
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Pretty is better or Ugly?

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

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The Gentle River of the West,

They were just same as other mercenary or cultivator who took another life to profit for themselves in a cruel world. But they were only a bit dare to do some shady jobs.

They came from another country. They were wrong and took one shady job to rob a transport group and that lead them to became an enemy of one powerful group.

For that reason, they ran to east side of continent, therefore, they were called as West.

In their group, there was one strategy maker and they were ruthless. They mostly succeeded the quest if they took it and they clearly cut their loose end.

They were like a gentle river but it would drown someone to dead if someone carelessly went into the river.

That why they were called as Gentle River of the West.


They took a shady job a few weeks ago, that was to kidnapping a child alive or even dead is still success the job.

Because of their problem with powerful group before, they carefully consider about the quest.

The quest had no penalty for failing, and even got 10 gold for operation fees.

The quest giver did not want to involve with the high ranking warriors from a big sects, that why they gave out too much money for the quest even though they were higher cultivation level than the gentle river of the west group.

The quest is simple, if the River group could capture the child and they would got 100 golds. If not just took 10 gold for mouth shut.

Very easy job for people who would like to cheat 10 gold and left the job unfinished. But Gentle River group had their own thought to decided to capture the child.


At first, the group wait for a few day and the kid did not come out from his base.

When the kid came out and got a problem, the River group tried to save the child. Their intension was to get close to the child.

Normal children would be good feeling toward them after children got saved by pretty people group. But for unknown reason the kid gave out killing intension to them.

The kid group is so immature, their interested to take a quest was so obvious.

So River group just went ahead to Mekok town, and they looked for a good place to capture the child.

But they found the ugly group on the way and they decided to tail them.

The kid was accompany with a woman who looked like a bodyguard, and the River group did not know the strength of that woman.

When ugly group tried to capture the woman, the pretty group was happy.

If two tigers fought and the third tiger would get profit.

And they could see the power of the bodyguard woman.

But they never thought that the child was calling out their group who were hiding in the wood and then the third tiger had to fight with the first tiger.

But at the time, the bodyguard woman acted and that would make a change in the River group mind.

If the River group directly fight with the woman, they would get a hard battle or lost one or two lives of their group.

So they changed to plan B.

The healer woman could heal but her speciality was poison. And she tried her best.

The fruit juice and snack were famous with children but an unknown reason, it got rejected by a child.

She thought that, 'this small child notice something from them?'

But for the last tried, they gave the child group a meat soup and if they fail again, they would take action of plan C.


And their mind changed toward the child and the quest again.

At first they took the job as they were interested in the problem between the quest giver, who gave 100 gold for a child, and the child.

But they saw a small plant on the child shoulder and they also noticed that, the child had many hidden misery within him.

And the river group understood, why the quest giver want this child.

So, they changed their mind on the quest.

They changed their mind to capture the child for themselves and they would take the secrete that hidden inside of the child. They know that secrete would be worth more than 100 gold.


"We cooked too much, if you would not eat and we have to throw away. Food are scarce." after a pretty lady said,

The kid dazed for a few moment and he took it.

The kid and his bodyguard sat down a bit far away from them and ate the meat soup.

The gentle river group carefully checked the child group ate the poisoned food or throw it away but the child group ate it.


After half of meat soup were consumed and the child group got up and tried to walk away OR RAN AWAY.

But how could they let the child group ran away from the Gentle river group. The river group got up and stopped the child group ran away from them.


The ugly group before did not notice anything about the child group. They only wanted a beautiful woman and they directly tried to capture the female.

But the beautiful group is not the same, they were smiling and gentle outside but they were more cruel inside their mind than ugly group.

The ugly group was easy to handle but it is not easy to handle the beautiful group.

Anyway both ugly or beautiful they were tried to harm Moesat group.


Four gentle river people stand in front of Moesat group and,

"Where are you trying to run off, little brat? The poison would more active if you moves too much." Now the handsome gentleman asked as he show off his devil face.

The child face darkened,

"Tell me the reason why you poisoned us?" Moesat asked in anger.

And this time they did not deny anymore. When people thought that they already win before they actually win, and they were starting to show off their victorious moment.

The normal man told everything to Moesat,

At the main while,

The gentleman and pretty lady were smiling with a beautiful smile and the big man laugh time to time with his innocent laugh.

But the pretty lady smile slowly disappear as the time move on. She starting get some question marks in her head.


In this continent there was a big changed, that was another talented ranking doctor appear without letting know to other people.

She has an ability same like Elder Eun, who got weapon ability of surgery and healing.

But she may be have more efficient than Elder Eun but less in experience.

That was Lu Lu, and in her domain, she could also perform surgery and healing like elder Eun.

But one thing what was not same is, Lu Lu could make two or more surgeries at the same time and she could surgery in more detail than elder Eun, as the Lu Lu domain is absolute.


Lu Lu understand medicine same as elder Eun and so, is that Lu Lu cured the poison in the Moesat?

The answer is NO.


At the time of the pretty lady with meat soup was talking and giving them the poisoned meat soup,

"Dad, the soup was poisoned, don't eat it and rejected it." Lu Lu noticed it and she gave out warning.

"Wait, if we rejected it and we would not going to get our answer from them. So took it and eat it. And we pretend to get a poisoned." Nana told them.

For that reason, Moesat dazed off a few moment while talking with the pretty lady.


They did not throw away the poisoned food and they ate it.

And Lu Lu did not cure their poison?


But Lu Lu was the one who sort the problem out. And how?

Lu Lu could take everything, that was weaker than her strength into her bag. Even stone that stacked inside of the ground or a tree if these were weaker than her strength.

They put the meat soup in their mouth but Lu Lu took it just before it enter their mouth.

So they were never poisoned from the started.


Now Moesat group know the reason why this river group came after them and many of riddle in their head were sorted.

And this is the time for starting to kill,

Moesat stand on the left of Areum and facing toward the pretty group.

Without saying a word, Moesat turned around jump toward a tree with all his speed.


"They were not poisoned." The pretty lady shouted as she noticed that.

After some of the time passed but both Moesat and Areum did not change a bit that how she noticed.

But she is already late for warning.

As the professional mercenaries, they changed their formation and Metgiktran form.

The pretty lady stood at the last,

Handsome man at right and normal man at left stand shoulder to shoulder, they stood in front of the healer. (from Moesat view of left and right.)

And the big man stand at front with a big shield and a sword.


Areum was moving toward them while Moesat was running in opposite direction.

The big man shouted,

"Come and fight with me!!!!"

That was defender roar ability,

That ability was made with sound energy, that effected on brain that connected with ears.

That has two kind of power in it,

One of the power effected on a weak minded people, that was include everyone who could angry and fight just because of a small challenge.

And another power is that energy enter the brain from the ears and it could mess up with the brain function. That ability power have an influence on a physically weak brain cells.


Moesat normally did not care about that kind of talk and his brain cells were refined with energy. So that kind of defender roar is not effected on him.

Moesat is continue speeding up on his ran but that was within only 2 second.

Areum did not think much in normal time, so the shout did not effect on her and her physical brain may be covered by energy or something.

For that reason Areum is looking at big man but without fighting like a madman, she continued move to right side of the big man,.

Anyway, that kind of effect ability were better with Moon energy and all the sun energy user were weaker at that kind of ability than the Moon energy user.


When Areum reached right side of big shield man and she kicked straight toward him.

The big man tried to defence with his shield and Areum kicked land on his big shield.

Even if he is really big in physical body than Areum, but the power of energy is too much lower than Areum. So the big man felt pain in his arm and he was pushed back a few steps.


Moesat took out a spear while running and shoot at the tree with all his might.

The normal man took out his bow and arrow, he tried to make ready to shoot at Moesat but the big man was stepped back and the big man blocked the normal man line of sight for shooting.

Moesat spear stuck on the tree and the thin man appear with his shoulder was nailed on the tree with the spear.

The thin man was using camouflage skill and hiding behind the Moesat back for sneak attack but his ability is too much lower than Lu Lu sensor ability.

So that he was clearly seen by Lu Lu and Lu Lu gave exact information of thin man to Moesat.

After the thin man stuck on the tree, Moesat continue toward the thin man and without sympathy on the thin and small body of that man.

Moesat stomp kicked on the thin man face with his full strength and speed.

It was like an 8000 kg lorry hit on the thin man face, even if thin man with Metgiktran form, he got a heavy kick on his face and his face deformed.

And both the tree and the thin man blown away.


Areum was fighting with the handsome man and the big man in front of the normal bow man. That made the bow man had hard time to aim at Moesat.

After Moesat kicked the thin man,

Both Nana and Enna jumped off from Moesat, while dust were cover the view and everything around were in mess. And they both disappeared into the wood before anyone notice about them.

Moesat quickly rush back to Areum and used his all speed and strength he kicked again on the big man.

Big man could not stand and defence again, he stepped back toward the bow man.

But the Bow man jumped to his left side and in the air he shoot an arrow toward Moesat.

Moesat followed toward the big man and hide, so the arrow could not hit him.

The bow man did not have a guided arrow shooting ability, so he could not shot if someone is blocking his way.


The healer notice that the situation, so she move back away from the battle.

When the handsome man faced alone with Areum, it is same like he killed an ugly man before.

Areum and the handsome man strength were like a grown Woman and a small child.

But the handsome man tried to used his experience to evade and fight back with Areum. He did not directly fight with Areum.

The big man used his shield bash and tried to hit on Moesat.

Moesat used Angel Dance and go around the big man, and he went after the bow man.

Taking down the attacker is more important than fighting with the defender but defender is not a game defender and he also has a good attack power, so he used his big sword and half moon horizontal slash on Moesat.

Moesat could not go after the Bow man and he evade the big sword slash by rolling on the ground.

When the big man slash, his body was turn around and his back was open. Areum heavy kick land on the big man back and the big man fall down.


At first, this gentle river group thought that they would only need to fight with Areum.

They never thought this small child has that much power. If they knew it before they would give up their thinking about capturing the child but all were too late for them.


Without continue attacking the big man, Areum turn back punch on the handsome man.

After Moesat rolled on the ground and when his foot touch the ground he jump up high in the air toward the bow man.

The arrow strike on the ground where Moesat was,

Moesat now falling back down near to bow man and in the air he kick at the bow man head. The bow man used his bow to defence the kick.

Even if the bow man could prevent the kick, he fall back ward down on the ground because of the powerful kick.

Moesat followed the bow man and stomped his foot on the bow man again and again. The bow man rolled on the ground to evade Moesat stomp.

The ground were cracked from the stomp and shook around it. That made the bow man could not roll away and he was too slow compare with Moesat speed.

He got stomped at the third stomp by Moesat and all his body movement were stopped. Moesat continue stomped three time before he turn back toward the healer.

Areum was already punching and kicking ruthlessly on the handsome man. So Moesat did not need to help her and so he rush toward the so called healer.


When Moesat near to the pretty lady,

"Dad, run away back 10 meters now, poison." Lu Lu shouted in urgent so she could not properly told Moesat.

But Moesat did not wait until Lu Lu finished her word, he already run back away.

The poison is colourless, and it spread out in the air and no one notice about it before.

The healer ruthlessly release it without even caring for her team mate.

The poison is another kind of energy form. So it could not miss from Lu Lu sensor ability.

"Areum run away," the shout coming out from, Moesat who was running back away from the healer.

Areum noticed that Moesat ran away and she was already step back away and after she heard what Moesat shout and she ran without giving a second thought.

After they both run back away from the healer 10 meters. Moesat stopped and turn back.

And he inhale the air with his energy and blow off his inhale air toward the healer.

It was like a cyclone and blown off everything in it route.

Actually, that was Lu Lu, and she was using her bag ability to blown out the air toward the healer.

But both Areum and Moesat fall down on the ground after that.

And also, the healer fall down on the ground at the same time. But the healer looked so much miserable.


Back then, just before Moesat jumped away from the healer,

Lu Lu poured out all the dirty thing, that was saving up in the bag space, on the healer.

The dirty thing consist of, impurities from body refined or other things refinement.

And discharged from all living things or every dirty thing that was saving up until now.

When all the thing were combined and that became a very powerful toxin for human body. And that was way more toxin than the healer colourless poison.

And the pretty healer looked like she fall into the sh.it hole.

Moreover, that new poison smell really bad.

The healer tried not to inhale but she could not help it. While she was trying to remove the dirty thing, these were going in her body from her mouth and her nose.

And that sh.it or toxin were like an acid that could even burn the human flash.

The healer got external and internal pain from toxin burn, the bad smell that she inhale, the sh.it taste that she ate.

Her body violently shaking before she fall down on the ground and continue shaking on the ground, until she finally stop moving.

The handsome man and the big man were not dead from the fight with Areum, they tried to get up but they shook their body and they fall down and die.

They both got poisoned by their own healer.

After everyone fall down on the ground and surrounding become so quiet, except bad smell.


Half-hour later, two silhouette come out from the far away behind the healer side and slowly walk toward the battle field.

Two silhouette become clear, they were one old man and fifteen year old boy.

"Master, are they all dead?"