

To Mark there's nothing worse than coming home to your two partners doing things without you. Disclaimer: This is all fiction, not real. Also there will be an appropriate language and actions happening. If you're not into that don't read. You have been warned~

DyslexicStories · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ch.2: Got Caught

The alarm beeped for 6 AM as the three of them woke up. Mark sighed as he sat up in the bed and rolled out leaving the other two there as he got dressed for his trip.

Before Mark left the house the other two got up to say goodbye to him. Donghyuck, Mark's best friend met him at the door of his apartment. "Mommy, Daddy, I don't want to go..." Mark spoke using the kinky names he used when he wanted something. "Kitten you have to go, you'll regret it if you don't and you're going with Donghyuck and Johnny, it'll be fine." Jaehyun gently kissed his lips. "I know but I'll miss you two..." Mark pouted well kissing him back. "You'll be fine." Taeyong kisses the top of his head. "Fine...I love you guys..." Mark hugged them both tightly before kissing them. "We love you too kitten." Jaehyun replied to him before picking up his big handing it to Mark.

"You'll have fun, love you." Taeyong kissed Mark's lips before opening the door for him. To see Donghyuck about to knock on the door. "Oh hi." Taeyong greeted him. "Hi Taeyong. Mark you ready to go?" Donghyuck looked at Mark who was picking up his bags. "I'm all ready." He smiled seeing his best friend before hugging him and caring his bags out the door. "Bye. Love you guys~!" Mark yelled before running down to the elevator. "Bye Mark~" Jaehyun called before shutting the door and looking at Taeyong. "You know what's happening now~" Taeyong smiled as he grab the other by the waist and pulled him to the bedroom.

Almost the whole week went by and the three continue texting each other to make sure everything was all good. The two left at home continue to mess around with each other not telling Mark about anything. On Wednesday they got some text from Mark saying that he might come home early so they thought Saturday morning and didn't put too much thought into it but when Friday night came the two decided to mess around for the last time before Mark came back. That was their first mistake.

Mark open the door to their apartment slowly since it was late at night and sluggishly dragged his bags into the apartment shutting the door behind him. He tried his best not to make noise since he thought the other two were sleeping. He slowly made his way to the room when he heard some funny noises coming from. To him it sounded like noises of pain and the sound of skin on skin.

Mark became worried as he slowly open the door and walked inside of the room but what he saw was more scary than he could've imagined. He saw his lovers bodies tangled together in a way he's only seen in porn. He felt so betrayed. They promised him. They told him countless amount of times that they've never done it before, that they were waiting for him to be older but in the back of his mind Mark always knew they were doing this.

Maybe it was his fault for not telling them that he felt like he was ready or maybe he wasn't good enough for them. Maybe they should just be together without him. Mark just staring at them as his tears slowly start to roll down cheeks. He felt horrible. He wasn't important. He wasn't good enough. He was absolutely nothing. For all the lies over the past two years and even if this was the first time it still hurt. Mark knew whenever he left the room they would be more flirty and touchy but when he came back they would stop. It was annoying to him. It hurt but there's nothing he could do though.

In that moment the world stopped as he felt eyes on him finally after how long he's been standing there. Taeyong pushed Jaehyun off of him as he sat up looking at Mark. Jaehyun moved his gaze to the door as well before freezing. "I-I knew it...why do you think I d-didn't want to go...I-I'm sorry I wasn't good e-enough..." Mark let out some of his feelings that he felt in the moment. Mark finally let out his first sob before running to their spare room that were for guest.

The other two were in shock but once they saw Mark turn away, they both jumped out of bed and try to chase after him but Mark was faster and locked himself into the spare room. "Oh my god Mark please, we're sorry, so sorry Kitten!" Jaehyun grabbed on the door handle trying to open it. Taeyong stand behind the other with his head held down as he could hear Mark crying on the other side of the door. "Mark...I'm so sorry..." Taeyong whispered as he went back to their bedroom.

"TAEYONG GET BACK HERE NOW!" Jaehyun yelled at him and they heard Mark's sobs get even louder. "What?" Taeyong looked back at the other disgusted. "What the fuck do you think we can do now? We messed up, there's nothing we can do to fix this. Just stop, okay?" Taeyong walked back before grabbing the others hand and pulling him back to their bedroom. "No Tae we have to try!" Jaehyun pulled back on him as he scrambled back to the locked door and sat in front of it. "I'm going to wait for him, we have to apologize. We have to fix it. We can't let somebody as precious as him feel like this...he's our kitten, Tae we can't..." Jaehyun was tearing up as he spoke.

"Jaehyun please just go to bed, fix this in the morning." Taeyong shook his hand as he walked into their shared room and shut the door. It's not like Taeyong didn't feel horrible for what they did but he knew that Mark wouldn't talk to them so he decided just to go to sleep but sleep didn't come easily.

Jaehyun fell asleep on the couch in the living room that was outside the second bedroom were Mark was and he didn't plan on moving from that spot until he heard the door open. On the other hand Mark was inside the room crying on the bed. Luckily the spare room had a bathroom and Mark went inside having a shower. When he got out he looked at himself in the mirror.

He looked at his red eyes and his pale skin. He felt horrible about himself, for the first time in a long time he felt disgusted by himself. He felt like everything was his fault and was starting to believe it. What could he do to fix it? He felt like he had to fix it because he felt like everything was his fault. This only happened because he was gone, this only happened because he wasn't good enough and they didn't want him anymore.

When Mark walked out of the bathroom he laid on the bed and I called Johnny one of his close friends that were on the trip with him who he knew had a spare room in his apartment as well. He knew he couldn't stay here anymore he couldn't be around them so leaving was the best option for him. He cried on the phone the whole time to Johnny before he hung up and slowly fell asleep still feeling like shit about himself. What's going to happen next? Mark didn't even want to know.