
Meta Essence CYOA 50

Essence of a Grand VRMMO Game Guild Isekai

 By drinking this essence you are filled with the taste of treasured memories, hard fought victories, grand power and utter loathing of Pay2Win mechanics

○You gain access to and sole control over a VRMMO Guild as it stood at the pinnacle of it's game world with you it's guild-master standing among the top 0.0001% of game's players

○The guild's treasury is overflowing with enough wealth to crash anything short of an intergalactic economy and powerful items for any situation you can imagine.

○The details of the original game it came from is up to you, was it a high swords and sorcery or intergalactic sci-fi, perhaps a Wuxia style adventure or a heavy metal cyberpunk thrill ride. Perhaps an Urban Fantasy Kitchen Sink dealing with the recent emerging idea of Transhumanism through the methods of Genetics, Machines and Magic? Mix or match whatever you wish.

○Along with details on the game world you can decide on the Game System the original game used, decide now what game system was used in the original game and what you will use going forward. Did it use a Class System, Evolution System, both or neither is up to you along with potential power levels so long as it isn't Omnipotent, Omnipresent or Omniscient.

■You are able to share this game system with others so long as they join you as allies, if they keep their current power or reset to level due to the process is something you need to decide now, either way the system will scan and replicate the abilities of those who join you and create methods for you to gain them whether it be through quests or unlocking new classes.

○The size of your guild hall is massive, large enough to be call a country onto itself you can decide the form it takes and how it's size is factored in. A large floating castle in the sky surrounded by countless floating islands or a tower of floors that reached up higher and higher, a humble guild hall that seems small from the outside but is much larger on the inside, whatever you wish for it can be that. Even a giant transforming robot if you fanwank hard enough.

■Within the Guild hall is numerous facilities for you to use, the basics being a growing number of rooms so you can house countless beings with each one tailored to their tastes, a source of endless food and beverages so you needn't worry for hunger or thirst, a meeting hall, numerous resource spawn points such as regenerating mines and gardens, a personal dungeon that can transform and spawn whatever type of enemies you wish for training, a treasury and an armoury. More additions can be added so long as they fit the game world it was from or through the mixing of other Essences with this.

○Your not alone as the NPCs and minions of your guild came along with you, minions are spawning monsters that take the role of cannon-fodder in their original game and are at most one tenth your total strength. Meanwhile NPCs are either Guardians / Dungeon Bosses of your guild meant to protect and fight alongside you or support type characters such as merchants or hunter gathers. Be warned there is a chance they will see you as a god of some sort.

■Optionally, you can have it where other members of your Guild came along with you. While stronger than the Guardians they also have more agency than them and will argue with you on certain things, ultimately they are loyal to you but aren't afraid to talk back or make plans of their own.

■If you have Essences from different settings than you can have crossover NPCs added to your ranks and give them roles that fit them, such as having Fairy Tail's Mavis Vermillion as a Floor Guardian and Tactician, Simon the Digger of Gurren Lagann being your Final Boss or Shirou Emiya as you Blacksmith.

■You can choice to share the effects of you Essences with members and NPCs of your Guild, to what extent it's up to you.

○Should you die for whatever reason you will respawn in your Guild with a minor penalty, either in the form of temporary lowered max health points or an extremely minor financial cost, this protection is shared amongst the NPCs and members of your Guild.

○In the unlikely event your Guild is destroyed, you and it will respawn somewhere safe with any stray members and NPCs eventually returning.

○You have the option for stories and legends of your Guild to spread before you arrive, either to be heralded as heroes or letting the people know who their new Overlords shall be.

Essence of Nippon Ichi

 By drinking this essence you taste several strong flavours so overpowering it felt like an explosion has gone off in your mouth, and yet it all blends together perfectly.

○Whatever limits that have shackled you before are now gone with no limits to how powerful you can become, like a real NIS Protagonist!

■While your Infinite Growth Potential will allow you to one day unleashing universe destroying attacks easily right now your attack potency is at planet busting levels with a similar level of durability, so chin up you can survive a planet busting attack to the face.

■In terms of levels, it's around level 650.

■You have access to all the basic weapon and magic skills found in any NIS game with the rest, including the skills of named characters, being made available with training.

■Your physical and magical abilities are intertwined so that as one grows so does the others, leave everyone slackjawed at the sight of a bookworm nerd lifting up a mountain with sheer strength alone.

■Not only have your own limits have been broken but rules of reality around you has lessened allowing for previously impossible feats, and by that I mean all your attacks will now only affect those you wish them to.

■The Rule of Cool and Rule of Funny are in full effect, you can affect how prominent each rule is at any time from turning them off altogether to breaking the dial pass 11 to 12! You can also choose who benefits from Rule of Cool and Rule of Funny.

○A one time option to alter your appearance to something you'd more prefer.

○You've gained access to your Inner Heroic Spirit that has laid dormant within you, with this inner wellspring fuelled by your Willpower and Integrity you can forgo any specific energy requirement for anything. In fact, with enough willpower and strength of character it's possible for a random kid off the street to attain powers to battle multiversal GODS… in a single day. But to be fair to the Unlosing Ranger it was a LONG day.

■This power is only further enhanced by having others cheer you on, with their belief in you multiplying your overall power and granting new abilities and transformations. This is PURE TOKUSATSU AND SHOUNEN POWER!

○As soon as you took the essence you felt something enter you, what that is happens to be a successor to the Fate Revolution Circuit and the Fate Awakening Crystal. This device will grant you three alternate forms you can take on at any time, that of an Angel, Demon or God.

■As an Angel your physical might in multiplied several times over along with a similar increase in your physical durability.

■As a Demon your magical power is multiplied several times over with your defence against magic enhanced to match.

■And as a God you take both the benefits of an Angel and Demon push them even further becoming invisible to all others, however this form is more taxing than the others along with needing time to charge up the transformation.

○With the Hybrid Fate Device now fused with your being you can now enter special dungeons to train, gather items and affect the fate of other beings.

■Whether they pray to a higher power for aid or because of random chance you can enter a specially created dungeon relating to a certain target to speak to a copy of the people involved and alter their fates.

■This form of fate manipulation is undetectable and cannot be traced back to you.

■There is no limit to who could be affected by this form of fate manipulation, whether their from the distant future or past, living or dead, from a parallel timeline or another reality altogether.

○Any item you use will level up alongside you, becoming a better version of what it once was. A simple bread knife could one day cleave entire worlds in two or a toy wand could be used to cast real magic, even if the one using it can't use magic themselves.

■When items you use certain thresholds they will produce a Chip, these chip vary in strength but they can be used to increase the Attack, Defence, Speed and Accuracy of any being.

■In the events you can't farm for a particular item or want to unload a lot of junk you have access to every shop vendor that has ever appeared in an NIS game, in fact if you help them expand their businesses into other worlds they'll be willing to offer discounts.

○You are able to summon minions to fight on your behalf, in the beginning these minions are limited to mook ally characters that have appeared in any NIS game but it is possible to gain new ones from different worlds you visit. Their around your current level of power so they will be useful allies even if you don't train them.

■In the event you are without a weapon one ability your minions possess is that to transform into weapons for you to wield, while temporary some of the power the minion(s) used possessed will be transferred to you.

■You can summon clones of main characters as well, be they hero, villain or non NIS characters, but it will be more costly. This also comes with the option to summon alternate universe counterparts, whether their a personality inverted XENO or a resident of a Bad End timeline is up to you.

■All your summon are ultimately loyal to you, though they do lack personalities in the beginning it's not impossible for them to develop one as time goes on. Regardless of what personality they develop their loyalty shall remain with you.

■Gain access to an Evil Symbol System based around chess pieces (wait, where have I heard that before?) Regardless, as you and your forces become more powerful so to does the power boost from these Evil Symbols. They permanently increase your [Base Stats], [Equipped items] and [Modifiers], meaning even if you recruit a weak being their power could jump to galaxy busting with a strong enough Evil Symbol backing them.

■The Evil Symbols are Pawn, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Queen and King. Each person can have only access to one Symbol.

○You gain your own Netherworld, Human World and Celestia to rule over. While difficult accurately to measure each world the Human World is identical to Earth while the Netherworld and Celestia are closer to the size of Jupiter.

■These worlds exist on three different planes of reality preventing them from directly affecting each other with the Human World forever caught in the middle of the Netherworld and Celestia. But if you prefer a different set up fanwank whatever you want.

■You are able to travel between these realms at your leisure, but for others they will need to use Dimension Gates to travel between the three planes. Although these Dimension Gates can link to other worlds as well, even those you interacted with in the Hybrid Fate Device.

■These Gates cannot fail and cannot be used by others outside your group without your permission.

■Each realm offers you a variety of different services such as shops, training spots and source of recruitment for a bit more personality and unchained development.

■Optionally; if you have a need for expansion your Netherworld, Human World and Celestia each exist within a galaxy on their plane of existence. Explore to find new worlds to quickly add to your own growing domain, there is a chance you may run into other Demons, Angels, Humanoid Aliens and other beings unaware of your right to rule. But nothing some LOVE VIOLENCE talking can't fix.

■Optionally you can be part of any organization that has appeared in a NIS series, so if you want to officially make Zettai Hero Project's Hero Association a multiversal organization then here's you chance.

○Gain your own personal fleet of battleships to command, each one created with the greatest science and magic found in the Netherworld, Celestia and Human World. Each one is a world unto itself and are capable of travelling to other worlds.

○Their design is up to you, so if you want to have a hoard of dragons or transforming mecha than go ahead.

○Optionally you can gain access to Moe Attacks and Form Change. Moe Attacks are attacks that appeal to someone's tastes and should you defeat someone with this type of attack they will become you peons and dutifully serve you. Form Change is complimentary to Moe Attacks, allowing you to change you form and personality to make Moe Attacks much more effective. You will be able to return to normal without risk of your own ego being affected.

■Optionally, the personalities from Form Change could in fact be fully developed alternate personalities that split off from you. They are loyal to you and can be summoned to take care of matters on your behalf or take control of your body while you do something else for a while.


○When it comes to you doing bad things it doesn't seem to negatively affect other people's opinion of you or be mentioned so long as you don't go too far. Enslave entire worlds, you're letting them live their lives like normal under your rule. For the most part it's like water off a duck's back.

○Pick any NIS characters and have them join you. So long as their from a game with the NIS logo involved it's all fair game.

■Optionally, you can decide what kind of history you have with these characters. Do you want to be the husband of the creator goddess Chou Chou Infinite and goddess of destruction Belleria? The mentor to Adell? A reincarnation of a previous Unlosing Ranger or a god candidate that died during training? Hell, maybe your the one being Tyrant Overlord Baal truly loves. Also, take Asagi and Pleinair along with you regardless. Chances are they'll find a way to show up one way or another.

○You have perfect control over your abilities and your powers cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will.

○You can awaken the same level of Infinite Growth Potential found in NIS characters in others, the methods of awakening are up to you along with criteria on who can gain it. You can do the same with awakening someone's Inner Heroic Spirit.

○Finally, if you like you can drop into any story that NIS has released, taking over the role of one character or being a new addition, or merely travelling to any NIS related World at any point in their timeline.

Essence of Setting Convergence

 By drinking this Essence you taste dozens upon dozens of different flavours swimming together and mixing with certain combinations being better than others.

•One time only you are able to combine different settings together to create a new one through several methods both major and minor.

•Major Methods◦The First Major Method is [Crossover] in which the settings combine but the individual stories and characters are mostly untouched, this method is the most commonly use along with Multiverse but certain crossovers may not work well with different time periods complicating things along with conflicting lore and characters from one setting only hearing about those from another but never actually meeting.

 The Second Major Method is [Amalgamation] in which not only the settings are fused together but also characters, combining their history and abilities together to create beings more than the sum of their parts. This method is rarely used but it will deal with any conflicting elements as their directly addressed. You can pick and choice how characters and their stories are fused together, with only a select amalgams with other characters untouched if you wish.

•Minor Methods◦The First Minor Method is [Multiverse] in which the settings all exist alongside one another in neighboring universes / dimensions, a number of settings already possess abilities to travel to other universes and allows for powers and abilities of one verse to enter another. Even if none of the settings involve have methods of dimensional travel they will interact even if only for short span of time.

◦The Second Minor Method is [Element Insertion] in which elements of one setting is transplanted into another without the stories or even characters being carried over, a lesser crossover would be a suitable name for this option if you wanted to give characters new abilities or expand on things in your own way or merely bring over a VRMMORPG without the grim future it originally came from.

•You can use these four methods to craft your fused setting to be whatever you desire with settings that could already being called crossovers (such as Kingdom Hearts, Marvel vs Capcom and Namco X Capcom series along with Super Robot Wars) already being considered their own fused setting.

•You can select up to 7 characters from all the series your using and gain copies of their abilities, skill and items.

•Optionally, you may select a single character in this setting to be someone important to you be it as a family member or your waifu / husbando. Their stories slightly altered so that you do end up together and any tragic fate that befell them in canon being adverted. They will love you unconditionally and support you.

•Gain a perfectly healthy body immune to disease and forever in it's prime designed to be how you want.

•Your potential becomes infinite allowing you to learn and develop new skills and powers at an alarming rate with a particular talent for combining different skills and powers together.

•You begin on this converged world as you are OR you awaken after regaining your memories before you were reincarnated into this new world.

•Optionally this new world could be a hot spot for inter dimensional travel allowing for other settings to crossover but only those you would approve of.

•Fanwank responsibly.

Essence of Treasure

This glass bottle seems to be completely filled with objects. Coins, action figures, trading cards, and more, with the bottle so filled with nick-nacks that there is no gap between one item and the next. Any motion ruins the illusion - the bottle is actually filled with liquid with a suspended solution made of many colored motes, it's simply that the motes quickly settle into the form of collectable objects. It has a rich chocolatey tasty, but with something metallic hidden underneath.

○You gain the ability to claim up to 13 Treasures, things that are anchored to you and whose power you can invoke. As you grow and tie yourself to more things, you may grow to be able to claim more things, but this will be at best gradual. You can bond past this number by taking on injures, afflictions, or curses of various kinds that tie you to what you are claiming.

○You can let go of something you've claimed. This won't instantly get rid of the burden for taking Treasures past your limit, but it does mean that it will heal with time.

○Things is general. A sword is a Thing, but so is a collection of swords. An example of a symbol can be a Thing, but so can the Symbol itself. A Thing could be a technique, a skill, a spell, or a superpower. It could even be metaphorical. More abstract Things are probably harder to collect - if you want to claim The Peace of Paris, than you have to in some ways be somewhere where that exists. If you want to claim a Superpower, you have to have that superpower - this won't assert its existence.

○You may claim Ordinary Things things of the mundane world. To claim an ordinary thing, it must mean something to you. You probably can claim your grandpa, unless your grandpa doesn't mean anything to you.

○You may claim Wondrous Things. To claim a wondering thing, your having it should say something about you. Things that mean something to you obviously say something about you, but not always the reverse. If you're a knight, having a magical sword wreathed in hellfire says something about you even if it doesn't mean much to you.

○It is legitimate for something to become Wondrous because you claimed it. That star spangled shield is as unbreakable as your will because it represents your ideal of America. This is limited, and in line with the nature of the Thing.

○Lastly, you may claim Miraculous Things. Generally speaking, being in a position to claim a Miraculous Thing says enough that you can claim it - if you beat the Eldritch Horror from beyond the Stars and bound it, or the Angel bowed its head and offered loyalty, then that in and of itself says something. You may not bind a Miraculous Thing against its will if it has a say in the matter. It must either accept it, or be completely at your mercy.

○Any Treasure you claim becomes needless - a person will not starve, a car will not run out of gas, and a cellphone will get reception on Mars. Your Treasures can also always speak to you, and you can respond. When your Treasures are used, it's always as if real effort was put into it. It's not that 100% effort, but it is something like 80%, and doing so takes about as much as your 5%. This is 'instead of' rather than 'in addition to.' You don't use your treasure through effort, but through mystical ownership.

○You may possess and guide your Ordinary and Wondrous Treasures, and use them as a vessel. This displaces any mind it has for the duration. You may also guide them in a more subtle fashion - sharing their sense and subtly directing their actions without snuffing out their consciousness. This guidance will subtly enhance them, make them work better than they should.

○You may rely on your Ordinary and Wondrous Treasures helping you. You can seek their aid (even when they aren't close) and they will move to help you, or they could move to aid you on their own. More than that, that help will be helpful. It will make a difference. It won't necessarily be enough, but it will be something. You also can have your Things reach you if they're within a city sized distance.

○You may bless an Ordinary Thing with good fortune and timing and as you use or direct them.

○You may declare an outcome achieved through your Ordinary or Wondrous Treasures. You may say that your Hellfire Sword Won You The Fight. You may say that your Public Action Committee Brought About World Peace. Or the other way around - destiny is yours to command through your Treasures. The more reasonable the thing you ask, and the more in line with the nature of your Thing, the faster it will happen, but you will make progress towards your goal no matter what it is so long as you maintain the miracle. It will happen eventually, unless opposed by an equal or greater miracle.

○You may unleash the power of a Wondrous Treasures. Their wondrous attributes come into play even if something else says they should be suppressed, they work, and work for you. More than that, they work a bit better than they should (much like when you guide them), but their ability to overcome is much more exaggerated. Even if your Wonderous Thing should be on it's back foot, it probably is instead dominating as if it was Very Effective. More than that, the Moral of the story is on your side - even if your Wondrous Thing is something that might seem unreliable, you can rely on it behaving as it should. If your life was a parable, then the moral of the story would be to trust your Treasures.

○You may weaponize a Wondrous Treasure. Your Wondrous Thing may extend whatever its power is, letting it operate on the level of metaphors, miracles, or abstractions. Your attempt to override the Status Quo also has a kind of priority. It hits and does what you say it does, working out how you say it should work out, unless opposing miracles enter play.

○Lastly, you may unleash the power of a Miraculous Treasure. This is much like unleashing the power of a Wondrous Treasure, except more. It will work, it will be reliable and do what it's suppose to do, though at this level you can't demand that it working right is helpful.

○You may perform greater feats if you have some well of divine power to bolster yourself with.