)

As the two mothers were talking, Kodai took Momo out to the public park to play which was surprisingly far from his house. There were two reasons he wanted to go to a park and this park in particular. The first reason was to get close to Momo by talking too her on the way as well make her have a good impression of him. In the MHA world, there were 2 girls that he really liked not for their looks but for their personalities as well. With the addition of Annie, it becomes 3 cause he also loved her character in AoT. The other girl was Momo as in the series she was very mature (mind and especially body XD) as well as exceptional at being a leader which was a characteristic of her he really liked. The last girl will remain a mystery until he finally meets her.

Besides the point, the other reason that Kodai was interested in this park in particular is because this is the park where kid Izuku and Katsuki played at. How did he know? Well while Kodai was jogging to train up his stamina he unknowingly stumbled across this park and he saw a ash blond hair kid with two kids, one round and the other skinny behind him bullying a timid looking green haired kid. Kodai was stunned when he saw them and almost ran to help the green haired kid.


Because that was Izuku and Katsuki when they were younger!

If he could help Izuku now the future would change dramatically! He was half tempted to change everything right here and now!

But in the end he resisted the temptation. Right now he needs the plot to play as he knows as he doesn't know what changes he has brought to this world by being here considering his ancestor was now related to All for One. If he can't plan for what happens next he would be like the others and suffer more losses than necessary. He cannot and will not allow any of his loved ones to get harmed due to his blunder in misinformation. So, though reluctant, he left the situation alone until he can think of a suitable plan which both Izuku can understand as well not alter the timeline too much. And the stunt if the two of them should arrive should do just that.

When they reached the park, they could see a lot of kids playing on playground equipment. Kids sliding down slides, swinging on swings, just like any normal children. When Momo saw this, she put on a confused expression on her face.

"Hey Ko-kun, is this the park you were telling me about?" questioned Momo as she looked at the headphone wearing kid.

"Yes it is! You don't look you like it though do you, Momo-Chan?" Kodai asked as he noticed the expression that the black haired girl was making.

Momo, thinking that she made her new friend sad quickly waved her hands in denial.

"NONONONO! It's not that Ko-kun! It's just that this playground is different from the one in my estate." told Momo hurriedly as she was worried she might have hurt Kodai's feelings.

"What do you have in your playground Momo-Chan?" he asked Momo as the playground they were in had all the essentials to a playground and was wondering what she had in her playground to make her so weirded out.

But the answers she gave made him speechless as they were simply mind boggling.

"Oh! We have a roller coaster, a Ferris wheel, a...…." she continued to list all the rides you would see at a amusement park than in a normal playground.

After she was done she looked at Kodai as it was of a matter of fact that playgrounds should have all those things.

"Wow Momo-Chan, you parents must really love you huh?" he said to Momo while Momo was nodding her head aggressively saying that its true.

After that discussion, Kodai showed the equipment on the playground to Momo and how to use it while they were playing around. Momo was thoroughly enjoying herself as she had a friend to play with and tried new things.

Of course, the other kids (the boys in particular) were teasing her due to the fact she didn't know how to play the games they were playing, so Kodai treated them like fly's and swatted them away earning the hate from the other kids. Kodai didn't care and decided they should take a break on the bench as he saw Momo sweating and panting with an excited face from all the new things she learned today. Momo talked non-stop as Kodai just listened and added some stuff in as well to continue the conversation. Time passed and from all the talking they felt much more comfortable with each other. They felt like friends that they've known for years instead of only 2 hours. As he was about to answer her next words, he suddenly saw a green haired kid run past him from the corner of his eyes. He followed with his eyes where he was going. What he saw next made his eyes lit.

He saw 5 kids in total with three kids with an ash blond as the leader ganging up on two kids, one that was injured and shivering in fear and another that was timidly standing in front of him trying to shield him from the three bullies. Naturally the leader of the loser squad was Katsuki while the timid shield was young Izuku.

Kodai watched this scene in interest as this was the scene he was waiting for and when the three kids attack that's when he should stop them and beat them to a pulp.

As he was thinking if he should intervene, Momo was feeling scared herself looking at the scene and was tugging the corner of his shirt. When he was about to say something, He heard Izuku shout.

"Why are you being so mean Kacchan? Your making him cry!" yelled Izuku as he was confronting the young Katsuki.

"If you keep on hurting him.....U-u-uhh, I'll stop you myself!" continued Izuku as he put on a boxing posture.

Katsuki and his band of dorks were laughing at his show of power.

"Humph, You wanna pretend to be a hero?" Katsuki scoffed as he punched his hand creating small sparks.

"You don't stand a chance without a Quirk DEKU! GUYS LETS GET HIM!" Katsuki yelled as he and his two goons activated their Quirks and charged at Izuku.

Kodai watched to see if Izuku would back down but surprisingly he didn't. Although he had apparent fear in his eyes and was shaking, he stood his ground to protect the injured and crying behind him. That's when he decided to intervene and the next second he disappeared from his spot next to Momo.

When the three idiots were about to land their first blow on the broccoli head, they seemed to hit a wall that didn't seem to move no matter how hard they pushed. When they were about to look up to see who the fool was to stop their path, they suddenly felt a hard kick to the abdomen where they were sent flying and finally stopped when they hit a tree and got knocked out.

Katsuki was obviously startled and a little scared at what happened to his lacky's. He looked up to see a good looking blond with headphones looking straight at him with his intense deep purple eyes with white pupils. He seemed to have an expression of mockery as he looked straight at him.

"Who are you?" asked Katsuki with caution as he was activating his Quirk trying to intimidate the newcomer.

In the meantime, Momo, after being asked by Kodai to save to injured kid, pulled him out of the fray and used her creation quirk to make some simple bandages and put them on him.

Izuku seemed stunned when he saw a predicament that he didn't predict. He thought he would be beat up while the other kid would at least be kept out of harms way as long as the others were kept focused on him. Just as he was about to be hit some new guy protected him as well as sent two kids flying. It was mind boggling!

"Me? Oh you know, just some kid stronger than a punk like you" Kodai provoked Katsuki as he could already see the fumes coming out of his ears.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY! YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU EXT-" before he could continue with his cliché revenge speech, Kodai rushed over and punched his abdomen with half his current power so he won't be knocked out immediately.

Katsuki was taken by surprise as he flew just as far as his two goons but didn't hit a tree while he skidded on the ground. Katsuki was hit so hard that he started to violently cough spit while he was struggling to stay awake.

"W-Why w-would you protect a w-weakling like h-him, he is Quirk less!" stammered Katsuki as he was trying to keep see the kid who made him like this.

Kodai walked over to him confidently. When he reached his face, he crouched down and looked down on him like a bug on the pavement before he started to answer and made sure Izuku could hear it too.

"Why? It's simple really, because punks who only like to show off their power in groups and hurt innocents are just like villains. So in my eyes, your a villain trying to hurt an innocent." I replied calmly as I saw the color drain from Katsuki's face when he heard what I called him.

Yes, he called him a villain. He never knew why bullying like this happened even though there would be adults in the vicinity. For an adult to not stop a child where they could seriously injure someone with their quirks are also to blame when a child gets bullied. So Kodai took it upon himself to give a reality check to the young Katsuki and call him a villain when nobody else had the balls too.

"W-w-what, a villain?! NOOO! I'M A HER-" Just before Katsuki could voice the word he got slapped in the face by Kodai.

"A hero? That must be the joke of the century! I'm barely trying to contain my laughter now! Since when does a hero pick on the weak? You'll never be a hero if that attitude doesn't change" Kodai said before giving him one last punch before he knocks the last of the three idiots out. He picked all of them up with his enhanced strength and stacked them up in a pile in the corner before heading to Izuku. He could see him shivering when he faced him as tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. Kodai paused when he saw this then sighed and showed the most friendly smile he could muster.

"Hey kid, got a name?" Kodai asked in pretending voice as he obviously knew it, just to make small talk with Izuku, telling him what needs to be said then walk away with Momo showing a badass exit.

"M-m-m-my n-name is I-I-Izuku Midoriya, Sir!" Izuku said in a very nervous tone as Kodai looked at him.

"Ahh, so Izu-chan then! Hi my name is Kodai Takeyama, but you can call me Ko-kun for short!" Kodai said to Izuku as he reached his hand for a hand shake.

After a couple of minutes in contemplation, he took Kodai's hand and shook it looking less nervous then he did before.

"Ne Izu-chan, why did those three bully you? Are they bullies?" Kodai asked Izuku as Momo finally finished tending to the injured and joined his side. She looked at Kodai in admiration as she just saw him take down three bullies with one punch.

"N-n-n-n-no they are not bullies, they are just picking on me cause I'm Quirk less." Izuku said while looking down blaming his weakness.

Kodai sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, he looked him in the eyes and said the words that would change the broccoli head's life for the better.

"What, that's it? You know being Quirk less is not the end to being a hero you know? There are so many ways a person without a quirk can be strong. Have you heard in America there are Pro-Heroes without a quirk who can beat people with a Quirk and can save many more lives. Having a Quirk is not everything, its just an additional tool that you can use. People are powerful themselves as we could use our intelligence and martial arts to beat villains up. I think you're pretty smart so you should work out a little and learn some martial arts to become strong. Well my friend and I are going to leave as we have to go eat dinner. Hope to see you at U.A and be classmates!" Kodai said before taking Momo's hand as she was blushing and walking out of the park.

Before he left, he said to Izuku that he knows Kacchan isn't bad, he's just hanging out with bad people and finally left with Momo back to his mansion.

Sorry for the late chapter, I'm going though some shit and wanted to clear my mind before I continue writing.

As always, if you like it add it to your library and drop a powerstone to give me motivation to continue creating.

Abyss_123creators' thoughts
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