
Defeating Monster, Flying Motorcycle

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The skies were as blue as a washed mirror, spotlessly clean. A lone deserted island floated on the boundless Pacific Ocean and all of a sudden—


A deep scream resounded throughout the void and a silver light streak shot from afar. When it arrived above the deserted island, it suddenly stopped.

The 'it' was a silver 'motorcycle'. Its general shape was similar to that of ordinary motorcycles, but its wheels were horizontal instead of vertical. Blue flames spewed out from the wheels, allowing it to fly freely like a bird.

This was a flying motorcycle, a new type of small-sized flying vehicle powered by nuclear fusion that could be used on land, sea, and air. It was an exclusive flying tool of the elites that had yet to be released to the ordinary class as of yet!

"This is the 719th island. Hopefully, Thomas and the rest are on this island…"

The flying motorcycle slowed down and made its way to the deserted island. Seated above the vehicle was a tall and strong-looking white man with blonde hair. His eyes were brimming with radiating vigor, appearing like a lion.


Just then, a shrill roar came from the back of the island. Trees were broken, rocks flew in all directions and the whole island trembled slightly.


The strong-looking white man was curious and stared in that direction for a long time. Soon after, his right hand turned the handlebar and the motorcycle instantly accelerated towards the origin of the noise.


"This b*stard's speed is so fast!"

Xue Yue did a roll and avoided the monster's sharp claws while widening their distance. His eyes stared unwaveringly at its every single movement.

"The slapping speed of its main limbs are very fast, but the speed of it moving back and forth is slightly lackluster. Not to mention its twisting is also inflexible. Maybe…"

At this crucial moment of life and death, Xue Yue forced himself to calm down. While he observed the monster, he was also teasing it. Even though he appeared very shabby where he jumped around and rolled on the ground, he had also managed to gain tons of useful information.

The monster's attacking speed was extremely fast, but its moving speed was average!

"I've finally dodged in behind it. Right now…"

After he had dodged to the monster's back after great difficulty, Xue Yue crochet down and pounced over once again. He made his way under the monster's crotch and swung a spike, cutting the sickle-head monster's right leg!

Roar— The monster screamed miserably, turned its body, and waved its main limbs in an attempt to slap the little one who injured him. However, Xue Yue was on guard and quickly fled to a safe distance.

Just like that, Xue Yue acted like a snake midge that captured a poisonous snake where he launched opportunistic attacks.

"Take another attack!"

"Hey, blockhead!"



Xue Yue ran swiftly and was as nimble as an ape. He constantly jumped around, dodging left and right to avoid the sickle-head monster's attack. At the same time, the five spikes on his right hand would slash the monster's right leg from time to time.

Xue Yue knew that even though his sharp spikes could easily cut its skin, the monster's physique was too vast. It was impossible to deal any fatal damage with every attack.

Instead, it would be better for him to focus on its right leg and aim to completely cut it. At that time, he'd like to see how it could still run about.

Xue Yue's idea of attacking a spot continuously was very simple but practical at the same time. A huge crack appeared at the monster's right ankle. The wound was so deep that bones could be seen and blue blood flowed out.

The severe wound had seriously affected the monster's abilities. At the very least, its speed was greatly affected.

"Haha, blockhead. Obediently lie down on the ground for me!"

Xue Yue sneered and the spikes on his right hand grew longer, reaching the length of a meter. Soon after, with a kick of his feet, he jumped out again.

After several cross-attacks, Xue Yue gradually realized that the sickle-head monster was really powerful. It had super strength and especially when its main limbs waved around, it was as fast as lightning. Its sharp claws were also extremely sharp.

But despite so, he was not weak either. He had a small physique and his dodging speed was not slow. He was even faster if compared to the monster. As long as he remained vigilant and didn't panic and mess up, the monster would never land an attack on him.

In the beginning, Xue Yue's heartbeat was very fast due to nervousness and he did not have confidence in himself. However, after several confrontations with the monster, he gradually calmed down.

His combat power started to increase after calming down and the situation started to reverse. Xue Yue gradually turned to attack instead of evading, while the monster turned to defend instead of attacking. As the saying goes, there would definitely be loopholes from long-term defenses. In addition, its right leg wound was getting larger and could no longer support its huge body. As a result, its defenses gradually decreased and the gaps increased.

Xue Yue got braver during the attack as he became even more flexible in evasion and attack. Creak— The spike cut through the flesh and sliced the bones.

Based on the monster's leg that was a meter thick, its bones were minimally thirty centimeters thick. The strike just now had at least cut it by twenty centimeters!


The pain of bones breaking was not ordinary.

The monster released a shrilling roar and unleashed its ferociousness. Its sharp claws slammed the ground in an attempt to smash the little midget that caused it pain. Its attack caused trees to break, rocks to splatter, and the area in a ten-meter radius was completely ruined.

The monster was so strong that even a bulldozer paled in comparison. It could easily cut through mountains, break rocks, and snap trees apart.

"Cry out in anger and roar as you like. You should scream out a few more times before you die, or else you'll have no more chances!"

Xue Yue hid at a ten-meter distance as his eyes flashed with excitement. His repeated evasion and attack caused Xue Yue to feel great pleasure. That feeling was too real, too deep, and too exciting. It was one hundred fold more exciting compared to playing games and killing mobs.

After consecutive lashing out, blue blood that flowed out its right leg had merged into a river. Gradually, the sickle-head monster's speed had slowed down. Xue Yue keenly caught onto this detail and jumped out like a ghost.


A one-meter long spike slashed past and the monster bone was completely broken.

Without any support left, the monster with a huge physique staggered and directly crashed on the ground, smashing a big hole in the earth.

"Hoo— it's finally down!"

Xue Yue breathed a sigh of relief and swaggered towards the monster. He was not afraid of a monster without its legs!


Just then, a sudden sharp sound that pierced through the air could be heard. The moment Xue Yue wanted to turn around, his body seemed to have been hit by the locomotive and he flew backwards.


He flew out more than ten meters away and heavily crashed against the mountain. A human-shaped hole was formed and he was stuck inside.

Xue Yue felt a tearing pain from his chest and upon looking down, a fist-sized hole appeared on his chest while red blood flowed out.

"Who? Who attacked me?"

Xue Yue endured severe pain and surveyed his surroundings. He spotted a tall, strong-looking, blonde white man walking out from dozens of meters away. This man had a smile on his face and did not even spare a glance at Xue Yue. Instead, his gaze was on the sickle-headed monster.

His eyes were filled with joy at the unexpected discovery as he whispered, "This type of monster, this physique, this blue blood… it's all new. Let me take a look at what kind of monster this is!"

As he said this, he took out a watch-like device and gently tapped on it several times. The 'watch' radiated a blue light and shrouded the sickle-shaped monster.

Beep, beep, beep~~

Not long after, the watch beeped and a voice came out, "No matching sample found. Discovery of an unknown monster!"

"No matching sample?" The smile on his face became brighter. "There are unexpectedly no matching samples of this monster in the monster encyclopedia. It seems like my guess is correct, this is a new breed of monster. Haha, there must be a new monster cave here!"

"Oh my Satan! I've hit the jackpot! Thank you Satan! It's all thanks to the almighty Satan!"

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Xue Yue glared at the blond, robust man while the severe pain on his chest invaded his nerves!

"You're not dead yet?" Nitrell slowly kept his 'watch' and turned around to look at Xue Yue while grinning. "Oh well, you're a Superhuman and possess extremely strong vitality. Indeed, you won't die easily!"

"Damn It!" Xue Yue spat out a mouthful of blood and his physical strength gradually seeped out.

"Brat, I didn't intend to kill you, but who asked you to appear on this deserted island?" Nitrell shrugged his shoulders and said, "Your appearance would cause misunderstandings as after all, I was the first one to have discovered this monster cave!"

"But if you were to die, then there would be no such misunderstanding!" As he said that, he inched closer to Xue Yue.

Xue Yue's heart sank. The man before him turned out to be a Superhuman and he attacked him for the monster cave. What Helen said was right, monster caves were all priceless treasures.

Money and riches would cause people to go crazy!

Xue Yue has finally got a preliminary understanding of the monster cave's value!

"Brat, seeing that I'm feeling good today, let me tell you my name. I am Nitrell·Satan. Do remember my name, instead of going to hell not knowing who I am!"

He walked to Xue Yue and said in a low voice. Soon, his right fist clenched tight and struck down.

"It's you who's going to die—"

A strong breeze went past his face and just as Nitrell's fist was about to hit Xue Yue's head, a sharp sound could be heard at this critical juncture. Following this, dozens of silver spikes suddenly shot out from Xue Yue's chest.

Dense spikes grew to two meters long in the blink of an eye and pierced Nitrell who pounced over. Dozens of spikes came out from his back like a porcupine.

Fresh blood dripped down and the spikes were shiny and clean as new without a drop of blood.

"You… how can it be?" Nitrell lowered his head and looked at the spikes that pierced through his chest. His eyes widened in shock. He was the one who launched a sneak attack and crippled the opponent, but…

"See, it's you who's going to die!" Xue Yue released a miserable cough as his complexion was rather pale. He swung his right fist and five sharp spikes streaked across, cutting off Nitrell's head.