
Methuselan Blood

"What is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone dare approach me?" Alice thought as she sat on her desk. She always finds herself alone. "Open your eyes" "Who are you?" Alice exclaimed at the person who appeared before her. The tall handsome man gave her a stoic expression. It wasn't long before she notice after pondering for a while that it was only a dream. She was back again on her desk. She observed her classmates enjoying what was left of the fifteen minute break. They were all happy, chatting, sharing food, playing video games, simply socializing. She rarely speaks to her classmates because of the fact that they would only acknowledge her when they work on a group project, or a team building, saying what she needed to say, after what was requested of her to do or to accomplish, after exchanging thoughts with others in that certain group, she would just be ignored again like she is clearly invisible. It wasn't just with her classmates it was the same with other people, with an exception, her family. Alice wasn't anyone special. She wasn't a very intelligent student, not an athlete, she doesn't have a golden voice, she was completely devoid of talents, sometimes she even thought she doesn't exist. Alice could blend perfectly in the crowd though, it's a dominant trait of hers that she is perfectly aware of. One incident happened though,,,

Valkyrie_me · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Falling into the dark deep pool, I was terrified.

My hands are everywhere, striving to find anything to hang on to but, there was nothing. I don't know how to swim. I had never been a swimmer to be exact.

My strength was leaving me, and all I can see above is the faint glower of the lamp.

I can't die.

I have to fight. I can't give up, now that I have important reasons to live.

I struggled and tried to push myself upward but I was sinking all the more and my vision slowly fading away. It was very painful to breathe too. All the sound in my ears was muffled I can't tell what's what.

I don't think I can hold on much longer. My last breath was let out even if I wanted to stop it, but I remain helpless as the final seconds of my life went out of my mouth.

Regal..... I'm sorry.

In not a second late, I was gasping for air. I coughed letting out some of the water I drank.

I was already out of the water, sitting on the ground catching my breath.

Somebody was holding me. I looked at him, eyes wide, stunned. I was speechless.

"Zyg, would you mind getting them back to their houses?" Regal said as he wrapped his coat around me, I didn't notice I was shivering out of the cold.

"Since we never saw each other for a very long time, I will consider this request of yours, but there will not be a second time around, Drake" Zyg said as he pulled those four into the minibus, they nearly protested but Zyg gave them a murderous stare that they were not able to utter a word.

The rain already stopped pouring, only the strong chilly wind was blowing snow and the fog remained in the air.

I uttered the words "sorry" before I totally lost consciousness.


I woke up inside a warm room. It was my room back at the pension house. I was lying in bed wearing my pajamas.

I tried to remember what happened before and I scrambled out of bed. I nearly lost my balance but I was able to grab hold of the bedpost.

"Regal?" I called. There was no answer. Even though my head was throbbing and I was dizzy I went looking for him in my room but he was nowhere to be found.

Is he gone? I was saddened for a moment. Well, he didn't expect to see me after all. Maybe he's angry.

On the way back to bed, I stopped.

I didn't know but I noticed I was already weeping, like a child who was left in the middle of a street. Hiding my eyes in my hands.

I felt so abandoned. Why do people keep on leaving me behind? I kept on sobbing there for a while biting my lip, controlling my sobs so that nobody would hear. I had no intention to stop until the bad feeling in my heart is gone. Tomorrow is Saturday so, I had time to place some cold compress on my puffy eyes. I was so spent up and exhausted these past few days that I can't hold this breakdown anymore, I don't want to hold it.

"You were in trouble and you nearly died again, is that why you were crying? If you are going to be my Queen you have to be stronger than that, my, how fragile the human that you are"

Warm arms enveloped me holding me tight in his chest as I sobbed.

"Was that suppose to insult me?" I answered in between sobs.

"You should've stayed in the clinic instead, did you forget that you still have a fever? You soaked yourself in rainwater if that isn't enough you couldn't stop yourself to take a dip in the pool as well" he had a sarcastic tone in his voice, which was supposed to make me annoyed with him, it didn't make me annoyed though, deep inside I was glad. Glad that he is with me now that I needed him.

"Well I'm sorry for being weak, you should have left me back home. I don't even know if I could fit in your world, maybe I could die sometime that would lessen your burden---"

"Do you think I would allow that?" Regal said. He sounded almost angry this time. I looked up at him, my eyes still streaming with tears.

"Enough, Why don't you save yourself the trouble and leave-me-alone, that would be more convenient for you, would it not?"

Upon hearing this he gave me a smirk.

"Do you think I would leave you alone when this time you needed me the most?" He said unbelievingly but somewhat amused. His eyebrows scrunched. He shook his head.

"If I'm not mistaken my noble maiden, you wanted to see me, isn't that the case?" That was a sudden change in his capricious mood. He reached out his hand and placed it on top of my head, his intense eyes peered into mine. Then that hand rested on my cheek and softly brushed away a tear.

I reached for his free hand and felt his warmth. I caught a whiff of his scent that was when drops of tears went out my eyes before I even realize, I was crying again.



Alice stood there holding his hand crying. Refusing to get close any longer, she tried to let go of his hand but Regal didn't loosen his grip.

Regal sensing the change in Alice's mood, he gently took her hand and pulled her into a hug.

His frustrations went out very harsh at her but it almost made him angry with himself when he saw her tears.

Clearly, Alice isn't to blame. Lady Rosette and Lady Margarette tried everything to free him out of the black vault but for the pureblood vampires those who have gone on their free will in attempt to awaken Regal and be at his side as his queen, whoever they sent, ended up in vain and some got killed, some never returned, forever trapped into the dark void.

And Alice, Alice is well, human. A one of a kind. She has done what the other vampires failed to do. She was weak and frail she was never good at walking or even with introductions nor with conversations yet, she has something in her that freed him, she was Alice, the most peculiar human he ever met.

"Shhhh, I'm here," he said trying to lessen Alice's sobs as he held her.

Regal didn't understand any of this as well. A human for a Queen in a world of vampires sounds very perilous. Chances are, she could die any moment if Regal is not around to protect her, there would be the danger that lurks around every corner but he promised to assure her safety and that is exactly what he intended to do. They made a deal and Regal had given his word.

At the sense of danger earlier, he rushed out of his classroom and went straight to where Alice was. She tracked her down with her scent from his memory, he ended up seeing her drowning in the pool.

He also noticed a distinct presence, another pure-blood.

Zyg was suddenly there, an old family friend. He was the son of the owner and the headmaster of the school. Regal knew he was watching over them as the scene took place he already sensed his presence as he arrived.

He wondered if Zyg would have saved her, had he not arrived in time. Regal didn't understand but he felt irritated just by thinking about it. Somebody taking over his duties for his Queen.

Their families are friends but in this era, Zyg and Regal did not consider themselves as one, they've never been in gatherings at the same time to build rapport before Regal disappeared but they are no foes as well.

Companion is a term to refer to themselves, they both came from a long line of old, noble, pure-blooded vampires after all.

"What's this?" Regal asked as he saw blue marks on Alice's arm.

"....Bruises" she told him like she only noticed it that time too, she was not surprised but calm, as she looked at it closely. Jeremy's hold was pretty tight that left three horizontal marks on her arm.

His eyes turned cold.

"Those brats have been brave enough, to lay a finger on you," Regal said in a cold voice it almost made her shiver.

"It's okay... it's only a bruise, and you said so yourself I have to be stronger than this, I won't, die..." Alice told him.

When Regal saw this, his anger towards the four persons earlier doubled. His eyes were stone cold that nearly made Alice stare at those void of any emotions eyes.

"They don't have any fault, Regal. They only wanted to go home, you know they've been here since forever. It's me to blame, I'll just have to be more careful next time. I'm very, very sorry, you could get angry with me all you want" Alice said in an attempt to stabilize her voice controlling the sound of sobs escaping her lips.

Regal pulled away to look at her softly.

"Let's treat your wounds," he said.

Regal considered her plea, he wouldn't do anything but, if they touch her again they will pay for it.


*Alice's POV*

Regal put me to bed as he took a bath. I didn't know he had brought a bag of clothes.

He went out of the shower in a new white shirt and black trousers, his favorite clothes for sleeping. He has a hair drier on hand. I watched him silently as he dried his hair.

He was not a hallucination.

He suddenly looked at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

" I am not a hallucination, you're blurting out your thoughts," he said wearily.

Huh? Did I say it out loud? I was sure I didn't.

"Sorry", I said.

He didn't answer and place the hair drier away.

Without a word, he went to the bed and my eyes grew wide. He was settled beside me and pulled the sheets on the both of us as he kissed my forehead slipping his arm on my waist pulling me close to him. He placed his chin on my head.

"W-what are you doing? Miss Aridnee might come to check on me any moment" I said panicking. I can only imagine her reaction. She'll give me tons of punishments for sure. Cleaning the attics, the bell tower, the dungeons and goodness know what other places.

"I was given an exception to sleep here tonight," he said. I gaped at him.


"How?!" I exclaimed. The opposite gender was not allowed to sleep in the same room, school rules.

"I am their next king, of course, they would abide by me if I say I want to sleep in my queen's room," he said hardly bothered. This is not happening, not on purpose.

"Besides, I'm assuming that you already miss me" I can tell he's smirking. His confidence is always overwhelming. He gave me another kiss on the forehead, his hold was almost cradling me to sleep. I would've retorted about his suddenness but I felt so spent up with so many stunts that happened earlier, I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt safer than any other night I have been asleep in this room.

I nuzzled my nose on his chest breathing his "petrichor" scent. I did miss him. We stayed silent for a while feeling each other's warmth, feeling the invisible bond that tied me to him.

I can't even explain why I let him so close like this. One thing we argue and the other we just make up like nothing even happened, we just can't stay mad with each other no matter what.

"Regal?" I whispered. I looked up at him. His eyes meet mine with such intensity. I miss his green eyes. It made my mind blank for a second.

"Hmm?" He placed a stray hair at the back of my ear and looked at me softly, which could have been my imagination though, since this guy is so stiff without any emotions drawing on his face but, as I spend my time with him back at the mansion I think I was beginning to read his hidden emotions.

"Could they go home? I mean Stephanie, Becca, Charmaine, and Jeremy. It's that they looked so hurt talking about home, I think they've already reflected with themselves and wanted to fix things with their families. For fifteen years to not be able to talk to your parents, I could understand why they have to do such things in order to get out" I said sighing in the end. Some students create such ruckus so that they would be sent back to their parents, doing something they're not supposed to do to guarantee their expulsion.

"You sure worry a lot for other people, and, you still have a fever, we'll talk about this in the morning," he said raising a hand and placing the tips of his slender fingers on the top of my forehead feeling my temperature.

"But Regal... Can you do something about this, please?" I pleaded, tugged the hem of his sleeve once. He gazed at me straight into my eyes. It's the only thing I can do for those guys.

He was silent for a while maybe weighing things. He placed his hand on my own and sighed.

".....I will see what I can do, now sleep" He muttered in a  commanding tone, but those words were whispered softly in my ear, making me warm and fuzzy all over.

Hearing this, some unpleasant feelings began to fall off of my heart.

"Thank you," I told him.

I closed my eyes and was asleep in no time.


I woke up in the middle of the night screaming, with the same dream, of a pool of blood. There was a dream before that too, but I can't remember.

I sat up feeling disoriented and was sweaty all over with chilled sweat like I ran a marathon despite the low humidity in the room, my fingers were cold and I was trembling. I was about to look around for my pillow for me to hug dragging my hands along the mattress but I remembered that Regal was with me and accidentally grabbed his arm instead-but retracted back my hand when I realized what I did.

"I'm sorry....." My voice was merely utter with all my strength gone. Where is my emergency pillow?

"Shhhh, what's the matter? did you have another dream, Alice?" Regal asked completely awake, I wondered if he even slept, he pulled my hand, gently took me back to lean on his chest and hugged me tightly, there was a concern in his voice that made me slowly, calm down. My breathing was now even.

I nodded at him. I tried to stop trembling but I can't. The images this time became so vivid. Regal must have sensed my uneasiness, he smoothed my back with his hand. Slowly, my tremors vanished. I shifted my eyes to him unable to contain my wonder that here he is comforting me again, making me feel safe perhaps, because of our deal. He suddenly kissed my forehead which made my eyes grow wide.

"It's okay love, I will not let them hurt you, hush now, I'll be beside you all the while, I'll look after you and protect you" with those simple words I knew I wasn't alone. I nodded at him weakly and lowered my head, my face piping hot, embarrassed.


I woke up groggily, I'm sure Regal would be back to his own dorm, to his own home.

I was wrong though.😑

Before I could retrieve my glasses, I didn't have a chance to wear it, to my shock, the first thing I get to see in the morning is Regal staring down at me, his back against the light coming from the wide-open window in the room, the air blew gently sending my heart fluttering against my chest , some of his neat bangs now disheveled hair resting on the side of his forehead it's tips almost touching his eyes, his green eyes, having a color that was like looking up at a tree canopy while the sun is warming up its leaves in the  dew-wet morning. His skin was ever so white and smooth. His face hauntingly beautiful sometimes I think he was too elegant and flawless in nature he would look more womanly compared to me, I almost giggled at my silly thoughts. I was awestruck for a moment when he held my gaze. It made me banish my thoughts away when he tipped my chin with his finger.

His gaze never wavered against mine. Not that used to him staring at me like that, I lowered my eye contact. I can't take it if anybody was staring at me, I feel like melting.

"Good morning, Alice" he greeted me, placing a soft kiss on my forehead making me inhale his scent that I've always loved. However bored his tone was, his eyes say so otherwise that, I was blushing madly at his gesture. Here we go, again.

I looked up at him hesitant to return my eyes in his at first, my cheeks are just heating up abnormally, I'm not usually like this. His gestures don't affect me like a blow to the gut before, but right now, it just makes me want to, ran away. I can't move at the moment though, his arm is snaked on my waist hugging me close to him. I have no escape😣😥

"G-good morning, Regal," I replied. I couldn't keep looking into his smoldering gaze. I withdrew my eyes from him, this is bad I can feel my ears heating up😰 what's wrong with me? Moreover, what's with the sweetness overload?

His hand touched my chin and gently tilted my face upward making me look up at him meeting the pair of eyes once more. I was always longing to see them all this time. I was not even sure of what those beautiful eyes were saying to me but if I'm not mistaken they were sort of amused. He was looking straight into my eyes like he found something quite interesting in them.

"My, your red" he chuckled out of the blue.

His laughter is something I don't hear often. I was lucky I've lived up to this day and hear him chuckle like this. I was preventing my nerves not to get upset with this egotistical guy no matter the insult.

If embarrassment could kill, I was dying away.

"W- well t-that's b-because I'm still s-sick" I stuttered, I have to scold myself internally, hiding my face with my hand but he took it, enter twining my hand in his free hand, I instantly felt his warmth, pulling me back to his chest and hugging me so tight that I felt my heart clenched.

"You don't have to worry, from now on I'll be with you," he said without much enthusiasm, he is like this when dead serious but, it made me happy hearing him say that. It made me feel he actually cared for me.

I wanted to believe, but apparently, I don't have a proof for this case.

"Regal, don't you have anything scheduled today?" I could feel him sniffing my hair.

"For the time being no, I have all the time in the world today" His breath is now on the side of my neck he seems to like sniffing a scent there as well.

"Regal? What are you doing?" I asked bewildered by his actions, I know he has no bad intentions but I can't help but wonder it's unusual of him to be this affectionate.

"You have a very nice scent, I can't help it" he answered.
