
Superhuman Organization, Fighting a Monster

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The midday sun shone directly on the deserted island, increasing the surrounding temperature. A sea breeze blew past, bringing about slight coolness. Helen looked at the huge monster walking in between the mountains in delight and excitement!

"The entire monster body is a treasure. Its blood, bones, skin, and tissue are all perfect experimental materials. As for the reason why the elite class environment has improved at a better rate than ordinary class, the majority of the credit is attributed to these monsters!"

Helen looked very excited as she said, "Therefore, a monster cave represents something of great value!"

"What you said makes sense, but what does this cave have to do with us?" Xue Yue scratched his head in confusion.

"How is that unrelated? You were the one who discovered this monster cave first!" Helen quickly explained, "Generally speaking, when Superhumans discover a cave, they have two methods to deal with it."

"The first method is to inform the temple and report the position along with specific information of the cave to them. Following which, the temple will provide corresponding rewards according to the scale of the cave, the quality and value of the monsters that emerge!"

"The second method is to report to your own organization and let them develop it. The specific rewards will of course be given by the organization!"

Helen smiled and said, "Normally the first method is what unaffiliated Superhumans will choose to do. If they belong to a certain organization, they would obviously report the monster cave to their own organization for them to take ownership and develop it!"

"Organization?" Xue Yue furrowed his brows.

"It's like this. The temple cannot be entirely regarded as an organization. It's more of an alliance formed by expert Superhumans from various organizations, similar to the existence of the United Nations. They do not involve themselves in normal affairs, but it creates laws and judges Superhumans who commit crimes!"

Fearing that Xue Yue did not understand, she continued with her explanation, "Beneath the temple are the various large organizations and the most famous ones are Superhuman groups from the various super nations. For example, China's (Sacred China), US's (Sea Eagle), Russia's (Siberian Star), so on and so forth!"

"Generally speaking, Superhumans are willing to join the organization under their country. Thus, this results in the scene where various countries' Superhuman groups are very strong. At the very least, they have an advantage in numbers!"

"There are also some Superhumans who are resistant towards being bound, so they are unwilling to serve their countries and hope for freedom. Therefore, they have spontaneously formed many other groups!"

Having said that, Helen breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Therefore in conclusion, a Superhuman usually has four pathways to choose from."

The first would be to join their country's organization.

The advantage would be higher levels of safety. Within the scope of the country, they get to enjoy numerous rights, and the country would also provide many benefits for the Superhuman's family members. This allows them to be at ease with their family's safety, but the downside would be the greater constraints placed on them.

The second pathway was to join a freedom alliance, where management is considerably more relaxed. The group is relatively carefree, loose and one would have their freedom. No one would force you to do anything you are unwilling to do.

The third pathway was to join an organization, a family or a certain force with great influence, similar to hired thugs.

The fourth way was to join the mercenaries that would have to brace untold danger. It's the most dangerous and at the same time, the pathway that gave the most freedom.

No matter how powerful a single individual was, it was impossible to fight against a country. This is also applicable for Superhumans. The reason being, countries have a large source of countrymen and therefore, every single country's organization is extremely powerful!

"Among them, Sea Eagle from the US, Sacred China from China, and Siberian Star from Russia are respectively ranked first, second and third among all the Superhuman organizations. Even though there are rankings among them, the gap between these three Superhuman organizations is extremely minimal and can be disregarded!"

Having heard that, Xue Yue touched his nose and said, "Then based on your explanation, the only option I can take is to hand this monster cave to the temple?"

Xue Yue was a single man himself and he had never joined any Superhuman organizations before. Right now, there seemed to be only one feasible choice he had. As for monopolizing the cave…

There was no meaning. The monsters can only turn into various treasures after going through the hands of those scientists. So what use was there for Xue Yue to monopolize a monster cave?

"Hehe!" Helen chuckled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. In fact, you're free to join an organization first and develop the cave alongside them!"

"If you hand this over to the temple, you can only wait for a single reward. Even though the reward would be good, you would no longer have any relations to that cave!"

"Therefore, only ones who are left without any choice would choose to report it to the temple!"

"Join a Superhuman organization?" Xue Yue sighed and said, "In fact, I would like to join China's organization, but I'm left stranded on a deserted island where not a single soul can be seen. How am I supposed to join?"

"Don't worry!" Helen smiled in response. "I believe my family will find me soon. At that time, naturally we will be able to leave. In that case, you'll be able to join China's organization!"

"We'll see!" Xue Yue shook his head and asked, "Helen, this monster cave can be considered as something the both of us discovered, don't you want to hand it to your family?"

From how familiar Helen was with the elite class, it was obvious that she belonged there. Perhaps her family members might be Superhumans!

"I can't!" Helen brushed her hair behind her ears and gently smiled. "First of all, I'm not a Superhuman. Secondly, my family does not have much interest in monster caves!"

"Does not have much interest?" Xue Yue was surprised. "Didn't you mention earlier that monster caves represented a huge amount of wealth?"

"Haha…" Helen pursed her lips and chuckled without saying anything else. Her gaze moved towards the monster cave at a distance.

Xue Yue tactfully avoided asking further as he realized that Helen's family background is not as simple as it seemed.

At that moment, a monster went on a rampage and ran down the right mountain side, appearing above the waterfall. It did not seem to have a specific objective as it ran around like a headless fly.

However, it destroyed the surroundings wherever it went and it was about to come down from the waterfall and arrive at the pool area!

"I have to lure him here. Otherwise my house will be destroyed!"

The ground was shaking slightly. With that monster's strength, those wooden fence poles would be easily destroyed. These were things that Xue Yue had spent a great deal of effort on before he completed it!

"Helen, stay here for the time being while I'll lure the monster away. If possible, I'll find an opportunity to kill it!" Xue Yue turned his head and said.

"Can't you stay here…? Forget it, please be careful!" Helen had a worried expression.

Xue Yue gave a response before he jumped and flew up three meters high in an instant. He shot out like a bird and appeared before the monster shortly after.

When he looked at the monster in close range, Xue Yue suddenly felt that he was insignificant, similar to an ant standing beneath an elephant. The feeling was unusually shocking. The monster was dozens of meters high and its height alone was comparable to a five-six story building!

It had sharp limbs, rock-like armor and a large mouth!

"This monster is even more terrifying than those two in the sinkhole!"

Xue Yue swallowed his saliva and forced himself to calm down. Shortly after he released ten spikes from his hands and gritted his teeth before dashing towards the monster's thigh that looked like a crocodile's legs.


Xue Yue brandished his right arm the instant he brushed past the monster. The five spikes on his fist had directly sliced the monster's legs. After hearing the sound of cutting through flesh, five slender and long slits appeared and blue-colored blood slowly seeped out while Xue Yue continued to run forward.


With a sudden attack, the sickle-shaped monster felt severe pain on its legs and opened its large mouth to release a loud roar which sounded like a crash of thunder, so sharp that it pierced through one's eardrums.

At the same time, the monster also discovered Xue Yue who attacked. A trace of brutalness streaked across its thin small eyes and it suddenly turned around while chasing Xue Yue like a madman. Bang bang bang— Its large feet stepped on the ground, causing the whole island to shake.

"It's chasing me…"

Xue Yue was frightened as he escaped as if running for his life.

Bang bang bang—

One did the chasing and the other, the running. In a flash, they had crossed the right mountain peak and arrived at the other side where the sinkhole was located at. .

Xue Yue no longer escaped when he was hundreds of meters away from the pool. Instead, he suddenly turned around, dashed towards the monster and waited for an opportunity to launch an attack!

His spikes had easily sliced apart the sickle-shaped monster's flesh with the random attack earlier and the notion of killing it surfaced in his mind.

"Come on, you b*stard!"

The monster had been chasing all the way and did not expect Xue Yue to turn back all of a sudden. Its large figure could not brake in time and Xue Yue had already aimed at its right leg, intending to deal another cut.


With the sound of cutting through flesh, another large wound appeared on the monster's right leg and blood flowed out.


The monster roared and tried to stop moving in a stagger. With a turn of its head, an eight to nine meter-long limb swung down. Even though its physique was larger than the lobster monster, the speed with which its arms swung down was even faster!

Xue Yue was currently fleeing and after hearing a shrill-like roar, he saw the monster's arms above his head. The front part of its main arm was a black, one-meter long sickle claw that was incomparably sharp, similar to the God of Death's sickle.

Xue Yue's scalp tingled and without a second thought, he jumped sideways to the right.


The sickle claw brushed past Xue Yue's body and moved towards the grass patch. Following which, a large rumble could be heard and the monster's arm smashed against the ground. It's strength had followed soon after, causing the entire mountain to shake.

"F*ck! This monster's speed is so fast. It's much faster than the lobster monster!"

Xue Yue rolled around in a mess and got to his feet. He could not help but gasp. He had launched a sneak attack and while the monster was still dashing forward, it could instantly turn around and retaliate after receiving an attack.

Evidently, it was very fast!