
Merging System(dropped)

Erika was a gourmet chef... at least on Earth. Until she tragically died at 25. No not Truck-kun, but a murderer whom she offended by not cooking sushi for. Warning: updates will be sporadic and random this is for leisure, and I won’t check comments

ChiseHatori · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A New Friend

Although Erika didn't need anything at the library she found herself walking there anyway. In her past life the library was where she relaxed.


At the library

'I used to love the library but now there aren't any good books, well I guess when life is literally all the wildest fantasies of Earth you don't need a book!'

{Erika an update to the system is ready. Allow me to commence update, please.}

'GREAT! Commence the update now!'

{WARNING! ⚠️The update will take 8 days. In this time Olivia's personality will be turned off and System will take over. Please, reconfirm the update.}

'Wait, there's two of you?'

{The system is a backup, mission giver, and processor. I can do the same because I'm connected to the System, but ultimately I'll be your friend on your journey(and lover if you so desire.) Update Y/N?}

'Lover? Do you even have a corporeal body?'

{Ummm, at a later update yes, the system update version 5. You're on version 0 think of it as a tutorial of sorts. Will you PLEASE commence the update though!}

'Oh, right! Commence update.'

{Update commencing: 7d 23h 59m 59s left}

The time for the update stayed to the bottom left of Erika's vision, but it was transparent unless she focused on it.

"Hey, Erika right? It's me, Teresa!"

"Hello, Teresa what are you doing right now? Don't you have work?"

"Well, yes, but I'm on break right now!"

"By the way, Teresa, do you have any way to rest my attributes? In private preferably."

"Well, you can buy an attribute stone for one Mid grade soul stone. Or rent one in a private room for 1 star."

"Ugh... that's too much!"Erika swears under her breath

"I'll help if you want we're friends aren't we?"

"I suppose we are friends, aren't we?"

"Oh, you could get tested at the Adventure's Guild assuming you want to be an adventurer, I think the alchemy, forgers, and tailors guild have tested as well. What do you think of becoming an adventurer with me, Erika?"

"Sure but you'll be in for lots of surprises!"