
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Yang Che.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Yang Che is the small city young master, he was a prodigy at young age. He was rare genius that nearly finished his body refine at the age of 10.


But the problem is,

Even if he is so young he is more than a pervert, but calling him as a pervert is wrong.

Since the age of 10, he wanted female. Big chest or small chest, big butt or small butt, tall or short, old or young, beautiful or ugly all women or girls in any colour, he would like them without discrimination.


He tried to peek in female shower room, tried to touch every part of every female. So calling him a pervert is wrong. He is on his way to sex maniac or sperm psychopath.

Everyone was angry but they could not do any as Yang Che was the rare genius of a wealthy family. There were guards ready to kill someone if someone tried to touch Yang Che.


One day,

While Yang Che was peeking a beautiful middle age woman and he could not control his saliva. He swallowed it with a gulp sound.

And the woman notice him and tried to catch him. Guards were tried to prevent it but they could not prevent it as the woman was at the Metal Weapon Forming stage, one of the most powerful cultivator.

The woman did not kill him as a young boy but tried to prevent all women from that evil, she destroy Yang Che's Sun Veins.


Since than, he could not use Sun power and his family got disappointed on him as they invested their wealth on Yang Che and now everything was gone.

As they neglect him and no one guard him anymore but that did not change Yang Che sperm psychopath mind. So he continued his doing, peeking, touching, skirt lifting.

Now people beat him up as no one guard around Yang Che.


Afterward, Yang Che got a delusional mind. He thought everyone was calling him a trash and bully him.

Actually he was only one who thought himself as a trash and he bully every female.

People would never become a trash until they thought themselves as a trash.


And he thought all women were his women and now he thought these women all were broken their engagement with him and go with another man.


So he tried to enter many school to get back his power but no school accept him as he could not use Sun power anymore.

He was suffer in his own delusion and finally with this delusion he enter Sun trial at age of 12.

But he was so lucky and got inheritance of Evil Sex Maniac God.


Evil Sex Maniac God was never seen this kind of sperm psychopath and he thought he got a disciple who could become better than him.

So Evil Sex Maniac God gave all inheritance to Yang Che and gave his Evil Sex Maniac God Vein.


Yang Che became a powerful again, and he could even fight 3 or 4 levels above his level within one stage.

But because of chasing skirt in the sun trial. He did not get enough time to go up higher and he only got Gold grade Metal Organism.

When he got out and he wanted to apply the school which were refused him before but he found a sexy woman Hae Wan Hwa and followed her.


Hae Wan Hwa is a 50 years old woman looks like 30 years old sexy woman. She is a teacher at Blood Cliff sect.

She wanted to improve and famous, so she tried to attract genius with everything she could use.

But there is no doubt she want Blood Cliff become a popular school.


Hae Wan Hwa always thought sex is an entertainment, so she could easily made deal sperm-psychopath Yang Che with her body.

That is how Yang Che become a student of Blood Cliff sect.


At first, Yang Che was famous as the top student of New students and he could also took down some seniors at higher level.

But his delusional mind was never cured. He thought all women were his and he thought Soyeon as his girlfriend.


When Moesat joined the Blood Cliff sect, Yang Che got nothing changed but not to Hae Wan Hwa.

She got famous because of rare genius Yang Che that she recruited but after Moesat joined and she became less famous.


When she saw Moesat near with Soyeon, she let Yang Che lackey knew about it.

And these lackey told Yang Che that,

"Young master Yang Che girlfriend got chased by a young scoundrel."


When Yang Che arrived at training ground, he saw a small villain was trying to catch Soyeon hand but Soyeon was trying to break away from a small villain.

Finally, a small villain captured his girlfriend Soyeon and carried her to the bed.


So Yang Che made a big entrance,

"Hero Save Beauty."


When Yang Che hit Moesat back, he felt really good inside but when he got hit by Moesat and his delusion mind kick back in.

Because of his delusion, Yang Che thought a scoundrel young masters Moesat was bully him, and he challenged Moesat a fight in coming three days time.


He got his inheritance from Evil S M God. But he did not use all his inheritance to level up within two years.

As he was happy wining a fight with other high level seniors with his low level Metal power.

He likes pretend to be a pig that eat tiger, and he met Moesat.


Moesat is sitting cross leg on the ground in their cave. In the quiet cave it seem no one else except Moesat.

He was sitting like a statue and he looked like he was doing nothing.



He was looking in the air and listening carefully.

In the air, Lu Lu was flying while her face was like a profound wise teacher.


She was slowly telling many words, but a word by a word without rushing a thing.

She was teaching Moesat about fighting skills and Martial Arts in knowledge.


Within three months, she read all the books in first floors library while Moesat was trying to read a book after another very slowly.

Lu Lu is genius in understanding and knowledge.


Reading a book is nothing compare to understanding. And understanding is nothing compare to seeing beyond of this knowledge.

Lu Lu could see beyond of all these knowledge in Blood Cliff library first floor and a small school library books.


Lu Lu read a book and tried to understand that book. After that she analysed with logic what was wrong and what it is should be, by using all her knowledge coming from these two libraries books.

But she knew that is not enough but still she could teach Moesat more than Blood Cliff sect teachers.


Now she is teaching about fighting skills,

There were two type of skills in her teaching.


First one is better called as an ability,

It include a set of movement before it perform. Some time it is called as charging the power.

First move one body part to channel the Sun power and then executed the ability.


In the 'Catching dragon claw' ability,

Human body moves toward enemy, catch the enemy hand or leg, jump and rotate in the air to twisted the enemy hand or leg and jump down on the enemy.

All the movement in the ability is same every time and if it is sway from it movement and the power in the ability is disperses.

But when ability is used, body movement is very fast and powerful.


Second type of skill is Martial Arts.

Martial Art include movements like Taekwondo, Karate, Wing Chun, Boxing, Capoeira, Lethwei, Muay Thai, Aikido, Jujutsu or etc….


This is also a set of movement same like an ability, but what not same is, it sometime changed its' movement but this change should be within its' set of movement.

It did not needed to be exactly same way all the time like an ability.


Martial Art did not need to perform a movement before it executed like an ability or it did not needed to channel Sun power before it is used in fight.

When in a fight, people distribute Sun power in their body and fight.


Martial Arts weakness is many time weaker and slower than a fighting ability.

But it has many strong points too. Martial arts starts faster and changing movement in its' set would not lost its' power.


But what Lu Lu teaching Moesat was a different Martial art. She is teaching Martial Art that she created.

This Martial Art could chang its' movement as it is needed by the one who used it.

She did not restrict any movement.

All Movement in her Martial Art changed according to the target and attacker position.


She taught him a set of Martial art skill. That include eight body position and leg movement to evade and reach to target. And it multiplied into sixty four movements.


Hand could use according to what Moesat wanted. Grab, punch, plum strike or chop. Or even he could kicks.

She called it Diamond Angel Dance, it is only basic one sect and there were two more set for him to learn. Created by Lu Lu and Nana.


It should be a just Angel Dance but she did not like Moesat tell her that she looked like a crystal.

Lu Lu stood under the sun and show Moesat that she is not crystal that a light could pass through her body.


Under the sun light she is shinning like a diamond.

She is the main creator of Angel Dance, so she add Diamond.

And when she showed the move under the sun, she is like an angel dancing.

(Not an angel with wing.)


Moesat is young and still did not understand what is a crystal or a diamond. After he knew he changed how he said.


And about the ability.

It has five grade fighting ability, same like a cultivation: Bronze, sliver, gold, legend and myths.


But what different is depend on Metal Rank,

Metal Forming stage is the best with Metal Forming stage fighting ability and if someone at Metal Forming stage is using body refine stage ability and it could become less effective.


Before Moesat used power punch and double power punch to charge up around 200 Kg power is still effective.

But he could not charge up 1000 Kg of power now, so he did not use it anymore.


And in Blood Cliff sect Metal Forming fighting ability could only used around 2000 Kg power at the best.

It is lower than Moesat actual strength if Moesat use it.

And Metal Core fighting ability, Moesat could not used as there is a requirement.


So the best for him is to use Martial Art.

Lu Lu showed him easily but it is very hard to follow for Moesat who is not genius, but he is training without rest until his strength was used up.


His body was out of balance and triped many times while training the Angel Dance but even if his body injuries he continued the training.


His body injuries quickly heal up when he rest, so he could continued again after he got his strength back.

But it is not easy and the pain he felt is could not be erased.


Three days later while Moesat was training,

"Dad someone is calling you at the mountain base."

Lu Lu, who got sensing ability, heard someone calling far away from the mountain base.
