
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

Daoist41JuTq · Urban
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129 Chs

Chapter 49 Training

  When Shen Qing came in panting slightly, Nancy was holding the phone and talking to the other side. When she saw her coming in, she softly called, "Mrs."

The servant handed over the towel, she thanked her, took it, and wiped the sweat from her cheeks.

The servant in Qinyuan has a particularly conflicting view of Shen Qing. She is approachable but cold and ruthless. She is polite to others, but has a bottom line. She is cold by nature, but polite to others.

They discussed privately several times, where did the former housekeeper have the courage to bully such a woman?

"Mr. Call," Nancy came over holding the phone and whispered softly. She immediately heard what she said when Lu Jingxing called in the elevator. She looked slightly embarrassed and took the phone.

Before Lu Jingxing could say anything, she spoke first, "Sorry, I forgot to call you back."

This apology made all Lu Jingxing's unhappy emotions disappear out of thin air, replaced by concern.

"Why are you running so late at night?" There was deep concern in his tone.

It was this kind of care that Shen Qing resisted. She didn't dare to accept it. It was not easy for her to stick to her cold heart for so many years, so she also thought about who she wanted to fall in love with again. She was afraid, Afraid of losing ground.

Then there was nothing again. She doesn't like Lu Jingxing and doesn't want to talk too much with him. In her opinion, it's great to meet him once a week without having to deal with it. But unfortunately, Mr. Lu doesn't think so. He calls at least once a day. , ranging from two to three at most.

It's like today is already the second one.

Lu Jingxing knew some of Shen Qing's thoughts, but sorry, he couldn't accommodate her on some things.

When he was around, Shen Qingshang would get along with him normally, but if he was away, she might not even want to answer the phone. "Nothing, I'm sweating," she said with a normal expression. She wasn't going to tell anyone about her troubles at work. She wiped the sweat on her cheeks with a towel in one hand and walked upstairs with a phone in the other.

Lu Jingxing was standing next to the training ground on the other side. A group of recruits were training. He was standing aside with his mobile phone, watching the training of the recruits below, and talking to Shen Qingrou in a soft voice. The environment is completely different.

Shen Qing, who was holding a mobile phone on the other side, could occasionally hear Lu Jingxing's call. "Training?" she asked. "Yeah," Lu Jingxing replied.

"Don't bother me," Shen Qing wanted to put down the phone. This was the best reason. She was well-behaved, sensible and considerate. Before Lu Jingxing could react, she hung up the phone, threw the phone on the bed and went into the cloakroom. She took her clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Mr. Lu on the other side was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached.

His wife is so straightforward.

It was so straightforward that it made his teeth itch countless times.

He didn't know that Shen Qing had such a considerate side, so why don't you bother him?

For a week, Lu Jingxing kept calling, at least two a day. Although he couldn't say more than two words to Shen Qing each time, he persisted and upheld the principle of not alienating the relationship between husband and wife. Even if Shen Qing talked coldly, he persisted to the end and revolutionized He hasn't succeeded yet, he still needs to work hard. On Thursday night, Gao Yian had a social event with the industrial and commercial side. He was supposed to bring the vice president to attend, but unfortunately the vice president had important matters at home. This kind of mess naturally fell on Shen Qing. At that time, Gao Yian and Gao Yian had not spoken to each other for nearly a week. Shen Qing He even refused to meet Gao Yi'an directly, leaving everything to his secretary. Gao Yi'an bumped into her in the elevator several times and greeted her, but he responded with an air of indifference.

Today, Gao Yi'an's secretary Guo Yan was driving, Zhang Yi was in the passenger seat, and he and Shen Qing were in the back seat. The atmosphere in the car was particularly awkward. Zhang Yi glanced at Guo Yan countless times, but Guo Yan was even more miserable than her. The two of them I wish I could hold my head and cry, lamenting that it is not easy to be a secretary these days.

In addition to being under work pressure, you also have to feel the low pressure of your boss.

"Sit away from Lao Hu for a while," Gao Yian reminded him. Lao Hu, a businessman and businessman, was well-known as an old pervert. Shen Qing had an alluring appearance. When Gao Yian socialized with him several times, he almost heard him praise Shen Qing for his cool temperament and extraordinary appearance. Ha La Zi.

"If you really want to protect me, you shouldn't let me come to such an occasion," Shen Qing said clearly, with disdain in his tone. A man like Gao Yian pushed you into the fire pit, stretched out his hand to pull you, and even No matter how nice he says to you, it's common for people who don't know it to be deceived by him. But after dealing with this old fox for many years, how could she not know his true nature?

Because of Shen Qing's words, the atmosphere was particularly awkward. Zhang Yi leaned on the car door and rubbed his brow, looking like he had a headache.

She was wailing in her heart, and she wanted to get out of the car. The two bosses were in a bad mood, and it was their secretaries who suffered.

Driving to the Intercontinental Hotel, Shen Qing and Gao Yian got off the car one after another. Zhang Yi and Guo Yan both breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the air was very good at this moment. When the two of them entered the elevator together, Gao Yi'an spoke: "Originally, we decided to stay in your Qingfeng Garden, but thinking that you might not like the mess that those old guys made, we temporarily changed the place."

Shen Qing opened a restaurant in Jiangcheng. It was elegantly decorated and rarely open to the public. It only accepted five tables a day and only accepted reservations for the day. They also served the dishes themselves and did not obey the guests.

Even though ordering food is so strange, her place has always been hard to find.

"Polluting the environment," Shen Qingshui told him four words, and then stepped out of the elevator.

Her place cannot withstand the contamination of these old people. Gao Yi'an has always known that Shen Qing holds a grudge, so although he has a headache in today's situation, there is nothing he can do about it.

Women's willpower is always extraordinarily strong. Just like if you offend them, a protracted fight will be enough to make you doubt your life.