
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Bravery! already went back home.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


Before Moesat went to take the free food, while they were gathering informations from their surrounding. They noticed that they needs to stay here for a while.

As the mining town, it did not have too many traveller came here to visit, so Mekok town did not have too many inns or places to stay for many visitors.

The town inns and all available rooms for visitors were already rented at the time of Moesat arrived.

And there were some good places other then inn but these were only for some powerful people.

And some mercenaries group with Mid Metal Core warriors were already took it and they were staying there.

Moesat heard that mercenaries were talking to each other,

"What if we don't have a room, for the real warrior, that is nothing." A man said it.

The thing that mercenary said is right, only some thing was hidden behind these words.

That was,

If he had an enough power he would take the good place for sure. But now he is too weak to take the place.


"Do you know! The best house was taken by famous warrior Ji Soke, I heard that he had reached Metal Core mid level for long time, even this town guild master have to give respect to him."

"Second house was taken by a group, they have two mid Metal Core warriors."

"No..no no, you all did not know that, the best house is not those two, it was in the north side forest, that was outside of the town and it is not safe. But that house is the best and a lone wolf Hai Jin is already took it."


In the Ji city, Moesat did not want to get attention but in the Mekok town!…..

The trash talking man from four people group was looking for a chance to move, and when Moesat acted like a bad boy…..

This was trash-man time to shine, and time to show his Metal Forming mid rank power.(he is the weakest in four men group.)

Moesat showed his power on the big man at the free food place.

As the big man was a miner, he was only Metal Forming four even if he is around thirty years old.

Some genius children from big sect were already reach to Metal Forming rank four or five is usual.

Normal worker got bullied by many young master, that is not strange in this world, but no one were as young as Moesat.

But still no one really did not think too much about it, as most people here were having a good time and drink.


And the trash-man at Mid Metal Form wanted to show off.

At first,

If the four men went to Areum and force to take her with their ugly side, every MCs around would come to them and subjugated them.

But now it is different, they could teach bad boy Moesat and whoever come in between would become a villain.

Even so, when the trash-man walked toward Moesat, some people got up.

And they sat back down when the Metal Core warrior from four men got up and looking at them.

The trash-man walked in confidently toward Moesat.

Areum knew Moesat did not want to fight with them, so she got up and walked toward Moesat and the trash-man.

When the trash-man saw Areum was coming toward him and he was so happy.


When the trash-man reached to Moesat, he blocked the Moesat way and..

"I did not want to eat that kind of trash food but I will correct your nature, if not you would be growing up into a criminal."

The trash-man talked like an orthodox group of man, but these four were aimed to do this to get Areum.

Their aim was, they will punish Moesat and when Areum came in, they would capture her and took her for punishment.

The trash-man rose his right hand, and he wanted to punch this little beggar so hard before Areum arrived to him.

But his hand was grabbed by someone and he could not punch. He even felt pain from his hand where his hand was grabbed.

He face turn pale, and thought what kind of high level involved in their plan. And he looked at back, he saw Areum was grabbing his hand.


"Noona please break his hands and legs." Moesat asked Areum.

"OK." Areum reply.

For both Areum and Moesat, this trash-man is like a toy because of their strength different is so high.

No nno nooo…

Crack… crack...


The trash-man shouted but in a very few second, his all limbs were broken.

Even his team-mate could not react to prevent it.

The three men from four men group got up in anger, two high level Metal Forming warriors were rushed out to attack Areum.

But they got a same fortune as the trash-man.

The last one who was at Metal Core low rank warrior was thinking, he could not even do to the trash-man like what Areum did, so that mean Areum is way higher power than him!!!

After that when he saw all his team-mate were down, he got his sense back and ran.

Areum jumped up into the air and she reached to the leader of orthodox men group. And she kicked with the powerful kick.

The orthodox leader fall down and slide on the ground to a few meters away.

There were many warriors and tables on his way were all broken, all warriors were fall down onto the ground and everything were mess up along the way of the orthodox leader slide through.

There were many other people got injured from collided with that orthodox leader and some warriors got covered by food these were on the table before.

Many people became angry and got up back from the ground but after looking at the Metal Core warrior who was lying like a dead body with just one kick, they all swallowed their anger back.

Areum walked steadily between these people and these people step back and gave her a way.

She dragged back the Metal Core warriors toward Moesat, as she knew Moesat would refine them into energy.

Moesat took out big spear and aim at a high Metal Forming warrior neck from four men group.

At that time someone shouted at Moesat,

"You could not kill people, this is the law. The country needed law and people should obey the law, if not the country would collapse." One Metal Core warrior was trying to preaching.

There is a law for not killing but all the high nobility societies, Royal families, and very high rank warriors were never care about that law.

That law is only for low level people, about that reality thing, the Metal Core warrior was close his eyes before preaching toward Moesat.

"Is that so!!!"

While saying, Moesat stabbed his spear into the neck of the man.

"What would you like to do?" Moesat continued killing another and said.

The man face turn red with shamed and sit back down.


"Is there anyone wanted to say something?" Moesat got on the nearest table and shouted.

But all were quiet, just before many men were like a wolf, that wanting to eat a sheep, Areum. And now their head lowered.

Moesat got back down and killed the last two men. Moesat group have their intention to do thing.

He collected all body and went back to their table.

At that time, the big man, and his group from free food area were covering their neck with their hand and their faces became pale faces and withdraw back away.

And they thought that they were so lucky to stay alive today.


When Moesat arrived back at their table, Moesat rose his hand and he made calling hand gesture toward the hungry children group.

But they all were scare to come after seeing that killing event a few moment ago, and they also scare to run away too, they knew warriors could run many time faster than them.

These children pushed to each other to chose who would go and finally, four children group were push out from their big group.

Oldest one is a girl at 9 years old, second is a boy at 8 years, third is a boy at 5years old and last is a girl of 3 years old. They all looked like a sibling.

These four were reluctantly and slowly move toward Moesat table.

"Don't be afraid children, come here and eat some food." Areum called them.

May be because of they heard food, their spirits pump up and they walked faster but their eyes were still showing off their anxieties.


"Sit on these chairs, and eat it." Moesat told them while he took out free food back from his ring and placed it on the table.

And he take out some more food that he bought it from Ji city and Moesat starts eating all the food.

Four children were take turn looking at Moesat and food, finally they could not hold of their hunger and they start eating their food too.

Areum smiled and looked at eating children, and again she tried to call other children.

Now children were rush out toward them.

Areum took the food storage ring from Moesat and she gave out food, and she went near table where people were sitting and she stand near there.

And she glared at the people who were sitting at the table without saying any, but all of them stand up quickly and move away.

Now all the children got a place to eat and food.

Slowly some other hungry and weak people came and eat that watery soup free food, that mercenaries called these food as trash food.

That show, some people have too much food while other were in hunger.

Moesat took that food by force, because it would take long time if he tried to talk.

And some mercenaries would be against Moesat as they usually like to watch the weak people suffering.


Moesat noticed that food were not enough so he got up and visited all food shop around there.

And he told at the shop owners,

"Look like food are not enough, donation is welcome." Moesat is glaring and smiling at these merchants and he asked for donation.

Now all the hungry and weak people were happy and happy merchants became sad merchants.


Because of Moesat made commotion there,

Soon, guild master and town head of Mekok came with a group of people.

Almost all the people in the open space turn quiet and they thought they would going to see a good show.

Children and weak people who were eating before lower their head and sitting there without dare to move.


These people surround the Moesat group,

"I heard that, some people making reckless and killing people in my town?"

The town head started talking like, he is a king of that place because he got backing up by some powerful warriors.


Before they came, both Moesat and Areum were already stood up and ready to fight but they let other people surrounding them.

Because Moesat wanted to talk now, it is not time for killing.

At the end of town head speech.

"I have been waiting for long time, what took you all so long?" Moesat told them.

"You are waiting..haa.."Ji Soke tried to scorn.

"If I am not waiting, what do you think why I am here? Eating…?"Moesat fought back in talkie.

That talk make town head group stopped their talking for a while and think,

"Let capture them first, we could talk later." Guild master of Mekok town urged them.



Before everyone move,

Moesat pointed at the guild master,

"you Metal Core level 7" (Moesat did not know who they are.)

The guild master face changed, as his power level was known by stranger.


Moesat again pointed at Ji Soke, "you Metal Core level 6." (mid rank peak)

(level 1,2,3 is low rank/ 4,5,6 is mid rank/ 7,8,9 is high and level 10 is peak of the whole stage.)

"You, and you, level 5 and 4."(Two warriors from one group, who took the second best house.)



Moesat sneered them and,

"With this people... do you really wanted to fight with us? I don't take prisoner. Everyone I fought all die."

Moesat proclaimed and lied to these people.

Everyone become silent as they got attacked by psychology attacks.


More or less, when people were pointed and said about exact level of their power stage, they would hesitate to fight.

And town head group were looking at a small child and beautiful woman, who did not show a single sign of afraid to them, even though this woman and child knew their power level.

And also, they did not want to believe that they would lose in fight with this woman and a child.

But they also heard that a Metal Core group was taken down by this woman in a few second.

So, they could calculate that, Areum is at least at the level of Metal Core mid or high.


But still, they could not decide to fight or leave. If there were not too many people around were looking at them, they would leave the Moesat group but they were in dilemma now.


Before they came, they were in a big group with people and their blood were boiled when they heard about the news.

So they came out with their bravery but when they actually face with the enemy, their bravery already fled back home.