
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Frozen Night Moonlit Melody.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

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Human life were like a traveller on a big train, some people get on, some get off, they met and they separate.

Some time they become enemy, some time they become friend.

Same as both ugly or pretty group, Moesat did not even know their name but they were already got off from their journey.

Na Te Ja die a few moment after meeting with Moesat, and Kim Yu Han lackey who was a long time enemy of Moesat and finally he got captured.


Moesat was not a magnanimous person to forgive the past sin of who torture him until he reached seven year old and throw him into the pit.

Before the Kim Yu Han lackey die, he gave out the news of Kim family.

Kim family moved to a big city as Kim Big Family accepted them as one of Kim, and Kim Yu Han joined with the Royal Dragon Sect.

And Kim Yu Han lackey heard some information about Moesat from Kim family, for that reason he was so excited when he coincidentally met Moesat as his prey in the Ji city.

But in the end, he became a prey.


In the battle, Nana used their mermaid innate ability,

'Frozen Night Moonlit Melody.'

It is an AOE ability and user could control who or how many would be effected by it.

Effected on only one enemy is not hard to control but it is harder to control if there were too many enemies and friends were all together in one area.

If the control is lost and AOE would effected on everyone within the Area, neglecting a friend or a foe.


The Frozen Night Moonlit Melody ability;

A mermaid sing a beautiful melody, that made surrounding area become dark, and the ability Moon came out in the sky,(that was not the moon in the sky.)

The area that effected become cold, that would slowdown enemies movement.

The beautiful melody lure the enemies, and the enemies would forget what they were doing and walking toward melody like a sleep walking.

And the sun energy user would be lost their sun advantage, and moon energy user would gain their moon advantage.

As the ability stronger as the effected would be better.

Nana ability is now too weak and even the enemy could control his mind back to focus.

Because of that ability, mermaid race became the enemies with human race.


Anyway, Moesat group are now having a birthday party in the middle of forest. It was not exact date of birthday as they were not sure which was the actual date of birth.

Because of this celebration, Moesat bought, two times, too many food in Ji City. First time he gave out food to all their friends and this time is only for them.

In Ji City, Moesat was in dilemma to buy many foods at the first time, because he never made a celebration for Lu Lu birthday.

Moesat did not know about birthday party until he enter the human society and after that he did not know what to do for Lu Lu.

Lu Lu could not eat, and Moesat noticed that she wanted to eat. Time to time Lu Lu looked at other children who were eating their snack.

For this reason, Moesat bought or took everything that Lu Lu wanted.

And Areum did not like her birthday or her birthday party.

The reason unknown!!!

And again there is Enna, who did not know her birthday.

To make balance and equality between too many people around you is very hard.



Now, it is a Nana birthday but they were not even sure this is one year or ten year birthday.

Nana claimed as she is now eleven years old, and she wants Moesat to call her as Noona.

But Moesat looked at the small Nana and he neglected to call her as Noona and he got beating by Nana again.

With the tears in the eyes, Moesat thought

'Big Woman wanted to be younger, Small Woman wanted to be older????'

No matter how much he used his brain and intelligent, he could not get the correct answer.


They finally reach to Mekok Town, as a town it did not have a metal wall like big city. It is only walled made by iron wood.

This is not proper defence even for weak enemies.

There were many guards, but they all look like a weak warrior. They were more like mining worker who took up their arms.

There were some people going into the town but no one stop them, as they needed more people or they invited many warriors.

Some fighter did not like restriction, and some would went back away if they were stopped and searched.

Especially, when they were needed for this town in crisis.


Moesat group followed other without asking anything, as they saw every new comer warriors were going to one direction.

When they entered the town, they saw many house that was built with iron tree wood, but there were no a single metal stone house.

These house would be destroyed if the powerful people fight in there. And they also see, there were no damage to any house.

That mean enemies were not attacking on the town.

Some people were looking at them, because of beautiful woman, and 10year old child. (Areum and Moesat.)

Enna went back into the bag space alone. Moesat did not have a power to protect her so he could not say anything about it.

Nana followed Enna into the bag space as Enna is a child and she is also a girl, staying alone in a big place, she would be afraid.

Even if they would dare to fight, they were still children.

Moesat could not help, he sigh,

And he would only hope to become a powerful enough to prevent this kind of event again.


All people were heading toward a big open place, this a place was just created for coming warriors.

Mekok town did not have big guild hall to let all warriors gather in.

So, they made a big open place as the gathering place for all warriors.

And soon many merchants from all over the other place came and they opened their shop as many warriors would be coming here.

In the open space, there were many tables and chairs were placed for many group could stay here.

Moesat group went in and sat down at one table, as they wanted to get info about the situation.

They looked around and found around two hundred of people were in the open area.

There were some other people there too, people who came and opened their shop here and some were curious people from the town and some were hungry children.


When Moesat group sat down, and most of the things they heard was,

People were talking about Moesat group, especially four men group.

"Pretty woman should stay on bed."

"A kid and woman came here for free food."

After Moesat neglected all talkie, and there were no one came to annoy them as they were afraid of all other mercenaries.

There were some villains who tried to touch Areum.

But there were too many stupid MCs, who wanted to show off their heroic moment in front of pretty women, were eyeing on these villains.

When these villains saw many MCs were stretching out and making ready to beat up villains.

And all villains stopped their adventure to conquer the beauty.

And Moesat heard some info,

There were many people who were telling this information with loud voice to get the attention from many other people.

The information was,

The miners were getting attacked near at their mining place.

That place is rocky place near rocky mountain, it is about 10 miles away from Mekok town.

One thing was, 10 miles is a bit far for normal mining workers for daily travel, but it is a short distance for a normal warrior or Moon beast to come and attack the town.

But Chico birds were not attacking at the town at this moment.


There were not too much news about Chico birds.

They only knew some info, there were too many Chico birds and they were very fast.

Just a few days ago, 30 adventures or mercenaries went there and very few of them ran back alive to the town.

They could only say, there were too many Chico birds and after giving that information, they ran away from that mining town, without caring about their quest which they already took.

So, at the moment when Moesat group arrived, mercenaries were waiting for more people came to this town.

Now no one dare show off their power and went to the mining place to fight with Chico birds.

There were only a few Metal Core rank warriors in that open gathering space, all the rest are Metal Forming stage.

Moesat group arrived too earlier for this kind of S level quest. And they have to wait too.

Moesat did not want to risk their life for nothing, so he did not go and check alone too.

So they needed a place to stay here for a while.


In the gathering space, there were three kind of people were found,

First one were mercenaries, they did not care too much about things, they were drinking, dancing, speaking loudly and so on.

Second one were merchants from other places, they did not care about what was happen here and happy as they made some profits.

Third one were town people, their face were weary, especially some women and children. They must have lost their husband or their fathers at the Chico birds attacked at the mining place.

Some children looked very hungry, and they looked at mercenaries who were drinking and eating. It is very hard for them to get food after their fathers die.

And these children were looking at one place, that was the place where the free meal were giving out to all mercenaries. But no child could dare to go and eat it.

This town must be really worried about Chico birds attack, and they even gave out food to lure the warriors to stay here, even though they did not have enough food for themselves.


After looking around, Moesat wanted to do something, so he asked Lu Lu for her idea.

Moesat stood up after he heard Lu Lu idea and he walked toward free food distribution area.

"Look at that little beggar, he went to get the free trash food. hahaha…." without reason someone loudly said and pointed at Moesat.

"Does he think he could just come and eat free food."

Moesat looked back at where the voice came from and he found that four men again who wanted Areum on the bed.

One Metal Core rank(low) warrior, two high Metal forming rank and one mid Metal forming, all together four men.

They were talking out loud because they have one Metal Core rank warrior with them.

Moesat continues on his way to free food area, after he looked at these people.


When Moesat arrived at free food area, he saw some men and women. Men were staying there for trying to prevent free food from freeloaders.

Before Moesat said a thing to them,

"shoo.. shoo… go away little beggar." A big man was trying chase off Moesat.

And all other faces showed disdain on Moesat.

Moesat stood at there and,

"Give me food." With the stun tone, he said,

The big man got angry for not listening to his word, and he step forward and he extended his hand toward Moesat.

With his anger, He tried to push away Moesat with force, if that push hit on normal child and that normal child would fell down and roll away a few meter and normal child would get seriously hurt.



But Moesat is not a normal child, so he grabbed the incoming hand and twisted until it broke without giving a second thought.

After that Moesat pulled the big man down to the ground without letting his hand go.


The big man shout in pain.

"Let go of me." the big man said while in pain.

But without let the hand go,

"Give me food." Moesat twisted the broken hand more.


"Give him foodddd.."

Now the big man changed his attitude and shouted toward his people.

All people at the free food area changed their faces and moved like a bee,

"Here, your food young master."

Everything changed when they saw strength.


Moesat looked at the food, it is very watery soup with a few rice and a very few pieces of meat.

That is the best food in the free food area as they did not dare to give bad food to Moesat.

Moesat looked at the so called trash food and found that, it is clean and healthy food with hygiene and also smell is good.

He let go the hand and he tasted the food,

"It is good." Moesat gave out compliment and he looked back toward all the mercenaries. Some were looking at him with interested but some did not care.

And Moesat noticed that, most of the mercenaries did not care that kind of food.


"Give me more."

Moesat asked more while he put the bowl in the storage ring on his finger.

They quickly gave him another bowl of soup.

"More.." Moesat asked again.

All the faces of people in the free food area were gloomed, but they gave another.

Moesat did not patient anymore.

"Give me all of it." Moesat told them.

"Young master, that for all warriors, please..." one women tried to say.

"I said gave me all of it." Moesat shouted.

Now many people were looking at Moesat with in interested.

One warrior came out and,

"Young child, this is bad manner to take advantage of other generosity." A preaching gave out.

"Do you want to eat this?" Moesat asked with murderous intent.

It gave feeling shiver to that man and the man step back.


"Is there anyone wanted to eat this?" Moesat shouted toward all.

Some spouting some words and some were very lazy to involve in it.

So no one answered.

And Moesat looked at the preacher without saying anymore.

The preacher looked left and right for his reinforcement but no one care, so he step back and left in shame.

Now Moesat looked at the free food people with glare and he walked in the free food area and he took everything in the storage rings on his fingers.

He walked back toward his table.


The man from four men group, who said that free food were trash, he stood up from his table and walked toward Moesat.