
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

MC and Villain.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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The MC Yang Che who only reach Metal Forming level 2 in two year, but he level up two time within three days.

When he reached Metal Forming level 4, he could even took down Metal forming level 8.

This is the MC trend that they only level up after they saw a villain.


So now Yang Che is ready to took down the villain Moesat and waiting at arena to fight with Moesat.

Since morning, Yang Che stand in arena like a hero with full of heroism, facing his face toward the sky.


Many other students came there and waiting to see a fight. And they found Yang Che was standing in the middle of arena like a hero.

But even after the noon time, Moesat, the villain, did not show up.


Some of Yang Che lackeys were starting their speech.

"Haha, this scoundrel Moesat is scare of Young Master Yang Che."

"Ya, villain destiny is stepping stone for Hero."

"That right Young Master Yang Che is the Hero when he met a some who stronger than him and he could rise up and fight back. This is a real hero."

"It is already noon. Lowlife Moesat scare and run away so the winner is Young Master Yang Che and now Soyeon is belong to Young Master Yang Che."


"Why I am become a belonging to Yang Che?" Soyeon angry and asked as these people is talking nonsense.

"Because Moesat bet on you and now he lost. And Young Master Yang Che win the bet." A lackey stated that with cockiness smile.


"Moesat did not bet any and why am I become a betting item?" Soyeon really annoy these kind of people who talk what they want.

"Moesat bet on you, I heard it." Another lackey said in confirm.


"I am there, Moesat did not said a thing. Only Yang Che made challenged and walk away. You are not there so how did you heard it." Soyeon explained,


"Ya I saw only three people there, how could you heard it?"

That was a training ground, so there were there and saw them, and asked toward that lackey.


"Whatever, if I said Soyeon belong to Young Master Yang Che and it is done." the lackey of Yang Che said that with arrogant.

These kind of unbelievable people really live in the world.


"I don't belong to no one. Moreover, Yang Che never mention about dead line of time." Soyeon said it as her remember it.


But she also miss other important things too.

Yang Che challenged alone, talk alone and walk away on that day. No one know who did he challenge and no one agree on it too.


"hahaha, Trying to extend the time? Coward would not come anyway. Losing is losing just deal with it."

"You wait there, I will go and call him." Soyeon made mistake as she is angry. And she walked toward the mountain where Moesat lives. And her friends follow with her.


"Should we let her? What if Moesat come?"

"Leave her be, how could they take Moesat if they could not go up to that restricted mountain? And if Moesat come down and Young master Yang will beat him up."

"Young master Yang Che is only at Metal Forming level four but he could beat up a lot higher level than him."

"Ya let Moesat come. And that more humiliate for him."

"Ya, Let watch the good show that how Moesat got beaten up."


Soyeon group understand that they made a huge mistake when they arrived at the base of the mountain.

All they could do is shout from the base of the mountain.


Moesat went down from mountain because Lu Lu heard shouting from mountain base.

When they met,

Soyeon explained what was happen so Moesat confused and asked.

"We could not fight in the Sect?"


Soyeon answer,

"We could fight in arena if challenge is accepted."

"I did not accept his challenge!!!! did I???" Moesat don't understand these people but he fellows them to arena.


When Moesat arrived Yang Che lackey were talking trash on him but Moesat did not know how to talk back.

Moesat is a fighter not a trash talker. So he got on the arena stage.


Yang Che looks at Moesat and,

"Last time you sneak attack on me, that did not say that you win. I will show you real terror of justice."

And Yang Che changes his body position and channel,

Phoenix fire punch.



A shadow flew away and drop down under the stage.

End of the fight.


Everyone who came and watch the fight, could not close their eyes, and they were very unsatisfied.

They wait for the whole morning and they wanted to see big fight but a fight end with a kick.


While Yang Che channelling his phoenix fire punch, Moesat jumped and kicked on Yang Che face.

Just one kick land on Yang Che faces and he drop down under the stage and lost.


Yang Che got up and,

"You small devil sneak attack on me. I will challenge you now, next seven day we will fight. I will let you lives seven day. Try to eat full before you die."

Again Yang Che challenge toward the air and left.

Now more people understand what was happen before.


For Moesat, if there is a fight and he fight. If finished he left without saying any.


Now many students and teachers were now understand why the great elder gave too much discriminate support on Moesat.

There was just a one kick but that kick even shake many senior mind. They thought they would die if they got kicked by Moesat.


Moesat was on his way back to mountain,

"Lu Lu how did you get sensing ability?

"Mmmm… not sure but I think big dragon gave me that to avoid from danger or may be innate ability."

Lu Lu knitted her eyebrows, thinking deeply and answer what she thought.

"It should be your innate ability, that I think. Before you could even sense that big building was calling you from very far away."

Moesat remark on Lu Lu ability.


Moesat notice other things in their country.

One important thing is, why human were too low at Sun power or very slow at cultivation.

The main problem is, there were not too many energies source.


Eating Moon Beasts gave some sun energy but not too much.

Sun power user need to eat other sun power user to get too much energy.

Or Moon energies user eat other Moon energies user.


Or something like; elves, plants and some special kind of species.


Tree essence, stone essence, iron essence, fire essence, etc.. combine with sun or moon energies were for Sun energies or Moon energies level up and forming a Metal Core in a body.

Metal Core from Moon Beast and human were only for Metal Core forming.


Trees and plants could give a lot energy. Because they lives long time under the Sun and moon save up energies and everyone could eat them and absorb sun and moon energy.


A good tree needed thousand of years to save up sun energy but after thousand years tree were slowly move away from human.


Most of the resource, what normal human have, is the short term plants. So even 1000 short term plants combine could not give too much energy like a thousand years old plant.


Same way for medicine, or sun pills, which were made from short term plants could not give too much energy.


And now Moesat thought back of his day, and he found out why Areum, his friends in Moon trial, or all other around him quickly level up.


That is because of Lu Lu fruits juice.

Big dragon said these were normal plants fruit juice but they were from more than thousand years old plants.


But Moesat is not alone who got that much energies supplies,

There were also upper echelon people, including Yang Che, got plenty of Sun energies resource that were more than Moesat had in his bag.


Most other people were not interested in cultivation and power level up.

Some people hobbies on women and some hobbies on men, some hobbies on drug or drinking, Only those who happy with cultivation and fighting would be better than other in fighting and cultivation.


Someone who lazy could not become a strong fighter if they were giving same chance to who hobbies to become a strong fighter.

This is the reason why Yang Che and Moesat were different while they both got a same chances.


Next seven day,

Yang Che stands on the stage and wait.

Many students and all teachers were here to watch the show. That included two elders, Sect leader and vice sect leader too.


In this Blood Cliff sect,

The great elder Park So Gyu was a generation student of the great elder who was disappear five hundred years ago.

They were powerful and always respect by every sect leader for some reason.

They never involve to get a place for sect leader but some did not like him because of jealously.


"Within 10 days Yang Che could reach level two Metal forming to eight. Within Metal Forming stage no one could win against him. Let see what that Moesat could do."

Vice set leader told sect leader and two elders in proudly. He likes Yang Che as one of the genius and Yang Che made favour to him.


But Moesat neglected everyone and still in his cave for most of his time.

If a top student in a class, who isolated himself most of his time alone, could get some bad rumour and many would hate him.

Moesat got same problem and even some teachers hate him for neglecting their lecture.



"You could not sneak attack on me this time!"

With the shout, Yang Che attacks on Moesat who just step in the ring.


Golden dragon smash.


Moesat quickly evade without saying anything back.


A fist hit the stage floor and dust were flew up. If Moesat got hit by that he would be severely get injuries.

Yang Che faces change as he miss his attacks and he took out a big sword quickly.


"Stop that Yang Che, no one allow to use weapon in this fight." A teacher said but,

"Let him use, I wanted to see what that Moesat could do."

Vice sect leader stopped the other teachers who wanted to stop the fight.


"Dragon tail destroying the mountain"

A strong force with horizontal slash toward Moesat who was trying to stable his foot hold.


Moesat could not stable his body so,

He is quickly lying down toward ground roll out from the blade range, and evade the slash.

The blade cut through Moesat clothes but luckily he could evade the blade slash.


The Yang Che blade is big and with his own force, he made a gap while he was control his big blade. And his body sway a bit.


When Moesat saw a gap he quickly jump up, kick the ground to dash toward Yang Che.


Yang Che saw Moesat was dashing toward him and he release his blade and quickly use

Fire phoenix punch.


Yang Che is a really genius. He could even train his fire phoenix punch to zero channelling time while level up his Sun power.


Moesat could not evade and he used his plum trying to grab Yang Che fist.


A sound came out and Moesat felt a big hummer hit on his hand but he did not let go of Yang Che fist and pull Yang Che.


Bang Bang.

After Moesat pulled Yang Che who was lost in balance, Moesat was smashing him down on the ground two time.

Because of Moesat is holding Yang Che hand and smashing, so Yang Che did not suffer too much.

Moesat release Yang Che hand and quickly grab a Yang Che leg.


Yang Che noticed it and trying to move but his head was so dizzy and his movement is slow.

Bang Bang.

Yang Che got smashed on the ground again but this time Yang Che could not move anymore.


Moesat released Yang Che leg and again he grabed Yang Che right hand.

After that Moesat was trying to pull something out from Yang Che pointed finger.


Before Moesat come up to the fighting ring, Lu Lu told Moesat that.

"Dad, there is an invisible ring on his Right hand pointed finger, he must have his saving and his energies resource in that ring. Don't kick him out from the fighting ring this time and take his ring."


So Moesat follow Lu Lu instruction and trying to take the ring.

"No No don't take my fortune." Yang Che shouted while trying to pull his finger into a fist position.


"Hey, what are you doing? Release him." Hae Wan Hwa shouted toward Moesat as she could not stand and watch her disciple got bully by Moesat.

But she did not know what really happen up there.

When her disciple bully other, she is proud of her disciple but it is all different now.


"Dad, quickly break his finger and took it out." Lu Lu said in hurry.

Moesat break it and took invisible ring out.

"Even if you took it you could not do any, it is bind with me. Please don't take it." Yang Che said in crying voice.


"Dad, don't worry, put that ring in my bag."

Moesat did not care about what Yang Che said and put the ring in his bag.

Moesat stand up after he took the ring.


At that time,

He felt a wind blown toward him.

A powerful kick quickly reach to him and he could not evade.



Moesat flown out from the ring after he got kicked.