
Mercenary King: Got Question? Ask My RPG!

Magical Realism
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What is Mercenary King: Got Question? Ask My RPG!

Read ‘Mercenary King: Got Question? Ask My RPG!’ Online for Free, written by the author Just Like Water, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering THUG Fiction, REALITY Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: There was a classic saying that prevailed in the era of thermal weapons."All fear comes from insufficient firepower."Don...


There was a classic saying that prevailed in the era of thermal weapons. "All fear comes from insufficient firepower." Don't believe? Looking at the muzzle of a cannon bigger than your head, and say it again? ... Starting off by being kidnapped, in order to survive, Gao Guang was forced to become a member of a private military contractor. And thus, an unexpected legend began to unfold... Stallone from [First Blood]? Jason Statham from [The Expendables]? Keanu Reeves from [John Wick], the one who's best at using all kinds of firearms? Come on, all of these are nothing compared to Gao Guang!! --- Finally, until one day, in the field of private military forces, he completely made the term "Gao Guang moment" became a professional term! Countless criminals, mercenaries, murderers, and private armed organizations would pee their pants at the mention of the name Gao Guang! "Hello, my name is Gao Guang." "I am dedicated to providing war-related peripheral services, including but not limited to force, arms, intelligence, and technical support." "As the conscience of the industry, our quality is trustworthy. Please don't hesitate, don't pinch your goddamn wallet, and make an appointment with my beautiful secretary as soon as possible. Warm reminder, we only accept cash." "Gao Guang, Your best choice!"

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Omnitrix across the multiverse

With the whole of Earth's army behind him, captain America smirked at Thanos. He raised his shield and shouted, "AVENGERS... ASS-" But suddenly, his words were interrupted by the appearance or a broght blue flash of light right in front of him. The light soon reverted and disappeared as if it was never there. However, in its place was a dark skinned young man with white hair and blue eye. The young man looked around for a short while. Looking at tye two armies ready to clash, a bright smile blossomed in his face. "Finally, I'm in the Marvel cinematic universe!" "Omnitrix, how long do i have before I'm sent to another universe? [One hour] "What? Such a short time. Gotta make this quick." He then looked towards both of the armies and ordered. "Okay, I need every last nonhuman to form a line! I need to scan each one of you before I leave! Superhuman included. Quickly!" Thanos seeing this odd human suddenly apperaing out of nowhere and acted like he was the boss, was not happy. As such, one of his soldeier went fowards and asked. "Who are you to have the guts to order the children of thanos around?" With a wave of the skinny person's hand, a heap of the debris around gathered and flew towards the young man. Seeing this, the young man realised that simply ordering these people was not going to do, as such, he turned towards the glowing blue omnitrix on his chest and said... "Omnitrix change me to my legendary Super saiyan form." [Affirmative.] Another bright blue light shrouded the young man once more. ... Ten minutes later... "Next." After getting scanned, Thanos moved to the side our of the line with visible injuries on his face. The next in line was the hulk. "Hulk smash." "Wasn't the beating I gave you enough? Just stand still and this will be over-" But before he could scan him, his chest lit up. "No wait, i still haven't scanned them all yet-!" However he disappeared before he could finish his words. The two armies were thus left alone still wondering to themselves what just happened. ... Okay let's go down with the usual lines...*pull up my specs* ...I own nothing in this book but my main character. All other characters and concepts are own by their respective owners. This book is written for entertainment purposes only... Basically don't sue me I'm broke! As for the cover art, it's not mine either. If the owner wants me to put it down or credit him/her/they/where/it/why.... speak I'm done...

4thBlackGoblin · Anime & Comics
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Patuhi syarat membaca. 1. Mengandung muatan dewasa (21+) yang belum cukup umur dilarang membaca. 2. Follow akun author / IG @dee.Meliana 3. Kasih like/vote dan komentar yang sopan dan membangun. G: Dark Romance. Dilarang mengcopy paste tulisan ini dalam bentuk apapun!!! Tindakan plagiatan akan saya proses secara hukum. BLURB: ========== Kasih dan pengakuan. Cinta dan nafsu. Gairah dan hasrat. Semua itu adalah bagian penuh pesona dalam setiap kisah yang terjalin dalam kehidupan manusia. Pria, wanita, tua, muda, kaya, miskin, semua lapisan golongan dalam bebagai macam warna mata dan kulit menginginkannya. Keinginan yang tanpa batas untuk memiliki berujung pada obsesi. Obsesi berujung pada kegilaan. Kau bisa melakukan apapun saat menjadi gila. MI VOLAS VIN Bahasa Esperanto yang berarti 'aku menginginkanmu'. Ucapan singkat itu lah yang selalu Leonardo bisikkan pada telinga Jasmine. Obsesi Kegilaan dan Hasrat Membuat Leonardo menginginkan wanita bernama Jasmine lebih dari apapun dan bagaimana pun caranya. Lelaki berbahaya namun tampan dan penuh gairah diperhadapkan dengan wanita biasa yang menyimpan sejuta pesona. Mampukah Leonardo melumpuhkan Jasmine? "Sampai tetes darah terakhir yang mengalir melalui pembuluh darahmu adalah milikku. Mi volas vin, Jasmine!" Leonardo berbisik panas pada telinga Jasmine, membuat tubuh Jasmine bergetar karena sensasinya. "Tidak, ini adalah hal yang salah, Leon!" seru Jasmine. (Mengandung unsur maju mundur atau plot twist, baca dengan penuh penghayatan ya Darling!) Cover bukan milik saya. (Cover is not mine, credit belong to owner) Terima kasih. Selamat membaca, Belle Ame.

529 Chs


阴深深的乱葬岗,呜呜乱叫的野狼。还有身佩长剑短刀的黑衣汉子…   额,夏苏叶冷汗淋漓,这开局,好像挺惨   迈着摇摇晃晃的小步子。奶声奶气,时不时就吵着要爹爹的小包子…   夏苏叶:耐心耐心,既然捡回来了,咱就好好养,不就是爹爹吗,好说,本姑娘这就给你找一个回来   君凌越:你找一个试试,本王头可断不可绿   —   这是一个大龄单身汪穿越到古代,发现自己喜当娘的故事   这是一个需要女主‘做个好人”才能活命的故事   这是一个霸道傲娇醋坛子王爷无限宠妻的故事   —   狼烟四起,天下分合,大势岌岌   这搅动风云,在短短的时间内便扬名立万,所向披靡的,究竟是个什么样的人?   —   阴风徐徐,凄风苦雨,骇人的传闻背后,究竟隐藏着怎样的真相?   —   海棠树下,女子一脸委屈:“杨墨说我见近不见远,见前不见后,见明不见暗,是个灵智中等偏下的凡人,太过分了,他这是在说我蠢。”   “嗯,蠢萌蠢萌的,可招人喜欢了。”   —   云道山上,男子迎风而立:“师尊常说,大道返本归元,大道之极,乃是自然。那,我与她,究竟要如何,才算自然?”   大幕已启,故事开讲,等你来听。   

公子挽1 · General
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305 Chs

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Just Like Water



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62 chapters in and I'm very impressed so far. This story has nail biting action with interesting and fully fleshed out secondary characters. The main character is intelligent and cool headed but not unbelievably so. The same goes for his combat abilities. Exceptional enough to be effective but within the bounds of reality. Looking forward to more. Keep up the good work. 😁👍


link mtl ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Excellent story and development of the charachter . Finally enjoying a real story that is not repeating the same bs we see in every webnovel


Raw ir mtl ? Gjdhhdhfydydycyc6d


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