
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Bon appétit.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


Ugly men group were at Metal Core one or two levels, and Gentle river group were Metal Core five and six, only the good looking gentleman is at Metal Core seven.

Areum cultivation level is Metal Core eight but her power is more than Metal Core peak level cultivator.

Moesat strength is now eight thousand kilogram attack power but weight lifting strength is fifteen thousand kilogram.

Because of his energy veins and energy flow were better than before and his control on his energy is getting better than before too.

For this reason Moesat could fight one on one with Metal Core peak level cultivator. His strength is still lower than Areum.

For Nana and Enna, if they really fight with someone, they could fight Metal Core mid level Warrior. But they could break their body part by using too much power.

The weakest Lu Lu could fight with Metal Core low rank cultivator but her real attack power is way more than that.

She could even kill Weapon forming rank warrior if she really want to but she would be using up the item bag space power after that.


For that reason Moesat group did not afraid of two groups in front of them.


Both ugly and pretty groups were real warrior, without talking too much, they act.

All people changed into Metgiktran form. It is a fight of dead or alive, and the result could be determined in a second.

From ugly group,

They were four men stand on shoulder to shoulder before, so,

Left and right side of men were running away, left side man to left and right side man to right.

Two ugly men in the middle were,

left side man trying to by pass near from Moesat who stand on left side.

(left and right is taking from Moesat facing.)

And one eye ugly man run toward Areum who stand on right side.

They think, these gentle river group came for beautiful Areum. So that, the one eye man was thinking of capturing Areum and exchange for their escape.

This four ugly men notice that if they run in a group and their survival chance would be less. For that reason they spread out and run.


But gentle group did not just stand there and watch.

The pretty woman stand in the back and big man stand in front of her with his shield and big sword.

The normal man take out his bow and arrows, and he shot three toward right side running man.

Arrows were flew in the air with 150 meter per second, and the target was running at 10 m/s and no way to miss the targets.

All three arrows hit and stab on the running man back, it went into the body around three inches deep, because of the Metgiktran defence, arrows could not piercing through too much.

The ugly man felt so much pain and his chain of foot step were broken.

For normal people three arrows stabbed mean very badly wounded but for Metgiktran warrior, that is not too much.

If they got treated this kind of wound with medicine, they would be recover in a week.

The ugly man get back his body into stable and without looking back, he run again. It was taking him a few second to stable his body back but….

An arrow piercing throw in the air like a super sonic jet fighter flew, the arrow flew more than the sound of speed and the arrow even made a small vapour cone.

That was an arrow shooting ability, and the arrow has power and speed in it.

The arrow piercing through the ugly man left leg.

The ugly man fall down but he get up back to stand but this time he did not run anymore.

He knew that, with his leg wound, he could not escape.

Just a few minute ago, he was thinking himself as a tiger which prey on his meal but now he was like a cornered dog that was trying to bite back.


After the normal looking man shot his arrow toward right side running ugly man, he chase after left side running man while he is trying to aim at the running man.

Because of a few second, using time on left side man, and right side ugly man was nearly reach 100 meter away from them.


The gentle and pretty group must have fought too many battle together before, so that they knew what their comrade would do.

Their movement were like a chain reaction.

The thin man from the gentle group was rushing toward left side ugly man but he did not get in the arrow way.

And when the arrows stop shooting, he jump on the ugly man and attack from the ugly man back.

The good looking gentleman was chase after the one who was by pass near from Moesat.

The one eye ugly man reach toward Areum and he thought about what should he do next.

He was thinking how to trick the gentle group, and wanted to take advantage from beautiful Areum while holding up Areum in his arm.

And he was even thinking, he would not let go of Areum and take her with him.

But that all were only his day dreaming, while running away with his life.


And all his day dreaming were gone with a kick.

A heave direct kick land on his chest. Even with the cover of metal form, his bone were breaking.

He flew backward and drop down on the ground.

That Areum kick made all people from gentle group stopped for a second.

Before they did not know how powerful that children group was.

They only thought that, these children group was an immature a children group who were trying to make their name without experience of the true nature of the world.

But just one kick made some change in the mind of the gentle group.

One eye man is trying to get back without let go of his hope.


'Shield bash'

It hit on the head of one eye man and it even break the skull.

It is not 'a game shield bash' that would only make other people stun. In the real world, every thing is related to the strength.

Now the strong shield bash is very deadly for one eye ugly man and one eye man is the first one from the ugly group, who get on the boat, which go to netherworld.

The handsome gentleman already catch up to who was running and kick the ugly man from the back.

The man tripped and fall down on the ground and he roll a few meter before he stopped his speed.

That ugly man was only Metal Core level 1 and his weight lifting strength is only 3000 kg.

The handsome gentleman is at Metal Core level 7, his strength between 8000 kg to 9000 kg.

This two people fighting were like a man and a child fighting, the handsome gentleman step on the back of ugly man and he used a spear stab the neck of the ugly man.

The second ugly man die.

The third ugly man who die was fighting with thin man who already got shot with arrows. He was already weaken in every side, so he got easily took down by thin man with daggers.

The final one was got shot by too many arrows and finally die.


While these people were fighting, Moesat and Areum get back far away from them but they were not leaving.

Moesat wanted to sort out their problem with these gentle river group and he wanted to know why these people were following them.

But he did not want other people surrounding them, so they walk back far enough to see all of them in their eyes sight.

After finished killing people, gentle river group looked at Moesat group standing and they came to a place in front of Moesat and stand there face to face with Moesat group.

Both side were thinking with their own thought and looked at each other.

"Why were your group following us? What do you want from us?" Moesat asked this question to ugly group before and now he asked to pretty group.

"Little brat, we just saved you and why are talking at us like that?" The thin man angered and half-shouted toward Moesat with the feeling of suffering injustice.

If someone else heard and they saw what was happened before, they would think Moesat is bad.


Moesat did not talk, but just glare them with killing intent.

The handsome man stopped the thin man and he is thinking inside,

'Why is the little boy is talking and older girl was acting like a bodyguard? Is the little boy is leader or what was wrong with them???'

He had confuse thought inside of him but he did not express that feeling and said,

"We were not following you, we were heading to Mekok mining town but on the way we saw that ugly group was hiding, so we thought they were trying to do bad thing and we following them and the rest are as you saw."

From that speech, every events did not have a hole, and all of their act were fool proof.

And from other people side of view, this gentle river group is good people.

But Moesat kept his animosity toward them and always made ready to kill them.

That was because of his left hand told him to kill them all from the start they met in the city guild building.

For that, Moesat mind is in confused too, all of the act of gentle group were showing them, these people are good people but why was his hand telling him to kill them?

Moesat did not want to just kill them, he wanted to know the reason why his hand told him.

He was trying to ask them that, what these people wanted.

Because their two groups never know to each other before and no grudge between them.

What Moesat want was direct answer and fight but these group did not answer or they did not have an answer.

And both Areum and Moesat did not want to talk a lot.

So, Moesat decided to flow with the river,

"OK, So you all go ahead." Moesat move to the side and give them a way.

The thin man is talking something himself, as he did not like Moesat and walk back into the forest.

But the gentle group did not move.

Moesat is looking at them, and because of Moesat looked,

"We were travelling with a carriage, while we tail behind that ugly group we left it some where." The pretty lady explained why the thin man went into the forest, but Moesat did not say anything back.

"By the way, the road ahead is so far and rough, why don't you come with us? Travelling on foot is not good for a child and a woman alone. And there is a small child with you." A woman continue talking with kind voice.

"OK." Moesat did not say thank but he just said OK. Actually he wanted to finished his business with this group before they arrived to another town.

Other side did not say anything about Moesat did not say 'Thank' to them.

Because they notice that Areum is strong, without even their help before, Areum would take care of that ugly group.

And without their carriage, they know that Areum group did not have problem in travelling.

This pretty group was calculating the strength of Areum group, and they could not get the answer because until now Moesat did not make a single move.

Anyway, they under estimate the Areum group strength and it is the human nature.


On the carriage,

Moesat and Areum sat at one place, and they never let go of their cautiousness.

All other sat in the carriage and talking continuously. While, time to time they were looking at a small tree on the Moesat shoulder.

But they did not say anything about small tree or did not ask about Enna, and Moesat would not answer even if they asked.

From their word, Moesat got some information about them, the big guy is defender and pretty lady is healer, and the normal man is archer.


"Little boy, this is famous fruit juice, drink it." The pretty lady handover a bottle of juice.

"That ok, I have mine." Moesat refused.


"This is a very good snack, take it." The pretty lady give them some snack, the smell of the snack is fragrance.

"It is ok, we have some too." Moesat refused.


After half-day, they travelled, they stopped for a night rest but the sun is still shinning in the sky.

"This is for you two." The pretty lady give them meat soup with vegetable, the smell is really good.

"It is ok, we have our meal." Moesat refused.

Moesat refused because he did not want to eat their food and kill them after that.

It is not good in moral. He would feel really bad about it.


"We cooked too much, if you would not eat and we have to throw away. Food are scarce."

Moesat stopped and looking at that lady for a while, and,


Moesat took it and,

Areum and Moesat ate it.


(A/N: once an upon a time on earth, a spy and his enemy travelled together in one group, they both suspect to each other but no one take the first move.

Anyway, even this note is fictitious.)