

To Mark there's nothing worse than coming home to your two partners doing things without you. Disclaimer: This is all fiction, not real. Also there will be an appropriate language and actions happening. If you're not into that don't read. You have been warned~

DyslexicStories · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ch.1:A Trip

The three of them have been together for almost 2 years now. They have known each other way longer than two years though. They all started off as a roommate in college until one day they realized they all liked each other and eventually formed a relationship. Two years since they've got together and now the three of them are asleep in their bed.

Jaehyun, Mark and Taeyong laid in a bed together in the early morning hours of sun starting to peek through the window. Today the first to wake up was Jaehyun. He had Mark's face in his chest as he looked over to Taeyong. Mark slept in between Jaehyun and Taeyong today and was being spooned by Taeyong and squished into Jaehyun's chest. 'Man they're cute' Jaehyun thought to himself as he pulled them closer. The next to wake up was Taeyong.

He raised his head slightly to see if anybody else was awake and made eye contact with Jaehyun. "Good morning baby." Taeyong whispered so he won't wake up Mark. Jaehyun smiled at him. "Morning. How did you sleep?" Jaehyun leaned across to kiss the others lips quickly. Taeyong kisses him back softly before pulling away. "I slept great getting to snuggle with you two, what about you?" Taeyong squeezed Mark softly, he really loved him. "I slept great too~" Jaehyun put his head back on the pillow before looking at Mark. They both heard a soft whine come from Mark and chuckled. Mark was definitely the cutest of the three of them even if he tried to act like a manly man.

Taeyong slowly pulled away from Mark's body before getting up but another whine came from Mark. Jaehyun kissed his forehead. "Did we wake you up kitten?" Jaehyun softly asked him. Mark nodded before bearing his face in the others chest. "Sorry Kitten, we'll be more careful next time. It's time to get up though." Taeyong spoke now hugging the other again. All Mark did was shake his head was he cling to them. "Don't be like that kitten, get up." Jaehyun easily pulled his body out of the others grip as he stood up and picked up Mark with him. Taeyong smiled at them before walked out of their bedroom then going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Mark continue to whine as he was carried out of the bedroom and eventually carried to the couch where he sat on the others lap. "Hyung why can't I sleep a little more?..." Mark finally spoke with soft voice as he placed his head on the others shoulder. "Because we have to get proper sleep. We can't leave you in the bed all alone." Jaehyun played with Mark's hair. "Besides you have to go somewhere tomorrow so you have to get the right amount of sleep." Taeyong said walking into the living room before sitting down beside them with three coffees in his hands. He placed his coffee down on the side table before handing one coffee to Jaehyun and one to Mark. One of the reasons why they called Mark Kitten was because he always drank so slow like a cat drinking it's water. "I know I have to go but I don't want to, i'd rather stay here with you guys." Mark finally opened up his eyes wrapping them before taking a sip of his coffee. "We know you do but this is important for you to go. You might get the job you want Kitten." Jaehyun moved Mark off of his lap to sit between the two of them. "We'll spend all day together today as you pack then when you come home on Saturday we can have the whole day to spend together, how does that sound?" Taeyong suggested kissing Mark's lips.

Mark knew this trip was important so all he did was nod before getting up and going to the bathroom to clean up before breakfast. "That's our boy~" Jaehyun smiled as he watched Mark before moving closer to Taeyong. "Now it's me and you~" Taeyong smirked as he pulled the other closer. "I know but we can't do that much right now. You should continue making breakfast." Jaehyun winked at him before kissing his lips. "How could I do that when you're being so tempting?" Taeyong mumbled softly as he kissed the other back. Jaehyun pulled away before getting up with this coffee running to the bedroom. "Now you can!" He called before shutting the door. Taeyong sighed and shook his head before continuing to make breakfast for them.

Eventually Taeyong finished making breakfast and all of them ate. They helped Mark pack his things for a week before they spent the rest of the day watching movies, cuddling and playing games that Mark liked. Eventually it was time to sleep again and they set the alarm for 6 AM when Mark had to leave the house.

They all lied in bed together before Mark spoke. "I'm kind of scared to go...I know it sounds stupid but I know I'm going to miss you guys...P-Please don't replace me when I'm gone..." Mark's anxiety was getting the best of him. "We could never replace you Mark, you're perfect." Taeyong played with the others hair as he wrapped his arm around his waist. "What if you guys do stuff though without me and realize you don't need me..." This time Jaehyun spoke up. " Mark that's not gonna happen, you're our kitten and we love you." Mark sighed at his words. "Even though we've been together for two years...you guys haven't done anything with me...please don't do it with out me..." Mark wasn't completely direct with what he was saying but the others understand. "Mark we won't then." Taeyong lied to him. There were plenty of things that Mark didn't know about the other two but they thought it was best that way. Besides he was too young to know how to do those things and if he didn't find out no harm could come to him, right?

Taeyong and Jaehyun had sex many times without Mark knowing. Anytime he left for longer than a day they would do something they normally couldn't do with him at home. They felt bad about it but at the same time they still felt like he was too young even though he was in college. As long is he doesn't find out he can never get hurt. That's what they thought at least. Mark signed an nodded that his words. "Sure..." Mark himself felt like things were happening but he wasn't there and he never spoke about them. You knew the way that they act together when Mark wasn't so close to them. He just try to let it go as he's drifted off to sleep. "Night then..." Mark continue to look at the ceiling. The other two said good night to him before they all fell asleep together.