
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs


Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


When the very strong Chico birds group attacked on human, the tenth prince and all other notice that about these all the Chico birds, who were in the rocky place, were not in a small number.

These Chico birds group included too many birds, they were same like a small nation.

And elder Park group already noticed that, there were more than six weapon ability stage birds in that Chico bird group.

But human side did not know how many weapon ability stage birds were still hidden in the group mix with other birds or still hidden in the rocky place.

Even in their Seolleon country, their nation only have around twenty weapon ability stage warriors in this country and many of human weapon ability stage warriors were as weak as the two bodyguards of the tenth prince.


So, the group of strong birds show the human that, they were not weakling, which human could easily eradicate.

And human were notice that, these birds were making a trap for human, by using these rocky place and this is where they hunt human as their food.

Human were notice these because of the mistake of the first weapon ability stage made.

Now human knew how strong the birds group is and these birds could not make a trap to human anymore.

Human side only know this information but all other informations were still hidden.


After seeing the strong Chico birds' tornado abilities that cast into the human group, the tenth prince group retreated faster.

While retreating they heard a bird screaming from the far again and that screaming was notice by the strong group of birds too.

But strong group of birds did not rush toward the bird screaming but they were continue attacking on human group.

These birds knew that if they rush and made mistake again, many of their young Chico birds would die in the hand of human.

So they focus on their attack on human big group.

In many war, there would be a time to time to sacrifices of minority for majority.


The strong birds group did not care too much about other human warriors but they headed toward the tenth prince group whose were running.

The prince group wanted to run away faster after they saw the strong birds group were heading toward them.

But there were still many birds were following the prince group and attacking them from every side, so they could not run faster.

The strong birds group approaching rate is too fast and soon they catch up with the tenth price group.


The leader birds flown up and used its' claws to attack at the prince group.

The gold colour illusion like big two claws appear in the sky and these two claws attack at the two bodyguards.

Two bodyguards used the sword slash ability and flying axe ability to attack back at the incoming claws.


when both sides attack hit in the air and explode like a bomb, air pressure push away everyone in the area. And both the leader bird and two bodyguards steps back ten meters equally.

This leader bird and two bodyguards got same power but at the time, the leader bird step back ward,

Another stud body bird rush into the fight and chase after two bodyguards who were back away with unsteady steps.

That stud body bird used it wings like two big hands, it smashed down on two bodyguards.

These bird wings were Metgiktran weapon, so it changed shape and attacked on losing bodyguards.

Two bodyguards were tying to use their energy and defend the incoming attack from the direct hit.


Even if two bodyguards tried to defence, the strong wings were smash down on them like a big hummer.

Two bodyguards blow back with serious injuries.

When two bodyguards defence made the stud body bird step back ward too.

At that time the strong leader bird made another same claws attack on two bodyguards.


Two big claws were coming down from the sky toward two badly injuries bodyguards to finished them off…

But a pole shape big illusion strike at two claws. That was elder Park who could not just stand and watch other human die.

With the boom sound, everyone were push away from the fight again.

But this time, the leader bird was push back but elder Park stand still and he made ready for next attack.


When the help arrived, the tenth price run as much as he could while other were helping two bodyguards and run.

Elder Park attacked again toward the bird group with his..

'Thousand pole strike third form.'

Many pole strike down at the bird group.


The group step back away for not to get hit from that attack. And that made a gap between human group and bird group.

When gap appear, by using this situation, all human run away from that place.

There were just a mile away from the exit of rocky place, so every human tried their best to run toward exit.


The bird group follow them to catch but elder park strike with his 'thousand pole third form' again when these bird were getting closer to human.

That ability made him toll on his body but to save many life he used it again and again.

At the same time of elder Park attacks, many arrows were raining down on Chico birds group, that was weapon ability 'raining arrows' from a warrior who was with the prince group.

The leading, leader bird evade the attack but some birds were in rage mode, so they rush into the range of the pole strike, so they got hit by the pole ability and got serious injuries.

And many birds got hit by arrows, but arrows ability only made them some injuries, no birds got big injuries from raining arrows.

Many of birds got serious injuries and elder Park also suffer from backlash from his own attack. And he knew that he could not use that ability for a while.

In his mind, he reminded himself, he is needed to be alive for his sect and his alliance. So, as his promised he run away toward exit where their group was…

The two both sects made promised before that they would try to stay alive in this battle for their own two sects.

If they fall, and other sects would not help them. So they could fall here.

One mile distance is too short for strong warriors, so with elder Park help many people escaped from rocky place.


Many of the people made themselves relax after they escaped from rocky place, some people were even lying down on the ground after they escaped with their exhaust.

Because they got the wrong information about, 'the chico birds stopped chasing at the end of rocky place.'

But BC and CF sects were continue run away toward the Mekok town.


Other people who were in relax, snare at two sects run away. And they were laughing at the two sects.

They were talking

"Hahaha…. Look at these people, they were too scar of these Chico birds and run like a dog... tail between it legs.'


But that was not last for long...

When the birds group arrived at the end of rocky place, they did not stop like the information that these people got and these birds came out from rocky place to attack many human who were in relax.

The tenth prince group now tried to run with frightfully but who were too late to run away and they became the food for the birds.

Only the small group from the tenth prince group escape with many injuries on their bodies.


After the chico birds group catch some of their preys, they did not chase the group who were running to far away from rocky place.

These birds went back into the rocky place. And they divided into two groups, one big and another small group.

The small group was leaded by two weapon ability birds and headed toward the mine and big group went back to battle field.

Finally, The Chico Bird got their Victory. And human lost the war.


Moesat group were rushing up to upper floor of the mine,

"Dad, there were two weapon ability birds, five weapon forming stage and some birds around ten are coming down toward us."

"They were heading toward us without searching in other tunnels. I think they have some kind of sensor ability holder in their group."

"But I am not sure, they were only heading toward our last battle place with chico bird or they were heading toward us."

Lu Lu gave out information.

From the information, they knew that they could not win the fight against with these birds group.

Their escaped route was blocked by these birds and they could just hide in the tunnel as one of the bird may be have a sensor ability.

So, Nana made a strategy and they all rush toward upper place, the place to attack these birds.

Birds were ruling in the sky and mountain but the tunnels in the ground were their graveyard.

In the small tunnels, these birds could not walk like a human, they were walking step by step while they were balancing their big bodies.

They were walking in the tunnels like a train one after another and the strong bird hide behind the weaker bird.


Both Moesat and bird group met near at a junction of the tunnels,

Without saying anything to the birds, Moesat group started their attack.

Moesat and Areum lead the attack,

The bird in the front is weapon forming stage bird and it used it beak to attack back at Moesat.

Moesat did not dodge but he used all his power in his left dragon hand and grab the lower beak of the bird and pull the bird down with using one of his 'storming step ability' (heavy).

The bird was pulled down by Moesat weight.

At the same time Areum kicked the bird toward the thin tunnel wall. The bird was in Moesat hand could not dodge the kick.

After the kick hit on the bird, Moesat release his dragon hand.


This time, Moesat and Areum attacks were in good timing and the bird was kicked toward the wall.

The wall collapse and the celling too.

The collapsing make all the bird stopped from their advance temporary. Dust were cover the whole place.

Using the dust cover, Moesat group run toward the last tunnel, the fourth tunnel.


The tunnel collapsing could not stop these strong birds, the leader stud body bird used its' wings to push off these blocking stone and they chase after Moesat group.

Moesat group did not just run down into fourth tunnel, they stopped one place after another.

And they used digging tool to dig the tunnel wall and they made the tunnel collapse here and there.

Not only Areum and Moesat, but also Nana, Lu Lu and small Enna were trying to dig the tunnels wall to make collapse.

Areum, Lu Lu and Enna were in Metgiktran form but Nana could not use her Metgiktran form as her form is in mermaid shape.

Lu Lu could float in the air but Nana could not walk, so Nana use her bare hand to hold the big digging tool to crack the wall.

And Enna was using her metal tentacles to hold the digging tool.

They did not just making every tunnel wall collapse but they only destroy the wall where Nana and Lu Lu pointed at.


To destroy the tunnel walls while they were running away from chasing birds is not easy.

Not only Moesat and Areum but all of them used their power to destroy many walls as fast as they could before the chasing birds arrived.

But these birds were getting near toward Moesat group, and now they could even see each other what other side were doing.

Birds could see that Moesat group were destroying the wall and Moesat group saw the birds were removing many blocking stones.

Both side were tried to attack each other as they could by throwing a big stone at each other.

Many stone were hit on each other but some stones hit on the tunnels wall.

The whole mining place was starting to shake.


Because of the Moesat was using all of his power now, when he used too much energy to defend his body at his mistake fight before, the digging the tunnel to get the treasure ring before.

Moesat energies were starting to deplete.

And when his energies were running out, his illness were starting to attack on his body.

He felt cold and hot consecutively, the attack of illness quickly rose up with alarming stage in his body.

These illness were attacking on sensor nerves in the Moesat body, that make more painful than normal.

Moesat was destroying the wall without stopping, while his body is shaking with pain.

All other noticed that too but they did not stop Moesat or they did not stop destroying the wall.

They all knew that if these wall were not collapse and they all will die by these birds.

So, even if they felt sad after seeing Moesat in pain, no one tried to stop Moesat or say a sympathy word to him.

Instead of that, they all forced to used their own power to dig the wall tunnels to reduce Moesat work.

Nana bare hand and Enna tentacles were worn out with injuries, even if they were too much stronger than normal warriors.

Lu Lu, the small girl was carrying the big stone and throwing stone at where she wanted and at the bird.

Areum did not fall behind, as she was the strongest one in this group. She was digging and throwing stone as Nana instructed.

All of the girls were too tired and worn out but no one say a sympathy word from their mouth.

They all show the words with their body.


The mine is badly shaking and staring to collapse, that was notice by the stud body leader bird of this bird group.

So, it shouted and stopped to all other birds, and that bird looked at Moesat group.

Moesat group noticed that all the birds stopped removing and, so they stopped, stand up and look at straight back at the birds.


In Moesat group eyes, these eyes were showing these word…..

'We are challenging at you 'birds.'

'If you dare, chase after us, we would buried all of you.'