

In the last few years since the incident with me kicking Katsuki's ass for the first time a lot has happened. One thing was my progression with drawing. Simply repeated repetition until perceived perfection. Of course, I don't perceive my work as perfect, I merely see it as a beginner's foundation to move on to more complex and creative work. I went from simply using pen and pencils to being able to use color. Making a simple moment in time like a sunset, turn into the sun exploding about to raze the earth down to atoms. It's nowhere near the level of professionals but it's enough for me to be able to envision different types of pieces and incorporate them into and onto the paper.

I once read that the earliest and safest approach to starting to work out is at ages 7-8. I see no reason to destroy my body at the foundations so I simply started at the seams. Setting the groundwork for the process of making an architectural masterpiece which is my body. So I started with monkey bars, parkour, rock climbing. Anything I could get my hands on I would do. Not only for the buildup but the naturality I'll have when I perform these later in life. Parkour is essential but incredibly difficult to do, the amount of practice I can get in is little as I can't jump from roof to roof with my tiny body, lest I want to fall and destroy it.

Rock climbing is fun and helps with grip strength and recognizing areas reachable and holdable. It will be significant as it will pair nicely with parkour. Monkey bars are underrated, as not only can I test my tenacity and hang time with it. I can also learn balance by climbing on top of the bars and walking around on them. Of course, the teachers don't like me doing that so I often come during after-school hours.

I also haven't started martial arts yet. I plan on doing so soon but I have been watching videos on tournaments and spars to get an idea of what I am going into. Taekwondo would have been nice to learn but I now recognize I need to start learning how to wield weapons to do major damage as I am disadvantaged in most situations. I decided to use weapons that aren't loud. Like guns and grenades but something just as deadly just not as frequently used.

The Katana. I know it is incredibly dumb to go against people with superior weaponry but I also don't plan to brute my way through situations. I plan on being like a ghost. A phantom appearing and destroying my targets before they even get an inkling I was there at all. It would not only instill fear in those I hunt but also gather a reputation as someone unnoticeable till it's too late.

But I'm not stupid enough nor narrow-minded to believe only a katana can solve my problems because there will be times where I'll need a long-ranged weapon. I've thought of a few but don't have the focus to train them, with all of my other things going on already. I'm already exhausted with everything, especially since I still need to build and keep relationships with my family.

I plan to go with an ancient Japanese-style outfit, with weaponry from that era. The look is samurai, not only people chock-full of honor and justice. But people who don't bow down in the face of opposition even if they're hopelessly outnumbered. This will give people a type of comfort and security when I help the innocent and show my enemies I won't stop and give up no matter the circumstance.

Izuku and I have turned 7 today celebrating with our mom and eating Katsudon as it's Izuku's favorite food. I also enjoy it so it's a win-win scenario. My mom got me a wooden katana as I asked for one to practice stances with as opposed to using random sticks we find in the park. Izuku got some All Might merchandise which I still don't understand why he'd want them. As it won't help him in his pursuit to become a hero.

He's so naive to believe that training and experience in fighting won't be essential to becoming a hero. I guess it can be narrowed down to him still being a child but I should've already shown him the importance of skill and technique because right now he's quirkless. I'll only have to hope he changes later as he's still the same person shown in the anime. Not even my interference has changed that.

Katsuki also still calls Izuku Deku which I beat him for several times. Thankfully he has the mindfulness to understand not to do it in my presence. I suppose the only reason he's not called me Deku besides once is because he knows I'll beat him into the ground; again.

One slight issue I've had is all the stress accumulated from doing so many activities. And I think my mom has noticed since she made me take a week off from all activities. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it lets me think on all that has happened so far.

That secretary is still a bitch and the principal hates me even if the conflicts aren't started by me. Even when the other kids are the ones at fault somehow I'm still the one who gets in trouble. It's vexing that I have to deal with their bullshit and have no say in the matter as I'm perceived as not mature enough.

Another issue I have with this school is the shameless alienation Izuku and I face because of our quirklessness. Yet those who are antagonizing us are the ones let off scott-free. Such improper use of authority coming from the teachers and staff are creating mindsets in these children that it's okay to have a prejudice against the quirkless. The police have also been notified of the issue by my parent but wrote it off a little horseplay, another bullying incident like all those before.

When I'm older and registered as a hero I'll get rid of such blatant disregard for justice and try to rebuild a new society that won't accept such discrimination. Incredibly unrealistic but it's something to strive for, a purpose. Something that will press into me and every step towards that goal will give me the strength to take the next.

(Hi guys. So Jackal is still quite naive and believes he can change society by becoming a hero. This will change later on because I want him to realize how terrible this world is and needs someone to change it forcefully, even at others' expense. So don't worry, this is just his attitude during childhood and it will change drastically. In the next chapter, I'm going to recap what information he's gotten on heroes and villains. I've also shown added some hints on what my character is gonna be like. Has anyone played Ghost of Tsushima? He's basically going to be Jin Sakai with his transition. Thank you for reading!)

Did you know 60% of human brain matter is fat? No? Well, you do now!

EternalStudcreators' thoughts
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