
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs


Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


At that time, Moesat group noticed that a powerful beast is blocking their way, they have two choice.

Give up



It is obvious answer for them, they chose to fight but it is not the fight without strategy. Or it is not the weak fight against the strong.

They would fill up their weakness with their intelligent. They would ambush the bird.


Most of the Metal Core peak stage cultivators are same strength as weapon forming or weapon ability stage people.

Only thing difference was weapon.

For example,

They were like people on earth, who have same strength but warrior at weapon forming stage were like people on earth with weapon.

And weapon ability stage is like the people on earth with gun.

If someone made the gun disable in the fight and they became equal in power.


For many birds, their weapon is claws, wings or beak.

Moesat would try to disable it and if the bird's weapon was disable.

Then, the fight between them would become five vs one. Moesat group would become stronger than the bird.


All five of Moesat group were hidden behind the wall without making a sound.

There was a hall where Moesat group hidden place. And the bird is heading to enter the hall.

The hall is the best place for fighting in group.

The Chico bird is slowly approached but it stopped just after it enter the hall, it is still far away from where Moesat group were hiding place.


The bird is in caution stage when it came into the hall and it is slowly let go of it's caution.

Moesat was waiting until the bird felt relax and sat down.

At that time the bird sat down, Moesat rush out toward the bird using….

'Angry angel dance.'

That would make Moesat movement in very fast and within a one second, Moesat could reach to the bird.

But Moesat still could not use it properly, and he fail to use his ability at first half while rushing toward the bird.

But he successed at second half to reach on the back of the bird.

Moesat used Angry angel dance because no ability is better than this in this situation.


The failing of the Moesat usage of ability, that only made Moesat pause a very short time in his movement.

But the bird got the alert from it and the bird stand up and turn around toward Moesat group.

The injury on the bird made the bird movement too slow(for warrior) and Moesat already arrived on the top of the bird back.

And he used his dragon hand and grab the left wing of the bird.


Areum moved just after Moesat rush out,

They strategy was Moesat would grab the bird wing and attack from above, Areum would carefully attack from the below at the same time.

Areum needed to be careful of the bird claws, because Moesat group did not know which one is the bird's weapon(wings or claws).


Areum used….

Angry Angel Dace.

But she was successfully using it.

And when Areum reached at the bird, she is in alarming stage because the bird is now facing toward her because of the Moesat made one mistake.

So, Areum could not careless and without delay, she used her full speed, she rotated 180' in the air and she kicked backward toward bird chest.


When Moesat saw Areum's kick, he forcefully pull the bird's wing and he stood up on the bird back.

Because of his mistake, Moesat was late for his attack from above.

With the full speed backward kick from Areum, the injury bird could not withstand the kick and blown away backward.

For normal, it is not easy to blown away the weapon ability stage beast but the bird is in heavily injured now.

And Areum could not reduce her power as they could not underestimate the injury bird.

Just before the bird got kick on it's chest, its' screamed in a very loud voice. And the shout even shook the whole mine.


The badly injured bird got the heavily kick from Areum again and that make Moesat group already win the fight.

But there is always cons side of easy win event.


When the bird blown away from the kick, Moesat was on the bird and he noticed that where he and the bird headed to.

So, Moesat used his cultivation to fully circulated his energy inside of his body for his defence.

And he rose his leg in the air and kick down on the right side back of the bird while his left dragon hand was pulling the bird wing.

Because of the one side pulling and kicking on other side, the bird rotate 45' in the air, and both Moesat and bird smashed down on the mining tunnel wall.


If Moesat did not kick the bird, then he would be the one who would smashed down on the wall.

Now Moesat is cover with the bird wing and the bird hit the wall, so Moesat did not hit the wall.

The wall could not withstand the smash down of the bird body and collapse along with ceiling.

And all the stone around there were also collapse and it buried both Moesat and the bird.

That made everyone worried about Moesat while they were looking at the falling stone.

But no one rush into the falling stone. Areum was trying to protected all the small girls with her body.

Actually she did not need to protect them but it is just an instinct.

Everyone were strong enough to carry thousand of kilogram and these rock were nothing to them if it is not directly falling onto them.


The fight finished less than five second and the rock falling down finished within a minute.

But their worry did not end for Moesat, even if Lu Lu told them Moesat is alright in there.

Because Moesat is removing the blocking rock into the bag under the rock pile and he is digging on his way out.

For normal people, collapsing of the mine is deadly but it is not for very strong cultivator if these rocks were not too much or too many.

Lu Lu knew that Moesat could even go in the bag to avoid rock falling if he wanted to but Moesat did not enter it.

That may be the cause of sudden event that made Moesat forget to go in or something else.

The reason why Moesat did not enter is unknown but...

Now four of them rush to the rock falling down place and they tried to remove it.

They were as strong as heavy load carrier machine on earth, so after the few minute they clean out the place.

Lu Lu and Moesat put every rocks and Chico bird body in the item bag to clean up the place.

Moesat only got a few injury because he was covered by bird and his fully used his energy to defence his body.


After cleaning the place,

"That bird shout before it die, I did not know what was that mean. But if other birds heard it and that is not good for us." Lu Lu told the group.

"We have to go quickly."

Moesat told them and they all rush down to another tunnel which lead to the deepest place.


This time Lu Lu could sense the treasure near end of the tunnel, so they did not needed to go the last tunnel.

But the treasure somewhere in the deep underground and they needed to dig.

Without wasting their time, they took out digging tools and they starts digging toward the treasure.

Their digging is so fast, they only need to crack and losen the rock with digging tools and Lu Lu could put everything in the bag.


On the way to the treasure, while they were digging they found many human bones were buried here and there.

"Dad, this place look like a very old big cave which was collapse and buried everything a long time ago."

Lu Lu told Moesat after looking at the rock were a bit same like before while they tried to save Moesat.

After many year the cave collapsed, soil and stone were not solid like normal underground nor it is not same like recently collapsed rock and soil.


"These human were dead because of the cave collapsing. These bones were stronger than normal warriors, so they must be the strong warriors. That mean, it is possible that these people were coming for that treasure and die here."

Lu Lu could tell them from the fact that she analysed from the data as she saw.

Moesat group were now in too much depth from the above ground, so even if they were buried by these rock, they would get problem from it.

All the other people were buried and die in this place, it were not strange for strong warriors die from cave collapsing.

These all girls did not afraid of these bone like other girls as they all were warriors.



They found the treasure without difficulties, there were no guardians guarding on it or no formation trap.

Only problem they found was, some rock falling down while they were digging, for normal people, they would be exaggerate that event.

But, for the warrior who fought other living enemies with their life on the edges, these rock falling down could not exaggerate thing for them.

And another problem was the treasure was buried very deep in the ground.


The treasure….

That was just a ring. One ring, deep in red colour. It is look too much ancient and unknown golden inscriptions were on the ring.

That ring look liked soak with blood or blood would drop down from the ring, still there were no blood on the ring.

Even if the ring looked like to much ancient and it was buried here for unknown amount of time, it looked like a new ring that was crafted recently.

They could not check all the detail of the ring as they were not at the safe place. Especially they were in battle field.

So they rush back to upper ground.


On the surface battle field,

At that time when CF and BC sects attacked the blocking birds group and made the block open.

"Reinforcement arrived, attack the birds, victory is ours."

The tenth prince shouted to boil the blood of the warriors group.

And the servants of the prince gave out command to advance attack back toward the birds.

The big human warriors group stopped retreating and attacked back toward the birds made the birds advancing stopped.

That made a hope of victory for human warriors and their hope made their attack power rose up.

They attacked these birds fiercely with their bravery, that made Chico birds were retreating back. Again human spirits were rising up and….


With the shout, they advance toward the Chico birds.


Everything is look good in the battle situation but a small group of human was retreating while other big group were attacking.

The small group is the tenth prince and his bodyguards group.


Elder Park saw what human group were doing and he could not stand still.

He was trying to open the blockage of Chico birds for run away and now the situation was going in opposite direction as he wanted.

He wanted many human were escape alive but the tenth price made sure to save his own life by sacrificing these many people.

Elder Park could not just watch them die, so….

"Retreat everyone, retreat."

He shouted, and his voice covered many area of rocky place.

But no one listen to old man who looked like a bagger, rather than dazzling the tenth prince and his lackeys.

Even if elder Park shouted no one listen to his words. And the battle area was big so many people could not see who was shouting.

Many people just followed as the tenth prince's servants told to do…


The situation of battle looks good for human but...

"Elder Park, we should go."

The Cloud Field sect leader politely told elder Park.

Elder Park looked back his alliance and give out long sigh….

He could not let his friends die because of these stupid people so…

"Let go.."

After he said, he turn back and looked back at the battle field and looked for someone but he could not find that someone.

And they left.


Elder Park was looking for someone, the one elder Park looking for is broken hearted warrior Kan Youn.

Elder Park did not look for Moesat.


At the time, when the big group of human warriors were starting their attack on these birds, there were many birds were charge out from the depth of the rocky place.

There were many weapon ability stage birds leading the group and they were like spear that attacks toward human group.

When these birds group reached at the battle field, many other Chico birds withdraw back and….

Three weapon ability stage birds spread out their wings in the air, their wings became bigger and they were flipping their wings in the air.

And they cast the wind attribute ability toward the human group.


Simple name but the effect is not simple.

Many tornados came out in the rocky place at the human warriors.

They were in the rocky place so, rock were flying up with the wind tornados and hit on the human.


"Metal balls."

Another weapon ability stage bird was spinning its' body in the air and it cast its' ability.

Small metal ball were shoot out into the many tornados.

When all these abilities combine in the rocky place, these all abilities became very dangerous situation for human group.

Many rocks and metal balls hit on human bodies, tornados lift up human and smash down on the rock.

Within a few minute, many of human who were in high spirit were wipe out.


One very strong bird lead that strong bird group, that bird must be the real leader of all Chico birds.

And they charge again into human group after the tornados stopped.

They killed every human in their way, they were like a spear it broke the human group into two from the middle.


Now two group of human were spread out and run away from battle and Chico birds were chasing after them.

The battle spread out and the battle became very big in area.


The strong bird group did not chase after other human group but it continues their way to the tenth prince group.

They knew that weapon ability stage warriors were there and these people were their targets.