
Merging System(dropped)

Erika was a gourmet chef... at least on Earth. Until she tragically died at 25. No not Truck-kun, but a murderer whom she offended by not cooking sushi for. Warning: updates will be sporadic and random this is for leisure, and I won’t check comments

ChiseHatori · Fantasy
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36 Chs

And the journey begins!

Back at home Erika rushes to 'her' room but realizes it's not private enough.

She rushes downstairs and into the treehouse that she recently builds with her crafting skills.

"I'm closing the treehouse for now! I need privacy!"

Erika began to scan all the books.

{System scanning.....scan done.

Quest complete:

Rewards+14INT +14WIS

System improving books, done.

Bonus reward: affinity cultivation book added to The Book of Knowledge[can we call it TBK?]}

'Yeah, sure TBK it is!'

A head poked in, "Whatcha reading, Erika?" Charlie (Charles the youngest child) asks.

"Ahh, you scared me, Charlie, didn't I ask for privacy?"

"Ooh, cultivation stuff? From the Library?"


"Well, I finished memorizing them, so you can use them just don't break them!"(it's been hours so Charlie had only come to tell Erika to come to eat.)

"Yay, I can't wait to tell everyone!"

Sigh~ "Children are such cute, hyperactive, pains to deal with." Erika mumbled.


At the dinner table

"Erika! I heard you brought back cultivation books?" Nana half-shouted

"Umm... Y-yes, everyone can use them if you want, but I don't think we're allowed to copy them. I also only have them for one month and must return them in the condition we got them in."


As always dinner was great. 'It's great not cooking for a change!' —————————————————————

'Olivia, how do I cultivate my affinities?'

{Sorry Erika, but you have to read the manual yourself. I can however bring up the specific manual by its self so you don't have to search for it.}

'Please do thank you.'

Guide to increasing your elemental affinities.

'Umm, Olivia it says that I need the affinity to increase it.'

{You had all of the elements except lightning, chaos, and void and I combined them to get lightning, chaos, and void.}


{No problem. Oh, but all of your affinities are low-grade.}

Sigh~'Well, I can't be all that lucky I guess.'

"Ok, I'll need energy stones for each element starting from lv3-8 beasts as well as a pill, herb, or other natural areas (such as a lava pool, deep lake, forest,etc.)/supplements. Well, I don't NEED supplements but they reduce the Crystal cost."

'1st upgrade 1 Lv1 beast core, 2 lv2 beast core/1 lv 3 beast core, 2nd upgrade,3 lv 3 beasts cores/1lv4&4lv2 beast core, 3rd upgrade 4 lv4 beast cores/2 lv5 beast cores, etc.'


Hmm...'Where to get a good sword?'

"Erika I need to speak with you!" Nana called


"As you know your parents were adventurers but they left you here because their job was dangerous and they had many enemies. No one knows if they are even alive as they disappeared into the forest 3months ago."

'Wait, what? This wasn't in 'my' memories. Hmmm... wait here they are why are they in this obscure place, did 'I' forget? No, it was a defense mechanism I think she felt sad about their 'death' and slightly abandoned even though they visited often enough.'

Nana's voice snapped me back to reality, "These are the inheritance they left should you ever decide to cultivate."

Nana handed me a huge sealed box with a maglev shield around it.

"Place your hand on the box or drop your blood on it to open it, I suggest you do it in a private area though. It responds only to your DNA so I haven't opened it."


Midnight in the forest

Erika found her way to a shelter she carved into a tree trunk( some trees are bigger than redwood sequoia trees and this is one of them) surprisingly close to the entrance of the forest but a ways off the road.

She pressed her hand against the box. It was a plain-looking wooden box except that the wood is black and there's a shimmering barrier around it.

The barrier receded to a small point at the back, and age opened the chest.

inside was a space ring which held: a high-quality sword, a beast tamer technique book, special herbs, soul stones, and a world pearl and more space rings, a space necklace, and space bags(which are harder to make inconspicuous as space stuff requires a catalyst usually a crystal or core which is eye-catching but perfect on a ring or necklace.)'


In the safe zone, Erika is killing lv1&2 magic beasts. She is merging with new beasts bodies and using the bodies of the old beasts to gain card fragments except for the cores to save them to sell later.

{System what beast card do I have?'

{Beast cards

-Viridian Wolf X2

Lv 1 attributes Vitality/nature(healing)

VIT 15 INT 8



AGI 12

Scorpion X1

Lv1 attributes poison/Def

VIT 10 INT 4


STM 10 WILL 18


Common snake

Lv0 attribute poison


STR 5 WIS 0.5


AGI 10


Lv2 attribute earth/def

VIT 20 INT 6




Brown bear

Lv0 attribute VIT & STR

VIT 18 INT 8

STR 17 WIS 7



Wind Deer

Lv 2 attribute wind AGI

VIT 16 INT 9


STM 10 WILL 16

AGI 25

Some other wolves(blood*, wind, dark, light, etc. no space-time void or chaos though.)

*a bit like downgraded chaos can use the element of its prey blood/wound make it stronger and more VIT and STM like a berserker.

Some other bears

Honey badgers

Draconian Bees

Yeah, idk how that happened! Did they drink the nectar of a dragon flower(imbued with draconian powered after being watered by the blood of a dragon.)?}