
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Better than all the stupid Hypocrite.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


From 30 people, ten were dead but all other were captured alive.

These people attack power is good but their speed is too slow and their weapons were in low grade.

To fight with other weapon ability stage warriors and these 30 people could win at one vs 30 fight but Moesat group power is same like at least equal to three strong weapon ability warriors.

After they finished the battle, Moesat moved to another place for night rest.

They chose high and big tree, on very high place, they chose a big branch where they could see their surrounding. One of them guard the item bag from outside and other rest.

Lucky that there were no real night in this continent, otherwise girls would be scare to guard alone.

Moesat got many thing to do, so he is exempt from the guarding duty.

And injured people from 30 men were cured to maintain their live, for investigation.


Next day morning,

Moesat is flying and…

"There is a group of 20, one weapon forming stage and most were from Metal Core stage, very few Metal forming late stage. Let refill our energy before we fight."

Lu Lu give out warning.


Moesat flew down for their rest, after that they went ahead of the way of 20 and they wait.


That place is..

There is a flat ground surface with some big trees here and there, there is some shrubs here and there too but these are not completely cover the normal eye sight of view.

This place is good for face to face battle.

Moesat group decided to fight face to face battle.


A group of 20 is slowly advancing, two scouts were checking every where. They are getting near to Moesat group.

The leader of the group is same height as normal human and most of the other height is same like normal human but there are some who are only around 2/3 of normal human height.

Their skin were black without even cover with metal form.

Their body is same like human but they got big eyes, nose, mouth, ears and one big thing down there.

If Yang Che saw it and he would said 'I want it.' Unfortunately Yang Che is not here.(but what he want or how he want is not clear.)

All 20 of them were wearing short skirt like ancient Rome warriors but no shirt were on their body.

They were armed with axe, spear, dagger, short sword, bow, rope and so on.

They stopped when they found Moesat group, who were standing in front of their way.


"If you already got here, why do you all still hiding? Are you all not coming out and fight with us?"

Moesat shouted toward the goblin group.

After a few second, after goblins were checking any other ambush around the area, and they came out, when they knew there were no more ambush.


Goblin leader shouted in their own language and rush out to Moesat group.

Moesat did not understand what they were shouting but they changed their metal form and dash toward their enemies too.


Moesat is like normal small dragon, so he fight like tiger.

He jump on avoiding a weapon that incoming from his front and attack that goblin with his claws.

An axe strike and spear stab Moesat from his one side each.

Moesat waves his tail and smash down on these both weapons, and he turn left side, while using his dragon claws as horizontal crescent slash.

After a goblin with axe weapon got smash away it weapon by Moesat tail, a goblin with axe lost his balance and he could not evade Moesat dragon claws.

A big chunk of goblin body was cut off.

While Moesat was turning to left side, his tail smash everyone behind his back like a metal whip without caring any goblins weapons.


Moesat attacks pattern changed.

Yesterday he found out that his direct attack were using less energy than using Angry Angel Dance movement.

Every time they used speed, their energy was used up double time than normal fight.

It is like a sport car is using too much fuel than a normal car.

Every speed is came out from strength or power too. The more power they used the faster they will be.


Now all of Moesat group knew that they were way too much overpower than many other.

Their raw strength many be lower to some high level stage warriors but their Angel dance movement is very high grade movement ability. (They did not know what kind of grade of that ability is.)

That ability was never seen on that continent before.

Moreover, their rich of money is filling up for their weapons grade and their Metal body were too much harder than many other weapons.


Some time Moesat got push back by the strike power of many goblin warriors but no one could make injures on Moesat body.

Moesat catch two weapons with his both hand.

Two goblins were alerted and they were trying to take back their weapons to evade from the Moesat catches with his hands but it is late. Both weapons were crashed like a paper in Moesat dragon hands.

'Double power punch'

Bang Bang…

Two skirt wearing goblins flown away.


Moesat did not evade too many time from goblins attacks, he directly attack back to all of them.

And he jump toward another goblin without caring a weapon that came from his left side and he use…

'Double power claws'

Both a weapon and a goblin who got attacked by his dragon claws is destroyed.

But he got hit by a sword from his left side but there is only push away force, noting could injury on his skin yet.

Moesat used his tail and grab that sword goblin leg and smash it down on the ground.

That smashing he used to do it before but he could not do it in the past year.


And now he waves his tail while grabbing that goblin and smashing down on other goblins.

After that he jump into the middle of goblin group while his tail was still grabbing the same goblin.

He rotated 360 degree in the middle and smashing every goblins.


Goblin were thinking Moesat group as a weak group with woman and children, but now they changed their mind.

They even regretted that they came out, instead of they ran away. They should have run away from the start.


Their leader got killed by Areum and all the goblins tried to run but no one could escaped from Moesat speed.

Half of them were captured alive for investigation too.

All other goblins become Moesat group energy.

Now is the rest time after battle.

In the item bag, Moesat got teaching by Nana.

Nana smashed on Moesat butt and…

"Why did you attack without evading their weapons?"

Nana told Moesat.

Moesat eyes moist with tear and.

"These weapons were so weak, nothing could scratch my skin."

Moesat felt like injustice by Nana beating up on him.

Nana smashes again and..


Moesat shouted while tear were falling down.


"What if their weapon are really strong, would you not going to get hurt?"

Nana told him and she continue...

"We are now trying to training to get our fighting experience. If you waste like that and if we face directly a really strong enemy, how would you fight?"

Nana hit him again.


"I knew I knew.. I won't do that again. Please stop hitting me."

Moesat tried to plead.


In the evening of the same day,

Moesat group found a fifteen goblins group,

Only one weapon forming stage warrior and many of them are at Metal Core stage and some Metal forming stage warriors.

This is too weak group of goblins for Moesat.

And these goblins were hiding behind the trees and bushes, there were three normal traps were set up.

One is foothold trap, and two others were death trapping pits. A hole on the ground with spikes in the hole.


Moesat got full rest and he approached to the goblins group at 300 meters away. For him, he could reach to goblin group in three or four seconds.

Moesat face is full of gloom because he got hit by Nana before, and he is now angry to everything except his family.

And he wait without start attacking on goblins group because he found an another group of beasts.

That is brown buffalo family, father buffalo is at weapon forming stage, mother buffalo is at Metal Core stage, older sister is like eight year old and three year old young boy.

These beast age and body were same as human, so even if eight year old the girl is just in a child stage.

Both children were happily running around and playing. They were coming toward Goblins traps.


Moesat.. wait...wait...wait…

Superman father Kevin Costner(don't know character name in movie) told superman to wait…..wait….

Every Hero MC needed to wait… until other were suffer, so that they could become a hero.


What if superman came out earlier?….without waiting?

What if superman take control of America and lead them with alien advance technology?

They could fight with their enemies in the space without harming all other normal citizen on the ground?

But HERO with super power would never touch the politic in many novel. Or they would be called as villain if they took the leader position by force.



Moesat wanted to be a hero sometime too. And he is now waiting until other suffer.


As the predicted,

A playful boy fall into a death pit, but luckily his big sister bite his hand and hold him not to fall into the pit.

Both parents alerted mother tried to approach her children but all goblins come out surround them and starting to attack them.

Five strongest goblins were attacking on father buffalo and other were attacking on mother buffalo.

Big sister buffalo could not pull her little brother up and she is slowly drifting into the pit. She grip herself use all her strength to hold against the drifting into the death pit.

Mother buffalo is trying to get near to her children without caring any goblins attacks, so she got injury one after another.

Father buffalo could not break through the five strongest goblins warriors.


Father buffalo weapon is two straight strong horns and metal cover hands and legs. He jump and step down on goblins but goblins were step back and evade.

He tried to stab with his horn or kick with his leg but five goblins were like hyenas, they attacks from the weak side and withdraw if the father buffalo changed his direction.


Big sister buffalo is losing her strength and slowly her brother hands is slipping out from her mouth.

The little boy is so afraid and moving his body violently, that make harder for his sister grabbing.

She wanted to say not to move to her little brother. But big sister could not talk as her mouth is catching her bother hand.

Tears are coming out from big sister eyes, she did not want her brother die.

But how could small girl fight against the fate.

And finally the boy drop down from his big sister grab.


As the desperate time, Hero Arrived….

Moesat jumped down from the sky and grab the boy with his tail before the little buffalo got stab with spikes.

And also his dragon hand support a big sister, not to fall into the pit.

One hand and two of his legs were grip in the ground, not to fall into the trap.

Moesat tried so hard, and he struggle not to fall into the trap, while supporting two children.

As a hero, he finally save both children.


But there is something not clear is, Moesat got more than 20 thousand kg strength in one hand, so he could easily toss this two little children on the ground.

And even if he fall down, not a single spike could hurt him. So what was he struggling for?


Anyway a hero is a hero, he got into the fight after he saved two children.

The battle direction changed as Moesat enter the battle.

Winning goblins were now losing and buffalo side is winning.

Finally, half of the goblins die and half captured with Moesat help alone.


"Thank you so much for saving us."

Mother buffalo thank Moesat with tear in her eyes.

"That ok, I could not just watch these many goblins gang up on a family."

Hero should not let the strong bully on the weak.


But there were always misunderstanding,

There were never a weak could not win against a strong.

(A/N: I did explained it in the other novel.)


In reality and….

Actually Moesat is strong and he is bullying a weak goblins group.


"I will help you with my life, if you need my help on one day."

Big father buffalo told Moesat with his words from his heart.

"OK, I will tell you if I needed."

Moesat said it and he took out some healing pills for the buffalo mother and father buffalo.

"Careful on the way."

Moesat send them away, while saying goodbye.


So today Moesat group killed too many goblins and is there anything wrong with that?

So yesterday Moesat group killed human and what wrong with that?


Saving a weak family buffalo from goblins…. is that right thing to do?

What about goblins family and children of goblins?

Because of Moesat group killed more than 10 goblins and there would be at least 10 goblins children will face the hunger and they would become an orphan?

Without protection from their goblins parents some of the goblins children will die.


Why is no guilty to kill other living thing than human but guilty on killing a human?

Why could human has right to kill other living thing?

Because human are superior to animal?

Or The God give permission to human to kill all other living thing?


Is that because of the animal IQ is lower than human?

So higher IQ living thing could kill lower IQ living thing is right thing to do?


Or because of the same specie could not kill to each other?

Is that Moesat is still a human for sure?


Final conclusion is,

Moesat saw buffalo family and save them is just his desire and he could not just let that happen in front of his eyes.

Moesat killing other human is….if he think he should kill them.

But he is not killing for fancy…


And he will save other if he desire to….

There may be right and there may be wrong.


Moesat would never become a hero….


But he is always better than all the stupid Hypocrite.