
Methuselan Blood

"What is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone dare approach me?" Alice thought as she sat on her desk. She always finds herself alone. "Open your eyes" "Who are you?" Alice exclaimed at the person who appeared before her. The tall handsome man gave her a stoic expression. It wasn't long before she notice after pondering for a while that it was only a dream. She was back again on her desk. She observed her classmates enjoying what was left of the fifteen minute break. They were all happy, chatting, sharing food, playing video games, simply socializing. She rarely speaks to her classmates because of the fact that they would only acknowledge her when they work on a group project, or a team building, saying what she needed to say, after what was requested of her to do or to accomplish, after exchanging thoughts with others in that certain group, she would just be ignored again like she is clearly invisible. It wasn't just with her classmates it was the same with other people, with an exception, her family. Alice wasn't anyone special. She wasn't a very intelligent student, not an athlete, she doesn't have a golden voice, she was completely devoid of talents, sometimes she even thought she doesn't exist. Alice could blend perfectly in the crowd though, it's a dominant trait of hers that she is perfectly aware of. One incident happened though,,,

Valkyrie_me · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


A few weeks passed since I stood in front of my classmates feeling tongue-tied. I hadn't even spoken for two minutes when my vision got blurry and I passed out right in front of them.


"Miss Alice Judither" I looked at the woman that entered my room.

"Madame Aridnee" our Matron. She has this long curly blond hair that was strangely neat. I noticed she was still in her long-sleeved, dark blue dress. Still on her inspection.

"Time to go to bed, young lady," she said holding her spectacles for a while inspecting the papers on my desk and at the wall clock.

She acts like a mother always and all of us inside the penthouse seem to warm up to her because of that. Madam Aridnee was strict too but in a way that keeps us all away from trouble.

I wanted to study more but it was too late already. Clearly objecting to the idea of sleep, I marched into bed without a choice.

She gave me one of her warm smiles and cleared her throat transforming her voice into something stiffer than her usual tone as she tucked me into bed.

"You know Alice, it is not nice to sleep late for a young lady. You'll end up faint in class again. Rest now or I will let you sleep in the attic the next night as punishment for breaking the rules. What did we say about bedtime?"

"I'm not afraid of the attic, I'm afraid to sleep," I told her. I hugged a pillow and stared at her.

She gave me a weak smile and eyes filled with concern.

"You are having bad dreams again?" She whispered, only for us to hear. One morning, I was having a very bad nightmare that she heard me screaming when she walked passed my room, she thought something must have happened and went inside only to find me sobbing on my bed.

So I told her that I had this scary dream, one that almost made me not want to go to bed.

These frequent dreams have always been the same and they have been so much worst since I came to this place.

Maybe all the anxiety is building in my subconscious and they are all let out into these dreams.

"You could always control your dreams, Alice, that's an odd thing for you to say, I mean you have always been brave enough to break rules and come to school late," she said while she was checking my windows and locking them securely.

"I'm curious of what you dream about, of what you see, but if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to" she started to make a fire in the fireplace, that's when I realized that the room was getting colder by the minute.

"I dream about voices," I told her as I stared at the blocks of wood that she was feeding the fire with. The fire was burning with live ruby red charcoals that slowly became of the firewood, turning them into nothing but white ashes and black cinders by morning. In a minute the room was now warm and cozy it made me really sleepy.

She stared back at me her eyebrows crunching together. Her face relaxed only when she was distracted by the bell downstairs. Some seniors must've come home from school, they were having astronomy classes this semester so they were allowed to come home late, sometimes they even come home early the next morning. Seniors have their classes resumed in the afternoons so they could make up their sleep.

"Sleep now, I know your tired from school, you'll be alright,but if you ever need help, just pull the bell and I'll be rushing to your room" she said referring to the string with which we call someone who could help us with what we ask them to, usually a servant might come, she gave me another warm smile as she turned off the light and closed the door behind her leaving me in tranquillity and serenity. I could simply hear the howling wind outside of my window and the hooting of an owl perched on one of the branches of a nearby tree.


Though I cannot see, I had this strange feeling of warmth, so safe and sound. A few raindrops gently drizzling on my cheeks, they were not cold, instead, warm too, a new sensation, I thought. Rains can be warm too? It didn't disturb me though. It was then that I heard screaming angry voices.

"Kill her!"




"Kill the child!"

Screams of rage and of protest seem to be in front of me now but I cannot do anything about it, how could I?

I was swallowed by the darkness, and I was running out of breath.

There was a monstrous growl. Then

suddenly everything was set on fire, the smell of metal in the air was so strong, the smell of blood.

Then I was suddenly able to see, I was lying on my back as I float along the thick viscous warm water,  I felt very calm as I was not drowning, the sky above was dyed bright red and for a while, I was peacefully staring at it.

I heard faint whispers that emerged in the wind and what came from the water around, sprung hands. Hands covered in blood pulling my hair, my shoulders, my neck, my arms my legs and feet into the pool of blood.

I woke up, heavy with sweat. My cheeks wet with tears. It's morning, and again, I'm running late.


I arrived in my room only to find out there was no teacher for our class in history today. I stood there at the door hesitating to go inside again.

"Move" a cold voice uttered behind me. I stepped back to give way for him as I was blocking the door.

One of my classmates was late too. If I remembered correctly, he was called Zyg by Professor Eriole the first time I was introduced to the whole class. He burst into the room without even a word or a glace at our professor and went to the empty seat beside my desk right next to the window where my chair was also situated.

I sighed. I have a tricky seatmate.

I remember when I passed out and got sent into the clinic he was there sitting at the foot of my bed. Why is he even there? Is he sick at that time too?

From the moment he went inside the room when I was about to introduce myself, both of us under the same roof, I can feel this intimidating aura like what I feel around Regal.

Zyg was tall like maybe reaching 6'5, although his body was lean, his bone structure and his stature looked so strong and masculine, his hair has this strange shade of copper, and his eyes were blue-green like I was staring at a seaside, where there was a mixture of the cerulean waters and the cyan lush moss against the white sandy shores.

It was always so beautiful that I always find myself sometimes, staring at him, at his eyes, those we're such embarrassing times but I can't help it.

I love Regal's eyes. It was hard and long before I had to admit to myself that I love those deep green eyes in contrast to his brown hair but there's something that draws me into Zyg's eyes, like a deep connection I can't understand, not the intensity I felt with Regal, different, I don't know but those eyes calms me and, my day is not complete if I can't see those eyes under the thick curving lashes. His pale complexion didn't surprise me though.

Zyg went pass me without even bothering to look at me. His expressionless handsome face severely beautiful but deadly on cue, I saw him flash me a glare once when he caught me starring at him, I was embarrassed and I felt like I died. It was a horrible feeling but that never stopped me to even catch a glimpse of those eyes. I didn't stare at those enchanting windows anymore I had to control myself, just a glimpse would satisfy me and I would make it through the day. As I have observed, he doesn't talk to anyone in the class either. Must have been tough for him and his reasons. Students here have their very own reasons as to why they prevail to study in this school.

My classmates this semester, however, are the best I've ever had. They were all friendly. I can't believe that they put up an act last time because they were waiting for Professor Eriole to give the signal before throwing in a big 'surprise!' unfortunately he seemed to forgot about it so, they sat still as a stone. The act was about to go on forever, until, two students in the class broke the plan. Avery and Edric Ladverston, they are twins. The boys laughed their hearts out in their seats that they nearly looked like tomatoes I starred at them wide-eyed and utterly confused, putting a stop to whatever blocks the sudden forgetfulness of Professor Oriole. The word Party.... began to fall into his mind again.

Unfortunately I lost consciousness, I woke up in the school clinic with Professor Eriole talking to a nurse and another student from the same class sitting by the foot of my bed staring at me, when I was about to talk, he stood up passed Professor Eriole and the nurse on nurse way to the door, they gave him a questioning look as he retired out of the room. Both people turned their gazes at me and I saw Professor Eriole gave a sigh of relief.

I got up and told him I have to get back to class before I could leave the nurse gave me a few checks until finally, I have my permission to be released from the clinic.

The whole morning they celebrated my welcoming party, so we didn't have any class. There are delicious food and drinks.

I met so many people, especially girls of the class who came to surround me and bombard me with questions. They were all so pretty and sophisticated but they all have this social excellency that I nearly stutter and was hard to organize my thoughts before answering their questions, I didn't have anything interesting to tell them though so I didn't know if I lessened their curiosity about me as I answered them with three words or less. I felt like a robot.

Two weeks passed like that and I didn't notice that I was beginning to adjust with the place and get used to it with my classmates and teachers.

At lunchtime the same day I went to the dining hall. I choose all my favorite dishes that was served and went to an empty table, I ate alone.

I miss Regal. I miss his sudden hugs, I miss his hair, I miss his voice, I miss his face, I miss his scent, his eyes, everything about him. All of these feelings, I don't know why.

I had this sudden urge to see him, that was so strange, why now? I didn't even look for him when the school was all new to me and now that I have gotten used to everything he comes back tumbling into my mind making me miss him unequivocally. Would he be happy to see me through? I shake my head.

If I could just wait.

"Hi," a girl from my class came into my view.

"Hi" I greeted back with a smile.

It was Jillana.

"The seats are full, can I join you?" she said.

I glanced around surprised that the hall was now full of students having lunch, I was so soaked up in my thoughts.

I nodded immediately and she sat down the chair facing me with a big smile.

"Gosh, sorry to bother you," she said apologetically.

"Not at all, it's okay," I ate my meal and she enjoyed her lunch as well.

"Ladies" Avery and Edric sat on the two unoccupied seats. I swear, these twins are such children, they are very childlike to the core. I can't help but smile at them.  The two silver-haired puerile talks to us and seems to brighten up the formal mood.

"We apologize but it seems we will be having lunch with you," they said in perfect sync.

"I was about to say 'no'" Jillana said as she paused for a while to glare at the twins "What are you up to this time?"

"Nothing" they chorused. "We can't harm little Alice right here" Avery patted my head. I can tell they're feigning innocence. I was wondering what prank would they be plotting? I continued to eat while smiling as the three bickers around about random things.

".....honestly, you can't simply place a frog inside Gwendolyn's bag...." I can hear Jillana's voice trailing off, my vision blurry. The twin's laughter seemed to tune out as well.

"Alice" that voice, it was like from the last time.

I feel so bad, my head is spinning out all of a sudden.

"....Alice?" I felt Jillana touch my arm. Looking at her I struggled to stabilize my vision. She looked at me carefully.

"Excuse me," she said I didn't expect her to place her hand on my forehead.

"Your burning, are you having a fever?" She exclaimed.

I gave her a weak smile. It seems I'm still having this once every two months fever.

" I think I have to go to the clinic," I told her. I have to take care of myself.

"We'll accompany you," the twins said smiling from ear to ear as they rose up of their seats.

"Absolutely not" Juliana gave them a glare.

The four of us stayed silent.


"You can get back to your classes now, leave the rest of the afternoon for her to rest," the nurse gave me some medicine and let me lie down on the bed.

"But Miss Jules, Alice needs us, we cannot leave her, please!" Begging on their knees while the twins were crying. I was about to calm them down when the nurse who was in her late forties and was not married at all but was surprisingly approachable and kind, gave them a look of disbelief.

"Now, now, you two, get back to class, I wouldn't be fooled twice, Miss Jill would you take them back? they are using their talents in acting again"

Fooled twice? What does that mean? Talents, in acting?

Jillana seeing me confused said;

"The twins stayed with me when I was sick the whole day, they caused quite a stir, the fire alarm rang out and the whole hospital staff came running securing the safety of their patients only to find out it was a false alarm because these two" she pointed at the both of them.

"They pulled the fire alarm accidentally, and they ended up in detention"

The whole afternoon I was left in the clinic of the old building.

The twins and Jillana went back to class after a series of serious arguments of who stays and who goes but in the end nobody stayed because if Jillana would win in rock paper scissors the twins would insist that they repeat it, they tried all the methods they know  to settle the last decision but they seem to be back in square one after protesting or finding some fault about the winner. I smiled while watching them play. They look like siblings fighting over trivial things.

Before they left Avery and Edric gave me a chocolate bar.

I looked at them questioningly.

"So you wouldn't stay sick," Edric said

It was so quiet when they left. I wish all of them stayed. Their absence makes me a bit sad.

I feel so weak and tired. I closed my eyes, my head was throbbing, it did hurt. I can tell my body was screaming in exhaustion because I was sleep-deprived and I was a bit of adjusting to the new environment a bit stress I presume. I shifted on my back.

After a while, I decided to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, I saw the white high ceiling. I went out of bed. It was a very nice sleep. I didn't dream. A very rare occasion to take place. I was somehow recharged but I could feel there is still fever left as I was getting a little dizzy while I wear my shoes.

The nurse was hesitant to let me go home but, I insisted that I have to. Even though the old building was well taken cared of, I don't want to sleep in such an old place, I don't find it safe yet.

And I really badly want to see him but where would I start? This island is so vast covering a few hectares of land and within, this school is built. Where would he be? I haven't seen him since we got here, but I can sense he's close sometimes, it was a weird thing to feel.

Wait. I stopped myself from thinking further that I could simply see him as I wish. I could upset him if I bother him.

There were a few students left in the hall downstairs, I stopped at the wide doorway, it was raining.

I heard thunderclaps and saw a few flashes of lighting on the dark clouds in the sky. I don't have an umbrella, I forgot to bring it cause the morning was so nice it wouldn't even give you a thought of rain but, now, here it is, rain.

The sudden downpour looked like it wouldn't stop soon so, I have to go now, or else, I will miss my curfew, I don't want to get detention, not if I can help it. The eyes of some students darted my way.

I stepped outside, without an umbrella on hand. I could hear gasps and whispers behind although there was no stopping me I have made up my mind, I continued to walk hoping I could arrive before my curfew, the wind blows creating goosebumps on my skin.

The road which looked like it was made up of white stone tile was so serene, the street lamps gave me the courage to walk on, at least there's light. The rustling leaves and the pattering rain was the only thing I could hear. My uniform was now soaked up my hair drenched. There are no buses now because I have been late, the last bus that was taking us to our houses already left a few minutes ago. My glasses are getting foggier by the minute. Geez.  I was about four kilometers away from the penthouse when I saw four people, three girls which were blonds and a boy, we were of the same age I think.

They were talking and giggling beside the road still in their uniforms. If I'm not mistaken these were the four students who were sniggering at me giving me cold glares.

What are they doing here? Shouldn't it be curfew soon?

Thinking back, they were also my classmates.  They didn't talk to me when I was having my welcome party though. They push me when they spot me going down the stairs and they silently whisper words cursing me to get out of this school when they pass by me and I'm alone.

Maybe I should get back to the clinic? No. I can't, I have to go home and take care of my fever there.

"Hey, Alice, so you've finally arrived" The girl who was the leader of their gang, Stephanie. She was rumored to have run away from home and pretended to be kidnapped so she could get a certain amount of money and travel in Asia, after spending her ransomed money, she went back to her parent's house like nothing of the sort happened.

"Hi," I said I didn't know if she heard, my voice was muffled by the wind.

"Mind if you join us for a little walk? Oh, what's this? You don't have an umbrella? Pathetic" Becca laughed at me, twirling her finger on her curls. They said she was a happy go lucky and a natural bully, she almost made her whole classmates cry back in her junior high in her hometown, three of them almost committed suicide but one died.

"It kind of suites you walking in the rain without an umbrella though, loser," Charmaine said batting her eyelashes and giving me a forced smile which looked like disgust to me. This girl is a spoiled brat they say, she wanted to get anything she wants after a snap of her fingers but she wasn't admitted here because of that, there came a car accident because of her demands and her sister was in a coma because of her.

And the lone man in their group Jeremy.

"Where are you headed, sweetie?" He said giving me a smirk.

I was supposed to get angry about what he called me but I can't aggravate the situation much further.

"I'm going home," I told them.

"You're going home? Oh, Little Alice is homesick" Stephanie huffed.

"You can't get out of this island, whether you like it or not we are imprisoned here and we can't get out unless....." She paused

"The pool of freedom" Becca exclaimed.

I have no idea what she's talking about. The four if they smiled gleefully at each other. I think this is not a good idea at all.

"If you could join us, Alice, we would be very happy to take you home," Charmaine said giving me smirk.

"No, I mean the citrus orange pension...."

Jeremy jerked the sleeve on my arm and I was dragged like a ragged doll behind him into the forest beside the road. The girls followed one lamp on hand, they are laughing with each other. Where are they taking me?

"Let me go, Jeremy" I was offering resistance but, Jeremy paid no attention with it as he gripped my wrists tight.

I was getting dizzy now.

My fever.

After the tall grassy forest floor, my feet landed on the stone steps trailing into the huge neglected and abandoned garden. Flowers still bloomed in plant boxes but they looked sad, especially the ones that grow around the circular fountain.

The fountain was surrounded with water inside where a stone platform was placed, no water reached the raised platform, and on top I looked at the large statue of a beautiful angel with wings folded on her back she was wearing a long robe and her hands on her sides, her palms open, she looked like she was greeting us as we entered.

There were beautiful statues around too, covered in what looked like black and green moss. They took me further into the garden, my heart started beating loudly in my ears.

We finally stopped under an aged Willow tree. A dark pool was situated beside it. Jeremy finally let me go and pushed me on the ground. I stumbled and fell. I struggled to stand up.

"Now Alice, we found this hidden garden just a few weeks ago. We would want to share it with you," Becca said as she folded her arms on her chest.

"There was hearsay of a magical pool in which you could find a way out of this wretched place" Stephanie began "we were surprised you wanted to get out of here too just like us" she stepped closer to me. I don't. I watch her silently as she created her own assumptions.

"The pool of freedom could be the answer to our problems, we now have a hope of going home," Charmaine said as she held the lamp close to her face giving an eerie glow.

The rain was getting worse and so is my headache.

"It's just a silly story, maybe when we could do better with our studies maybe, we could go home for the holidays please, how do you even know if this is all true?" I asked getting worried now.

"Well, its worth a try and...we are about to find out" Jeremy cornered me and suddenly I felt he and Stephanie push me towards the dark deep pool.