
MHA: A Dark Riot Begins

“There’s an old saying in this world, if you truly wanna break someone then you simply take away everything that makes them who they are, their identity, their beliefs, their hopes and their dreams but the way I spite them is to make their own beliefs...led to their death”

ChromiumVoid · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Reestablishing One’s Self (OC Bio)

(OC Bio)

Name: Barikēdo Burēka

Villain name: Dark Riot

Age: 25

Height: 6,8

Hair Colour: Black

Hair style: spiked upward

Eye Colour: White

Birthday: February 1st

Sign: Aquarius

Quirk: Complete Hardening, allows the user to harden their entire body including their skin, bones and internal organs as well other parts such as the ear drums or eyes as well as harden individual parts of the body.

Side effects: Stresses his body out, causes him to suffer severe pain after he stops hardening if he has taken a hard enough impact, hardening his internal body is harder for him to do then his external body.

Appearance: (Casual) Barikēdo wears a ripped white shirt with a black bike jacket with white spikes along with ripped white pants and black shoes with white gloves.

Suit: Barikēdo wears a full black bodysuit made out of polyethylene along with a white headpiece which resembles a police riot squad helmet along with white riot armour and white riot boots (they have an internal coating of polyethylene inside to prevent him breaking them).

Personality: He has a dark personality with intent to deliver what he calls "real justice" which he delivers by killing people who commit crimes but also has a habit of not caring about any bystanders caught in his path which has made him a villian in many people's eyes, he also has a fierce rivalry with Crimson Riot and took on the name Dark Riot to spite his rival.

He is remembered mostly for the time when he tore a tank in half after he let it fire a shell at him from point blank.

(Hosu City, Unknown Location, Flashback)

A man with black hair and white eyes walks towards an old display case before immediately breaking the glass with his hands and ripping the case to pieces to reveal a polyethylene bodysuit along with white police riot gear, he grabs the gear and checks the inside and sees the polyethylene coating inside is intact and grins before putting on the bodysuit and gear before binning the gloves, he then removes the knee and shoulder pads and tears away the polyethylene to expose his elbows and knees. He then looks at a dartboard with several heroes and villains on it and throws a dart at a man with red hair and a face mask "I'll see you soon Riot..." he walks off.

(Present, Hosu City, City Streets)

Burēka sighs as he walks down the city streets hoping to see some action along his way, he looks down at his hands and sees the scars and bruises and chuckles to himself "You will always be in my memory" he continues walking until he hears his phone buzz, he looks down and sees a text message from an unknown number. "Hey Dark, I hope you're still there, I have some work for you if your interested meet my man on the roof of your complex if you wish to know more" he looks at it slightly confused before he reaches an old apartment. h

He walks in and walks past the staff and other people and immediately gets in the elevator. He then pushes the top floor button and waits.


He reaches the rooftop and opens the door to reveal a man with hands gripping all over his body and a man with purple and dark mist for a body "Dark Riot, a pleasant surprise-" Dark cuts him off "Yeah, yeah, get to the point already" the man blinks in surprise before continuing "Fair enough, I wish to offer you an invitation of sorts" Dark raises his eyebrows "What kind of invitation?" The man smiles "An invitation to join the League Of Villains" Dark's eyes widen slightly before he grins "I'm down though I hope you realise that I'm working with you for my benefit, not yours" the man smiles "That's fine by me as long as you follow orders" Dark nods "As long as the order you give isn't foolish or reckless and likely to get us killed" the man gasps "You have that little faith in me?" Dark laughs "Faith?!, I don't have faith in anyone but myself and those who prove their ability to me" the man touches the wall and Dark's eyes widen while he grins as the wall the man lays his hands on slowly crumbles and disintegrates. Dark claps slowly "Impressive, very well you've earned my faith...for now, if you need me" he tosses the man a card, "just call me" the man nods and leaves through a black and purple portal along with man made out of the mist.

Dark thinks to himself "I guess I better get my gear out of storage" he looks down at an alley and checks to see if anyone's down there or watching him and sees a crew working with jackhammers "That should cover the sound of my fall" before he jumps and lands cracking the ground and making a lot of noise but is drowned out by the workers. he then immediately walks off heading for his storage unit.

(Storage Unit)

He lifts up the metal door to reveal a bunch of old crates, he cracks the lid of the first one revealing a polyethylene bodysuit before opening the second one to reveal a white variant of police riot gear, he puts on the gear and looks at the holes he tore in previously "Good to know I haven't grown any taller" he chuckles to himself before testing the coating and seeing it hold up, stops and walks out of the storage with a trail of gas behind him before grabbing a match and striking it against his hardened hand and flicks it towards the gas trail and swiftly walks off as the people who live nearby scream as the fire causes the unit to explode along with the records of his ownership of it. "Heroes...let's see what this new generation is like".