
MHA’s Superman

Jack is reincarnated in the MHA universe with powers from Superman

HeavenlyEvilGod · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Necahual was resting in his straw bed on the hut when he suddenly woke up.

It was dark, there was a bonfire at the center burning silently.

The were loud noises outside the hut.

Necahual Started to look at his surroundings and notice there was a young lady sitting next to the door, she was looking at him and notice him them moment he turn his eyes towards her.

"You finally awake little one, come here. Let auntie carry you"

She then proceeded to carry Nacahual into her arm.

"You really are a ugly hahaha with all this wrinkles hahaha"

Nacahual make a frown after hearing that.

"Ahhh don't be mad, don't be mad, they'll go away eventually haha then you'll be really handsome haha Let go with party with your mother."

After that she made her way out and joined the party outside and pass little Necahual to his mother.

"Helta, look who came to party."

"Sarta, quick give him to me."

Necahual heard for the first time the name of his mother. Helta look like a strong women, she look energetic as if she hadn't had a kid a few hours ago.

And this Serta girl look like a younger version of his mother, thus assuming it was her sister.

After Serta pass him, the rest of the people look at him.

Helta held young Necahual proudly in her bosom and raise a cup she had in front of her "Glory to the village!!"






Everyone raised their cup high into the air in celebration.

Necahual look at everything around him great interest, expectations, and a little bit of fear if he was beating honest, he didn't know anything of this world, and after observing his surroundings he affirmed his guess that probably this world was an under developed one.

As he was contemplating his next steps, his mother suddenly stud up from her sit.

Looked at her partner and seeing him nod his head, a blinding light started to shine from her.

After the light dimmed a little a women that look exactly like her stood behind her, but this women had body armor made of animal bones, look a little see-through, and stood at about 10ft.

"Like my man said, this moment signifies the rise of our great village. Since the blessings of the gods, things have change a lot, but we change even more, we grow stronger and now we can go even further. Let's show our enemies what we are made of."

Everyone started cheering but the women present cheered even louder than the man, as the one saying this was one of the braves and strongest women in the village.

She had gain the respect of all of them in battle, as even the little girls dream of one day becoming like the Great Cihuacoatl Helta.

Necahual didn't know anything of this, he was simply in shock of the manifestation that his mother produced.

His eyes shined with great admiration and desire.

If his mother was able to this then that meant that in the future he would be able to do the same, after that he finally turn his head from his mothers avatar and actually paid attention to his surroundings.

He notice that besides the normal looking human, there other that had distinctive features such as horns, wings, tails, extra limbs.

This people interact with the normal looking people meaning that they were also form part of this village.

Absorbing all of this information Necahual reevaluate his thought of this world, this May be a primitive world, but it had it mystic side. In this world, powers exist.

Being the son of one of those mystic powers holder, his father most probably also had some of his own.

And it look like he was born to the head of the village meaning he was born into royalty, well village royalty.

If that was a thing.

After that Necahual stay in his mother arms the whole night, fighting off the annoying fingers of his annoying aunt. His father eventually left his sit and gathered with the other man drinking and showing off his son, bragging about his future.

At some point Necahual eventually fell asleep.

When he woke up it was already another day.