
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Meta Essence CYOA 20

Essence of Entertainment

After drinking this transparent rainbow liquid you will feel at ease and relaxed. and you will hear a faint "country roads, West Virginia".

○You will gain the ability to summon a floating virtual screen with ALL possible entertainment from your original world.

○If it's a movie a projection will appear on the wall that you choose, if it's a song you will hear it at the perfect level around you as if you were in front of the artist singing/playing if its a videogame a projected screen will form with the control of your choice, in case it's a multiplayer game it would use ultra-advanced AI to be indistinguishable from real players. if it's a tabletop game it would generate a table with all that is required to play it(board, miniatures, book rules, dice, notebook(it saves what is written on to continue the game later)).

○You can selectively choose who can hear, see, read, or play with any of the entertainment you choose.

○This Essence is to allow users far from home that don't have Omniscience and won't be able to remember their original world.

Essence of the God of Conquests(The World God Only Knows)

○Your body is changed into above-average capabilities with above-average looks.

○You receive knowledge and understanding of all tropes the tropes, allowing you to be able to write complete books of each of the tropes and capable to recognize any trope in any situation.

○Your mind is upgraded to supernatural levels(Perfect Memory, pattern recognition, Multi-tasking, multi-thought process, etc.), allowing you with your knowledge of the tropes to predict the future of the 'plot' of each Heroine, with your pattern recognition it allows to detect and know the mood of each Heroine and predict the best actions to do in order to Conquer her.

○You win in ALL Games, the only way for you to lose is if you are playing against Gods embodying the concept of the game, you can't win against the God of War in chess but you could defeat him in any other game.

○The most powerful thing of this Essence is the Fallen God mode which is divided into passive and active modes:


■You have indirect levels of Reality Warping allowing you to accomplish anything as long is related for you to Conquer the Heroine, this won't make you capable of killing Azathoth or anything like that but it will give you the small edge necessary for you to reach the end and conquer the Heroine. TLDR: you have basic plot armour with a lot of good luck.


■You transcend your mortality and become for a ""short"" period of time a god, allowing you to bend reality into submission, you start generating a golden aura and your 'plot' precognition abilities transcend your mind allowing you to "see" all possible futures and endings.

■This won't allow you to destroy Universes or anything like that(unless you are already close to that Power Level) this just breaks the logical limits of your potential, running almost as fast as a bullet to reach the Heroine before she falls from a building, move your hands so fast that you leave after images, running on water, instinctually know where to go to find the Heroine or the gatekeeper to advance the plot.

■Warning: the Active Fallen God mode is a double edge sword, it allows you to transcend your limits but after an hour your lifespan is reduced by 3 years(or at least that's what you will feel).

Essence of the World Library

After drinking this transparent brown liquid you will feel for a moment the environment silence.

○You will gain the ability to summon a floating virtual screen with ALL knowledge from your original world.

○As if it were your local library you can summon any book, the book will disappear after you stop touching it but it would remember where you left it and any notes that you write on it(if you are that kind of person), alternately you can summon a notebook to write notes.

○If you have a question using the search bar on the virtual screen will show you a list of objects(books, webpages, diaries, etc.) with the answer.

○As this Library contains ALL of the information of your original world you can also enter and read any forum from any time without any administrative censorship allowing you to see the deleted posts. The webpages will be frozen and you cant modify them in any form.

○You can also summon any personal diary, missile codes, or secret information that should or has existed in your world.

○You can also summon all forms of entertainment.

○If it's a movie a projection will appear on the wall that you choose, if it's a song you will hear it at the perfect level around you as if you were in front of the artist singing/playing if its a videogame a projected screen will form with the control of your choice, in case it's a multiplayer game it would use ultra-advanced AI to be indistinguishable from real players. if it's a tabletop game it would generate a table with all that is required to play it(board, miniatures, book rules, dice, notebook(it saves what is written on to continue the game later)).

○You can selectively choose who can hear, see, read, or play with any of the entertainment you choose.


Looking at your computer screen makes you determined.

+You gain DETERMINATION, as long as you are determined to do something you are more like a force of reality given shape and form.

+You receive control over time, sorta like if you were in a videogame. Allowing you to make SAVE points, RESET time completely, and maybe even PAUSE time.

+As your EXP increases and LOVE rises, your rampant bloodlust will allow you to kill anything if you are DETERMINED to do it. It also makes you much harder to put down.

+You can never die if you stay DETERMINED, you would instead choose a SAVE point to go back to and try, try, try, try, try again or give up and RESET the timeline.

Essence of the First Person Shooter Protagonist

Be the first person shooter guy!

+You get a weapon wheel to put weapons and guns in with around 12 slots that you can switch between near instantaneously at will.

+You have a separate demolitions slot that fits in things that go boom. Like frag grenades.

+You have insane aim to the point where you could no scope head shot a guy while spinning 360 degrees miles away.

+Your bullet's trajectory aren't effected by gravity or air resistance or even water.

+You can crouch behind a chest high wall to regenerate to full health within minutes.

+Your body is incredibly fit but only stretching the limits of the human body instead of going past.

+Ammo appears to just be laying around whenever you care to look along with first aid kits to heal yourself along with your choice in explosives.

+You have unlimited stamina and don't need to sleep or eat.

+Cover will always protect you from projectiles until it's blown away, even from explosions like rockets.

+Your guns will never jam and don't need cleaning.

+Even life threatening injuries or lost limbs can be healed via the first aid kits.

+You're an expert at tbagging people.

Essence of the Force

Become the force

+You're a force conduit, what that means is you're literally the source of the force whether good or bad. You may start off as weak first, but given time you will be the most powerful force user to ever exist. Whether for good or bad.

+You're immortal(ageless), the passing of time means nothing to you.

+You may shapshift into an animal form, this can be mythical creatures like gryphon or not. Likely based on yourself and personality.

+As the force conduit, you are the force thus there is no dark side or light side. You are both and neither. Shooting purple lightning from your hands does not make you evil, kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies does.

+You may give others a connection to the force, but whatever they do with it is on their hands.

+You may also take away any connection of the force you give and if you happen to be able to travel worlds and go to a starwars universe, you can do this there too, entirely nonlethal unless you want it to be lethal.

+If you die you will still exist as a force ghost or the literal will of the force. You may recreate your body at some time afterwards.

Essence of the Isekai Hero

By drinking this you transmigrate to another world!

-One time change for your entire body, how it looks everything including changing your sex if you wish as that is common in isekai's. Optionally you may be reborn in the isekai you've chosen but you would look similar to the parents you've chosen only with their best genes to avoid unnecessary drama.

-All of your mental illnesses or sickness are cured this one time and the drama of leaving behind everyone you knew and loved is severely lessened.

-You only gain an muscled appearance if you want to when working out, but otherwise you're stuck with the body you chosen before making it very easy to stay in shape.

-If your Isekai world has a class system yours will be Hero, boasting the highest stat gains and growth rate possible while allowing you to learn and use all magic.

-If your isekai world doesn't have a class system you can still use all magic and your gains are noticeably higher than the average human.

-Despite all the above as if getting a helping boost by a friendly god you are now x3 captain America with a very good memory and recall but not perfect.

-You have absurd luck, able to get into events that could prove very advantages towards your goals and you will never die unheroically via mundane means as if the world wants to keep you around until the plot deems your death necessary.

-Optionally you gain access to the Hero BBS board with all that entails and yes...this means that the isekai world you chose can be reached by them if they can dimensionaly travel that is.

Essence of Evolution

Drinking this imbues you with the power of the ever evolving ultimate life form.

●-Adaptive evolution Counter(What doesn't kill you makes you stronger) You're body will adapt and evolve, whether from extreme environments or getting cut by something sharp, your body will make it's counter.

●-Adaptive evolution Death(What does kill you makes you stronger)If something manages too get past your counter and "kill" you, you will become immune to whatever killed you.

●-Adaptive evolution Consumption(It taste like chicken they say) Eating something will allow you to store or gain their traits for your evolution.

●-Adaptive evolution Guided(Sometimes you need to take fate by your own hands) It would take longer but you can enter a state of change where you guide what evolution you want to take place without being exposed to danger or killed.

Essence of lewdness

+You may change your sexuality at will.

+You may change your gender at will. (Male, female, or futa if you want but you work out how that works exactly)

+Your body is changed into your ideal sexyness for when you're either gender.

+You operate under porn logic. (Things like instant thoroughly clean and lube assholes before anal sex, taking 20 inch dicks with no problem and shit like that.)

+You're always clean as if you just got out of a shower and B.O is eliminated with the mess slides right off you. (Individual parts may be toggled off, like for example you want some mess to stay on you. Also this works internally so you no longer need to brush your teeth or worry about bad breath.)

+Any hole you penetrate or are penetrated in always act as it's the perfect fit to give you maximum pleasure and no pain.

+STDs don't exist.(Porn logic covers this, but thought I'd double down.)

+You and your partners you're having sex with no longer have a refractory and can keep going and going and going in you want to or you get unconscious from pleasure overlord or something. *shrugs*

+If you happen to be able to travel worlds, you can toggle porn logic to work for everyone in the entire world. You know what that leads to. You can also decide the intensity of said porn logic, like pick something between it only working in the bedroom and sex or constant city wide orgy sex zombies. (Also works if you can't travel worlds)

+You always have knowledge how to create the best sex toys, and sexual enhancers in any technology level. So if you for example can go to different worlds, this scales with their technology level, even works if they use magitech too.

+You always know how to create the maximum pleasure for any sexual encounter you have for both parties or just yourself if you don't care for the other person.

+You can edge someone perfectly without worrying about them accidentally having an orgasm without your say so if you're into this.

+You control your own fertility.

+Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease.

+You can summon basic sex toys- ropes, handcuffs, dildos, gags, candles, clamps, clothespins, etc - that only exist as long as they are being used for sex. Meaning they disappear right after sex. No mess no fuss.

+You gain a presence that draws people who want to fuck you or you want to fuck to you(Can be explained away as ridiculous charisma, pheromones, ect) that you control the intensity of by will. Either turning it off to "oh god why does the entire city want to rape you".

Essence of the Genie

Become the Dijin

+Your body is now basically made of formless smoke that you can shape at will, whether it's to become corporal or not.

+You have phenomenal cosmic power, enough to warp reality and grant wishes. Genie generally follow three rules though when granting wishes. No wishing for more wishes, No bringing back the dead, No messing with free will. It's up to you if you decide to follow them but be warned. For all a genies cosmic might, a lot of them still ended up sealed.

+You may create a magical artifact to inhabit and wait for unassuming mortals to rub it, granting them master status.

+You may twist your master's wishes into monkey's paws if you wish as long as you grant the spirit of them, if not the actual literal meanings.

+You are ageless and immortal, the passing of a thousand years is just like a single day in regarding your memories.

+You do not need to eat, have bowel movements or even sleep if it wasn't obvious.

+You can have half genie children if that is your thing. Whether or not they become a hero though is up to them.

Essence of THE Little Girl

By drinking this pink sparkling essence filled with unicorns and rainbows you become THE little girl.

This essence grants you a body that never ages past 13 or the equivalent age where you're considered a little girl.

You no longer have any illnesses, your mind reverts to a young childhood state and if you were a guy before and viewed yourself as a guy you're now a little girl in everything that counts.

You can no longer get sick except for the common cold and anime coughing sickness in moments where you need to look cute and vulnerable. These sicknesses will never lead to death, only will ever lead to people seeing you as the perfect little girl and wanting to take care of you.

Your cuteness knows no bounds. You can charm the hearts of everyone you come in contact with. Even use your charm to make criminals repent for their actions so you never need to worry about people kidnapping you because you are the perfect little girl and have the power of mindcontrol cuteness on your side.

You can perfectly embody all little girl traits from bratty genki girls to super geniuses that build a.i in their sleep. You may freely switch between these traits and even combine them.

You may also embody the traits of all little sisters if you have a sibling. These combine well with little girl traits for obvious reasons.

Your body no longer shows your true strength. You will never have muscle or look like anything other than a little girl, but you may bench press a car if you have the right abilities.

You will always get a happy family to look after you if you need it or be accept as an orphan with no suspicion. No matter what even if there are records of you existing before you change families. Like you spontaneously and retroactively exist as a daughter to a happy family or live in an orphanage.

If you happen to be able to dimensionaly travel using a different essence or something else, you may also use the power of any little girl in a setting as if it was your own. This is only temporary unless you have something to make it not. For example, if you go to a magical girl setting you will be a magical girl.

Essence of the Musical Entertainer

Become the bard or dancer.

+one time change into your ideal version of a guy or girl. You pick only one option.

+Your voice is always the perfect pitch.

+You gain the body and endurance of a top dancer that will never suffer with age.

+You gain a musical sense that would allow you to write songs that would make all the great song composers green with envy.

+You may change your clothing into any design at will and mentally save several of them to be stage costumes for easy access. Like if you're an idol singer and want to wear something cute and flashy while being a horrible tease.

+At will you may generate the sounds of a musical instrument or summon them.

+Your voice gains an enhancing quality to it that draws people in and you may use this to plan subliminal messages in their minds, make them cry from raw emotion, or other things. This can of course be toggled off and on. (This is based off of Aya Asia from nougami neuro so look her up to give the jist at what I was going for with this.)

+You have a very enhanced learning rate when it comes to anything related to song and dance and music. (Like song magic from Ar Tonelico if you happen to go to that universe if you can)

+You age very gracefully and all negative effects of old age are lessened greatly if not outright gone.

+You have the charisma to be a world class Idol.

Essence of The God Emperor

By drinking this essence you gain the powers, abilities and knowledge of the God Emperor of Mankind during his physical prime, along with several other boons.

You gain all of the psyker abilities of The Emperor, whether they were implied or explicitly displayed. By proxy this also gives you all the psyker abilities and feats displayed in canon, lore or tabletop, by lesser psykers. You have perfect control over these powers. Manipulate time, space, minds, souls, matter, energy, concepts and far more with thought alone. Your psyker powers are independent of the Warp and can be used freely in any setting you find yourself in.

Your mind has also been enhanced, giving you beyond genius level intellect, perfect memory with infinite storage and perfect/ideal indexing of said memories able to recall any of them in an instant. Your reaction, processing and learning speeds are further boosted, able to perceive and react to events in a nanosecond if not less due to precognition. You will be among the greatest multitaskers in existence. Your physical abilities and senses are also enhanced to the level of the Emperor.

Infinite amounts of inexhaustible, all consuming, unbreakable willpower and stamina are granted to you. You can keep going forever if you wish. Indeed, because of your immortality you are immune to the effects of boredom, ennui, extended periods of isolation and all other potential mental perils of immortality. Nothing can corrupt or break your spirit or mind, no hardship or obstacle can cause you to give up. You are also outright immune to offensive manipulations of the mind and soul.

As you are an Emperor, you have superhuman political and diplomatic skills, able to weave galaxy spanning conspiracies as easily one ties their shoe. You have superb ability handling logistics, economics and the other duties of a monarch. You gain a mental repository of all knowledge any human being, including the Emperor, has in the 40k universe, able to apply it with superhuman proficiency.

You gain a one time boon, of being able to instantly boost any 20 people you choose to Primarch levels, their abilities and traits up to you at the time of ascension, with no adverse effects towards your person. If you wish to create more Primarch level beings you will have to do it via using resources. Though with your new powers and knowledge this should be no problem to you.

You can induce psyker potential in anyone, ranging from Epsilon to Alpha Plus, through a simple ritual. Their psyker abilties are also independent of the Warp. You can remove this blessing anytime at your leisure.

You gain a starship known as the Phalanx*, fully staffed by completely loyal and incorruptible Adeptus Custodes who are also fully equipped. You are also given the Emperor's default loadout, namely his Power Armour, sword and an ornate bolter.

*The ship runs on whatever your imagination wishes, so worry not about upkeep

Essence Of The Isekai Invoker

 [The small clear glass bottle before you is corked and filled with about 30mls of opaque luminescent liquid, black as night, littered with hundreds of tiny dots of white light and swirls of colour that glow like stars. It's like a bottled galaxy. It smells vaguely like metal and goes down as smooth as water, but pleasantly warms the throat as you swallow, and tastes of a somehow delicious mixture of stone, mildew and book dust, and leaves a brief aftertaste of adrenaline. Seconds after you consume it the remaining bottle and cork vanish and you feel a surge of power from within, that runs through your body and slowly fades into new mystical strength within you. By consuming this liquid you are empowered with the Essence Of The Isekai Invoker, gaining the following skills, powers and abilities.]

 You gain instant and compete knowledge of all language (including all dialects and slang) of the Japanese peoples (both talking and reading/writing, as well as cultural idiosyncrasies/context) and can use this knowledge as well as a lifelong native speaker - you can gain a legitimate language certification to prove your mastery if you choose.

 If you can think of a fantasy/sci-fi story and/or setting and give it an elaborate and/or long-winded Isekai name and/or title, it becomes real and you can travel to it

 You can jump back and forth as you please and time freezes in one world as you travel to another, meaning you can spend centuries in an Isekai and jump back with only seconds having passed here.

 Death, illness, harm or injury in an Isekai doesn't carry back to the normal world - in fact nothing negative comes back with you, be it injury, trauma, emotional baggage, PTSD, etc.

 If you can gain superpowers or super-tech in your Isekai worlds, you can bring it back with you, but it can't be replicated or shared, it only works for you. (You can stretch this somewhat, such as if you learn healing magic you can use it on your friends and family, just not strangers - and no patenting hyper-drives or shit.)

 Any/all powers, skills, abilities, feats or technologies you gain in Isekai and make use of in our world are guaranteed to work in the best, safest and most efficient way possible in all circumstances, with no downsides or drawbacks, no matter the inherent dangers, limits or complications.

 You may choose to have any set limits to your powers if you want to for any reason. You can alter these limits later.

 You are gifted the mental acumen and emotional stability to effortlessly endure the complexities caused by travelling to different worlds and different lives, no matter how intense or complex, you will only every be enriched by the various experience you undergo, and will always be able to remain in the moment you choose.

 You may choose to make it so the inhabitants of an Isekai do or do not have souls, even in an individual basis, allowing you to dodge any and all karmic repercussions or sins from mistreating them in any way. This can work automatically or via your explicit control at your discretion.

 You can also choose how much people can understand or observe of your powers, and the intensity of their beliefs/knowledge of them, no matter what their own skill talents or abilities are. Fool the gods themselves if need be.

 Some cannon Isekai names for inspiration

 Me, A Genius? I Was Reborn Into Another World And I Think They've Got The Wrong Idea!

 WATARU!!! The Hot-Blooded Fighting Teen & His Epic Adventures After Stopping A Truck With His Bare Hands!

 The Hero And His Elf Bride Open A Pizza Parlor In Another World!

 Reborn As A Vending Machine, I Now Wander The Dungeon!

 (Note also, having multiple Exclamation Points!!!!! In your title is mandatory.)

 You can design the Isekai in as much or as little detail as you want (say by writing the details and characters out) and any details, rules, systems, characters etc that you include or don't include will be included/generated/provided in a way that you would most appreciate and/or benefit you.

 You can also combine/modify any established settings you chose to Isekai into in any way you choose.

 You can either just design these worlds/limits in your head, or physically or digitally write them down - and only you and those you explicitly give permission can access, read, see, understand or comprehend them. You can access/summon your notes in any format/on any device you choose at will.

 You enter by saying the name of the Isekai out loud your yourself (it doesn't have to be a shout or anything, a whisper under your breath is fine). You return by focusing intently and saying 'back to reality' instead. You perfectly remember any and all Isekai names you create no matter what circumstances occur to make sure you never lose track of one.

 You can also choose to instantly learn a new and unique con-language of your own design that has a perfect translation for every word - and use that language to speak you incantations/summons so as to hide your words from anyone else's understanding. No power or skill can translate the language unless you want them too, and you can erase any knowledge as you wish.

 You can take anyone you're touching with you, but they won't be able to keep anything they gain in the worlds other then their memories. You can also design Isekai for other people and let them retain a minor version of powers and/or skill they gained there if you choose, and you can temporarily or permanently take their powers and/or memories of the Isekai away at your discretion.

 You can also adjust the time dilation effects to any extent you choose, and any/all powers, skills, abilities or tech will combine safely and work in the best way for you possibly as you would judge it - there's a built in automatic 'don't fuck yourself over' shield to all aspects of the powers, basically.

 Also after you 'complete' your first Isekai (either by competing a significant event, gaining certain powers/skills or just experiencing certain points) you can get savestates in any Isekai going foreword if you choose.

 You can choose that either an Isekai protagonist you inhabit stays frozen if you return to reality, or continues to exist and act as time passes, in a manner you would personally approve of. You gain instant knowledge of the time and actions it took while you were away when you re-enter it.

 You may choose to have a special sanctum/game room to help you store/organise and create your various Isekai if you wish, being able to alter the room and its contents as you wish - it's enter word is 'aprité'. - but you can change this if you wish.

 You may also choose to record your Isekai adventures, either by a masterfully edited and scored film file downloaded to a hard drive that is created to house it and is compatible with all modern machinery (and updates itself to fit the current state of the art technology/resolution/format) or by either receiving or writing a book a about your experiences - to aid this you can masterful writing abilities and skills, and the ability to write at 250wpm for hours in end with no cost to yourself. Make your adventures into glorious page-turners of either simple pulp style or immensely nuanced and fulfilling epics, or anything in-between.

Essence Of The Prime Conduit

(This small but elaborate bottle is shaped like a DNA Helix, and contains a vibrantly glowing liquid that constantly shifts between various shades of Blue and Red. It tastes like sweet Blueberry and Cherry, but burns the throat like neat vodka.)

This Infamous essence gives you several abilities and powers, and lets you change the world to your liking;

●You gain a perfect mind in a perfect body, ready and fit for adventure. This will rise you to roughly Captain America/peak human levels of strength, agility, endurance, senses, reflexes and metabolic efficiency. You will be immune to any illnesses or diseases, up to and including cancer and AIDS, and even down to tooth decay, halitosis, body odor, vision problems and excess body fat. Your mind will be sharp and resilient, and you have perfect memory with perfect recall and indexing, plus the ability to learn new skills and knowledge rapidly and accurately. This health will maintain undiminished even into old age, although your lifespan will only be moderately enhanced (200 to 300 years naturally) barring further boons from elsewhere.

●A one-time body re-sculpt to whatever body type/sex/age/features you wish, as long as it is theoretically still within human limits (You are allowed minor cosmetic changes such as unnatural hair, eye or skin colours - but no extra limbs or tails etc unless your Conduit Element or other boons grant it) You are completely resistant to mental trauma and will never develop psychosis, OCD, PTSD or other mental issues, up to and including minor things like anxiety and mild depression. Your mind will always be your own, resistant to any outside or unwanted influences. You will also always age gracefully in terms of both physical ability, attractiveness and mental agility. No hair loss, dementia, incontinence or arthritis - even in your late two hundreds, you'll be in your relative prime, merely as a silver fox MILF or DILF rather then an old fart.

●Enhanced durability, particularly relating to impacts. This allows you to survive severe car crashes with no injury and only the mildest and most fleeting disorientation, explosions merely bruised and singed instead of liquefied and/or incinerated, and even jump from the top of multi-story buildings and land with no damage to yourself (though damage to the sidewalk is another issue)

●A strong healing factor, allowing you to shake off bullet wounds, blood loss and broken bones with only a few hours of uninterrupted healing time. You also tend to heal *cleanly*, getting even shredded flesh and intensely shattered bones back into their natural shape with minimal assistance and leaving only minor scars that will fade quickly. This can be enhanced even further by exposure to your Conduit Element, if you have a nearby source you can drain, you can heal from otherwise fatal wounds in minutes - though this healing factor can be worn down by excessive use in quick succession.

●Diminished reliance on sleep, food, excretion and other basic bodily necessities as long as you gain regular exposure to your Element (Though you can still preform them all if you wish to).

●Choose a Conduit Element - you gain the ability to drain, channel and manipulate (but not generate) this Element for a huge variety of purposes, up to and including but not necessarily limited to,

●Energy blasts/beams/missiles, shields, flight, teleportation, regeneration, super speed and strength, shape shifting, healing, energy projection, restraints, armour, summoning golems/simulacra/weapons, matter manipulation, kinesis, sub-dimension creation and control, invisibility, many types of extra-sensory perception, time dilation, the possibilities are vast. At lowest level you will be able to throw simple fist-sized blasts of your Element, at highest you could turn into a gigantic Godzilla-like Titan of your Element and unleash nuclear bomb levels of devastation.

●Your choice of Element is not limited to one of the traditional four




●And Water,

But far more tenuous and creative forces that could theoretically be classified as an Element. In Cannon and semi-canon materials alone we have






















And many others. If it could conceivably be referred to as an Element or Energy, you can choose it.

●You can also choose the exact details of how your powers manifest during use, down to the colours, size, texture and shape of your aura and attacks. Think City Of Heroes power customization. Always wanted glowing eyes and tattoo-like veins of energy? To leave a glowing trail of rainbow mist as you fly? You got it!

●Note you can also gain extra/bonus abilities if they are linked thematically to your main element. For example, Cole McGrath's Lightning Element also included elements of Thunder and Magnetism manipulation, and Hank Daughtry's Smoke manipulation also included Flames and Heat, you can have similar bonuses if it fits your theme, like Mirror and Glass or Water and Ice. You also get a buff to inspiration and innovation with your powers, allowing you to unlock ever more abilities as you practice and time passes.

●You could alternatively choose to be a Syphon. This would allow you to gain access to the Element of another Conduit you have had direct skin contact with, allowing you to hold a library of dozens or even hundreds of different elements should you choose. There are three downsides to this - 1) You can only use one element at a time and must drain from a new source to switch Elements, it's not automatic and you can't combine them or use more then one type at a time. 2) You will take much longer to master and understand the powers granted then the original Conduit (unless there are Blast Cores involved, but that's another story) 3) You will never be able to master an Element as well as the original Conduit, leaving the highest level and most complex abilities beyond you. You're essentially trading Power for Flexibility.

●Either way you have complete control over your powers and abilities. They can never be taken from you, surprised or diminished in any way without your conscious consent, and never working in a way that causes you or people you care about any harm or difficulty. You can also use them at any level from minimum to maximum with complete instinctive control and skill, and will learn new abilities and powers with the same control as time goes on.

●You gain an internal 'Battery' of power. All your abilities except the basic physical and mental enhancements run off this battery. You can fill this and utilize your higher level powers by draining sources of your Element, allowing you to access greater abilities. If your power source is easily locatable like Smoke (pull from vents or exhausts) or Electricity (power cables or generators - or lightning storms), you're golden. Drained sources will generally refill within five minutes or so unless they have a finite charge by default (so for Electricity a substation would refill but a car battery wouldn't).

●Your battery will also slowly recharge by itself, meaning you don't actively have to search out replacement sources all the time, but if you run dry in the heat of the moment, you're in trouble. Your overall capacity will slowly increase as you age, and can be sped up by frequent practice/exercise with your powers.

●You also have 'Healing Blood' ala golden age Superman. A transfusion from you (or any other Prime Conduit), will act as a near panacea, curing a huge variety of illnesses, diseases and other conditions in people, boosting their metabolism and making them feel decades younger and healthier, giving medical treatments a huge bonus to effectiveness, and with study drastically improving medical science and helping to alleviate suffering worldwide. Will you give regular donations for science, allowing medicine to progress rapidly and ensure this spreads across the globe? Or horde it for the rich and powerful, making people dependent on you for their continued survival? It's up to you.

●As a Prime Conduit, you have the ability to share/inflict your powers on other, lesser Conduits should you choose, primarily through transfusions to those with a latent Conduit gene. There are generally three types of Conduit.

1.Prime Conduits like you, who have the highest and most versatile level of abilities and tend to develop them naturally through dangerous situations or emotional stimuli, or through exposure to Ray Field Radiation

2.Beta Conduits - who tend to never develop powers without exposure to either a high dose of Ray Field radiation or the direct intervention/blood transfusion of a Prime Conduit, and have comparatively lesser power and versatility.

3.Artificial Conduits - Normal humans who through one of several types of brutal scientific procedure have Conduit abilities forced into them. Tend to be powerful but severely disturbed, and have a short lifespan.

●As a Prime you can give Betas a lesser version of your abilities, creating a legion of loyal super soldiers like the D.U.P or Vermaak 88. You can also reclaim these abilities at any time, rendering them powerless again. Alternatively you can choose to be immune to power-sharing so as to avoid the hassle. (Note Syphons cannot get this ability)

●You gain a degree of 'animal magnetism' a subconscious force of charisma and manipulation that other people, and especially other Conduits will be drawn to. Either as a earnest, shy do-gooder or a fiery, acerbic thug, people will respect you and be intrigued by your skills and personality, allowing you to gain friends, allies and rivals wherever you go.

●You can choose how and when this ability manifests itself, allowing you to walk through crowds and people unbothered and anonymous, or catch people's eyes from across the street or miles away with your stride and voice alone. You can appear as a shy but extremely lovable awkward goof like Otacon from MGS or Cole from DA:I, or a suave, supernaturally graceful bad-ass on par with Dante or Virgil, depending on your personality and choices. Either way you can control this power either consciously or subconsciously at your discretion, and you can always make the impression you want on people. Other Conduits in particular will tend to find you intriguing and be sexually attracted to you and willing to have relationships or flings/one night stands at your leisure.

●None of these mental changes will alter your personality or morals in any way that you yourself do not actively choose - the essence will prevent you from screwing yourself up or changing yourself in anyway you do not or would not desire or would come to regret.

●You can also choose to gain two romantic partners as a Triad Relationship (Conduits tend to come in/join up together in threes, Alden, Sasha and Kessler who all worked in the First Sons, Cole, Nix and Kuo who teamed up in New Marais, Delsin, Fetch and Eugene taking down the DUP in Seattle) This power will guide you towards your perfect partners. Creating two people, who are not only perfect for you, but each other as well. They are certain to be Conduits unless you specify otherwise, and they will have a compatible orientation to make the relationship work, whatever your sexual determination and fetishes are. Two guys, two girls, guy-and-girl, transsexual, other - whatever would suit you best, they will exist find you.

●At some point in the future, it might be days, weeks or years down the road, you are going to meet, and like lighting from the heavens it'll hit you - you're home. As your bond grows you will be able to share emotions and minor aspects of your powers, drawing you closer together then any non-conduit relationship could ever be. The relationship will not be flawless (no human relationship is) but the love you share will be real and endure your whole lives and beyond. This will do wonders for your and your partners emotional stability and happiness, and you won't just be happy, you'll all be proud of what you are and who you become together. True love.

●Alternatively you can go for a straight Harem Mode, allowing you to create a happy willing stable of loyal super-bitches/bastards at your beck and call.

●These choices also throw in Complete Porn Logistics for free. Anything and everything you would need in order to enact your sex fantasies is enabled for you. Legendary dick/vag? Check. Clean, pliable and lubed up orifices? Check. Master at giving and receiving pleasure? Check. Legions of interested, adventurous, trustworthy and discrete potential partners and opportunities? Check. Fetishes accepted by society, either widely or just for you? Check. Anthropomorphic furry sex beasts who always go into heat when you're around? Sure, as long as it relates to the sexy. This only activates when you want it too, and only in the way you want it to for as long as you want it too.

●Karma/Reputation - The actions you take in life and your career will now be tallied and add up to supernatural boosts to your reputation and relationships over time, granting you new respect, opportunities, contacts and even powers depending on how you act. A stalwart Hero will find themselves beloved by the nation, with friends at the highest levels of society, and all the rewards, respect and adulation due to such a paragon. A insidious Villain will find themselves feared and obeyed, with contacts at the lowest levels of society and leverage over the great and good, and all the power, respect and fear such a person deserves. Unlike the games, you can pursue both of theses extremes simultaneously if you choose, becoming a desperate villain who secretly fights to better the world, or a renowned hero who will cross any line to get the job done - Forge Your Legend - it's up to you.

●To help you craft this role, you will also be supernaturally immune to any past actions or mistakes coming back to haunt you. Your mistakes be they great and terrible or small and minor will be forgotten as long as you want them to and make some form of amends, or simply will it so. You'll never have to worry about opponents with long-held grudges, tell-all books, libelous articles or historical investigations. In fact if someone tries to slander you or call you out for their own reasons over some perceived crime, error or slight, be it for personal gain, amusement, retribution or just spite, it will instead backfire on them and cause them ridicule and strife. Or you can choose to allow this theoretical past deeds come to light, and decided how people react to them, either respecting your genuine regret and contrition, or fearing the depths of your abilities - it's your choice.

●You can also choose to enact a more projective form of Karma, making your actions and deeds have a wider effect on the world as a whole. Treat people with respect and kindness, and they will become more worthy of that blessing, becoming better more worthy people. Or treat them like cattle or drones, and they will become more fitting for it, loosing their will to resist and being content in their slavery. You can spread this as far as an entire Nation, or as focused as a single person, it's your choice. You inspire others, be it for better or ill.

●This also grants you a degree of Plot Armor of your choice. You could be the absolute center of the universe, with fate itself striving to put you in the right place at the right time for any event you choose, unable to be beaten or fail in a task and save all, survive any dangers with your reputation becoming legendary and hailed far and wide as the greatest of your generation. Or the exact opposite, ensuring you avoid any danger and infamy, letting you drift contently and anonymously through simple slice of life adventures with friends. You may also switch between either of these extremes as you will, following a week of death defying adventure and world shaking battles with a few weeks of hanging out happily with your friends/family. This also includes reincarnation should you die, with your choice of new body/circumstances and powers, and whether you instantly regain your memories, or at a certain point, or never. You can make other souls of people you choose reincarnate this way too, until you tire and want to go to the true afterlife or whatever comes beyond.

●World - You can retroactively change the world you are currently in in a number of ways - or create a new one and travel to and from it at will -

1.Conduit Origin - have Conduits always been a part of humanity? Have they only recently appeared? Will they not show up till the far future? It's up to you.

2.Conduit Amount - how common are Conduits? One in a billion? Million? Thousand? Every other person? Are any people you know personally? Or by reputation? Do you want to design others? It's up to you.

3.Conduit Variety - How many Prime Conduits are there? How many Betas? How many Syphons? How many latents that could awaken? Do artificial Conduits exist? Are they sane and stable? Do all Conduits get the same blessings as you? Are there varieties that haven't been mentioned here? More? Less? It's up to you.

4.Conduit Response - Are Conduits loved or feared? Do people dream of becoming Conduits, or fear it? How are they policed? Are they experimented on? How does the Media view them? Are there fan clubs? Hate groups? You decide.

5.Ray Field Effects - has Ray Field technology been discovered and/or perfected in this world? Is there Conduit-compatible technology and augmentations? Are Blast Cores a thing? Is the deadly Plague that Ray Field radiation caused in the Cannon universe also applicable in this world? Is it less or more deadly? Are Ray Spheres a common way of gaining powers? Do they still require human sacrifice? It's up to you.

6.Other Supernaturals - are Conduits the only supernatural force in your world? Are there other types of superpowers? Mutants? Aliens? Magic? Ghosts and Gods? It's up to you.

7.Your Place - are you just a regular joe? A celebrity? A soldier? A superhero? A criminal? A king? Were you always this way? It's up to you - write the history and skills you want.

8.The World Tone - is your world a idealistic utopia? A grim dark dystopia? Saturday morning superhero cartoon? Cyberpunk mess? Steampunk fantasy? Any and all changes are available, and up to you.

9.Knowledge - do you remember the choices you've made? Are you a blank slate? Instinctive knowledge? Somewhere in between? It's up to you.

●As a final boon you may choose to designate one place as your Homebase. You will never be hurt or attacked in this place, and will respawn here if you die to accident or violence. You may move this place up to once yearly.