
Misunderstanding, Saving a Damsel In Distress?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Several burly men rode on flying motorcycles and moved numerous items from the superyacht. There were tents, chairs, ropes, dining tables so on and so forth… Soon, a simple and comfortable tent was set up by the sea and Liang Bo helped Helen onto a chair.

One of the men hastily served delicious food, warm water, milk, and drinks for Helen's consumption!

"Miss, please eat something first and you can tell me what happened. How did you spend these few days?" the old man pushed the food towards Helen and asked with a smile.

Helen was about to salivate when she saw the food and the moment she was about to start, a voice could be heard from afar, "Helen! Where are you?"

The voice was very loud and it was still clearly audible despite the distance.

"Oh no!"

Helen cupped her forehead, rose to her feet again and limped towards the mountain. "Xue Yue! It's Xue Yue's voice. Grandpa Liang, Xue Yue is still in the cave and I can't abandon him. I need to find him!"

"Miss, what are you thinking of doing?" Liang Bo hastily ran up and pulled her as he advised. "Miss, why are you in such a hurry, do speak slowly. Who is Xue Yue, tell me and I'll immediately dispatch people to search for him!"

"It's Xue Yue who saved me…" Helen explained the situation in a few words and stomped her foot in an attempt to urge the old man. "Grandpa Liang, hurry and send people to bring him over. Forget it, I'll go there myself instead!"

After she said that, she broke free from Liang Bo and jumped onto a flying motorcycle. With the sound of engine startup, she flew towards the skies.


Liang Bo glanced at Helen's back view and shook his head in helplessness. Soon, he stared at several people and shouted, "Why are you still standing here? Hurry and chase after her! If something happens to the Miss, I'll skin all of you alive!"

"We understand!"


The few burly men did not dare to stay idle as they rode on the motorcycle and chased after Helen.

Xue Yue? Savior?

The old man could not help but frown and a glint flashed past his turbid eyes.


"Helen! Where are you—"

Xue Yue climbed out of the cave and shouted as he walked along the small bay. The sea breeze slowly floated past and waves were rolling. Apart from the sound of waves beating against the coast, there were only echoes. There were no signs of Helen in the slightest.

"Damnit! Could she have been captured by monsters?" Xue Yue looked around anxiously.

Gu gu~~

Just then, Goldie flew over from a distance and sat onto his shoulders as it licked its lips while cooing. The frequency which it cooed was rather short, similar to a hungry cat looking for food. At the same time, its golden eyes stared at Xue Yue.

It was hungry!

"Goldie, hold on for a moment, I'll feed you soon!" Xue Yue did not have the spare energy to care for Goldie as he continued looking for Helen.

Xue Yue was in a hurry, but Goldie was even more impatient. It had gone hungry for an entire night and its stomach was beating like a drum.

Gugu~~ Seeing Xue Yue ignoring it, Goldie was somewhat angry. It stretched out its claws and scratched his neck. Even though it was painless, it was still itchy.

"Hey hey, stop it… we'll talk later!" Xue Yue pushed away Goldie's claws.


It was as if someone had ignited an explosive barrel. Goldie was angered and started screaming, almost causing Xue Yue's eardrums to burst. After that, it opened its mouth and bit on Xue Yue's shoulders.

Zing— A spike grew out of his shoulders. Goldie swallowed it whole and started munching on it!

"F*ck!" Xue Yue angrily cursed out. "I don't know where Helen has gone to and you're still thinking about eating? Eat more, and choke to death, you little foodie…"

Goldie did not even spare him a glance as it continued eating.

Xue Yue was helpless with Goldie and could only continue his search. Just then, rumbling sounds came from the skies. Xue Yue looked up and his eyeballs nearly came out of its sockets.

"What the f*ck…"

He saw seven to eight motorcycles spewing blue flames and flying over from a distance. Half of the sky was rumbling and under the sunlight illumination, all the motorcycles radiated silver glint, appearing very shiny. It resulted in a scene that appeared very intense and powerful!

At the very least, the scene had caused great shock to Xue Yue who was an ordinary person. "Moto-motorcycles are… flying in the sky!?"

"Xue Yue…"

"Xue Yue—"

A young woman with a graceful figure and beautiful face was riding on the leading motorcycle. Who else could she possibly be other than Helen?

"Helen?" Xue Yue froze. He could not locate Helen upon waking up in the morning but then she had appeared before him in such a manner. He had to say that it looked extremely cool!

Xue Yue revealed a bitter smile and he did not know what to say.

"Xue Yue!" Helen flew to Xue Yue's side and a smile blossomed on her beautiful face. "Xue Yue, my family has found me. Come, get on the motorcycle: I'll bring you over!"

Xue Yue was checking out the flying motorcycle as he was amazed at how it hovered above the ground. So this was the technology of the elite class? How cool!

"Xue Yue, are you listening?" Seeing Xue Yue remaining silent, Helen pouted and complained in dissatisfaction.

"Huh? Oh!" Xue Yue touched his nose and said, "Helen, tell me where your family is, I'll walk over myself. I can't afford to be on this flying motorcycle!"

Xue Yue was being truthful as he was only wearing a pair of shorts and his legs were naked. However, the motorcycle was made of metal and if he were to sit on it and absorb it, what would happen if they fell from the skies?

It was no big deal for him to fall, but what about Helen? She had a delicate body and what if…

Xue Yue was merely speaking the truth but when it entered her ears, the meaning seemed to have changed. Her expression changed and said, "Xue Yue, what do you mean? What can't you afford? Could it be that you thought that I would abandon you when we leave the island and look down on you?"

Tears swirled in her eyes as she said that. "You're wrong, let me tell you. I will never look down on you. You are my friend, and it will always be as such. This has nothing to do with my identity!"

"Oh no!"

When Xue Yue heard that, he knew that Helen had misunderstood him and he hastily explained, "Helen, you've misunderstood me. I don't mean it that way. I mean that I literally don't dare to sit on this motorcycle, I'm honestly scared!"

"What's there to be scared of? Isn't it just a flying motorcycle? After all is said and done, you just don't regard me as your friend…" Tears flowed down and it seemed like Helen was very hurt.

Urgh, what's with this! It's getting worse the more I explain! Xue Yue wanted to give himself two slaps. He was good with his words but when it came to a critical moment, he was unable to express himself clearly.

All of a sudden, Xue Yue saw a wrench made of metal hanging on the flying motorcycle. His eyes lit up and said, "Helen, hand me the wrench!"

Helen asked inexplicably, "What for?"

"Hurry and pass it over!" Xue Yue said firmly.

"Hmph!" Helen snorted in anger but still did what he asked for by handing it over.

"Helen, look!" Xue Yue grabbed the iron wrench and showed it to Helen.

She looked down in a huff and when she saw the iron wrench coming into contact with Xue Yue's palms, it seemed as if lard was placed on a pan. It started to melt and blend into his palms. After several moments later, it disappeared without a trace!

"This…" Helen covered her mouth in surprise and there were still tear stains on her beautiful face.

"See, I don't dare to touch metal objects and so, I don't dare to sit on your motorcycle!" Xue Yue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This is what I meant and there's really no other hidden meaning behind my words!"

"Pft—" Helen smiled through her tears and rolled her eyes as she snorted. "Alright, I understand!"

After she said that, she directly alighted the car, hugged Xue Yue's arm, and revealed a sweet smile. "Since you can't sit, then neither shall I. I'll bring you over!"

"Why are you inconveniencing yourself? Your leg is still injured!" Xue Yue said despite feeling touched deep down.

"It's fine! Or… why don't you carry…" Just as Helen wanted to say, 'Why don't you carry me over,' she saw Goldie who was happily munching in its own world on Xue Yue's shoulders. The words that nearly came out of her mouth were forcefully swallowed back.

"Let's walk back!" Helen stuck out her tongue.

"Alright!" Xue Yue was helpless and could only heed her.

Soon, they started walking and those burly men in black looked at each other in a loss.

Originally, they thought that Miss Helen had rushed here to meet some important character. Unexpectedly, it was to meet a nameless brat and they could not help but be surprised.

A short while later, Miss Helen had even cried due to that brat and they wished that they could dismember him piece by piece!

But in the end, Miss Helen decided not to ride the motorcycle and insisted on accompanying that brat to walk back. What the f*ck was going on?

But they were helpless and the few burly men could only get off their vehicles and walk back.

Several minutes later, Xue Yue and Helen came to the beach.

Xue Yue was familiar with the beach. He was left stranded here when he woke up after the crash and the lonely beach seemed exceptionally lively today. Not only were there people around, but also tents!

"Miss Helen, why did you walk here? Where's the motorcycle?" The old man, Liang Bo quickly stepped forward. When he saw the two of them walking by foot, he frowned and whispered to the burly men behind, "What are you doing? Why didn't you persuade the lady!"

"Grandpa Liang, I was the one who insisted on walking by foot. Don't blame them!" Helen smiled and pulled Xue Yue over soon after. She then introduced him affectionately. "Grandpa Liang, this is Xue Yue, my savior!"

Within the depths of Liang Bo's eyes, a strange glint flashed past when he saw the both of them appearing close. But despite so, he revealed an enthusiastic expression. "Mr. Xue Yue, thanks for saving my lady. I am grateful for your great kindness. Please feel free to mention any requests you have and I will definitely satisfy them!"

"Please don't!"

Xue Yue waved his hand. "It's very kind of you to offer, but saving Helen was something I did in passing with no effort at all. Making requests or whatsoever will only make me feel ashamed!"

Liang Bo narrowed his eyes and his voice directly appeared in Xue Yue's mind, Brat, be direct if you have any requests, and don't beat around the bush. Saving a damsel in distress? Hmph! I've seen this scheme before- don't bother!