
Memoirs of the First Lady

[I, Lu Jingxing, will only protect Shen Qing in this life] Lu Jingxing is the ambitious young commander of the Jiangcheng Military District, wielding great power and influence. With his brutal methods, he has risen through the ranks quickly and earned a fearsome reputation. Shen Qing is the daughter of the richest man in Jiangcheng City. As a renowned corporate strategist, she has turned around countless failing companies with her brilliant plans. The two people, who had nothing in common, accidentally ended up having a romantic affair on the balcony overnight. She said angrily: "You are a rapist. I am going to sue you and make you sit in jail." He lightly lit the ashes of his cigarette and said mockingly: "Do you know which way the police station door opens?" On the second day, the city was in a storm. The crown prince of country M and a certain girl had a romantic night on the balcony. On the third day, he appeared in front of her, took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the marriage report, and from then on, everyone respectfully called her Mrs. Lu. [No matter how much I, Lu Jingxing, seek in my life, I will only seek one Shen Qing]

Daoist41JuTq · Urban
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129 Chs

Chapter 24: Furious

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Qing was reading a book on the sofa, exuding the aura of do not disturb, while Lu Jingxing and Shen Fenglin were sitting together playing chess, saying they were reading, but she didn't even read half of what was written in the book. After lunch, she wanted to leave, but unfortunately, neither the Shen family nor Qinyuan was where she wanted to be.

At this moment, she could only sit here and waste her precious time. Knowing this, she might as well stay in the company instead of sitting here feeling like needles.

When his mouth was dry, he reached out to pick up the cup on the low table on one side. He found it empty and put the cup down impatiently. The force was so strong that the cup and the tray made a collision sound. Lu Jingxing came over after hearing the news and smiled slightly. Frowning, he stood up and walked over to refill her glass of water.

"Qin Ma," Chen Feng saw this and called the servant softly.

"It's okay, I'll come." When Qin's mother was about to pick up the kettle to refill her water, Lu Jingxing reached out to stop her.

When Chen Feng saw this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't even see the young man's true feelings for his daughter. Is it a false love or a true love?

Lu Jingxing knew that Shen Qing was upset, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he retreated to his position and continued to fight with Shen Fenglin before he proposed to go back to the army in the afternoon. It was late and it was time to leave.

Shen Fenglin stood up to see him off and praised his chess skills. Lu Jingxing said modestly, "There are still some shortcomings. I need to learn more from you."

Lu Jingxing's chess skills were very stable, so stable that he only lost two pieces in three consecutive games. This made Shen Fenglin impressed. Regarding Lu Jingxing, he still focused on the dandruff of Major General Jiangcheng Military Region and his invitation to attend the banquet. .

After watching the two people leave, Shen Fenglin entered the room, turned around and met Tang Wan's gaze, narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "Don't let the scandal of the family be exposed, you should keep your little thoughts in check."

In response to Shen Fenglin's warning, Shen Nanfeng, who was standing on one side, did not say anything to protect his mother. Her words just now were indeed lacking in consideration. Shen Fenglin obviously wanted to use Lu Jingxing's presence to force Shen Qing to express his position, but his mother actually resolved it easily. It may not be easy to find the right opportunity.

Tang Wan's hand hanging by his side slowly tightened, and he pursed his lips in silence. Shen Fenglin rarely talked about himself like this in front of his children. Today was the first time because she said the wrong thing. How can you have no opinion?

On the way, Shen Qing closed his eyes and rested his mind. Lu Jingxing sat on one side and said nothing. He didn't speak until the car drove into Qinyuan, "I told your father that you won't go to the family dinner on Fridays."

Today, Shen Fenglin mentioned this and intended to ask him and Shen Qing to come back to attend the family banquet on Friday as usual, but he declined. As for why, he knew it well.

"Yeah," she responded lightly without saying much, saying that Lu Jingxing didn't want to waste time, and the same was true for her. "You solved a big problem, don't you want to thank me?" He expressed his gratitude, which made Xu Han, who was driving, frightened, and Shen Qing, who was closing his eyes to rest, and looked sideways.

"I'm afraid he's asking for you and me, and what he's really asking for is your trouble. I'm just passing by," she said bluntly. Seeing the car stop smoothly, she pushed the door open and walked out without waiting for the servant to come to greet her.

And Lu Jingxing slightly curled his lips, he is a smart man. Exquisite and clear.

"Sir, Madam," Nancy said softly when she saw her master coming back. She was somewhat unaccustomed to Nancy's respectful attitude. When she saw Nancy saying hello, she went straight to the second floor without saying yes. Lu Jingxing followed closely behind. She closed the door with her front foot and he pushed it open with his back foot.

After moving the sofa from the bedroom, he ordered someone to bring a step chair up, so that she could at least have a place to sit instead of bending over the dressing table. At this time, Shen Qing took off her windbreaker and leaned against her in just a light-colored dress. On the single sofa, his legs were resting on the footrests, and he was flipping through a book in his hand, looking a little careless.

Seeing this, Lu Jingxing walked over and sat on the single sofa opposite her, crossing his legs with a casual and elegant posture, "Let Nancy go back to Clear Water Bay with you tomorrow and move your things here."

He paused for a moment while turning his hands, and then said softly, "It has been moved here." "The luggage I am talking about is not just the four suitcases that are ready for business trips at any time." Shen Qing frowned at him, and then continued to talk lightly. He said slowly, "If you are willing to let people from the mall come and prepare your daily necessities, I have no problem with that."

He seems to be very generous, adhering to the attitude of taking a step back to open up the world.

"Shen Qing, I can give you time to get used to married life, but it won't be much. As long as you are my wife for one day, I will protect you for one day. My fault is that I didn't discuss it with you when I came back. As compensation, I declined. You will have all unnecessary family dinners in the future." "So I should be grateful to you?" She didn't like Lu Jingxing's high profile in front of her, but he, a rapist, came to teach her the philosophy of life? Liturgical humility?

"You seek my wealth and harm my life, and you want me to be humble and friendly to you?" She continued to be aggressive. When Shen Qing was studying, she traveled to major debate arenas. After working, the negotiation table became a battlefield for her to overcome obstacles. She had always been at the negotiation table. Her methods were tough and aggressive, and at this time, she had maintained this attitude in the few conversations she had with Lu Jingxing.

Lu Jingxing is different from Shen Qing. He has received a moderate education since he was a child. Even if someone pours a cup of hot water on his face, he will smile and wipe it off himself, and then ask you if your anger has subsided. Of course, you can't protect him afterwards. What means will be used to make your life worse than death? Lu Jingxing is good at hiding it, and Shen Qing is good at following his heart.

She had already figured out what happened when she returned from the Shen family.

At this time, she was looking at Lu Jingxing with a hateful face and angry eyes, but the other party always had a calm face, until finally she asked softly, "Are you done scolding me?" Hearing this, Shen Qing became angry and fiercely pointed the book in his hand towards him. Throw it over, who is Lu Jingxing? Being able to sit in the position of Major General of the Military Region is a feat of skill, but today, he did not stop the book before it touched him, but followed Shen Qing to spread his anger. Then the book hit his shoulder armor and fell to the ground. He leaned over. He picked it up, carefully picked up the page Shen Qing saw, and put it on the round table on one side.

"The fire will hurt you a lot," he comforted.

When Shen Qing heard his careless words, she became even more angry. She gave him a hard look and then grabbed the door and went downstairs. The servant downstairs couldn't help but feel tense when he heard the loud slam of the door closing. Looking at him from behind, the housekeeper Nancy sneered at this. He said, "Do your job well."

Lu Jingxing, on the other hand, was leaning on the coffee table and frowning. He didn't know how to make the girl happy. It seemed like every word he said was wrong. It gave him a headache.

The dignified major general of the military region licked the blood from the tip of the knife, but he didn't know how to get along with his newlywed wife. It was really a big problem.

He wanted to tell her the truth, but it seemed... not very practical.