
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

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129 Chs

Chapter 48: Why run at night?

On the first day of the new week, Mr. Shen was in a bad mood, and the entire 23rd floor was having a hard time. Mr. Shen had not left before get off work time, and no one dared to leave first. At six o'clock, one hour before get off work time, no one on the 23rd floor left early. Leave, just because the boss is still there.

When Gao Yian got off work, the elevator didn't stop on the 23rd floor. He was a little surprised. He walked to the 22nd floor and took the stairs up again. He was a little shocked when he saw that everyone on the entire floor was working overtime.

"Director Gao," someone greeted the visitor softly.

He nodded in agreement and walked towards Zhang Yi. He glanced at Shen Qing's closed office door and asked doubtfully, "Mr. Shen wants you to work overtime as a group?"

"No," Zhang Yi replied. Although she thought Gao Yi'an was an old fox, when she saw him now, she actually felt a sense of intimacy. Oh my god, what happened to her?

Why do they feel like this old fox is here to save them?

  No? Gao Yi'an swept his eyes across the offices and halls on the 23rd floor, and then landed on Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart just now, spread his hands and said, "It's a blessing to drag down Director Gao."

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. He couldn't remember when he asked the entire 23rd floor to work overtime.

"If Director Gao doesn't mess with Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen won't be angry. If Mr. Shen isn't angry, we won't be afraid to get off work." Zhang Yi looked at him with a look of resentment on his face. Hearing this, Gao Yian finally understood. It turned out that it was really true. It has something to do with myself.

"You dare not leave, blame me?" Gao Yi'an looked like it had nothing to do with him, and his tone was frivolous. It seemed that Zhang Yi only wanted to greet the eighteenth generation of his ancestors and the eighteenth generation of his mother-in-law's ancestors. No wonder she just felt that way. How could this old fox be kind enough to save them from the fire and water when they were sick?

Here, Shen Qing was solving the matter at hand and didn't pay attention to the time at all until the phone in the drawer rang. He glanced at the number and hesitated for a moment. After wandering around, he finally picked up the phone. Lu Jingxing's caring voice came out; In the company?"

"Yeah," she responded lightly, not lying this time.

"Aren't you finished with your work?" Lu Jingxing was standing on the balcony of the office talking to her on the phone. Seeing Shen Qing's tone as usual, his mood was as good as the sunset on the horizon.

"Just finished, ready to pack things and go home," she said, holding the phone in one hand and turning off the computer in the other, then picked up her bag and went out.

"Be careful when driving home," Lu Jingxing warned from the other side. Shen Qing wanted to agree, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Gao Yi'an talking to Zhang Yi at the door of the office. Zhang Yi looked resentful and Gao Yi'an looked amused.

"Why are you here?" He said it in a bad tone.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi shrank his neck and quickly sat back on his desk.

"How would I have known that you were exploiting your employees if I hadn't come?" Gao Yi'an stood on one side and looked at her with a smile on his face, as if he was coming to question her. Seeing Shen Qing holding the phone in his hand, he didn't think much about it.

Shen Qing glanced at him, but was not prepared to obey his words and leave him.

The two of them entered the elevator one after the other.

Shen Qing raised the phone and put it to his ear and said, "I'll get back to you later," and then put the call away.

Lu Jingxing wanted to say something, but before he could say it, Shen Qing quickly put down the phone.

Then she looked sideways at Gao Yi'an, wanting to say something, but she never spoke. Gao Yi'an also kept waiting for her to speak, and she didn't say a word until she got out of the elevator.

Standing at the door of the elevator, she watched Shen Qing go straight towards his car, drove away, leaving him behind.

Until she drove all the way back to Qinyuan, she never remembered what she said when she put down Lu Jingxing's phone. Nancy asked about dinner, said no need and turned to go upstairs. She stood behind her and hesitated to say anything, only to feel her wife's heart. She is not in Qinyuan, and she does not regard Qinyuan as home at all. No matter how hard her husband tries, she is always like an outsider, but the protagonists of the marriage are two people. Shen Qing was filled with anger that day, which lasted from morning until work in the evening. When she saw Gao Yian, she wished she could squeeze him to death, but in the end she held it back, not even using vulgar language. She knew in her heart that if Gao Yian would When the Cheng family case was thrown into her hands, she could throw it away in an instant.

Going upstairs, she changed into a set of sportswear. When she walked downstairs, Nancy was startled, "Mrs."

"I'm going for a run. I don't need dinner." This is the first time Shen Qing has been outside the main residence in Qinyuan in the past month. A bodyguard saw her along the way and showed a surprised look, and then a voice came from the headset. , there were three or five bodyguards following her at a short distance, protecting her as she ran quickly in this large Qinyuan. Over the years, she had only two ways to vent her emotions, one was drinking, and the other was running. Before marrying Lu Jingxing, she used to run in the morning and drink at night. After marrying Lu Jingxing, she could no longer do whatever she wanted, and she could no longer get drunk whenever she wanted. She particularly missed that dreamlike state. But for more than a month, she could only Once, he was caught in the act by Nancy, the housekeeper of Qinyuan.

Today, she couldn't get rid of the anger in her heart. Marrying Lu Jingxing and living such a cautious life had already made her physically and mentally exhausted, but Gao Yian, an old fox, dug a hole in the mall for her to jump into. How could she not be angry?

A group of bodyguards behind him were surprised. Their new wife looked thin and frail, but the running speed was not consistent with her thin figure. Shen Qing knew there was someone following her, but she didn't say anything. At this time, she didn't want to deal with anyone, she just wanted to vent her anger. When she was approaching the door of the main house, she stopped and walked slowly.

Lu Jingxing kept waiting for her to call back after Shen Qing dropped the phone. The longer the time went by, the uglier his face became, and there were even faint signs of anger. Finally, he told himself countless times in his heart that Shen Qing had a cold temperament and should not ask for too much and then tolerate it. I took the initiative to call him in anger, but no one answered after ringing several times.

So, she made an angry phone call to Qinyuan, and Nancy told her, "My wife is back and she is running in the garden right now."

"Running?" Lu Jingxing was surprised.

"Why are you jogging at night?" Lu Jingxing's angry mood calmed down a little when he heard that she had replied.

"My wife didn't look very good when she came back," Nancy thought. Maybe she encountered a problem at work and needed to vent.

Lu Jingxing was silent for a while after hearing this. He remembered what the man said when he made the phone call just now, and said in a slightly unhappy voice, "Have someone follow you from a distance."