
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Blood Cliff.

(Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)


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Moesat could not find Ling Tian but he captured all his VIP enemies, both princes of two countries.

In the highest points event, taking all the prizes directly from the referee or prizes sponsor is called the ultimate cheat.

The ultimate cheat of Moesat made him rich, and he also got the betting money too.

So, Moesat said 'Cheat is good, if you don't get caught...hehehe.���

For the people who have power, money is nothing for Moesat group. So, Moesat gave out some money to two of their sects.

After finishing off their enemies from the Goon city, they decided to stay there to power up themselves. Moesat did not have time to refine the energy source before, now he got some free time.

One more thing is they needed to make their alliance to power up too.

Now their two sects rule over the area around Goon city, all of the disciples could go out and hunt the beast in more safety. And some of the other sects were using that safety and they stayed in Goon city to train their disciples.

After they saw Moesat power, they all wanted to chase after him too.

All of them saw Moesat dragon form but they all don't respond as Moesat thought before. They all only think a bit strange as there were no one change their bodies like Moesat.

But it is all of their response. They may be already accept it.

Since two months ago Moesat was using his dragon form to fight with people, so it is not strange that other people know about his dragon form.

If Moesat is weak, these people would tell something bad about it but now it is different.

Moesat let all the women in the blood ring out in the Goon city and he gave them a job in his half-base inn in the Goon city.

These women knew about rain foxes but Moesat told them not to tell any. But even if they tell, Moesat don't care anymore.

Goon city is very far from the main city of both countries, so they wait for the big armies from two countries. But no army came except other cultivators who arrived in Goon city.


Kim family saw Kim Yu Han is alive in the item bag and they surprised, and they tried to lie Moesat for the hope of staying alive.

Their lies were…

Both of Moesat parents arrived at this continent and met with Kim family but they both were serious injured, so Kim family saved them but they died from the injured.

Moesat parents told him something different, so he knows it is not the truth.

Moesat torture Kim Yu Han in front of them to get the truth.

There were many other stories came out from their mouths.

But one story that Kim Yu Han mother said... is seem to be possible...she said because she could not see her son getting tortured anymore.

What she said was…

Moesat parents came from outside of this continent, they met with the Kim family. At that time the Kim family got chased by their enemies. Moesat parents were powerful, even if they were injured, so they saved Kim's family and taught some of their skills.

But these were not the real powerful skills or cultivation technique, but they promised that, they would teach Kim family when Moesat grow up.

The Kim family could not wait, so they poisoned Moesat parents and captured them. Later the Kim family tortured them to get the skills and cultivation technique.

Moesat's mother made a deal with them, Moesat parents wanted to see Moesat and if Moesat was alive they would teach the Kim family.

When Moesat got there, Moesat's mother cast a spell of memory transfer to Moesat. And she told Kim family that when Moesat got older, he would get these skills and he would teach Kim family.

Actually, they tried a lie as a last hope to let Moesat grow up, and made the Kim family let Moesat grow up.

Moesat parents know that if they taught Kim family these skills and cultivation techniques, and Kim family would definitely kill all of them.

So, this is the story from Kim Yu Han's mother, and it is the most possible. But Moesat does not know the exact truth.

Moesat killed all of them, without torturing them, including both princes' groups. Before, Moesat told the Seolleon prince and Chi Ji Su that, he would torture them before Moesat killed them.

But Moesat changed his mind, he is too busy and he does not have a hard heart to tortured all of them. But he did not let them live.

So, Moesat changed his mind from time to time, that is good or bad, he does not care. He will follow what his intelligence told him.

And they also captured Lee family group, at first Areum wanted to let them go but Nana felt something strange feeling on them as she observed them.

So, Moesat tortured one after another and one hidden story revealed.

Areum's parents were good at business and slowly they got their influence in the Lee family. There were two groups in the Lee family.

And The stronger group was using Areum parents as a golden egg duck. But the weaker group didn't want it. So they made a trap and killed them.

The stronger group knew the truth but they did not say a thing, as they did not like their golden egg duck became powerful.

After hearing that story, Areum got so sad and angry. And the captured Lee family got killed, but the one who killed them is Moesat. He did not want Areum to force herself to kill her own family.

In the Moesat group, most of them have a sad past.

Lu Lu had an unknown past, and she got some conscious for a long time and she lived alone until she met with Moesat.

Nana got many enemies, and even her own kind wanted to eat her. And until now her mother is sealed.

Enna got a mysterious past, she grew up alone in the dangerous world for nearly a thousand years of age, there were many beasts, who wanted to eat natural treasure but luckily she survived.

Areum got abandoned in the past, now she has a complicated past.

For these reasons, most of the time Moesat let them do whatever they wanted to, Nana wanted to win on Moesat. Areum liked to be a big child. Lu Lu and Enna like to play.

Everyone could not be good to all others, Moesat could only be good to his family. He helps the rest of the people only at the time he could.

Because of this small help, if Moesat claims himself as a hero, that means he would be just another hypocrite hero.


After two weeks time, Moesat group reached nearly the peak of their stage. Now Enna is weakest but Areum strength still growing up by the help of Moesat.

Moesat used his cultivation methods and helped circulated while Areum was absorbing energy. And clearing up some bubble kind of things in Areum energy reservoir made her getting stronger.

But they stay there for one more month to help others.

Moesat tried to help two Dog parents and Qi Krin to the peak of Metal Forming stage, and also Soyeon group, Hee Mon, and Chi Chi. They all are ready to go into the Metal Core trial within two years, that was never happened before.

And he also helps elders Park, Miho, Eun and Chon Hee CF sect leader to absorb more just like he helps to Areum. All of them became stronger and even if these energies did not directly help on human regeneration, all of them became obviously younger by their appearance.

Moesat gave many reasons to avoid to help on BC sect leader and elders, as he never forgot his grudge on them.

Moesat got many loot from many people, there are many different level of metal from the loot, these are up to level seven. He gave these metal, up to level five hardness, to the two sects.

He saw many pills to use for level up but none of these could not help him. So he gave it the sect. But he did not give them natural plant treasure.

He found some plants and fruits, some of them could be revived to plant again but some could not. All of these plants, he left it to Lu Lu care.

And there are some skill books in the loot, Lu Lu copy all of it and gave these to the sect too.

After one and half months, there were no army show up to fight with them.

So, Moesat decided to leave for doing one thing he has been waiting for.

It is to go into the Blood Cliff. Moesat is worried about the key. Because the key is hidden in the blood cliff cave.

The dog family and Qi Krin decided to go with Moesat group. And now they were in the blood ring.

Blood ring is belong to Enna but Moesat is still using it.

In the ring, there were rabbit groups, rain foxes, Danny dog family and Qi Krin.

Rain fox furs are beautiful. Their colour is a sky blue but if they move and others could see rain drops on their furs, it is like rain drops on the window glass but these are not real rain drops. Just an appearance.

Lu Lu and Enna are playing with small dogs and rain foxes. Small rain foxes could walk in one months time as a nature, but all the other things were the same as a one month old human child.

Qi Krin tried to fight with Moesat but Moesat used his dragon hand to punch him down.

Qi Krin does not want to fight with Moesat for now, he noticed that Moesat dragon hands are harder than his head. But he will fight with Moesat when he got his horns or his head harder.


About Yang Che and system,

Lu Lu found a smartphone like thing in Yang Che's body. It is in a blue transparent colour with smoke like cord connected with the thing and that cord extended into the sky, it is not a cordless.

That thing was absorbing and regeneration on Yang Che's body and that thing gave power to Yang Che.

And that thing separated from Yang Che and Yang Che slowly died. But Lu Lu put back the system into the dead Yang Che body, and the Yang Che dead body alive again but there is no more Yang Che.

It is like a mindless Zombie.

Before, while fighting, Lu Lu saw two smoke like cords extending into the sky but she was too busy, but at the time she noticed it and Ling Tian was nowhere to be found.


Moesat flies back in fast speed toward Blood Cliff, after two weeks later he arrives back.

He saw more than 100,000 soldiers surrounded the Blood Cliff, so he did not rush into it. He stopped at a mountain peak where he could spy on them.

These people are surrounding the blood cliff but they could not stay under the overwhelming evil aura, they surrounded from a far leaving an empty space between them and the blood cliff.

After a while Moesat spied on these people, Moesat group got some clue.

These people did not stay in a plain surface area. They all were staying near a hill or in a ditch.

They are facing the opposite side from the Blood Cliff, that means the army is trying to defence incoming enemies.

There are big bows and ballistic big weapons placed in the same direction as the army facing.

They must be waiting for Moesat coming. And they must thought that Moesat could not go in directly from the sky!!!

In these more than 100,000 people, there were some normal citizens and children in these armies. These normal citizens were restricted to stay in a designated place.

These normal citizens were formed as many small groups and spread out here and there within the many soldiers.

From that, Moesat group could conclude, their enemies knew about their AOE and these people knew Moesat did not kill normal citizens and children.

So they captured these citizens and let these citizens stay in designated places to prevent Moesat using his AOE ability.

But these enemies did not know one thing that, Moesat would not let getting hurt to his family.

Moesat became stronger but fighting with 100,000 is still impossible without paying a price. So, if Moesat is needed he would use AOE on his enemies without a second thought.

But he did not need to use it now.

And he saw one more thing,

At the bottom of the blood cliff, there is an entrance or a blood cave.

This army forced some normal citizens into the blood cave.

Some lost their mind before they could get close to the blood cave entrance and die from fighting with their own illusion.

These people also sent some strong warriors too, these warriors could enter the blood cave and die too.

What Moesat saw is…

These people changed their bodies into Metgiktran form and they approached toward the blood cliff, soon their body form back to normal and starting to walk around aimlessly.

And they fought with something in the air or they were attacking at rock and stone walls until they died. No one could come back alive after going into a certain area.

From that, Moesat got one more knowledge….

Before, one of the Blood Demon had to stay with blood cliff disciples who tried to go in and saved them if they failed.

Now there are no more blood demons and no one could save whoever entered it.

It is not just a so call trial, this is a one way trial. Dead or alive.

Only if someone succeeds in the trial and he or she could be alive to come back out.