
Memories of Commitment

Jodam · Teen
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5 Chs

The Day My Fate Changes

Its now past 9'o clock in the morning and i still find myself not motivated, its been a 2 weeks after i have move here which well its not that long ago, recently my life have been nothing but twist and turns.


First i found this girl who is looking for a job nonstop, its a miracle i passed her a lot times...geez this world is small indeed, i was kinda confuse why she kept looking around the town for any job she could take, i kept bypassing her until i found a poster just posted below one of the powerline...lets say i grab it and keep it in my pocket.

It was also cold that time that is why i decided to head into the local cafe and that is where i met her, their were a lot of funny exchanges i can't forgot that at all.

I deciced to tell her then that there is a comercial store looking for new employee well considering that the comercial store is new so that is given, she thank me and decided to head on her way, i didn't ask her name that time because i thought i wouldn't see her no more.

That day pass i then somehow run into her that is where we began exchanging names, in our little greeting she seems to have been accepted in the job as an employee for that certain comercial store which is great.

Right now i should probably go outside and roam around the town to be familiar with it since those 2 weeks weren't enough to be honest. I then hop out of my bed and began changing, i don't eat breakfast so i skip it as usual just straight out brush my teeth and headed out my apartment.

As i was walking around the park which is the usual place where families enjoy having a time together, i could feel the cold breeze brushing to my skin, the little sparrows chirping and of course a construction related noise....

Wait...a construction noise???

I then turned my head where towards the sound and there it is. An actual construction is in the process, it seems that the city government have decided to construct a bridge maybe 20-35 feet in above the air for some reason.

Its not that odd for the government to do some weird shenanigans here and there so i don't mind and just headed my way accros the park.

"Sir Aglaia this are the blueprint and the estimated cost for the bridge" i heard a familiar name so i decided to stop for a while and watch the construction process as i sat on a bench.

"Very well, this bridge would help our company in the future" the man replied as he recieve the handed document in his hand

"How so Mr. Aglaia?" His assistant ask(well i assumed he is)

"This would win the people over someday you see" Mr. Aglaia replied

"One more thing, i supposed you should call me president for i govern this company" he added

"My apologies mr.president, now then about your former wife" his assistant said

After that sentence it could see them walking over the corner and continued discussing over the matter, sadly i couldn't hear them anymore so i decided to continue my walk.

Mr. Aglaia the name seems familiar where did i hear that? Ah right its that girl, i believe her name is Cassandra Aglaia, she seems to have a great family i wonder why she have difficulty finding a job...maybe things aren't right in their family i suppose.

I quit my brainstorming and decided to maybe go to the local cafe to drink some coffee. I know too much caffeine is not good for my health but well as long as no one is monitoring me then that its fineee. A balloon the flew over me and i could hear a child behind me running towards my direction. I immediately grab the string to which the balloon is connected to.

"Here, be careful next time" i said as i handed the balloon to the child who is close to tearing up

"Thank you mister" he said as he was able to hold his balloon again, i smiled in response and continue my way towards the cafe.

Its quite fun to be a child who knows nothing about the world and is yet discovering it, their innocence is completely pure but unfortunately that wasn't how i lived my childhood...but i guess that is for another day.

I entered the cafe and went in line patiently, this is where the silly experience happened i see...., i still couldn't forget that day for it has been living rent free in my head.

"Goodmorning sir may i take your order" the cashier ask

"I want one latte please" i told my order as i prepare my wallet in my hand

"One latte that would be $1.50, cash and card is accepted"....

I handed out the exact same amount of cash to the cashier

"Thank you here is your order" the cashier said whilst handing me my latte

"Thank you" i replied and grab my order to which i went out the cafe to go visit a friend of mine who also recently move here.

I drank my latte as i continued walking my way to a local bar located on the 2nd floor of a restaurant.

"Its been a while huh" i said to myself as i closely approach my destination

I then have arrive at the bar my friend works in, i slowly opened the door and as i enter the interior of this bar is not bad, the wooden furniture and the glassy texture of each table, the bartender's spot is also clean looking

"Afternoon sir what could i get you?" The familiar voice ask

"You know i don't drink" i replied

The bartender went silent for a moment, after a while he then said

"Misaki is that you?" He ask

"Yep, Derreck its me" i replied smiling

After hearing my response Derreck then approach me with a tight hug

"I miss you how have you been!" Derreck ask while rubbing my hair

"Fine, nothing new these days" i replied

"It quite a long time since we last met each other" he said

"Been 2 years i believe" i said while walking towards one of the seat in the bartender's side.

Derreck then followed

"Still single huh" he said laughing

"You could tell?" I ask

"Well your not that kind to find romance interesting" he replied

"Its not my strong point besides i don't look good" i replied back

"Could not believed i heard that from someone who won model of the year back in highschool and college" he said while patting my back rappidly

"That was before" i replied

"Well you gotta find one soon your already 25, don't want wasting your genes" he said jokingly

"Right right" i replied again

Well considering Derreck is already married he seems to cool off now eversince the last time i saw him. We continued our conversation till evening and after that decided to say goodbye again.

"Bye Derreck, i woule visit again next time" i said

"Looking forward to it" he replied

I exited the local bar and out of curiousity i then decided i would go to 6-12, the commercial store where Cassandra is recently working to, after walking for maybe 15 minutes i arrived at the commercial store.

"Goodevening" i said as i entered the commercial store

"Evening sir welcome" a young lady greeted me

Since im here i decided to grab some stuff for dinner, considering i live on my own this wouldn't take long. I then grab 2 cup noodles, 3 crackers, 1 instant black coffee and headed my way to the counter.

"Oh Misaki!" I then heard Cassandra's voice in my left side

"Cassandra you know him!?" The lady ask

"Yep, Hannah this Misaki he is the one who recommend this place since you guys are employing" Cassandra replied whilst pointing her finger on me

"I did not recommend, i did show her though" i replied

Hannah the young lady in the cashier in a suprising reaction? Then looks at me

"My my what made you come here" she ask

That question was out of nowhere.....

"I guess you could say i was curious to see how she is doing and also i came here to buy my dinner" i replied

"Thank you for checking on me Misaki" Cassandra said as she smiled gracefully

"No problem" i said

Hannah seems to try to find a way to enter our conversation

"Here is your dinner?" She said as she handed me the plastice bag containing the bought items

"Hope you visit us again" Hannah added

"Well i guess" i replied as i recieve the handed plastic bag

"Goodnight in advance Misaki" Cassandra said whilst waving her hand to me as i exited the comercial store

"Well, you too" i replied while also waving back at her

Tonight might be a goodnight i could say..