
Memories of Commitment

Jodam · Teen
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5 Chs

New Path: New Cycle

Its been 3 weeks after that time when i checked on Cassandra, everynight i would pass by to greet her and Hannah before walking home.


The sound of the microwave each time it has finish heating up the food inside it. I got out of bed and went to my kitchen approaching the microwave with a cloth wipe that i grab from the kitchen sink.

I opened the microwave and slowly grab the noodles i pre-heated in it.

"Its the 17th time i had noodles as my breakfast...this is getting unhealthy"

I placed the noodles in the table and went to grab one fork from one of the countertop's cabinet.

"Thank you for the food" i said as i slowly munch down on the heated noodles.

After breakfast i went to brush my teeth, wash my face with cold water, and proceed to change my clothes.

"Guess i should head outside"

I went out my apartment and began to walk around the neighbourhood just wandering around the surroundings.

*chirp chirp


The chirping sound from the sparrows make such a melodic tune while the cold breeze of the wind gives a refreshing vibe into the mix, i strolled around the street until i reach the local park where well....construction of the bridge is still undergoing.

"I didn't expect the bridge to be halfway doen by now" i said to myself as i watch how the workers slowly building it up, i didn't want to waste my time watching so i just continued walking around the park and that is where i saw Cassandra comfortly seating on the bench.

I slowly approach her as she too was watching the construction of the bridge

"Morning Cassandra" i said as i wave my hand to her

"Oh..morning Misaki" she replied with a gentle smile

She tap the bench 3 times signaling me to join her so i then accept the invitation

"How is your morning going Misaki?" She ask

"Nothing out of the ordinary" i replied

"I see well its not like you have nothing better to do am i right?" She said while gently poking my cheek

Eversince that time i checked on her, the both of us gradually become close friends including Hannah.

"Still being annoying i see.." i replied as i slowly brush off her finger that kept poking at me

She smiled and continued watching the construction of the bridge, as i observe her i notice that her eyes showed sadness.

"Something bothering you?" I ask

"Will the bridge change anything about the lake?" She ask

Thats a hard question...

"Well..it might not do someting to the lake but it would probably benefit the people on this town" i replied

"Is that so?" Cassandra said as she lowered her head

As i recalled both her and the man who created this bridge share the same family name....should i ask her about it?

"Cassandra, may i ask a question?" I said

"What is it that you may ask? She replied

I then proceed to ask her a question that might make her hate me

"The man who created this bridge share the same family name as yours, Aglaia" i ask

"Well that man is my father..." she replied

"He seems to be a fine man" i said

"Well that is if you never met him" she said as her eyes slowly teared up

I should not have ask her that question

"Something happened?" I ask her

"He disowned me with my mother and remarried" she replied showing me the documents on her phone screen

"Thats well....unfortunate for you" i said

"My grandmother is the only family to me now" she added

I triggered something i shouldn't in the first place

"Im sorry to hear that" i apologize for i don't want her to reopen the scar from her heart

"Its fine, your my friend and you needed to know it just incase" she replied as she smiled at me

That smile only made me feel bad for her

"Right....is today your dayoff?" I ask

I was wondering why she is out here and not on her workplace

"Well yep, the manager told me to" she replied

"Want to hangout today?" I ask her

"Why not lets go" she replied and began to stand up from her seat

I followed her and we began walking togther side by side, as we were walking in the sidewalk, Cassandra said something out of the blue.

"Hey Misaki ever heard of the sidewalk rule?" She ask

"No? Is that a new law? I replied looking at her confused

"The rule state that men should be the one walking inbetween the woman and the road" she said grinning at me

"That's stupid, then just switch placed then" i replied

"Ohh..so your not the type to follow unwritten rules huh" she said

"Im not, i don't like restricting my actions because of a invisible rule that has no physical information in the law" i replied

"Your no fun Misaki!" Cassandra said as she pouted at me

Like seriously why bother following a rule that has no actual value noh?

We had a small yet fun conversation with each other and somehow a part of me felt happy that i get know her more as time passes by.

Cassandra told me if there is a place where we could just chill since she is tired of simply walking around till her knees would collapse.

"Misaki do you know a place where we can briefly stay to just chill?" Cassandra ask me as she browse on her phone

"Yeah, i know one place that where my friend works at. Its a restobar that students usually just hangout" i replied

"Hmm...so students nowadaya hangout in such places huh" she said as she trace her fingers on my bangs

"Hey..." i slightly flinch due to the suddent movement

"Sorry...its just that you seem to look handsome if you could just fix your widespread hair" she said

"Well i rather have my hair like this" i replied

"You look like a guy who hasn't shower for days because your hair is styled in a way...you know wild" she said as she patted my head

"So do you like randomly patting someone's head without their permission?" I ask

"Haha...sorry and anyways are we heading towards the restobar that you mentioned?" She ask in return

"Yeye..we are just keep still for a while" i replied as she hops around like a child following their parents

I don't mind it anyways...she seems cheerful to look at given what she said earlier about her family.

Sadly her situation is different to mine in a lot of ways, though im not in position to say wether mine was tragic or sadder than hers. Im just thankful she happens to move on from that past experience.

Would i be able to move on though from my past as she did?