
MHA: A Ghoul’s Cover

A quirkless boy in the world of heroes and villains suffered constantly from the torment of his parents for his “disability”, it all changed when he awakened something that was horrifying and out of his control. Forced to take a decision of what to do with this “curse” he decided that becoming a vigilante might be the best idea, but it’s not that easy as it seems, as he will face constant struggle to control his curse and escape being hunted down by everyone at the same time. He also managed to get the attention of some unwanted individuals who might be plotting something dangerous. (AN: I got the cover from Pinterest from a user called zeina, I know it’s not a ghoul eye but who cares.) (This is my first story so please let me know what I can improve and I’ll try to learn along the way, english is not my first language btw.)

Linn_Guistick0 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Birth day ghoul

"3.. 2.. 1.. now! Happy birthday Saki!" Saki looked startled to see everyone on the dining table wishing her happy birthday.

Saki kindly smiled before saying, "It's rare to see everyone together like this." On the dining table multiple people could be seen.

Everyone was reunited to celebrate this birthday, this included Kenji, Tadao, Masako, Aika, and Danny. "You're getting old mom, come here so Danny and Tadao can sing happy birthday" Oki jokingly said.

Saki frowned at the word old but soon smiled and approached the table. Tadao and Dani just looked at Oki strangely before Saki sat down at the end of the table.

Kenji and Aika looked to be married with each other now as they were showing noticeable public affection everywhere they went including right now that they were about to sing happy birthday to Saki.

Everyone besides Saki looked at each other and started to sing happy birthday, when they did so, Oki brought the strawberry cake that he bought in the store and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Now, before Saki blows out the candles and all of that good stuff I have some words to say" After saying that Oki noticeably got nervous as he was fidgeting his fingers and it didn't help that Danny looked like he was about to burst out laughing any second now.

"I have to say that I couldn't have asked for a better mom other than you and I hope that you enjoy this gift that we all contributed to make it happen when you open it" Saki looked to be at the edge of tears and was looking at Oki with affection after his short speech.

Oki looked at Tadao and Masako to get the gift which they immediately stood up from their seats and headed towards the laundry room. A few seconds passed and they both came out with a square box wrapped with a birthday wrapper.

Tadao and Masako placed the box on the table before Oki started speaking, "Now it's time for you to make a wish" Oki said whilst he looked at Saki before lighting up the candles with the number 37 in them.

'I wish everyone present here has a good life' Saki thought before blowing out the candles. Everyone started celebrating and handing out cake slices to eat, Oki looked at Saki and at that moment the thought of this being his happiest moment filled his mind.

"Oki, when you have time take out the trash will you" Saki said, Oki nodded and then felt a tug on the back of his shirt. When he looked back, Masako was staring at him with a smile, her appearance looked to be about 8 years old now. "What's up Masako? Do you need something?" Oki asked.

"No, I don't need anything, it's just that Tadao and I want to give you something" Oki looked surprised to hear that and then jokingly said, "I didn't remember that it was my birthday."

"Just follow me" Masako responded before holding Oki's hand and guiding him upstairs. Oki and Masako reached the guest's room and when Oki stepped inside he immediately took notice of Tadao who was looking outside a window looking very happy.

"Why are you smiling like that? you're creeping me out" Oki commented before Tadao looked at him and said, "Oki! I'm glad that you came, it's time for us to show you our super gift"

"Okay, okay, what's the catch? Is this another prank where you and Masako troll me and burst out laughing at my reaction?"

"I'm afraid that's not the case, this time it's actually real, look at what we got you here" Tadao then took a metal box and approached Oki before handing it to him.

"What are you waiting for? Open it" Masako then stood besides Tadao without saying a word and looked at Oki as he opened the box. Inside the box there was a folded note which Oki took and opened. "You're gay" the note simply said.

Oki looked at Tadao and Masako which were holding their laughs but couldn't as they both burst out laughing at Oki's questioning gaze. "Ha.. ha.. I didn't expect this to be an immature joke, who would've though? Why are y'all even laughing, it's not funny at all" a puzzled Oki asked with bewilderment

Oki stood there whilst he watched both of his friends laughing without control. The only thing going through Oki's mind was how much he wanted to punch both of them to death.

Masako composed herself first and then Tadao followed, Tadao, who finally calmed down, said, "Turn the note around, this time we were not actually lying about the gift"

"I will not fall into one of y'all's traps again, I'm not that stupid" Oki said before handing the letter to Tadao. Without saying a word Tadao took the letter and flipped it around to show a white fox pin with red on the tips of the tail and a cute face.

Oki widened his eyes and looked at the pin with melancholy. "I know how much that that plushie meant to you, I'm sorry 'that' happened and I want to apologize correctly."

Oki looked at him without saying a word for a few seconds which made Tadao and Masako really worried about what he was going to say next.

"I know that it was an accident… don't worry about it, it's all in the past and I should thank you for giving me this, at least you know to own your mistakes. I'm surprised that the joke was pretty light and stupid, I thought it would be a xenophobic disaster again."

"Man… you really don't know how to ease the tension, I was sweating buckets the whole time, the joke it's just something simple, I didn't want to get straight away into the topic of what happened " Tadao said with a slight smile.

"You look fine to me, let's go down and join the rest, the birthday is going to end in about an hour probably" Oki opened the door behind him and left the room before Tadao and Masako followed.

When Oki arrived at the dining table he was surprised to find everyone silent and not doing anything on the dining table. "Did something happen? Why is everyone so quiet?" A bewildered Oki asked.

Kenji sighed whilst he moved his head side to side and looked at Oki in the eyes. "We were just waiting for y'all to come down so Saki could open her gift"

Oki looked at all of them strangely but decided on not paying any attention to it and sat down with everyone waiting for Saki to open her gift. Saki took the wrapped gift in front of her and started to tear the wrapping with incredible skill and speed.

After tearing the wrapper Saki almost cried in joy as she finally received a good coffee machine. She started to hug everyone and say her thanks, you could tell that she was very happy.

"When you first suggested that we should buy a coffee machine I doubted your intelligence and thought that there was something wrong with you but now I realize that my thinking was too naive and complicated" Danny whispered to Oki.

"You need to show a little bit more trust in incredible your friend, my idea was better than yours. What's with you and gifting Saki a sewing machine? It's not like she's old or anything why would she want that?"

"At that time it seemed to be a good idea, it doesn't matter anymore I'm happy that Saki enjoyed the gift" Oki then realized that he forgot take out the trash and immediately told Danny about it before taking the trash of the kitchen and going outside.

Oki walked a moderate distance before looking at the trash container and throwing the trash inside. Oki was about to turn around but he felt danger behind him causing him to duck and doge a hand that was aimed at the back of his head.

He jumped sideways and looked at his attacker, a blue haired drug addict looking guy with apparent psicosis judging by the hands on his face and hands. "A quirkless man shouldn't be able to do what you just did, don't you think so?" The man said with a hidden smirk under the hand on his face.

"What do you want?" Oki seriously said whilst he maintained eye contact with the man, there was an evident frown on his face that showed his displeasure to such encounter.

"Join the league of villains… Ripper" Oki looked surprised to hear that name and the surprise quickly turned into hostility within milliseconds. "Why shouldn't I kill you right now?" Oki asked before taking out his kagunes and changing his eye color.

"Because if you kill me your identity will be exposed for the whole world to see, it'd be a shame for your dear mom to look at you in a different light don't you think? You will be forced to become someone who is always on the run, having fear heroes ambushing you at any corner… don't make this more difficult than it should be and just cooperate if you know what's best for your life and your family."

"If you don't show me evidence that you can do all of that in the next 10 seconds I will kill you, and don't even think about running away" Oki could be seen twitching from anger because of what the man told him, he looked ready to kill in any second.

The man then proceeded to take out somethings from his pockets before showing them to Oki, "Look at this picture, it's you killing the hero Sunny Mask, and look at this other picture, it's you with a downed hero at your feet, funnily enough, you don't seem to be masked" The man was clearly mocking Oki, but he stopped when he saw him crushing the trash container with his kagune to control his anger.

It took everything for Oki to not attack the man but he finally decided that it would be idiotic to attack him as he still hadn't heard everything that he has to say, the man then resumed his speech.

"Don't even think about killing me because every member of the league of villains have a photo of you which they can use whenever they feel like it. For now, just follow me into the base, if you walk away the photo will be published the next day" The man said before he started to walk towards the base.

'Fuck!! I have no choice' Oki thought whilst he gritted his teeth with strength and clenched his fists. He then took a deep breath before following the man to his base. 'I swear that I will kill them all before they even have the chance to publish that photo' Oki thought with anger.