
Closer with Helen, Rescue Arrives

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The sun was about to set and the afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on the sea surface, dying the waters gold.

Xue Yue and Helen supported each other and walked towards the pool. Sure enough, this area was not spared either.

The waterfall, together with the pool and cave was enveloped by the explosion and became part of the explosion crater. The right side of the mountain and pool had disappeared and turned into a huge crater.

"What the?"

They looked at each other and were shocked by the destructive power. A mountain was razed to the ground. How terrifying!

"What exploded earlier?" Xue Yue swallowed his saliva and was speechless.

Helen's eyes flickered and looked at the surroundings of the scorched pit as her eyebrows puckered slightly. "Speaking of which, I'm more concerned about another matter. How did Nitrell come to this island?"

Flames were still burning near the explosion site, with smoke rising up in the air. There were also bodies of small animals, snakes, dodo birds, and the like that were burned to death.

Xue Yue's eyes brightened and said, "Boat?"

Helen's eyes sparkled and nodded in agreement. "It's likely. Let's search around the shore and perhaps we can locate the boat. In that case, we'll be able to leave!"

"You're right!" Xue Yue agreed. "I remember Nitrell came from that direction when he ambushed me. Let's head in that direction!"

The direction was the other side of the deserted island, and the sinkhole was also in that direction!


The two of them carefully went around the sinkhole and headed in that direction.

"This is that sinkhole you mentioned?" when they came to the edge of the sinkhole, Helen softly asked.


"It's so deep!"

Several minutes later, the two of them finally bypassed the sinkhole and climbed up the high slope, arriving at the other side of the deserted island. However, the scene that appeared before them thoroughly shocked them.

What was reflected in their eyes was a vast wilderness without an end. It was to the extent they could not see where it ended!

There were weeds growing in the wilderness, complex terrain, ravines, pits, canyons, plains, and most importantly, rows of rolling mountains at the edge of their view.

When they looked in the distance, the mountains were covered by trees and grass, covering the distant sea, making it impossible for anyone to see the scenery further than that!


The both of them looked at each other as they were reeling from shock. This deserted island was much bigger than expected!

"I've been here for almost ten days but I never expected it to be so big!" Xue Yue regretted it. He had been here for so many days and he mainly traveled around these three mountains and had never gone anywhere further.

"How did Nitrell arrive on this island?" Helen asked.

"I don't know!" Xue Yue shook his head. "This island is too large and the sun is about to set. We have to find a location to rest tonight. We should continue tomorrow instead!"

"Alright!" Helen was somewhat unwilling, but that was the only option available for them right now!

Soon after, the two of them returned to the small bay. Xue Yue picked some kindling on the way and made a fire at the bay to bake some seafood as their dinner!

The sun had already set at that moment and it was unsuitable to roam around in search of a cave. He had no choice but to find a rock wall and used his spikes to dig a cave that could accommodate a single person.

"Helen, I'm afraid you'll have to put up with this and sleep here for tonight!" Xue Yue picked up some dry wood, dead branches, and leaves to place on the ground.

"What about you?" Helen's eyes were sparkling like a pair of light bulbs as she stared at Xue Yue.

"I have thick skin and I can just stay outside. Haha, I don't find it cold!" Xue Yue flaunted his chest muscles and said, "Don't forget that I'm a Superhuman!"

Even though he said that, he was not in a good condition right now. The hole in his chest caused him to lose tons of blood. The complete recovery had consumed too much of his physical strength and coupled with how he walked for an entire night, dug a cave, and picked up the dry wood…

Xue Yue had practically clenched his teeth to endure the weariness. If possible, he would like to have dug a bigger cave and sleep inside. After all, his spikes could easily cut through the mountain and digging holes was not a difficult task.

But at that moment, his face was deathly pale and he was on the verge of crumbling without any traces of strength left.

"Xue Yue…" Helen saw Xue Yue's complexion and how could she not know he was barely hanging on?

But even until now, Xue Yue was still being considerate of her. Helen's eyes gradually turned wet. As the saying goes, only the head of the house knows how expensive rice is, and only in the face of danger would one see the true intentions of others.

Even since the shipwreck, followed by getting captured by barbarians, then living here on the deserted island, the experience for these past few days was much richer than her whole life. Killing, blood, barbarism, grief, betrayal, crisis… Everything had caused the spoiled rich girl to mature considerably and understand a lot!

Thomas was her classmate and friend. They had known each other since childhood and they could be considered childhood sweethearts who had a good relationship. However, in the face of crisis, Thomas abandoned her without hesitation, similar to abandoning a burden.

On the contrary, it was Xue Yue, a stranger she had just met less than two days ago who was being considerate of her in all aspects. Protecting her, caring for her, and considering everything for her.

To be honest, Helen was really touched by his actions.

"Alright, it's getting dark. Hurry and go in. I'll pick some more firewood and build a fire at the cave entrance to chase away the moisture. Otherwise, it will be very cold at night."

Xue Yue was about to leave after he said that. However, the moment he took a step forward, his eyes rolled behind and he passed out, collapsing on the ground!

"Xue Yue! Xue Yue! What's the matter with you?" Helen got a fright and burst into tears. "You… you're already in this state and you're still trying to act strong? I…"


The sea breeze was very strong that night. The tide rose and fell, similar to a horde of horses where their galloping resembled thunder, seemingly wanting to crush the whole island.

However, Xue Yue slept very comfortably. While in a daze, he seemed to have returned to his mother's embrace. Soft, warm and safe. That long-lost warmth was something Xue Yue had never experienced in his life!

"Is this a mother's embrace? How comfortable and warm. I wish that I could spend my whole life…" In his sleep, Xue Yue smacked his lips and revealed an infatuated look on his face. He moved his head around and found a more comfortable position.

In the dark night, a pair of sparkling eyes stared at Xue Yue and her gaze flickered with a gentle, maternal warmth.


"Miss Helen!"

"Young master, Thomas!"

"Where are you?"

"Please come out!"

"Miss Helen!"

"Miss Helen…"

Early in the morning, Xue Yue was awakened by faint cries. He found himself sleeping in a cave with a thick layer of dried wood and leaves. In addition, there were some remnants of an intoxicating female fragrance on his body.


"Why am I sleeping in the cave? What about Helen?" Xue Yue woke up with a start and could not see Helen anywhere. Just then, the faint cries had stopped and the entire deserted island fell into silence.

"Helen, where are you?"

Xue Yue climbed out of the cave and jumped off the cliff in search of Helen. However, he could not see her silhouette anywhere.


Deserted island, on the beach, left side of the small bay.

The beach was exceptionally lively today. Seven to eight flying motorcycles were parked on the shore and a superyacht, with the length of hundreds of meters, was parked hundreds of meters away from the island.

A gray-haired, emaciated old man wearing Tang clothes stood on the beach and his muddy eyes scanned the deserted island. His eyes were full of eagerness and worry.

There were two robust men in black suits standing respectfully beside the old man in Tang clothing.

Suddenly, the walkie-talkie in his hands beeped twice and the old man answered it at once. A burly man appeared on the screen and he reported excitedly, "Liang Bo, we've found her. We've found Miss Helen!"

"You've found her?" The old man was overjoyed and his wrinkled cheek spread out. He was so excited that he spoke incoherently, "Is the lady alright? Is she injured? Where is she right now?"

"Fortunately there are only some light bruises on her legs and there are no other serious problems!" The burly man respectfully answered.

"Great, it's great that she's fine!" The old man hastily said, "Hurry and bring the lady over! Forget it, stay there. I'll make my way there at once!"

"Liang Bo, there's no need to make the trip. We're here at the foot of the mountain, less than a few hundred meters apart. We can reach you right away!"

"Then hurry up. Remember not to hurt the lady!"

After hanging up the receiver, the old man clenched his fist and looked towards the direction of the hillside. "Great, it's really great. We've finally found the lady. Thank god…"

Before long, several burly men carrying a stretcher rushed down from the hillside. Their speed was very fast, but the stretcher was unusually stable.

As for the young lady seated on the stretcher, who else could it be, if not Helen?

"Miss!" The old man immediately rushed over in excitement.

"Grandpa Liang!"

Helen seemed to have seen a long-lost relative upon seeing the old man and she directly jumped off the stretcher to leap into his embrace. She burst into tears and wailed like a sad child. "Wuuu~~~ Grandpa Liang you're finally here. You're finally here…"

"Miss, don't cry, don't cry!" The old man fondly patted her back and constantly comforted her in a soft voice.

After crying for a long time, Helen finally vented all her built-up emotions. She rubbed her red and swollen eyes and wriggled. "Grandpa Liang, I'm sorry for this…"

"Silly child!" The old man took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears as he said softly, "There's no need to be polite with me. However, I have to say that your disappearance has nearly caused your grandfather to die of anxiety. Don't be so reckless in the future!"

"Grandpa?" Helen poked her head and glanced around as she whispered, "Where's grandpa, he didn't come?"

"He's not here!" The old man revealed traces of kindness. He took off his Tang clothes and put them on Helen as he said with a smile, "Master went somewhere else to search for you!"