
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

You trick, I trick, You cheat, I cheat.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Now it is a white colour sphere, size of five foot diameter. It is a condense hot liquid.


"What is that????"

Moesat could not help but asked after he saw that.


"That is energy that we saved it in our body."

Lu Lu stopped for a while,

Everyone is interestingly listen what is Lu Lu telling them.


Energies in the air are in the gas stage, and Metal forming warrior were absorbing it and saving it, these were still gas stage in the Metal Forming warrior body.

It was getting more and more condense and become a liquid stage energy reservoir in Metal Core stage warrior.


That was Lu Lu found out about it from studying the energy. And from that she predicted that in the next stage that would become a solid stage.

That mean, at Metal essence stage they could find an energy crystal in the body.

But for Metal Forming and Metal Core stage these were easily dissolved in the air or blood so normally no one notice about it existence.


the next day,

Moesat went to Cloud Field sect elder place and gave all their cultivation book back.

From these books he could only created one legend book.

These elders may be thinking of, Moesat was keeping a Myths rank books. But the truth was Moesat could not upgrade it. And it was not easy to upgrade one.

After upgrade one book to legend rank and it is very hard to upgrade again. Because its' original base was a lower rank.


But Moesat felt a guilt inside even if he did not lie.

It was same as, example:

There were two friends, one was a greedy merchant.

One day merchant told his friend that, the vegetable his friend cultivating got a good price in the place where he went last time.

So his friend gave the vegetable to the merchant for selling it.

But unfortunately, the price drop. And merchant needed to sell it now or the vegetable would be rot.

When merchant got back and gave all the money he got from selling but,

What would his friend think about him?


It is a same situation as Moesat now but he could not help it, so he turn back and left.

Elder Eun was in deep thinking but she decided something,


She asked Moesat not to go. So Moesat turned back and looked at them.

Actually Moesat group desperate too. They were hoping to read and learn medicine but it did not come true.


"I have one more book, try to upgrade it. Could you?"

Elder Eun requested him but her voice is not like asking for help and a bit stiff. Elder Mioh wanted to prevent it but she had a hard time to make a decision.

The books is made with level 3 gold paper, soft and thin like a paper. Normal gold refined into third stage.

And Moesat notice that this was legend rank cultivation ability.


So, in his feeling, he did not like to read it. He did not want same situation again.

"I wanted to help you but it is too hard for me to upgrade. And even if I try that book, the possibility is too low."


Other people would be happy if they got one legend book but these elder who had more expectation were having more disappointment.

To make it simple they were getting greedy, and it is not easy to fulfil the desire of greedy people. But easy to trick them.


Tricking their own alliance is bad but Moesat needed to trick them to read their books.

In the Blood Cliff sect there were no more than one hundred and fifty books. Knowledge from these books were not enough for them.

But one legend rank book value is not a small.


"It is ok, just try to upgrade it." Elder Eun sound like, she already lost hope on Moesat.


Moesat took it and went back without saying anymore.

When he got back in the bag, he needed to refine again, there were too many things he needed to refine.

Lu Lu main job is studying and thinking, Enna was helping Areum.

Nana is helping Moesat to refine blood, metal, metal organism, and the last one they needed to refine is vice sect master.


Vice sect master is still alive so Lu Lu could not pull out Metal Core and Energy reservoir, so they needed to refine all in one.


Moesat started to refine vice sect master alive,

With the burning heat all slowly dissolved, energy in the refine make human flesh dissolved, and impurity were removed.


At first, vice set master was cursing them with his half brain but later he tried to apologise to let him go.

Finally he asking for to kill him but his undying will ability was very effective and he could not die.


Lu Lu made his sound off, if not that was annoy to everyone.

After two days, everything got slowly refined, even the undying will become a pure energy.


Even if two days refine without resting, Moesat did not stop. He opened a book and read it.

After half day reading it and he tried to test it.

It was the Cloud Forming step ability.


He guide his energy as the book show and charged energy in his whole body. After that he tried to move it, but it is not working.

And he tried again and again but he failed all the time.


At that time, Lu Lu noticed what Moesat was doing and came near to him. And she checked the book.

After around one hour she read,

"Dad, stop it. You could not use this could forming step." Lu Lu told Moesat to stop.

Moesat went back near Lu Lu and,

"Why I could not use it?"


"This book is for Metal Core rank, as same as other ability in Metal Core rank, it needed elemental affinity. This one needed wind elemental affinity."

Lu Lu explained,


After hearing that Moesat desperate and sat down on the ground.

"These old people trick me."

Moesat sad it in disappointment. But he could not do a thing.


"Don't worry, I got one more reference book now. May be one day I would create good one for us."

Lu Lu is still happy as she got a one high rank book. This book was rate as gold but not the foundation of the book.

"Dad, please try to get their main Cloud Stepping book later. So that I could understand more about it."

"OK. I will definitely try to get it."


Anyway Moesat was desperate at the moment and lying down for rest. And he took out another book and read it.

While reading, he guide the energy in his body as the book said. He slowly adjusted without awareness. His sun moon cultivating slowly guide the new system in his body.


Slowly circulating energy and repairing some damage that the new circulation system made on the energy vessels.

Energy circulation way were changed a bit by a bit and circulating faster and faster.


All the energies spread out in his whole body and went back into the reservoir.

Surrounding energies were quickly absorbing and even small wind whirl were formed.

Soon his energies circulating faster and faster make small wind whirl to become bigger.

But Moesat still did not notice that he is cultivating.


When Nana saw it and,

"Lu Lu stop him now."

After hearing that Lu Lu quickly put Moesat into another space with no energy.

Because unconsciously cultivating energy would harm their energy ways or veins. And that could even cripple the cultivator by destroying their vessels.


When without incoming energy, Moesat got back his sense and he checked himself and notice what has happened to him.

And he looked around and found people were looking at him with worried.

"Sorry, I was a bit lost my sense."


"Is that everything alright in your body?"

Lu Lu and Nana asked at the same time with worried.

"Lucky that I am still nothing damage."

Moesat reply in guilt. He would get a problem if it happened outside of the item bag.


But still Moesat was happy,

"I created a new cultivation." He shouted in the air.


Nana shouted him in his soul, and Moesat become quiet again and shrink his body and lower his head.


"You nearly cripple and still happy? If you dare do it next time I will hit you." Nana is still angry.

"I am not doing it next time hehehe.." Moesat also know that Nana angry for him, so he tried to smooth her anger.


Anyway even if they worry about this, they all happy. Their soul were connected and they already knew the new cultivating technique.

This one is base on Sun Moon cultivating. It is very fast in cultivating but compare to Sun Moon, it could not make solid and pure energy.


But foundation is same so they could take turn cultivating the two methods and they could get their energy same as Sun Moon cultivation alone but faster.


But they could not give this cultivation to other, so Lu Lu and Nana help Moesat to upgrade the Cloud Field sect cultivation.


Again they found more variable,

One is directly upgrade from Cloud Field sect book and that is for female, it is soft and gentle energy.

And they found a way to make opposite cultivation for male.


At the Elder Eun place,

there were only two elder there with Moesat,

"I did upgrade a cultivation." Without giving out a book he told them.


Both elders face were become a blooming flower. And they notice that Moesat still did not give them.

"Do you have something to say or request something?" Elder Eun knew Moesat would like to ask something from them but still their smile were not vanish or there were no trace of anger in their voice.


"There is one problem with cultivation and I would like to request some thing too." Moesat told them but they did not reply and wait.

"Problem is, I did not upgrade it to the Myths rank."


Both elders confused and,

"Not to Myths rank? So legend grade??" Elder Mioh said it in confused.


But Elder Eun thought more and,

"Not Myths rank!!! don't you mean a grade higher than Myths grade?"

Elder Eun asked like she never believe in that.


"Yes that is above Myths rank. I did not how to call it."

That ranking limitation was created by low knowledge of human, but what Moesat upgraded was outside of its' limitation.


"And my request is, I heard that your school used points exchange system for learning cultivation and skills?"

"Yes, that is same as other schools. What did you wanted to do." Elder Mioh asked in hurry.


"I want you to borrow some points and let Hee Mon learn that cultivation."

"That not a problem." Elder Mioh quickly answered.


"And I wanted to read Cloud Stepping ability."

"That not possible." Elder Mioh quickly answered again.


"You cheated me before, I could not learn Cloud Forming ability. So let me read Cloud Stepping ability."

Moesat still angry when he got tricked.


Elder Eun smiled as she is the one who tricked that small boy.

"Even if you read Cloud Stepping ability and you could not learn it too. These two were same attribute and for Metal Core stage."


"Who know!!! I could learn it or not."

After Moesat said they found their mistake in there and the shut up and hope for other miss to find out about it.


"OK, if you give me that cultivation technique and I will let you read it but still you could not teach other." Elder Eun agreed.


Still both elder did not notice the mistake. The mistake was Moesat group may be changed it to a new one and learn it.


"Deal. And the last request was I would like to teach your cultivation technique to some of my female friends. Only some of them."

Moesat is trying to skip their conversation to another to change both elders focus.


"No we could not let other people learn it." Elder Moih answered in quick.

Elder Eun thought for a while and,

"If we did not agree and would you not going to give the book to us?" Elder Eun was thinking many. And she asked possibility of Moesat next step.


"Nope, our deal is already done and I will give you that book and you have to let me read all medicine books and Cloud Stepping ability and teach me medicine skill."

Moesat smiled in sly and told them.


Elder Mioh was so happy but,

When Elder Eun saw the smile and she felt uneasiness in mind.


Moesat gives out two books.

One is the legend book the Elder Eun gave him before and another is the upgraded book.


"Read carefully before you started it."

After he said he turn around and left.