
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Entering Blood Cliff.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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First, thank for helping me…

And Merry Christmas to you all….even though I am not Christian.

Second...for the first time in my life…. I have reached two hundred pound. I have gained more than fifty pound in two years :D.

Thanks for reading.



At the mountain top, Moesat, Lu Lu and Nana calculated pros and cons of these situations.

If they tried to save these normal citizens, and these army would make more threaten to them with these normal citizens. These armies would ask the key for the blood cave and the army would ask Moesat to lead them into the cave.

And some of the enemies would follow Moesat and when they lost their mind, they would ask Moesat to save them by threatening with normal citizens' lives again.

In reality, it is very hard to save all the hostage citizens while neglecting their demand, only in the unrealistic novel MC could save them all with a very hard situation.

Most of these novel writers had never been captured by a strong opposition army, so they could only imagine unrealistic.

In the Moesat situation...

The best way to save these normal people is just neglecting them, and all of them could not be saved. In the war, there were always normal citizens, who died.

Another situation from the army,

From what Moesat saw…. Some of the strong warriors could enter into the blood cave, while weaker warriors died before they could enter the blood cave.

Moesat approached to the blood cave before... and there were no affect on him from blood cave. Even if it was not affect on Moesat, he never entered into the cave before. He should have test it how much he could enter or not, while he was staying the sect area but he did not, anyway there was never regret for him about not testing it before.

Moesat thought that, 70% or 80%... he is safe to enter the blood cave, he did not have 100% safety or he did not know what would happen to him if he entered.

Most of the MC got 10% safety but they all were too sure that they could do it, and they always said they knew what they were doing.

Same for Moesat, he knew what he is doing…. What he is going to do now is going to enter the dangerous cave but it is not 100% safe but more than 70% safe.

'But he has to do what he has to do.'

Because the key is in the cave and he worried that their enemies would get it.


While Moesat was checking, the army was starting to gather normal citizens again to test. And Moesat saw there were some long ropes. They must be trying to tie up on people and pull these people back if they lost their mind.

If something went wrong, there were more normal citizens who would die, so Moesat decided to enter before they tested it.

"Xiao Lu, go back into the bag."

Moesat worried about Lu Lu, she suffered the blood cliff effect before. So, he does not want her to suffer again.

"Dad, run away if it is starting to affect you."

Lu Lu said in more realistic way, they could come back later if they don't die. If Moesat die in the blood cave and what to do for all the others they are in the space ring and bag?

Moesat is carrying many lives, he is not alone, so he has to consider these many lives in the bag before his life.

After saying that Lu Lu went into the bag, and Moesat flew up high in the sky.

At the required position in the sky, Moesat dived down. His speed is getting faster near sound speed but he is not invisible to others eyes.

"Enemy comingggg."

With the shout from the watcher, the army woke up like bees that got attacked on their hive. They all were moving systematically moving, and they tried to change their attack position to the opposite direction.

But they all are too slow compared to Moesat flying speed. So, they tried to attack Moesat with everything, it was ready.

Some big and small arrows flew up, but all of it could not hit Moesat.

There were some arrows shot before Moesat, but it is like foot soldiers are trying to shoot the jet fighter in the air.

There were even flying nets that flew in very slow speed and finally it hit the mountain wall or the ground.

Before all of these dropped on the ground, Moesat was already in the cave.

Entering the cave is easy but it would not be when Moesat got back out from the cave.


With Dragon form, Moesat continued to enter the deepest part of the cave and vanished from the army eyes.

"Moesat come back out from the blood cave or we will kill these people."

Army leader shouted to threaten Moesat.

Normal citizens were pushed to the front of the army toward Blood Cliff and the army made these normal citizens kneel down on the ground that could see from the cave.

Some of the normal citizens were crying and let these armies rule over their fate, they did not intend to fight back.

This is one of the kind what Moesat hate.

'Fight for their own fate and helping them is good.'

This is what Moesat keeping it.


Soon after the shout, they saw Moesat come back out in human form with his pants on. And in the Moesat hand, there was some kind of golden glow in the red light of the blood cave.

"The KEY."

Someone from the army shouted.

That took the attention of the many leaders or strong warriors. In this hundred thousand people, the army leader is not the real leader of these all people. There are more important people in this army.

Now they all focus on Moesat and are ready to take action before others.

No one knew how many people could get the inheritance from the blood cave, so they thought 'the better they got in before others.'

While looking at Moesat, they saw some abnormality of the Moesat movement.

Moesat is moving toward all directions aimlessly like a lost person in the maze, and looks like he is trying to get out from the blood cave. But he could not.

Soon, he lost his mind and started to fight with air, after that the cave wall.

Finally Moesat's head butt with the cave wall and collapsed on the ground, and the golden glow from his hand dropped on the floor.

All of the strong warriors from outside are getting nervous and anxious, they all see the key is lying on the ground, and all they need to do is pick up and go in.

But they all knew it was easier said than done. They all tried to close near the blood cave before and felt the evilness feeling from that cave.

And they also saw many people die, who tried to enter, with their own eyes, so they could not decide what they should do.

They were looking at each other and thinking of what other people would do.

One of them finally lost his mind control because of the temptation of the blood cave key, and he dash out into the cave.

One started and the other followed. Around ten strong warriors, including two weapon ability warriors went in. One of them tied up with the rope on his body before he entered.

Within a few seconds one after another lost their mind and started to walk aimlessly just like what Moesat did before. They all changed back to normal human form from metal form.

and the one who tied up with rope, untied it and walk in after he lost his mind.

But one of the weapon ability stage warriors could stay in control of his mind and finally he grabbed the golden glow key.

Smile appears on his face and starts walking into the cave.

One step.

Two step, and finally he is starting to lose his mind, so he tries to get out from the cave. Soon he acts like all the others.

They all fought with stone and wall, and they all lost their combat power, so they hit the stone wall with a normal human body.

Only five minutes last for all of the warriors before they drop down on the ground.

All silence….

All of the enemies are watching with hoping that some of them get on their feet and come back out from the blood cave.

But no more of them dare to attempt to go in the blood cave now.

They wait….

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes…

Finally someone moves, slowly he sits down on the ground in the blood cave, and he behaves like he is waking up from asleep.

After that he got up bashing out dust from his body without caring anything.

That one looks like he never suffered from the blood cave evilness effect on him.

And that one looks around toward the dead warriors, and he walks toward the nearest dead body who picked up the golden glow key.

He picks up the golden glow key and also put the dead body in the space bag. And he walked toward another dead body and put it in the bag. One after another all of the dead bodies in the blood cave went into the bag.

"Moesat come out now or we will kill these people."

The army leader shouted again.

Moesat stand in the blood cave with relax while facing toward the army, and his rise his both hand and he shrugged his shoulder, he show his body sign to his enemies.

He told his enemies ��Do what you want.'

And he turns back and walks into the deeper part of the cave and vanishes from the view of these people's eyes.


The blood cave entrance hall is around twenty meters wide and behind it.. there is a small walkway, it is after the corner and behind the wall, so outside people could not see. The walkway is only ten meter long.

At the end of the passageway, there is a small altar, and on the surface of the altar there is a plum size disc hole on it.

Not too much complicated or magnificent structure could be seen here. So simple that, it could be enough to make all of the people belittle on the blood cave.

Still many of them already died in the hall before they could reach into the small tunnel.

Moesat walk in steadily, before he came here he thought he would get some effect from the blood cave. But there were no effect on him.

And the simplest things that he saw could not make him belittle or exaggerate on it.

He walks until he reaches the small altar and takes out a disc in grey colour with a plain surface. It looks like just a normal plate that could be found everywhere.

The golden glow before was a refined Gold Iron, that has nothing to do with the blood cave key. But many strong warriors died for it, greed could easily destroy many lives.


Moesat is standing near the small altar and he is talking with others inside of the bag. And he is worried now.

He saw many of his enemies die just before they reached into the small passageway, and that blood cliff effect is not a joking matter, even if that has no effect on him.

They are choosing... who to go in first, and they did not know how many could go in too.

Anyway, as the big sister, Areum takes the first turn, it is the most dangerous turn and it is the test for all others. She is taking the risk for all.

Moesat took out Areum and quickly gave her the key.

Areum's face changed while trying to control her mind.

"It is still bearable."

She gave out her information to Moesat and put the key on the disc hole and she vanished from her place, while leaving the key.

Moesat face frown a bit as he saw a problem. The problem is.... could he take the key out or leave it?

What if he entered into the inheritance room when he touched that key?

So, he leaves it and takes out Enna.

A small shield formed around Enna, that is her innate ability and she quickly touched the key. Same as Areum, she vanished.

Nana turns and she comes out from the bag without using her shield.

Before she touches the key.

"I think it is ok for Lu Lu."

And she touches the key.

And Lu Lu is second last before Moesat.

Even if they worry too much, nothing bad has happened to them yet.

Finally, Moesat touch the key and he vanished.