
Memories of Commitment

Jodam · Teen
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Mother always wanted to have a simple life with my father but fate seems to have different opinion about it.

"Cassandra, my dear can you accompany me for a walk?" My grandma ask me if i could take her for a walk-"Yes Grandma" i replied smiling towards her, well its not always that grandma wanted to go for a walk.

I softly grip the handle of her wheelchair and slowly push her towards the doorway, i slowly stop for a moment to open the door and resumed pushing my grandma in her wheelchair.

We then went to walk in a small park in our small town.

"Cassandra do you see the small lake right there?" My grandma ask me as she points towards the lake in the park-

"Yes grandma why so?" I ask her in confusion to which she replied "may you bring me to that dock over the lake there?" As she said that sentence facing towards me with a smile.

I nodded in agreement and decided to bring her to that dock she pointed at. "Ahh the view here is beautiful indeed" my grandma then proceeds to smile softly "it looks like this place seems important to you grandma" i ask as i was curious to why she chose this spot.

"Your grandpa and i meet first met in this very spot when both of us were still young like you" she replied. "So this is where my grandparents meet huh" i said to myself as i admire the beautiful view of the lake in awe "tell me more grandma" i ask her as i was intrigued to her story of meeting grandpa here.

"Well its a long story my dear, your grandpa and i was 19 at that time we met" she closed her eyes as if remembering the event that happened-

"We use to hangout here together in this very park until we slowly fell with one another....it was a precious moment in my life" She said as her eyes slowly shed tears "in this very spot we are standing is where he also propose to me" she added as she wipe her tears with her wrinkly fingers.

"What a lovely story grandma" i replied as i happily listened to her "well love is a beautiful thing indeed" she told me as she smile brightly. I wonder when i would experience having a lover.

"Cassandra, one day you would find someone who you will be with forever" she said this word to me as she giggle lightly "ehhh grandma im already at my 20s it might be hard to find a boyfriend at this age" i said grumply "oh dear fate would find a way for you" she replied.

It was already evening so we decided to head home for and called it a day. As we arrive at home i see my mother cooking a meal probably for dinner whilst my father is sitting at the couch reading the local newspaper as usual, i tuck my grandma in bed as she is an early sleeper "Cassandra dinner is ready!" Mom called me "coming" i replied, i then went downstair to meet them at the dinner table "Cassandra your already a young adult why not try finding a lover i mean you have your mother's look afterall" my father told me "oh don't be silly honey Cassandra needs time she can't just meet random boys in the street" my mother complained to my father to which my father laughs "eh is it that bad?" I ask to myself while releasing a sigh as i drink my coffee.

I usually eat slow that is why my parents always went upstairs first, well after finishing my dinner i then headed upstairs towards my room but as i was heading to my room i heard quarrel coming from my parents room. At first i just let it slide since i thought they are just arguing wether or not i stay single but then i heard a very odd sentence my mother spoke out to father "so what will you do if Cassandra finds out we are going to file a divorce!?" My mother ask my father in an angry tone "if she found out then that might be better isn't it?" Mt fathee replied to which he added "if she found out then that is better for us she was an accident!" He said in a frustrated tone.

Hearing this i was shock to the point i slowly shed tears and silently run towards my room as i drop myself towards my bed, hugging the pillow i let out a silent cry for what i have listened to. The words spoken from my parents mouth hurt me deeply that i could feel myself struggle to breathe for air.

My mind zoned out that i did not realize i have already slept. The morning came and i woken up from a loud sound from downstairs to which i hurriedly run down to check it out, to my suprised it was my grandma wailing out to my parents.

"Why would you leave her? She might be a young adult but she still not know much of what is happening in this house!!" My grandma yelled towards my parents "Cassandra would one day understand why we needed to do this!!" My mother replied to which my father added "Cassandra was never planned to be in this family...in the first place this family isn't even planned!!!" He said as he throw a glass cup towards where im standing, i duck down to avoid being hit- "Cassandra!!" My grandma yelled as she saw me trembling in fear "Cassandra? How long have you been listening to this conversation!?" My mother ask me in an angered manner-

"Since last night mother.." i wimpered as i replied to her.

"Great that makes it easier no need to explain!" My father said as he began smashing the table and the countertop in the kitchen. A black long van then stop in the front of our house "it appears my ride is here" my father said as he grab a suitcase and went out without saying a word.

"Mother.." i said as i slowly approach her with my eyes bawling with tears, i then slowly tried to wrap my arms around her to which she push me back

"Get off me! Your not my daughter anymore!" She shouted, my granda tried to approach her but back off as she can't with her disability "mother why?...i thought everything was alright till last night" i ask her begging for answers

"It was an act for you to believe that we cared about you, do you know how much money we spend to raise you??" She said angrily and added " you are in your 20s and yet still have to live in our house, you never achieve much in your lifetime yet and still expect us to love you for that?!" She then began walking out the door but before she was able to walkout i wrap around her legs and keep beghing her not to leave me "mother, please i'll do better please don't leave me give me a chance!!" I yelled then i felt a painful force into my cheek-

"Cassandra!!" Grandma yelled in fear as i was kicked in the cheek by my own mother. Mother then walkout the door leaving me and grandma alone.

I kneeled on the ground just crying as to my grandma she was also crying in disbelief to what have happen, over the time the neighbours then saw the two of us and help us out after what have happened to our "family".

This is the very first time i felt betrayed what is much worse is that... i was betrayed by my so called "family" the very people whom i thought to be the most trustful and safest people i can be with. Am i such a failure that even after reaching my 20s i have not achieve such a single award that made my parents proud?

Was not being in the top 10 good enough for them?

Was not being a talented athlete not good for them?

Have they never felt blessed of having a daughter like me?

Am i not that beautiful that they won't introduce me to there friends?

Am i not that much value that they left me without proper conduct?

Have they not realize the good things i have done when we were still "family"

So many questions are running in my head right now that it makes me wonder wether im ever good enough for them or do i even be called their daughter?

Was my accomplishment not enough to satisfy them?

Oh i wish someone out there can help me answer this question. I myself can't answer this.....how did it end to this.

Though im very thankful that my neighbours step up to help us its no wonder why some people want to leave this world early on.